Monday, March 15, 2010

Thaksin Shinawatra supporters descend on Bangkok


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Germany invests a lot with Thailand, no wonder. Chakri, Mafia family will be faced the same fate like Tzar Nicholas and his family in Russia.

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Thai government must stand tough with Red shirt Thaksin supporters and don't dissolve Parliament. If necessary, using yellow shirt to attack them. SRP and all SRP supporters strongely support current Thai government and yellow shirt all the way.

    Gumar Vann, SRP in Philadephia, USA

  3. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Tycoon ThakSin spent too much monies to hire people to support him. SRP got right thinking to support a current Gov.

  4. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I don't think Thaksin hires those million Red shirts. It's from poverty increasing in Thailand, and the poverty caused corruptions and led to outsider like Hanoi took advantage to divide Thais like in Cambodia, that's why we see the internal fight in Thailand.
    And also China supports Thaksin.

    Rainsy should not support any body but defend only his country, Cambodia. He is stupid to involve with this affair.

    The fight between Siem and Khmer caused by Hanoi. They all play games. The more Thai threat Cambodia, Hun Sen will keep inviting Yuon army into Cambodia. When Yuon army in, its expansionism cannot be stopped.

    Rainsy should condemn both Thai and Hanoi not only Hanoi. Thai and Hanoi both are playing games to divide Cambodia, and Hanoi plays a doubled game to march to west, one helping China by helping Thaksin as requested to survive and one helping its expansionism.

    I am Rainsy's supporter but I see clear that he is STUPID for meddling this affair. He should critcize both but heavily criticise to Hanoi for encroachment into Cambodia or he shoud not say anything regarding Thailand. SHUT UP.
