Wednesday, August 27, 2008

PM hails Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia T-junction point agreement [-Another border promise that Vietnam will never respect?]

VNA (Hanoi)

VietNamNet Bridge – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung hailed the fresh signing of an agreement on tri-junction point of land boundaries of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

He called it “an event of major historical significance that paves the way for the three countries to cooperate for mutual development and practical benefits”, and lauded the negotiators for the efforts they had made for the signing of the agreement.

PM Dung made those remarks at his reception in Hanoi on Aug. 26 of Cambodian Senior Minister in charge of Border Affairs of the Council of Ministers Var Kim Hong and Lao Deputy Foreign Minister Phongsavath Boupha who came for the signing of the agreement.

He said following the agreement, the three countries should continue working on affairs pertaining to the defining of the Vietnam-Cambodia land borderline and the augment and strengthening of the system of border markers on the Vietnam-Laos land boundary.

The PM also said the three countries should work together to build their shared borders of peace, friendship, cooperation and development to serve the Cambodia-Lao-Vietnam Development Triangle Programme as reached by the three prime ministers.

He affirmed that the Party, State and people of Vietnam will do their best to foster their friendship with Laos and Cambodia, and expressed his hope that the three countries closely work for mutual development and benefit for their people.

The Cambodian and Lao officials agreed that the signing of the tri-junction point agreement was a historical event that reflects mutual trust and mutual understanding of the three countries in a bid to build their borderlines of peace, friendship and cooperation.

Cambodian Minister Var Kim Hong stated his country will reinforce cooperation with Vietnam to ensure the tempo of border demarcation and border marker planting.

He said he expected at least 100 border markers on the two countries’ shared borderline to be planted within this year and the planting of all border markers to be finished prior to 2012.

Meanwhile, Lao Deputy Foreign Minister Phongsavath Boupha affirmed his country will push for the planting of border markers on the two countries’ borderline to help bolster trade, tourism and other exchange of activities between local people living along the borderline.

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos sign border crossing agreement

Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos agreed on the tri-junction point of their land boundaries in Hanoi on August 26.

An agreement to this effect was signed by Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Vu Dung, Senior Minister in charge of Border Affairs of the Council of Ministers of Cambodia Var Kim Hong and Lao Deputy Foreign Minister Phongsavath Boupha.

Under the agreement, the tri-junction point was defined to be on a mountain peak which is 1,086 m above the sea level where the borderlines of Vietnam’s Kon Tum Province, Laos’ Attapu Province and Cambodia’s Rattanakiri Province meet.

The border crossing was drawn in a map that was attached to the agreement and was verified by the three sides.

The border crossing agreement was made in the spirit of upholding the principles of equality and accuracy to ensure the tri-junction point is clear, easily recognisable, and favourable for the management of the three parties’ borderlines.

The agreement was also made to ensure that the national boundary of each country which was defined in the existing border treaties agreed by the three countries is not changed.

The signing of this agreement reflected the determination and spirit of solidarity and friendship of the governments and people of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in settling border and territory-related issues.

At the signing ceremony, all three countries’ representatives affirmed their resolve to complete works related to the on-the-field demarcation of their land borders.

They pledged to spare no efforts to build, protect and manage the shared border into the one of peace, friendship, cooperation and development to support the implementation of the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle programme as agreed by the three Prime Ministers.


  1. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Oh please! Suspend the fucken Vietcong agreement for now until Cambodia no longer has AH HUN XEN Vietcong puppet government then the fucken Vietcong can restart their so called a tri-junction point agreement!

    What is the fucken rush?! Let play fair Vietcong mother fucker! It is so easy for the fucken Vietcong to deal with AH HUN XEN Vietcong puppet government than to deal with the real Cambodian government!

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Agree with you dude!!!Staying in power for 30 years, what else do they want??they must be retarded, and power-addicted!!!!!! Don't they think of retire and pave path for the committed, highly responsilbe leaders???? They think this country is like a CAKE and will leave their reign and power to their next generation AND LEAVE THE PEOPLE LIVE ON PILES OF SUFFERINGS AND PAIN!!!!!

    Really fuck up with all these blood suckers and LEEK!!!!DOWN TO HELL MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous7:49 PM

    My beloved Khmers!

    Sihanouk might insanely have said to himself in every second during his sleeping,
    "Why ain't my dream come true as my beloved friend, Uncle Ho?"

  4. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Who will dare to verify the border agreement with the Vietcong? As long as Cambodia continue to have AH HUN XEN Vietcong puppet government and there will be no one to verify Cambodian border with the Vietcong!

    AH SVA KIM HONG needs to be more open to Cambodian people about any border agreement with the Vietcong and in the past AH SVA KIM HONG had been so secretive and kept everything in the dark from Cambodian people!

    Cambodia has too many useless Vietcong agreements already and I don't see Cambodia is better off as a country with any additional Vietcong agreement! All the fucken Vietcong agreement between AH HUN XEN Vietcong puppet governments designed to hold AH HUN XEN accountable!

    Please no more Vietcong agreement!

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Long live the Triangle!

  6. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Long live the Triangle!

    Yuon chamnenh...
    Khmer khaat.

