Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In defense of then-Prince Sihanouk

Dear Readers,

KI-Media encourages civilized exchange of opinions on political issues related to Cambodia. The following are rebuttals from anonymous readers to Dr. Peang-Meth's article:

Dr. Peang-Meth, beside trying to idolize and promote his good friend Dr. Tith Naranhkiri, is trying to attack the king with yet another of his lop-sided writings. His article here will surely influence the young generations who have not experienced and learned about the real cause of the real tragedy. Many historians have put the blame squarely on the 1970 coup that toppled Sihanouk. Without the coup, the Khmer Rouge will be a footnote to history. The coup and Lon Nol's incompetence and corruption led many peasants to join the KR, even without Sihanouk's cooperation, the KR will grow in strength because of Lon Nol's corruption and abuses against peasants. About letting the Vietcong stay in Cambodia, who was the defense minister and armed forces commander? It was Lon Nol who was the one selling and transporting military equipments to the Vietcong from Kampong Som, even after he ruled the country the business with Vietcong still take place right through to 1973.

It was hardcore republicans like Dr. Peang-Meth should be the ones to be blamed for ruining Cambodia and caused the death of 2 million lives. Without their stupidity, Cambodia would be on par with Thailand because during the Sangkum Reastr Niyum, Cambodian teachers earned more than Thai teachers, Cambodian movies are as good as Thai movies and people live in abundance and peace. Dr. Peang-Meth and Dr. Tith should be thankful that their fathers, a senior civil servant and a minister, thrived under Sihanouk and that both of them had a chance to get an education overseas because of Sihanouk's excellence education system.
As much as I respect the Khmer scholars or other scholars like Dr. Peang, I have to say this:

-Dr. Peang and some of these Cambodians who lack of understanding about politics and a very long conflicts between Vietnam and Cambodia since the past centuries until today are playing Hanoi's games to tear Khmer society apart.

Dr. Peang writing seemed to shift blame on the King but not the Yue Nam (Yuon) who have been presence in Cambodia for about 500 years.

Gen Lon Nol and the King were working together to free Cambodia from the Yuon, but the Gen's strategy was destroyed due to too many Yuon espionage were among his army, so the King had to carry on.

Dr. Peang didn't write at least two big reasons: 1) Cold war and Stalin instructed China to supervise Ho Chi Minh to take Cambodia and Laos at all cost; 2) Yuon's expansionism marching toward South now toward west must not stop (copied from Genghis Khan, Marching until the end of the earth), and without China to stop these aggressive Yue Nam (Yuon), no one could.

It seems that Dr. Peang, as a Khmer son, is after all playing Yuon's card. Look at his PhD's friend named Naranhkiri Tith. He too also serves the interest of Yuon because in all his writings are nothing more but to split Khmers apart.

What the answers? Do Dr. Peang and his friend Dr. Naranhkiri Tith know how?


  1. Anonymous8:30 AM

    It was not the American bombing or peasant rebellion that brought the KR to power. It was the Sihanouk factor that facilitated it. From some 3000 troops to swelling 100,000 KR fighters in a blink of Sihanouk'eye, it was an undeniable fact. The KR could do away with the North Vietnamese with Sihanouk godsend replacement. Yes, the KR would still have come to power because the yuons would have still supported the KR all the way to victory, albeit it might have taken longer, without Sihanouk support.

    So, it doesn't matter who argues otherwise the history of the killing fields has been written in stone.

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Dear defender of Sihanouk,
    Please stop insulting Cambodia's intelligence, especially your own. Sihanouk is the real king of all Cambodia's destruction. The records speak for themselves, and on Sihanouk, facts are facts. A spoiled, self-indulged nut who cares less about you or me, the rests, but himself and his palace.

  3. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Very interesting. This writing add more interesting piece of evidence I have never known before. So the YUONs have been planting themselves deep within the Cambodian government since Sihanouk Era? Now I understand why Pol Pot were so paranoid about the YUONs. I think by "YUONs", you mean the Khmer people who work to serve to further the interest of the YUONs right. For example Hun Sen is a complete sell out to the YUONs because he forced the puppet King Sihamoni to sign the border treaty amendments to legalize the land grabbing of the YUONS.

  4. Anonymous8:44 AM


  5. Anonymous8:46 AM

    8.39AM, the yuon troops were helping train the KR troops in the 1960s all the way to around 1973 when the KR kicked them all out. No need for the yuon help anymore as Sihanouk had already come to the KR rescue. Had there been no Sihanouk, the KR would have used the yuons a lot longer. This was how the yuons and the KR (pol Pot) started to have such a bitter relation leading to the eventual 1979 yuon invasion.

  6. Anonymous8:48 AM


    There has been so much happened in the past,however we all can't forget the fact that cambodians and the country are facing problems in many areas in cathing up with the rest of the world.

    Though the article can justify to some areas of the past,blaming game can be a disaster sometime, relative to the current circumstances.I do believe that learning from the past,help us prompt ourselve to future.
    I also had lived though these sad memories in life, but continue to live and learn from the PRESENT.

    I tend to satisfy with aboved comment,and TIME is very critical,and no matter what would happen we all still can't change our bitterness of the past.

    I would urge our compatriots to lookforward to working closely on common ideas,ie adressing issues arisen against our constitution as well as adhering ourselve to moral values or Ethics that enable us to help our disadvantaged cambodians out of such slavery.

    It would be rather beneficial for those living oversea but committed to the CHANGE in cambodia,to urge your government to fullfil Paris Peace Accord accordingly.

    Neang SA

  7. Anonymous8:51 AM

    The writer of this article to support Sihanouk has written from his dream and to fool all the blind Cambodian. In reality, every walk of life of Cambodian has understood very well about whose has caused Cambodian destruction.
    URSS and China has conflicted to each other since beginning 1960 after China has her full liberation. In 1968, URSS has invaded China many times through their borders. The support of China to vietnam was nothing to do with URSS. China has their own vietnamese ally. URSS has also their own vietnamese ally. The death of Ho Chi minh has given URSS vietnamese ally to be strong and that ally has completely eliminated all of those who were closed to China. Without Sihanouk in KR side, KR wouldn't be able to grow at all.
    First Sihanouk has mobilised all his loyal men from Phnom Penh to join him, then all countryside peole join him.
    But one of the most savage war was when Sihanouk opened the green light for full attack to National armyu 1970 by vietcong when Cambodian army was still very weak and was unprepared for warfare which have demoralised Cambodian army and general population to fight against Sihanouk ( vietcong).
    The killings of Cambodian by
    1-Sihanouk to revenge urban people who have supported Lon Nol regime,
    2-Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Kheiv Samphann for classes cleansing and purification of khmer Race.
    3-Anti-Pol Pot group for sabotaging Pol Pot regime such as Chea Sim, Heng Samrin and Hun Sen group.
    4-General revenge and hatred.

    Areak Prey

  8. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I am a younger generation but no need to hear tactic to cover up for Sihanouk the then king of Cambodia. We khmer can judge now whether this king exists for the benefit of khmer or not. His exists for his own royal family only. Khmer land is being encrouching by Yourn but we heard nothing from this king nor his family.

    Khmer from WA

  9. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Doesn't matter how you defend your dump King Shithanouk. He's still dump. Why go to Viet Nam and China for help? It's just for his own revenged and to murder innocent khmer live. I agree with Dr. Peng Meth 100 percent. You can't teach an old dog a new trick. Now Hun Sen. I don't think it's gonna be Khmer Rouge this time, maybe a big boom instead. They should make room for younger educated people to lead the country for the best interest of it nation.
    Khmer Poit Pet live in US.

  10. Anonymous9:13 AM

    1st NO Sihanouk
    2nd NO Khmer Rouge
    3rd NO Hun Xen
    4th NO Yuons, Vietminh, Vietcong

    KAMBUJA would have last FOREVER

  11. Anonymous9:20 AM

    ព្រះមហារីរក្សតរត់ចោលជាតិ លេងភ្លេងឲ្យចិន
    ស្តាប់ ឯខ្ញុំដែលជាខ្មែរ ស្តាប់មិនយល់ភាសារចិន
    លឺសូតែពងៗ​ មិនចេះចប់។
    សូមព្រះវិរះឡប់ កុំខំប្រឹងផ្លុំក្លុយឲ្យក្របីស្តាប់ពេក

  12. Anonymous9:28 AM

    It's just a shame to see this writer so intolerant of other people's opinions and views. Instead they resort to demonize those whose views differ from them. This author is committing the very act that Dr. Peang had wrote in his previous article, regarding people being disagreeable and only focus on attacking their opponents to demonize them!

  13. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Dear Author,
    Please back up what you are stating with facts, instead of just attacking and pointing blames!

  14. Anonymous9:32 AM

    The God of heaven who maketh the earth his foot stool ruleth over the affairs of man. Cambodian people reaped what they had sow.

    The first book I ever read about past history was by Williams Shawcross, Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the destruction of Cambodia. For those living in America you may able to find one at the public library. From the book, Shawcross does not paint Sihanouk as the betrayer of Cambodian people, neither Lon Nol.
    And both of them despised the Vietnamese government. I only think good of Sihanouk from what I read in the book and was disappointed when I read of the negative side of him.

  15. Anonymous9:38 AM


    Shawcross was a Sihanouk sympathiser all tjhe way. What do you expect ? I still like Shawcross though.

  16. Anonymous9:48 AM

    You are wrong anonimuous, I was there, Lon Nol did his best, that was not the fault of Lon Nol, either Sihanouk. Our ex-leaders were not the main actors, but Yuons and Americans imposed to us those wars. With or without KR, Sihanouk, lon nol.. They decided.

  17. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Without a coup 1970, the war would turn in different result, and it probably would not has a killing field and would not have a current puppet regime. Now enough is enough, stop blaming our Khmer compatriots; we all made mistake, but we cannot forgive each other. Now the time is running out if we keep pointing fingers at each other. We are on the final stage of Vietnamization, and we have a slim chance to survive it. Do we need to save our drowning boat first or keep blaming each other until we are all drowning?

  18. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Bravo!!!!!!!!Mr. Kong Korm're courage to speak out against yuon'dog ,Yuon slaves,yuon troublemaker hunsen.
    fight yuon 'dog to death........

  19. Anonymous10:10 AM

    YOu hit the nail right on the head! The steering wheel was never in the hands of Sihanouk or Lon Nol, it was controlled by everyone else, the Soviet Union ,Yuon, China and Americans! Sihanouk and Lon Nol were mere pawns in this deadly game. They were both Khmer patriots, and each wanted to protect Cambodia, but it was out of their league.

  20. Anonymous10:15 AM

    The author is right the Dr. Gaffar Peang Meth is a hard core republican. I know him when he went to school at Michigan U? and he married an American wife in the late 1960's. I was then a student at Ohio State University (OSU) when Lon Noil overthew Sihanouk and joint the Vietnam war on the American side in 1970. The American carpet bombing bewteen late 1960's to 1975 made the Khmer Rouge much stronger, like it or not. Over 5000000 tons of bombs were dropped on Cambodia. Not many Vietcongs were killed only Khmer people killed. Dr. Gaffar called me up one day and threatened me if I do not joint his Lon Nol clique and his American lackey band wagon. I refused and never saw him again til today.
    Former OSU Engineering Student

  21. Anonymous10:17 AM

    All of those who are blaming USA, URSS, China were the cause of 1970 coup were all idiots. They shouldn't involve politic anymore because their mentality are to low to stand against bullying from foreign power.
    Look at tiny countries such as Fiji, Tonga, Samoan, Nue etc.. and etc.. why can they protect their people from killing each other?
    These people wanted Khmer Rouge trial to be failed so that their parents and their associated such as Sihanouk family, Chuon Mom family, Kiet Chhon family, Hor Nam Hong family, Chea Sim family, Tep Kunnal family are freed from further investigation.
    They are truely evils of 21 century and are blaming others to cover up their evil crimes.

    Areak Prey

  22. Anonymous10:24 AM

    It seems like most of us went through many experiences from the past regimes and knew that Youn has been the cause to our country. Why don't we learn from these past experiences and try to resolve the root of these problem? As of today, the main cause (Youn) to Cambodian problem is still there. Please stop playing the devided game, blaming game, or accussing game. Otherwise, in the near future, Youn will fully controls Khmer as Loas. Just an fyi, you can ask any normal Vietnamese, he/she will tell you that Loas is just a name of a country, everything is running by Vietnamese government.

  23. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Youn, Youn, Youn,....
    Are you all old people living in the past?! Have you learned or you are now just learning from the past? How long does it take you to learn from the past?

    You all should now come to Cambodia and help develop the country! Please stop barking from abroad! Come and do it, then you would realize how hard to work with Cambodian people thesedays.

    I challenge you all come and try to help our people from one family to one village to one commune, to one district, to one province and finally to the whole country.

    Khmeng 80's

  24. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Come on real ok?

    Learning the past..yeah...but think about how to improve life of the people here in our country is more important...Many people are living in poverty..but many of you only stay outside and say sth f*cking sh*t..If you can just use your brain to help community here to do business..or your money to invest here..might be better

    Come on...stop talking about those f*cking sh*t!!!...Come and ask people here if they hate those F*cking Youn?..Yeah..they hate..hate so much...but if you ask them what they worry the most now?HOW TO MAKE MONEY!!! TO survive!!!..ok? People are tiring of DEMOCRAZY....HUMAN RIGHT!!!Not because those things are not important..but because of those things are used by SOME SH*T PEOPLE to get money from the WEST..

  25. Anonymous10:57 AM

    The current yuon puppet regime could be dissolved in 1993 by UN sponsored and supervised election.

    But, Sihanouk brought them to life by sharing power and took the Enemy to be adopted son.

    Sihanouk was playing too many games all at once, and at the end he ties his own neck! Stand-Death !!
    Run to hide his own ghost in Beijing and liar to ordinary khmer as cancer type such and such...

    Sihanouk is liar king of Cambodia!
    I ask our khmer compatriots not to let yourself be cheated by the charlatan Sihanouk and Norodom family.

    March 18, 1970

  26. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Khmeng 80's

    I fed-up with khmer and even to help one person. why?
    In 1999 I help and shipped many things from Long Beach to Cambodia.
    At the port Sihanouk kompong Som, the khmer custom not allowed to upload the container, unless I have to pay them $8,500 fees or they return. Shame on them, I called the cargo ship to dump in the sea. instead return charge.
    I have sweared myself not to help Khmer anymore!

  27. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Someone once said "those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

    Sihanouk is one of those people. he never learned from his mistake and cambodia history, resulting in the suffering of khmer people.

  28. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Oh ! My DOD the cataract that caused people to blind the doctor can cure just 1hour surgery ,but the natural blind from birth that have been big mouthed about Dr. Peang Meth is so naive and liar. Sihaknuk is the dumb idiot useless king in the khmer history even worst than CHEY CHETTA II ,Sihaknuk is the failed leader that should be judged in the near future ,Chey Chetta married with the YOUN ,so do Sihaknuk JETTA II NOT KILLED two million khmer people but SIHAKNUK DID and still do,the good king like THai Land one wife and one husband but Sihaknuk uncountable even his aunt(Same to dog) so is some one to blind and keep lying about Sihaknuk those person got pay to do that,those person try to take you are all back to the Marky jungle(death jungle) I appeal that person is the bullshitter,believe in Sihaknuk believe in death search,Sihaknuk he is just spoil brat(doesn't know what he is doing) Dr. Peang Meth you are the khmer icon ,the truth is hurt ,Sihaknuk and it supporters are hurt to see the truth.
    son of soldier who fight at Preah Vihear in 60

  29. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I agree with 10:57AM entirely and I support the stand of 11:14AM for his disappointment. I suggest kmeng 80" to rally your generation to remove the present idiots out from power and clean up all corruption so that we can support your generation again.

    Areak Prey

  30. Anonymous11:43 AM

    from the style of writing and a royalist...

    ---must be Mr. Kenneth So!

  31. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I would like to say that Sihanouk and the Khmer Rouge were the main trouble makers of Cambodia before 1979 regardless what anybody's opinion because I was one of his victims. The Hun Sen's government has been the new trouble maker since 1979. For those who never has experinced the suffering can only feel that on the surface.

  32. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Peace and reconcilliation is keys toward prosperity for our future generations. I think all of us have been effected by the Draconian regime in some fashions. However, we should learn from these mistakes and move foward with progress and rebuilding.

    We all agreed that blaming Sihanouk for all the atrocities committed during the 4 years reign of terror is not totally accurate.
    Sihanouk played the evil cards dealt by the devils themselves namely the American, the Soviet Unions(then), and China. Sihanouk fought hard to stay neutral. He did not have the resources to do so. The country was weak militarily and politically.

    Now we can move forward with open mind and building our country or we can argue until kingdom come and we won't get anywhere.

    I understand many of year will disagree with my opinion. I got that. But please do so in a civil manner. There is no needs for vulgar language or curses.

    I would love nothing more than my country men argue about ideas that would make our country better.

    Peace to all
    Kon Khmer abroad

  33. Anonymous11:51 AM

    First and foremost, my beloved King Sihanouk hates the YUONs who continue to be shameless land-grabbing thieves of the remaining Cambodia's territory. My beloved King Sihanouk actually entered a border treaty where the YUONs already recognized the Cambodian territory underder his administration but then the YUONs betrayed him and went back on their words. With cock-sucker as Hun Sen, the YUONS always have the upperhand and thus the the landgrabbing process has begun in earnest. Some villages that were inside Cambodia are now found in the new acquired land of Vietnam instead under the leadership of Hun Sen. Even Heng Samrin said that soon when he would visit his home in his province he would have to ask for a VISA from the Vietnamese embassy because now even his village is to be inside Vietnam. Even that Var Kimhong said that the canal that the Vietnamese dug is also deep inside Cambodia. Recently, Sam Rainsy exposed the Vietnam's blatant encroachment into Cambodia's territory, forcing Vietnam to remove their border posts in no time. Remember, it was my beloved King Sihanouk who started the border review process which prompted Hun Sen to act like a gangster that only the government has the authority to review the border process. If there is a flaw with my beloved King Sihouk, it is because he wants to have the continuation of monarchy in Cambodia. Hun Sen threatened repeatedly to abolish the monarchy of Cambodia. Hence, that is why Hun Sen kept getting promoted to "Samdech" to "Samdech Decho" to the "Most highest 5 Stars general Samdech Decho". If the monarchy is gone, then there goes the titles and rank of Hun Sen. Hun Sen would be then called rural gangster uneducated boy who speaks bad language and serve the purposes of the YUONs aka "YiekNam" which means "the country of Vietnamese" instead.

  34. Anonymous12:12 PM

    11:51 AM
    rural gangster = Ah Neak Leng Srok Srae, that's good call, I buy that!

  35. Anonymous12:14 PM

    the author wrote: "1) Cold war and Stalin instructed China to supervise Ho Chi Minh to take Cambodia and Laos at all cost; 2) Yuon's expansionism marching toward South now toward west must not stop (copied from Genghis Khan, Marching until the end of the earth), and without China to stop these aggressive Yue Nam (Yuon), no one could."

    I do not believe in the theory quoted above. Einstein once said "imagination is more important than knowledge," but this kind of imagination claiming the cold war and stalin orchestrated the viet expansionism is out of touch with reality. The writer should never make such a claim when there isn;t a slight evidence to back it up. If you remember the viets got defeated in the lat 1980s and had to withdraw from Cambodia as well as suffered mass casulties. The viets will never dare to invade cambodia again or they will be defeated. So the writer's theory is a fallacy.

  36. Anonymous12:22 PM

    11:51am, hun xen hates being called a viet-pupet but he knows full well that the viet was the one that put him in power.

  37. Anonymous12:38 PM


  38. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Wake up! The thieves are in your house,they have moved in a long time ago and are ready to evict you off your own property and you don't even realize it?!
    YOu don't have a clue, so sad!

  39. Anonymous1:05 PM

    This article is just your comments without facts nor substances. Do you know how big is the royal stamp issued out of Sihanouk royal palace? Do you think Gen. Lon Nol can stop those supplies to the NVA? it's just like right nowadays, Do you think Gen. Teap Banh dares opposes Hun Sen's order? anyhow, you probably still wear diaper during Sihanouk era i.e. you don't know shit! Dr. Peang Meth is absolutely correct. Now, if your Sihanouk is a nationalist, why didn't he exposes the current events and situation in Cambodia to the International community and seek their help to help Cambodia? why is he so quiet? Only a dumb ass would defend Sihanouk or maybe not dumb ass but ass kisser and dreamer alike but reality is black and white! If he is really a nationalist he should give his last coup de grace!

  40. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Those who are keeping to defence Sihanouk are brainless human specy. They have no brain to think as a normal person. Let these fool to go hell with their masters.

  41. Anonymous1:42 PM

    BRAVO !BRAVO!1:05 AND 1:29 LOVE YOUR COMMENT VERY MUCH, if Sihaknuk has the ball the UN KHMER rouge court right under his nose,it doesn't take very long to file a complaint about youn encroach or dominate khmer country and in recent matter with Samransy who defended khmer farmer,this Guy NO BALL ,useless king traitor to Cambodian people ,who still give this man the love and respect their choices but those kind of people are disgust disgrace traitor and no brainier.

  42. Anonymous2:00 PM

    11:14 AM and Areak Prey!
    If I and my generation can do that alone, then why should I need you for?!!! Think about it!

    How easy 11:14 AM and turn your back or blind eyes at your people? Just because of a few dump people, you give up your generous suppor to the innocent people. I know and understand your feel and you are not the only one! But if you just overcome it and your kind support reached by those in need, then you will find the peace and your mind and life and probably your after life.

    I encourage you to turn your back on those corrupted people and give your helpful hands to those in need. Come on, come to Cambodia. It's your mother land after all, you can't escape this fact. Until the time you died you know that you are KHMER!

    Khmeng 80's

  43. Anonymous2:01 PM

    How easy 11:14 AM 'CAN' turn your back or ...


  44. Anonymous2:17 PM

    11:14 AM and Areak Prey!

    In many cases, when you do good things to people and they asked for what do you do that?~ What is your answer?

    In many cases, we clearly know that what people are doing is wrong but if we go and frankly tell them just because for their own sake but you end up being beatn up. How do you feel? And what are you doing to do? ~You quit?

    A lot of goodhearted people have given up in helping their people. Why don't you ask yourself how pitty those innocent people. They actually don't even know what's good for them. We need to be patience and must demonstrate to them what is the right thing they you should choose. We don't tell them to believe in us, but we act as their model to show them what are the benefits of doing such things.

    Khmeng 80's

  45. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Dear Khmeng 80"
    You must understood that each of us has a life to live with our own family and need to carry our daily business to survive in each of our community. Therefore we have very little time to do charity in each area. We have our duty to do around our community. So you cannot expect people to waste so much time to bargain with evils to get our help through to the people we want to help. That is why, people rather send their monyes to Mr Mam Sonando to do for their behalf because they knew that Mr Mam Sonando is a Cambodian divine who has sacrificed his life for charity in Cambodia.
    Each of us a duty. You has your duty if you need us to help. Life can be very short and can be very long depended to God wishes.
    Please make sure you implemente your duty.
    A French proverb said " Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera "
    That means, if you want us to help the poor and our country, you make sure that you can remove all these present idiots from our Nation.

  46. Anonymous3:37 PM

    3:20 PM
    I saw this comment before and I will continue reading it from many other too. What can we do? We just do what we can. That's all. I just hope that at least those who have time and resources can consider coming back to Cambodia to see the real Cambodian people nowaday rather than just reading or reading about what actually happen. "1000 hearsay" < "seen by one eye."

    Many people could preach very well, but they actually can't act what they preached.

    Khmeng 80's

  47. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Dr Peang writing is very balanced and neutral. It doesn’t show party side as those who savagely massacre his writing and his person


  48. Anonymous4:43 PM

    The reasons is almost sihanouk crooks are lowest scrum opportunist and psychopath who can do anything to reach one ill needs even to kill innocent, closed mind people and very intolerant to other people opinion too

  49. Anonymous7:17 PM

    To blame KR to power on the Lonol's corrupt regime is a falacy, igorant of Khmer the fact that Khmer culture and way of live corrupt to the bone. Just look at every regimes including KR themself all were totallitarian and corrupt. These regimes everyone of them claim to rise for the defense of Khmer land but these is the reason that is far from the truth! The truth is they are ignorant and power hungry. While in the back of their mind do have national interest at heart but their action was/is otherwise because national interest fell to the last on a long list of priority, shame on them may Budha help their soul.

  50. Anonymous8:58 PM

    While lon nol come to power prior to sihanouk scenario, the situation in Cambodia was in convulsion of violence and war caused by Vietcong because of o sihanouk smartness. The situation was so confusing, chaotic and irreversible that lon nol cant do much to change the course of history. Lon nol totul thmor bak pi sihanoukn, that’s all about it. He just do that to rend service to his master sihanouk to fled to join with vietcong. Otherwise Sihanouk would have the same destiny as lon nol or Sirimatak etc, would be killed by Vietcong . But sihanouk was smart jumping to join with Vietcong and lead the killing against Khmer with vietcong/khmer rouge instead being killed by Vietcong. That’s sihanouk smartness. Quasi totality of Khmer republican elites were sihanouk cronies and were faithful to sihanouk, lot have no conviction nor belief but just lowest scums opportunists. These people never want to change from monarchy to republic that why these people welcome sihanouk at 17 april 1975 and being killed under sihanouk orders from peking.

  51. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Honestly, Dr Grafar wrote what is history being made. He cant invent history just to please some cronies sihanoukists who want to hear history otherwise than what it is made.

  52. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Dr Peang Meth, your opinions are always good me. The one who wrote the first comment trying to shred you and Dr Tith to pieces is, to me, a retarded intellectual.

  53. Anonymous10:20 PM

    The author probably capable of making solidity out of thin air. And the rest of us are "Cambodians who lack of understanding about politics." Come on..please stop this kind of thinking if you want to convince us of otherwise.

  54. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Thank you for bringing this up. For those
    who insisting on placing the responsibility on the king
    for the KR atrocity, they are the victims of a
    telescopic perception of reality. Their senses
    of reality are based on a fragmented truth. To
    have a better understanding of Cambodia one
    must understand Russia's ambition to promote
    communism world wide (the formation of
    communist international in 1911), China's foreign
    policy ( Mao's ambition or his secret goal to
    dominate the world), American foreign policy
    (stoping the domino effect of communism and
    use SE asia as a battle ground) and Vietnam'
    ambition toward Cambodia and Laos ( forming
    Indochina Federation in the 30's) and last have
    some understanding of financial and military
    resource Cambodia has during the time. With
    these in mind, it is clear to see that Cambodia
    is just a small boat trying to stay afloat and
    navigate at same time in a much bigger waves
    beyon a capacity of a small boat. By continue
    to blame on the captain of this boat is childish

    Khmer K

  55. Anonymous12:34 AM

    WHY, MARCH 18, 1970?

    The two legislative bodies assembled to consider the problem of Sihanouk’s conducted and affiliated with vietcong.
    They were the same two bodies which had ten year earlier, in 1960, designated Sihanouk as Chief of State.

    On March 18, 1970, after a long and historic debate, the two bodies by unanimously vote to withdrew their confidence in Sihanouk and removed him from office.

    The members accused him, among other things, of having authoried "Yuon" North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops to illegally occupy Khmer territory and establish bases (sanctuaries) and haul weapons & supplies from Kompong Som to Yuon Vietcong whose stationed along the eastern border during the latter half of the 1960’s, an occupation in flagrant violation of Khmer neutrality as provided by the Geneva Accords of 1954.

    The Yuon occupation was characterized as well, as an attack on the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the country.

    March 18, 1970

  56. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime

    Pol Pot
    Nuon Chea
    Ieng Sary
    Ta Mok
    Khieu Samphan
    Son Sen
    Ieng Thearith
    Kaing Kek Iev
    Hun Sen
    Chea Sim
    Heng Samrin
    Hor Namhong
    Keat Chhon
    Ouk Bunchhoeun
    Sim Ka...

    Mass Murder
    Crimes Against Humanity
    Force Labour
    Overwork to Death
    Human Abuses
    Unlawful Detention

    Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime

    Hun Sen
    Chea Sim
    Heng Samrin
    Hor Namhong
    Keat Chhon
    Ouk Bunchhoeun
    Sim Ka...

    Attempted Murders
    Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
    Attempted Assassinations
    Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
    Assassinated Journalists
    Assassinated Political Opponents
    Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
    Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

    "But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
    Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
    Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
    Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
    Murdered Chea Vichea
    Murdered Ros Sovannareth
    Murdered Hy Vuthy
    Murdered Journalists
    Murdered Khim Sambo
    Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
    Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
    Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
    Murdered Innocent Men
    Murdered Innocent Women
    Murdered Innocent Children
    Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
    Extrajudicial Execution
    Grenade Attack
    Drive by Shooting
    Police Brutality Against Monks
    Police Brutality Against Evictees
    Death Threats
    Human Abductions
    Human Abuses
    Human Rights Abuses
    Human Trafficking
    Drugs Trafficking
    Under Age Child Sex
    Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
    Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
    Illegal Arrest
    Illegal Mass Evictions
    Illegal Land Grabbing
    Illegal Firearms
    Illegal Logging
    Illegal Deforestation

    Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.

    Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky.  Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground. 
    Source:  Lightning, Discovery Channel

    Illegally Sold State Properties
    Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
    Plunder National Resources
    Acid Attacks
    Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
    Steal Votes
    Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
    Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
    Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
    Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
    Abuse of Power
    Abuse the Laws
    Abuse the National Election Committee
    Abuse the National Assembly
    Violate the Laws
    Violate the Constitution
    Violate the Paris Accords
    Unlawful Detention
    Death in custody.

    Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.

  57. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Khmer k, I totally agree with your analytical observations. Like you said everyting has causes and effects. There is no one single person responsible for the Cambodia downfall. Cambodia happend to be one of the pawn of the Super power political ambitions.

    We have to separate our emotions and opinions from facts. I dont have to go over what is and what isnt facts. We have passed that stage. what's more importantly is to learned from these errors and miscalcuations and rebuild and retain what we have.

    Our current government is not without faults. However, progress have been made and that's more important. For example, look at the street of Phnom Penh now. It is so energized and lively compare to say ten years ago. New constructions, roads and infracture are being mobilized. That is progress. Like I said by no means do I agree with the all the policies of the current government. However, if you separate yourself from politics and just look at progress and progress sake. It is a hell alot better now. I dont care who is in power as long as there is peace and stability.

    Kon Khmer abroad

  58. Anonymous5:45 AM

    remember folks,the french colonied in vietnam before Cambodia almost a century.the king Eng Doung was always fought brively with the viet about(PREY NORKOR)the present is the fucking(ho chiming city),during his reign.Then the French bastard came to get involve,by saying!ok guys stop fighting the Prey Norkor was under my suppervision.unfortunately,the French who the one brought a lot of the viet`s virus into khmerland until now.from the top elite family to the bottom of khmer peasant.I leave the rest for you guys to figure it out about the khmer leaders`s more speciall view points,without SIHANOUK,LON NOL,POL POT and HUN SEN,the Khmer kingdom does not exist until now.why the khmer rouge killed each other?,during that time,because a million of vietming`s spies inside pol pot`s armies.all those spies has been living in khmer`s cell,since the French had controlled matter you are a doctor or a politician,if you still don`t know,you do not know anything.HUN SEN has a thousand bodyguards around him to protect from youn`s spies not khmer peoples.from me khmer phomine.

  59. Anonymous6:08 AM

    to,5:45am,i got you now,that`was why during pol pot`s reign some village leaders ordered to kill peoples and some village leaders not killed peoples at all,eventhough they lived close to each other.that event seemed so weird.soldiers killed soldiers,ordinary peoples killed ordinary peoples.they screwed up the whole country because of the vietcong`s spies inside Cambodia.

  60. Anonymous6:30 AM

    of course,6:08am.ah! youn yek cong got mad with khmer national front kicked them out of cambodia,after khmer national front had learnt tactic and strategy of warfare from them all.because ah! youn yek cong is afraid of khmer national front would fight them back one day.for real 1977,the khmer rouge had invaded vietnam first.After all,there was a politic to manipulate the vietming and the Russian`s communist.that the end of the cold war,between the supper power USA and Russian in cambodia.
