Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Prince Sirivudh Is Removed As Deputy PM

Prince Norodom Sirivudh (Photo RFA)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

By Yun Samean

Funcinpec's floundering coali­tion with the CPP dipped to a new low on Tuesday when the National Assembly cast a surprise vote that removed Prince Norodom Siri­vudh from his post as deputy prime minister—his last remain­ing function in the coalition cabi­net.

The vote on Prince Sirivudh's status as deputy prime minister caught political observers off guard, and follows his recent sack­ing as co-Minister of Interior by Prime Minister Hun Sen and his dismissal as secretary-general of Funcinpec by party President Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

Once considered one of Fun­cinpec's most popular leaders and the man most capable of pulling the royalist party out years of ma­laise, Prince Sirivudh was absent for the vote.

An aide who answered Prince Sirivudh's mobile telephone said the prince did not want to speak to reporters.

Tuesday's vote was expected to formally strip Prince Sirivudh and Funcinpec's Nhiek Bun Chhay of their positions as co-Ministers of Interior and Defense and to elect Sar Kheng and Tea Banh as sole ministers of each.

The vote, however, determined their fates as deputy prime minis­ters as well.

Only 17 of the 111 lawmakers present voted to keep Prince Siri­vudh in his deputy prime minister post while 106 parliamentarians voted for Funcinpec's Nhiek Bun Chhay to retain his deputy prime minister title.

The lawmakers also voted unan­imously to keep Sar Kheng as min­ister of interior and deputy prime minister, while Tea Banh fared al­most as remarkably with 110 votes in favor of his position as minister of defense and deputy prime minis­ter.

"Royal family members are un­der attack," Funcinpec lawmaker Princess Norodom Vacheara said after the vote, in which she did not participate.

Princess Vacheara reiterated her warning that efforts were afoot to exclude royals from the coun­try's political life, which she said was a prelude to the end of the monarchy.

"This clearly shows that the two political parties are trying to oust royal family members from politics and then it will lead to the elimina­tion of the monarchy," she said.

Nhiek Bun Chhay said his good showing in the poll proved he had the support of the Assembly. Com­menting on Prince Sirivudh, Nhiek Bun Chhay said that decision was the will of the Assembly.

"It was the lawmakers' votes," he said.

The vote also saw CPP Honor­ary President Heng Samrin elect­ed Assembly president a post re­cently vacated by Prince Rana­riddh. CPP lawmaker Nguon Nhel was elected first deputy president and Funcinpec's You Hockry was elected second deputy president.

You Hockry said Prince Siri­vudh's removal was a conse­quence of the Assembly's recent adoption of the 50 percent-plus-one voting formula—a system that Funcinpec members also voted to adopt.

Funcinpec members who voted for the system must now accept "the reality," he added.

Koul Panha, director of the Committee for Free and Fair Elec­tions, said there was no prior indi­cation that the Assembly vote would also determine the deputy prime minister posts.

"There was no expectation," Koul Panha said.

Heng Samrin denied that a plot existed to oust Prince Sirivudh.

"It was the decision of each law­maker. They have the right to vote. [Lawmakers] didn't support him so he failed," Heng Samrin said.

Based on the total numbers of votes cast some Funcinpec and Sam Rainsy Party lawmakers also did not cast their votes in support of the prince, he added.

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy echoed Heng Samrin, adding that lawmakers had lost confidence in the prince. The vote was for an individual and the royal family would not be affected, Sam Rainsy added.

Prince Sirivudh is remembered for his year as foreign minister in 1993 when he spoke out strongly against corruption, and then re­signed in 1994 from his job to pro­test the removal of his colleague, Funcinpec's then-Finance Minister Sam Rainsy, now the opposition leader.

Prince Sirivudh was Funcinpec's secretary-general, a position that ranked him second only to party President Prince Norodom Rana­riddh, when in 1995 he was arrest­ed and charged with plotting to as­sassinate then-Second Prime Min­ister Hun Sen.

Found guilty in February 1996 of allegedly threatening Hun Sen's life, the prince was sentenced in ab­sentia to 10 years in prison. He re­mained in exile until his low profile return to Cambodia in 1999 follow­ing an amnesty from then-King Si­hanouk.

Though Prince Sirivudh had re­portedly promised to stay out of politics, by 2001 he was actively working again for Funcinpec.

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