Tuesday, August 26, 2008

UN Finance Expert Arrives at Tribunal

By Reporters, VOA Khmer
Original reports from Phnom Penh and Washington
25 August 2008

A financial expert for the UN side of the Khmer Rouge tribunal began work in Phnom Penh Monday, as the courts continue to face potential funding problems.

David Tolbert, who was brought into the process by the UN secretary-general to assist with country-to-country fundraising, arrived Sunday and is expected to stay through the week, UN tribunal spokesman Peter Foster said.

"He's here as a result of the UN becoming aware of the additional help and ensuring that the budget presented to donors took into account the experiences from all the other tribunals," Foster said. "With his advice and assistance we will be able to put together the revised budget."

Recent accusations of continued kickbacks on the Cambodian side of the hybrid tribunal has led to a freeze in funding, and a tribunal spokeswoman said Monday that while the Cambodian side can run through the end of 2008, the UN side may only have a budget for a few more months.

"We are quite able to proceed for the next year," the spokeswoman, Helen Jarvis, said. "On the UN side, it's a little bit more difficult. They would expect to run out of funds within the next few months."

Prosecutors for the tribunal, meanwhile, say they are still considering whether to charge additional suspects beyond the five now facing charges of atrocity crimes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

