Friday, August 22, 2008

After Talks, More Troop Movement

Army trucks transporting Cambodian troops from Siem Reap to Ta Tum region, Anlong Veng district, Oddar Meanchey province (Photo: Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper)

By Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
21 August 2008

Officials sent 250 armed troops to the Thai border near Anlong Veng in Oddar Meanchey province Thursday, a sign that not all the border issues around Preah Vihear temple have been resolved.

Government spokesman Khieu Kanharith said Thursday the soldiers were sent to the border as "protection," not to prepare for a war with Thailand.

The 250 soldiers, from the Siem Reap provincial army, were reinforcements for smaller force that rotated out of Anlong Veng, with more deployments expected along more than 800 kilometers of border with Thailand, Khieu Kanharith said.

The soldiers were sent to Anlong Veng, which shares 60 kilometers of border with Thailand, to prevent the loss of "a single meter of land," said Siem Reap Governor Sour Phirin.

"We took all kinds of weapons, including artillery, anti-aircraft guns, AK-47s and rocket launchers," Sour Phirin said. "We are strong enough to protect our territory if, for example, a war is provoked with the Thai said."

The deployment of soldiers to Anlong Veng follows talks between the two countries this week that failed to fully end a military standoff at Preah Vihear temple and a minor military build-up at the Ta Moan temples of Oddar Meanchey province.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I am strong man But with Only my own Poor people..
    When Foreign agressors ... I am so soft/peaceful.... I wish to have beenm awarded Peace Nobel Prize.. reagrdless My territory lost............

    Siam Army destroyed the GPS Machine of one of the High Rank Delegates including Minister of Fine Art.... to Taman Temple...
    This act is very Barabrous and Critical as looking down on Khmer Government..........

    I am still patient, Soft...

    When we compare the Siam Khmer Border Dispute/Agression... to land Grabbing by high Rank Government Officials with Poor people and Compare to the Local traffic Accident(between a High Rank Clan and normal MotoCyler I met yesterday..... the strongest use Gun to fire and the Poor Motocycler be quiet.. and drove away however he respected to trafic Law...

    This situation isd very similar to Border Dispute with Thai while Cam Party keep quiet.......
    "...Go to UN does not mean war it means also peaceful solution.."

    "Finally we can conclude Cqmbodia is Victim of Land Grabbing and Thai is the powerful man who always win in Grabbing Land/or Traffic Accident.."
    Excellency General Oknha Advisor Achar Knoy(Phd. Bandit from Pahok Chamroeurn aVichea Univ. P.Penh= Peace Nobel Prize winner 4000)
