Tuesday, March 21, 2006

With Heng Samrin elected as NA president, the chance of Ranariddh returning to his old position is nil

Heng Samrin, a former Khmer Rouge soldier, is the newly elected CPP president of the National Assembly (Photo REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea )

Cambodia legislature appoints new president

Cambodian National Assembly Tuesday voted to elect Heng Samrin, former first deputy president of the parliament, as its president.
Heng Samrin was elected with 110 out of 112 votes at the session, only one vote against his appointment and one invalid.
Heng Samrin, the Honorary President of the ruling Cambodian People's Party, replaced his former National Assembly President Prince Norodom Ranariddh who resigned his position in early March.
The reason cited by Prince Ranariddh as his resignation was that his duties as assembly head did not allow him to tend to the needs of his constituents and his FUNCINPEC party members.
Source: Xinhua

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