Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hun Sen: government spent too much on civil servants' salary

Thursday, March 18, 2010
By Khmerization
Source: RFA

Prime Minister Hun Sen is unhappy that his government spent too much money on paying the salary of civil servants, reports Radio Free Asia.

Speaking on 17th March in a meeting to hear the reports about the government's 2009 achievements, Mr. Hun Sen has ordered all ministries to stop recruiting more staff in an attempt to save money. He said only teachers and medical staff are allowed to be recruited. "Only teachers and medical staff are allowed to be recruited. In other institutions, if they have 100 staff and if 30 staff retired, 70 are kept and they won't be allowed to recruit any more staff because past expenditures have exceeded our micro-budget", he said.

Mr. Hun Sen also said in the past, expenditures on civil servants' perks such as free petrol, phone bills, allowances, accommodation, food and travelling expenses on overseas missions have exceeded the micro-budget. He said from now on, if necessary, ambassadors and diplomats in Cambodia's overseas missions will attend the conferences and meetings in the countries they are based in instead of sending officials from Cambodia in order to save the money.

According to government figures, expenditures on civil servants' perks is equivalent to 4.4% of Cambodia's Growth Domestic Product (GDP), which is considered too high for any country.

Mr. Yim Sovann, spokesman for the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, said there are corruption involving in applying for allowances and perks from many government officials. "They inflate the invoices. They only received one invoice, but they presented two invoices (for reimbursements) and sometimes they inflated the invoices three times higher than the real charges in the invoices because they connived with the service providers and vendors. This has caused the government to lose a lot of money because there is no control put in place. This is only the tip of the iceberg and this is not a new issue, it is an old issue, so it is good that (Mr. Hun Sen) has raised the issue. So, we want to see his words become a reality and we wish that these words are transormed into concrete measures in order to tackle unnecessary expenditures and to save our National Budget because all these money are coming from the sweat and blood of our citizens", he said.

The opposition parties have in the past accused the government of unnecessarily recruiting hundreds of civil servants every year but it has never made the figures public. Mr. Yim Sovann also appeal to the government to punish those officials who inflate the invoices in the past.


  1. Anonymous11:26 PM

    This is one of many valuable inputs from the opposition party. It brings up corruption, injustice, and many other issues. Those CPP dogs should thank the opposition party and reconsider your views.

  2. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Nope! The top CPP officers, officials sucking up the money. I knew one family collecting money or salary from husband to wife and to their five kids +18 years old plus.

    This is sad, though not just that money also they got the money for gas and also contribute gas toward their family members.

    Former CPP officer,

    Keo Hennessy..

  3. Anonymous11:41 PM


  4. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I have witness that also. The poor is getting poorer while the rich is farming on the back of the regular people..

  5. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I've thought HUN SEN knew this from the start while he was also in the revolution or KR to make one standard of living cost. No richer no poorer..

    Now look at it..HUN SEN can't see those thing anymore..

  6. Anonymous11:45 PM

    You're looking at a river runs dry. The sooner is the better.

  7. Anonymous11:51 PM

    មែន​មិនចាំបាច់រើសបុគ្គលិកបន្ថែមទេ ព្រោះបុគ្គលិកខ្លះ មានតែឈ្មោះបើកប្រាក់ខែ ហើយមិនដែលទៅធ្វើការផង។
    អ្នកខ្លះទៅធ្វើការនែលនលៗ ដើរលេងបាត់។
    បើបិទក្រសួងខ្លះចោល កាន់តែល្អ ​ដូចជាបុស្ថ ជាដើម។​សំបុត្រ គេផ្ញើតាមឡានវិញ វាប្រសើជាង។
    កសិកម្ម ក៏មិនអាច់ម៍ ភ្នាក់ងារដើរទាត់ខ្យល់នោះច្រើនណាស់។
    ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ​ អ្នកណាអាចរកក្រៅបាន សុខចិត្ត​ធ្វើការលើសម៉ោង ប៉ុន្តែ អ្នករកមិនបាន គឺទៅអើតប៊ុយរ៉ូ​មួយភ្លែត ក៏ចេញទៅបាត់។

  8. Anonymous12:36 AM

    How about those generals without soldiers don't they too many?

  9. Anonymous12:38 AM

    What's are you talking about?

    Sok Anh hold may positions by himself, it does'nthelp?

  10. Anonymous12:43 AM

    No wonder all those stars keep falling from the sky. When it come to night time, we can't even see a damn thing but only see those stars at CPP member villa. Why? They keep promoting each others. Anyway, ah kwack wants more stars to keep his left eye wider.

  11. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Only incompetent leader cannot manage his/her subordinates. If cost is running out of control in the current Cambodian government, then Hun Sen is incompetent as a leader and must be replaced immediately.

    Actions speak louder than words, hence walk your talk Mr. Hun Sen! Talk is cheap!

  12. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Hun Sen never have knowledge, ability and capability since the begining. He never was a leader but ruler.

    He stays in power because people afraid not respect him.

  13. Anonymous1:17 AM

    That is what you voted and still elected the uneducated person like Hun Zen to be your stupid leader until he is 99 years old.

  14. Anonymous1:37 AM

    1:17 AM Good one!

    We all going to DIE before him! Unless we remove him NOW today, tomorrow, week, month, year, decade, and century. Before we all blind like him.

  15. Anonymous1:49 AM





  16. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Ghost numbers!!!!Incorrect numbers are exploded in salary lists including relatives and friends and what they also called Floating workers(casual or inofficial workers).

    This method was used in 1970_75 and has used until now.Corruption laws can apply straight to Keat Chhon,Sok Anh and fat cats in office.

    Look forward to see how new laws be exerciced???.

    Kaun Khmer

  17. Anonymous2:08 AM

    I don't think HUN SEN acknowledge that. He doesn't have a Phd degree.

    I don't know if he had studied the law of economic. Supplies and demands!!

  18. Anonymous2:37 AM

    srp can have good point, sometimes like this one and the border incursion by thug-like neighbors, etc... glad that srp brought this unspoken issue up because it cost the country a lot i.e. the perks given to civil servant employees. there ought to be accountability and transparency by now. a lot of money that can go to teachers' salary and doctors' salaries, instead of abused by the already high earning civil servants, some of whom don't want to leave their post. thanks srp for doing whistle blowing here for if it is kept secret any longer, money is so wasted and could be used elsewhere. i heard teachers and other educators have been demanding pay raise for a long time now. teachers and healthcare workers should get more raise, i think due to their jobs in caring and saving life and passing on the education to the future generation of cambodian people. salary should based on the cost of living in the country. please keep demanding for equality and justice and fairness for all. god bless all khmer people and cambodia.

  19. Anonymous2:39 AM

    yes, it is time to call for reforms in this area. it's been over due already! it's like cleaning the house, here.

  20. Anonymous2:43 AM

    3 simple question for PhD Hun Xen.

    H2O =
    CO2 =
    SQ2 =

    His granddaughter knows the answer.

  21. Anonymous3:22 AM

    this is why we have to respect each other because although you are good at something, you may not have any clue in other field like medicine, mechanics, accounting, cutting hair, etc, etc... see my point. just because you are good at something, doesn't mean you know everything. we all depend on one another in life, really! think about it. it's called being smart about it.

  22. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Hun Sen, if you smart and care about your people or your country with human resources you must raise the teacher salary to at least close to what the senators or state officials got. Because senators or politician shouldn't be getting more pay then the teacher. This is the reason why our school kids doesn't have any quality of learning.

  23. Anonymous3:40 AM

    If I was Hun Sen I'll upgrade all schools, universities since day one. Now it has been 30+ years plus and we can't do anything our own.

    Not just one!!

  24. Anonymous3:53 AM

    strengthen and invest in education of the country is a bright future ahead. think about it. the country is only as strong with the level of education in the country, really. in the past, leaders liked to keep khmer people ignorant while only a handful were seleceted to receive scholarship etc to further education. i see today society, it is a lot better because even people have more freedom to say what they see as right and wrong. in past, if you see and say something, people are afraid. not so true again nowadays as cambodia is better now. thank god for the good vision of future leaders, etc... god bless my country and people of cambodia.

  25. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Hun Sen should not open his mouth and complain about high expenditures on paying the bloated bureaucracy. He only had himself to blame for appointing too many advisors and people who defected to his party to top jobs for doing nothing. About the inflated invoices, it is true that many civil servants just went on a spending spree because they are not accountable to anyone, not even the voters. Many officials go on overseas missions by bringing their families, friends, mistresses with them. Surely, they cheated the govt. by faking invoices.

  26. Anonymous4:38 AM

    If the government start utilizing the embassadors in country, then they need to prescreen all embassador for high level education with multiple background knowledge that pertains to investments, and business decision dealing. As of now, very few embassadors that have the knowledge or education that are competence to make any investment or business dealing with developed countries, such as US, Canada, EU, etc....

  27. Anonymous4:44 AM

    You spend too much money for your stars and your body gards.

  28. ក្រុមហ៊ុនបរទេសចូលមកយកដីប្រជាជនក្រីក្រ នេះជាកម្មរបស់ប្រទេសខ្មែរ

  29. Anonymous6:13 AM

    M sorry, is this applied to civil servants who got salary less then $30 and have no other benefits? Some ministery, in accounting record, The cost of Copier machine is $3,000 and the Repair expense is $4,000 a year. It is just what invoices state

  30. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Hun Sen should learn to be be a good and people and national server by doing all good things, eliminate his corrupt subordinate who are surrounding him and his family, learn to do the wright things, speak and do the wright things. Reshuffle and fair trail of corrupt officer of the ministry of finance, trade,custom and concise, corrupt thief police and military police, reshuffle useless and money sucking general of the ministry of defense, ministry of agriculture esp to the area of logging and fishing department. but it seem hun sen doesn't start it yet with this political will. his cabinet and council of minister are also the backbone of corruption and all illegal activities. all these corruption and backed illegal activities being carry out by governmental institution is the worse scenario to the current poverty and crime in Cambodia. why hun sen still keep these people surrounding him????
    There are good people within CPP and there are talented young people who can work and save the nation within a small move. hun sen should learn how to use the right people to save the nation and using right people will help both himself and priceless benefit to the nation. for the good, he should stop the recommendation to scare the innocent people who are the scapegoat of all his corrupt ministers and government officers. If he can achieve all these he will be on track and Cambodia is going on well the road. Hun Sen should turn hid eye to all people surrounding him, they are thinking that he is A VEK, they are doing and commuting wrong things under his nose.

  31. Anonymous9:48 AM

    yeah !! Hun sen should better turn his eye to his subordinate, and in fact they are enemy to himself and the nation. he should fear his subordinate rather than opposition
