Thursday, March 18, 2010

Intervention on on Cambodia's UPR Report

Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Source: UNPO

UNPO's Maggie Murphy will make an intervention on behalf of Interfaith International at the occasion of the consideration of Cambodia's Universal Periodic Review report at the 13th Session of the UN Human Rights Council.

The intervention concerns violations against the Khmer Krom population including asylum seekers, and expresses grave concern at the refoulement of 20 Uyghur asylum seekers in December 2009 despite Cambodia's signature to the 1951 Refugee Convention.

Intervention by Maggie Murphy

Interfaith International and partners welcome the efforts made by Cambodia to update their reports to different Treaty bodies and we enourage the government to abide by their commitments made during the last session of CERD to systematically eliminate discrimination against indigenous groups and minorities.

We urge Cambodia to ensure that international standards related to asylum procedure are adhered to, and that the process of accepting or returning asylum seekers is not politicised under the influence of the individuals’ countries of origin.

The forceful repatriation of Khmer Krom from Cambodia to Vietnam is an urgent concern which needs immediate attention since they face arbitrary arrest and detention torture upon return.

Furthermore, although the Cambodian government has clearly stated that Khmer Krom indigenous peoples who flee to Cambodia from Vietnam are entitled to Cambodian citizenship, the reality is very different. The Khmer Krom upon arrival are treated neither as citizens nor as refugees, rarely granted identity papers, forced to change their names and asked to provide impossible documentation such as Cambodian birth certificates. This dire situation is compounded by widespread corruption. Without identity papers, Khmer Krom are in legal limbo, denied the right to vote, prevented from seeking employment and are unable to occupy property or own land.

In addition, we are extremely concerned about the December 2009 deportation of 20 Uyghur asylum seekers to China, which was carried out at gun point. This is despite Cambodia’s signature to the 1951 Convention on Refugees. The Uyghurs, who had been registered by the UNHCR as “persons of concern” were hastily removed just two days after changes were made to a sub-decree on refugee procedure. The circumstances were highly politicised since the following day the Chinese Vice-President made an official visit to Cambodia. As was forwarned by the international community, the location and wellbeing of the 20 Uyghurs remains unknown.

Thank you Chairman.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Cambodia is definitely wrong in sending back the refugees to Vietnam and China.

    The world community should learn to put serious pressure on Vietnam and China for the violation of human rights and political freedom, which are also the causes of the presence of refugees in Cambodia.

    Can the world community bite the bullet by standing up to China and Vietnam and refusing to do any more business with the Chinese and Vietname governments until they learn to respect some basic human rights?

    No concrete results will appear till the international communities, especially the US, Canada, the EU, Japan and Australia stand up for their principles by refusing to do business with China if China continues to act the way she does with respect to human rights.

    Anet Khmer
