Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thai protesters collect blood for message


  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    May Buddha less all people to live in peace.



  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Hi Cambodians.
    Look at Abhisit is crawling into King Pumipon's feet and bowed down to the King's dog too.
    Wow this richest King has the best job any human ever has. No wonder he shot his brother for the throne.


  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I see it,thank you!

    "An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind"Lord Buddha!

  4. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Please respect the International Law!

    Two more Cambodians killed by Thai soldiers

  5. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Khmer people should do the samething. Hun Sen loss the election but didn't step down and later on came to power by coup against Ranarith .

  6. Anonymous6:53 PM

    How Buddha is going to say to Bhuminol, King of Thailand, the world richest King in a poor nation in South East Asia?

    He has ben a puppet of the military dictator and puppet for the elite rich and powerful, and he killed many no body dare to write about it. Because he has too much money to kill anyone.

    He robbed from the poor Thai people to build his wealth empire, and I see nothing bad to him according to Karma.


  7. Anonymous7:25 PM

    He is just a man like you,he is not Buddhism Watch:


  8. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Sahtu, baap laey! = Khmer
    Sahtu, baap laay! = Thai
    Sahtu, baap laay! = Lao

  9. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Government in Cambodian won the election is not Thai government stold the pool.
    You want to fucking do like Siem you fucking bad and you will go to the hell.

  10. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Thaksin should not play with the blood of the Thai people.

  11. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Can we put in a request from the Department of Interior to do the same thing, except we'll use a huge pile of feces throw at Hun Sen's face?

    War is peace

  12. Anonymous10:16 PM

    For some of the blogers, they are so proud of Thai Democracy. Here how it works, when the red shirt yelling for Abbasit to step down, you replace the prime minister. Then, it is the yellow shirt turn to yell and scream to get their own priminister in. You can't keep doing that !!!!! where is the laws and orders !!!!
    It is not how democracy work, some of the people are taking too far. Democracy works base on election and majority rules.
    You look at China, they band demonstration, they have laws and orders and they are busy working to make money. Democracy or not, their citizen are getting richer every day and that what most people want for any country.
    Don't get confuse between freedom of speach and obeying citizen. If you are keeping doing this, demonstration, the cycle never end and the country will come to an halt.
    Please, think about it , it is not a good thing for any country.

  13. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Thaksin is playing with the Thai people's blood. The only person who likes this bloody stunt is bloodthirsty Hun Sen who receives advice from Thaksin.

  14. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Red shirts are lucky, they are able to protest and express their idea. If they are Khmers and do this in Cambodia, they will be already dead.
    Comparatively to Abhisit, Hun Sen is just a delinquent.
    Greeting Abhisit..

  15. Anonymous12:52 AM

    The Thai king is so rich nowday, I wonder if the Thai people think that he so smart that why he so rich or because he is corrupted. What do you think ??????? or you are not suppose to say any thing at all reguarding to the issue.

  16. Anonymous1:13 AM

    At the moment they are only playing in Thailand.

    The King is dying and the Crown Prince is ready to take over.

    When this happen there will be war in Thailand.

    The Crown Prince made a swear that he will never stop to eliminate Thaksin as he believe Thaksin is responsible for the dead of a child which died in a swimming pool and this child is a Member of the Royal Family.

    Thats why there cannot be Peace!

    The Crown Prince took his shoe and hit Thaksin into his face. Believe me Thaksin will never forget this.

    There only can be war, there is no other way. The Army follow the command of the Crown Prince. They are obliged to do so.

    There will be a blood sheet in Thailand and nobody is there to stop it.

    Make sure you get a 2nd passport so when "the dodoo hit the fan" you are ready to leave Cambodia.

    My father did not listen to his friends before and the helicopter went to Vietnam without him.
    Khmer Rouge killed him.

    The enemy are not Viet People.
    The real enemy are the Thai People which will start a war against Cambodia after the King of Thailand is dead.

    Be warned!

  17. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Sia O is ready to take the throne?
    And how about his porn star wife who was naked at the poor party? Wil she be the Queen? Oh yeahh Oh my my.. my kingdom of porn star and the king of whore has aid.

  18. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Cambodia (Hun Sen's Gov.)=Communist
    Thai (Vejajeva's Gov.) = Capitalist

    Hun Sen = Absolute power
    Vejajeva= Democracy

    Hun Sen = jungle's boy
    Vejajeva= City's boy

    Hun Sen try to help Thaksin will the same as Sihanouk help VietNam
