Sunday, March 14, 2010

Poverty in Phnom Penh: RFA Video

Video: Uon Chhin


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Sad, very sad, Hun Sen's government needs for be accountable for creating and sustaining this poverty! All human beings should be afforded the basic necessities in life, which are food, water and shelter!

  2. Anonymous7:08 AM

    This is only a small part of 30 years old government that put vietnam as its priority.Corruption that destroys the fabric of khmer society continues,though unclear corruption laws just has been passed without scrutiny from national assembly.This prematured laws is a very unintended target from RGC.
    Many phases of money laundering,in order to cleanse corrupted assetts owned by CPP's members including unrealistic land market strategy, is finally cut short,though the 25 pages laws that is well and truely delayed.
    So many country's assetts have been privatised to CPP and its crony and its boss. You DO not need magnified glass to see that.
    There are so many cambodian officials, of non cambodian origin,control all mechanism of power.
    I wonder that those intellects still deny the fact that cambodia is well on the way under new form of colonisation.
    It proves that intellectual property without moralty as guidline will lead its application to disasters.The very picture depicted is proven.

    Neang SA

  3. Anonymous10:16 AM

    It is shameful for some stupid Khmers who voted for Hun xen again and again.

  4. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Did Ah Samdech Tacho ever come to visit this place? Because he has one eye that's why he can not see these suffering people.

  5. Anonymous10:35 PM

    The question is, can there be a social or welfare department happen in Cambodia any time soon? The least our government can do, is giving this group of people a certain amount of land so that they can produce fruits veggetables raising pigs chicken or whatever they can to help themselves. They truely need some resources.

    President Jimmy Carter came to Cambodia and brought the idea of Habitat for Humanity to us not too long ago. This too can be copied and be done quickly to provide real support to our poor. Thing just seems to move so very slowly that anyone could die of waiting. In God, we pray for a change of heart from our government, if not political party changing.

    Ordinary Khmers

  6. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Ordinary Khmers
    It's difficult to create good, when the country is ruled by evil! Hun Sen and his cronies are much too greedy and care nothing about human rights, so they will keep on sucking the blood of every Khmer until it is dry.He needs to be ousted before any real change can take place!
