Friday, August 22, 2008

Cambodia confident of resolution of border dispute


PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) - Cambodia's prime minister reassured his Thai counterpart Friday that he expects they will find a timely and comprehensive solution to their territorial dispute, which recently led the two neighbors close to an armed clash.

Hun Sen told Thailand's Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej in a letter that the two countries can solve their border imbroglio «in a peaceful and amicable manner, as we continue to cherish our long lasting friendship and good neighborliness.

His views came in response to an Aug. 15 missive from Samak.

The prime ministers exchanged the letters in their latest effort to restore good relations as the two countries have been pulling out most of their troops from a disputed frontier area near the 11th century Preah Vihear temple.

Tension in the area erupted on July 15 after UNESCO, the U.N.'s cultural agency, designated the Cambodian temple complex a World Heritage Site. Some Thais feared the temple's new status would jeopardize their claims to surrounding land.

Thailand and Cambodia have both long claimed land around the temple, which the World Court awarded to Cambodia in 1962.

The UNESCO move triggered nationalistic sentiment in both countries, and both sides massed hundreds of troops in the area. The standoff saw weapons drawn once but no shots were fired.

In his letter to Samak, Hun Sen said he is optimistic that both countries «will soon be able to put a definite end» to the problem of the land near the temple.

He added he is confident that future meetings between Thai and Cambodian officials «will bring about a peaceful settlement to the border issues not only in the Preah Vihear temple area, but also the entire border region» between their countries.

Samak said in his Aug. 15 letter, received Friday, that the two neighbors should work closely together «to reach a mutually acceptable solution» to the border disputes.

«The Cambodian and Thai peoples should live together as good neighbors, sharing and celebrating similar traditions and cultures,» he said.

Cambodia and Thailand share a 500-mile (800-kilometer) border, much of which has never been clearly demarcated because the countries refer to different maps.

Cambodia uses a French colonial map demarcating the border, which Thailand says favors Cambodia. Thailand relies on a map drawn up later with American technical assistance.

Thai and Cambodian officials will hold a new round of troop withdrawal talks on Aug. 29.


  1. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Only AH HUN XEN can honor his words and the Thaicong never give a fuck about AH HUN SEN has to say and even negotiation and after negotiation and the Cambodia-Thaicong border dispute is still unsolved!

    AH HUN XEN and his pushy attitude won't get Cambodia anywhere!

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I can feel the sense of wise patriotixm of elite Cambodians here. And allow me to share my lesson of history here:

    Until now have I better clearly realized the "poor mentality of Cambodians". Its leaders, except during King built Angkors, are
    "own interests/powers-motivated"
    rather than put the national's crying or interest on top as the priority during their reign. The leaders by all means have established "the system" to secure their, clan's interests and power rather to establish a strong foundation for the nation to growth. Let us talk about Khmer history in the past and as well as from the so-called founder of Reas Nyum, Norodom Sihanouk. The kings all believe they are "God" and their sole decisions should be highly-valued. And the result: Khmer falled from Kingdom Empire to this size of torn-apart land. And Sihanouk, coz of self-pride and ambition to win over Lon Nol, invited Pol Pot to come in Power. Result: the massacre of own blood. You see the moving trend of Cambodia is that: "More blood of Cambodians have been and will continuouly be spilled" and the country downwardly become "weaker and weaker, smaller and smaller". And now Hun sen any better??? any strong, healthy foundation for the nation to grow??? Corruption, illegal immigration, killing own people, compatriots to defend self-family's interest and powers!!!!! Any slight difference and isn't it in the past footprints of the leaders in the past?????

    I sadly say that the more time Cambodia is under such leadership of self-family interests/power and those leaders do not establish strong, healthy foundation for the nation, then not in the long run Cambodia will be torn-apart and fall under neighboring's colonization. And Cambodians historically known as elites of the empire will call themselves "aliens" living in own their mother-land.

    May god blesses Cambodia...

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Hun Xen is a big traitor in Cambodia's history. Think he's the smartest, yet look very stupid in the eyes of neigboring countries. Those countries know too well that Hun Xen is overwhelmingly concerning only about self-family's interests and power.And of course the neigboring countries comprehends Hun Xen attitude too well that Hun Xen treat his people like a puppet or even worse a beggar or slaves that work for his self-family's sustainable growth.

    And it has been obviously seen that Hun's govt. is any better than leeks or bloodsuckers of own people. The govt. is acting like a "DOG" asking for food or survival from the LORD,AH Siams. Dude Khmers you name for this govt. any better than "Dog" by its response to invaders Ah Siams?

    Let us think about this: The burglar comes into your house, so what is your immediate response??? Negotiate with burglars?????Compromise the burglars to take some and leave some????? At least we dudes khmer will teach Ah Chor Siam A lesson not like The current govt. only barks the same bullshits with Ah Siam stepping foots on their head and act like DOGS. These doggy leaders should vanish any soon if god open their eyes!!!!


  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I am strong man But with Only my own Poor people..
    When Foreing agressors ... I am so soft/peaceful.... I wish to have beenm awarded Peace Nobel Prize.. reagrdless My territory lost............

    Siam Army destroyed the GPS Machine of one of the High Rank Delegates including Minister of Fine Art.... to Taman Temple...
    Thisd act is very Barabrous and Critical as looking down on Khmer Government..........

    I am still patient, Soft...

    When we comare the Siam Khmer Border Dispute/Agression... to land Grabbing by high Rank Government Officials with Poor people and Compare to the Local traffic Accident(between a High Rank Clan and normal MotoCyler I met yesterday..... the strongest use Gun to fire and the Poor Motocycler be quiet.. and drove away however he respected to trafic Law...

    This situation isd very similar to Border Dispute with Thai while Cam Party keep quiet.......
    "...Go to UN does not mean war it means also peaceful solution.."

    Excellency General Oknha Advisor Achar Knoy(Phd. Bandit from Pahok Chamroeurn aVichea Univ. PPenh)
