Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can the U.S. take on China in Asia?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
By Peh Shing Huei
The Straits Times/Asia News Network

When U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared to Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) last year, "We're back," it was a clear signal that the Americans were looking to challenge China's rising influence in South-east Asia.

During the years the Bush administration left Asean on the far outfield of United States diplomacy, with Mrs. Clinton's predecessor Condoleezza Rice skipping Asean summits twice in three years, Beijing nudged its way to the centre stage.

Trade boomed. Confucius Institutes mushroomed. Generous aid was doled out by the Chinese government.

The prospect of a symbiotic "Chinasean" relationship seemed more likely than the other Sino-related diplomatic neologisms that mushroomed, from "Chimerica" (China + America) to "Chafrica" (China + Africa).

The question is this: Does the U.S. have the stamina and strength to take on Beijing?

China worked hard to charm Asean during the years the U.S. was preoccupied fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. China-Asean trade leapt nearly fourfold, from US$45.5 billion in 2001 to US$193 billion in 2008, culminating in the landmark China-Asean Free Trade Agreement (Cafta) which came into effect on Jan 1.

China also offered a total of US$25 billion in aid to Asean nations last year and pressed the right diplomatic buttons by blessing the 10-member grouping taking the lead in regional organizations, such as the East Asia Summit.

Beijing has also been flexing its "soft power" -- by, among other things, offering scholarships to Asean students. It is estimated that there are some 10,000 Thai students in China now, more than in the U.S., according to Asia Times.

And unlike Washington, which has put sporadic pressure on Asean to boot out the military-run Myanmar from the grouping, Beijing counts the regime as one of its allies. The principle of non-interference that Asean holds dear is in tune with the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) beliefs. As the CCP's second-ranking leader Wu Bangguo reiterated earlier last week, disagreements between countries should not become a pretext for interference.

Geography leans in favor of China too, given that it shares a border with Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar, proximity adding to the gravitational pull of the behemoth.

Yet geography could also very well be China's weak link, for proximity can also cause tensions, presenting an opening for the U.S. to come back in.

The current extremely low water level of the Mekong River, for example, has been blamed on China. Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam have fingered China-based dams as the chief cause of their woes.

Hanoi is also increasingly annoyed at China's growing assertiveness in the South China Sea. The Chinese announced at the turn of the year that they plan to turn the disputed Paracel islands into a top-class tourist destination.Myanmar, which counts China among its closest friends, is wary of Beijing after the junta's clash with an ethnic Han Chinese group late last year spilled over into Chinese territory, and caused a troop build-up by the Chinese.

Even Cafta is ruffling some Asean feathers. Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines have all expressed reservations about the agreement, fearing that tariff cuts on Chinese products would leave their domestic products defenseless. Jakarta is even seeking to re-negotiate the deal.

Concerns about Beijing have also spilled into the military realm with a regional arms race intensifying in recent months, fuelled as much by intra-Asean tensions as the perceived threat of a rising China.

Both Vietnam and Myanmar have reportedly agreed to big weapons deals with Russia in recent months, despite strong sales pitch from a China eager to raise its profile as an arms exporter. While Beijing has had some success selling weapons to African and South American states, its reach has been limited in South-east Asia.

Myanmar inked a US$600 million deal to buy 20 Russian MiG-29 fighter planes, just a fortnight after Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping visited Naypyidaw last December, a move interpreted as the junta's desire to cut its reliance on China.

In many ways, the current unease in the region is a reflection of centuries of Sinophobia, a hangover from the days when an imperial power saw the region as its backyard.

While proximity to China has brought economic benefits to South-east Asia, China's smaller southern neighbors have also been at the receiving end of its wrath on more than one occasion.

Older Vietnamese will not forget the quarter of a million troops that the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping sent in 1979 "to teach Vietnam a lesson" for invading Cambodia. And even till today, Vietnamese celebrate the annual Dong Da Festival, which marks a Vietnamese emperor's defeat of the Chinese Qing invaders in 1789.

The rest of Asean needs little reminder that the CCP was once supportive of local communist insurgencies in almost all the countries in the region.

All this history has led Asean to seek a balance of power in the region -- the biggest factor in America's favor as it seeks a return to the region: Washington is very much welcomed by the hosts.

This message was made crystal clear by Singapore's Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew last year, when he said in Washington: "The size of China makes it impossible for the rest of Asia, including Japan and India, to match it in weight and capacity in about 20 to 30 years. So we need America to strike a balance."

The welcome mat has been laid out. The Obama administration has indicated that it wants to play a role in Southeast Asia. But with two wars to fight and a groaning economy to tend, one wonders if it would be a case of a willing heart but tiring flesh for the Americans.


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Yes, that is right! 'We are back!' Go US go!

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    time to remove communish leader from the earth soon how ar-hun sen will go ( ar-sok arn,sok kong,hor 5 hong, horm yin tieng,khiev khanga-reth all AR-SWOLLEN EYE they are is youn. i am going to kill all those youn so i need to put my life to show the would that i can do like moslime or not

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    It's critically imperative to understand that Cambodia can no longer be ignored; also, Cambodia is strategically important location, and therefore the Chinese and the United States will have to bid for this location.

    War is peace

  4. Anonymous2:34 PM

    From all experiences I have seen these two giants US and China need each others for business purposes and they aren't going to fight with each others but they will let the small nations fight.

    Now that China controls the water, like Israel controls the water, small countries cannot do anything about it. Yuon Hanoi know one best trick is to cause problem inside other countries like they did in Cambodia, Laos now in Thailand, and Yuon Hanoi will try to do the same into China, because China has too many ethnic groups that don't get along with each others. Yuon will send their spies men and women to enter China and to wed with those Chinese minority ethnic groups then they will cause troubles inside China, and this is the fact. I doubt China will allow that to happen by Yuon, because Communist language is torture to death.

    Because Yuon Hanoi had done this so successful in the past.

    Does China know? Yes. That's why China controls the water. China attempts to exterminate Yuon Hanoi from the face of the planet. Now Yuon Hanoi bought submarines and more weapons from Russia to fight China from the sea.

    One thing for sure though China is not the most powerful nation on earth but the US remains powerful, yes.

    The big powerful nations like US, China and Russia enjoy making money building weapons and selling to small nations to fight with each others.

    The US sold weapons to Taiwan and some other countries, Russia sells to Yuon and Burma, and China sells to Muslim countries.

    The more we fight the more weapons they sell.

  5. Anonymous6:05 PM





  6. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Welcome to Cambodia to balance out the foreign powers and influences, Uncle Sam.
    There is no "free lunch" in politics. China has been practicing "money diplomacy" to spread its influences since 1949. Its so-called friendship aids to the 3rd world nations work so well.
    It rewards Sihanouk's loyalty by granting him a special life-time luxurious treament in Beijin, and spends lots of money to tame CPP and gain support from all Chinese Associations in PP. That's why CPP wills to take China as its BIG BROTHER #2. And all local Chinese Associations consider China as their $$$$$ God.
    So, in the future, either VN, China, and USA tear CPP apart or CPP takes adventage of them. A show is coming, we can sit back and relax.

  7. Anonymous12:42 AM

    US owes China over a trillion dollars and begs China to buy more of its treasury. US now is also taking Japan the loyal partner going under water. I doubt that US will succeed China's in South-East Asia which it's already dominant with generous aid.

    Hope that they will not go to war. If it does your wish will die along with their embicility.

  8. Anonymous12:55 AM

    NO, it's too late, China is strong enough to manage Asia and USA is already a paper tiger economically dead.

  9. Anonymous2:04 AM

    12:42Am wow! China will bring USA to court for not paying trillion back?

    US beg china?

    I heart USA sele arm to Taiwan (to pay China debt????)

    I hearth USA talk to DelaiLama to make China have hearth attack to USA need not paying back anything.

    I heath USA press China to increase the value of Yaon, to make china crazy too! and china will have no way out or lost American market!

    Wow if USA stop buying how China going to collect the debt! Go to war with wooden boats or sue USA in Hun Xen's court?

    Ah Kwack should raise the Serift force to arest USA!

    Good luck China and tugs!!!!!

  10. Anonymous2:13 AM

    12:42Am wow! China will bring USA to court for not paying trillion back?

    US beg china????

    I heart USA sole arm to Taiwan (to pay China debt????)good for you China!

    I heart USA talk to DelaiLama to make China has a hearth attack, so USA need not paying back anything.

    I heart USA pressed China to increase the value of Yaon, to make china crazy too! and china will have no way out or lost American market! do not jump to trap CHINA!

    Wow if USA stop buying, how China factoriesssss going to open! give them products free to Cambodia???? Open a new Steung Meachey, Hun Xen!

    USA would not sale modern Arm to Chinae, so HOW china is going to collect debt, bring USA to Hun Xen's court?

    Ah Kwack should raise the Serift force to arest USA! when the time come.

    Good luck China and tugs!!!!!

    2:04 AM

  11. Anonymous2:15 AM

    12:55 hope you exchange your US$ ti yyoan!

    If you lie may lightning strike you with ah Kwack at the same hour!

  12. Anonymous2:17 AM

    12:55 hope you exchange your US$ to yoan!

    If you lie, may lightning strike you with ah Kwack at the same hour!

    2:15 AM
