Tuesday, March 21, 2006

UN Special Envoy met with Cambodian Human Rights Activists

Prof. Yash Ghai, UN Special Envoy in charge of human rights in Cambodia. (Photo Sok Serey, RFA)

20 March 2006
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by KI-Media

UN official in charge of human rights in Cambodia met on Sunday 19 March with human rights and border activists to gather their opinion for his yearly human rights report.

Mr. Yash Ghai, the UN special human rights envoy [for Cambodia] held a discussion during a dinner offered at Khmer Surin restaurant in Phnom Penh where he hosted the former prisoners from Prey Sar jail including Kem Sokha, president of Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR), Mam Sonando, manager of Beehive radio station, Rong Chhun, president of the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association, Pa Nguon Tieng, CCHR vice-president, Yeng Virak, director of Cambodian Legal Center, as well as Chea Mony, president of the Free Trade Union of Cambodia, who was the only one not detained in Prey Sar jail.

Kem Sokha told RFA about the goal of the discussions, in particular, Mr. Yash Ghai wanted to obtain direct opinion from these activists in order to provide his yearly human rights report to be presented to the UN.

Kem Sokha said: “First, he (Yash Ghai) told us that he came to write his report to be presented to the UN plenary session on human rights condition in Cambodia. He had already drafted his report, but he came [to Cambodia] to verify, and obtain responses on his report as well as testing the reactions from the government and civil societies, and the general population. Second, he wanted to find out the actual condition regarding the defamation charges leveled against our group, their evolution, whether they were dropped yet or not. Third, he wanted to know from us, the victims, what we think of the political situation in Cambodia which has been rapidly changing, and he asked us whether we believe these changes will remain permanent or they are only temporary. Lastly, he wanted to know what else we are planning to do.”

Professor Yash Ghai is the Kenyan special envoy of Mr. Kofi Anan on human rights in several countries in the world. Currently, he is involved in the human rights condition in Cambodia.

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