The interviewer looks strangely like Vuthy Khin Huot as mentioned in the below writeup. Could someone confirm please? _________________ Anonymous said...
Lao Houn Mai wrote:
>Vuthy Khin Huot was raised from an early age by Vietnamese soldiers and has had a strong life long >affiliation to the Vietnamese/Hun Sen communists. He was previously sent by Hun Sen to Moscow as Hun >Sen's representative to UNESCO. >In April 1997 following the March 31st grenade attack on a peaceful public demonstration organised >by Sam Rainsy in which many civilians were killed and injured, Vuthy Khin Huot caused outrage on SCC >when he stated that he wished Sam Rainsy had been killed in the attack. >It is an incomprehensible abuse of the authority bestowed upon RFA by the US Congress that Radio >Free Asia should appoint such a person as Director of the Cambodian section, and such corruption >must be viewed in the context of similar serious problems in other sections of RFA such as the Lao >section, the Burmese section, the Vietnamese section, the Korean section, and the Chinese sections. Subject: The statement Vuthy Khin made at a seminar class at NIU in Fall 1997 Subject: The statement Vuthy Khin made at a seminar class at NIU in Fall 1997....
The interviewer looks strangely like Vuthy Khin Huot as mentioned in the below writeup. Could someone confirm please?
Anonymous said...
Lao Houn Mai wrote:
>Vuthy Khin Huot was raised from an early age by Vietnamese soldiers and has had a strong life long
>affiliation to the Vietnamese/Hun Sen communists. He was previously sent by Hun Sen to Moscow as Hun
>Sen's representative to UNESCO.
>In April 1997 following the March 31st grenade attack on a peaceful public demonstration organised
>by Sam Rainsy in which many civilians were killed and injured, Vuthy Khin Huot caused outrage on SCC
>when he stated that he wished Sam Rainsy had been killed in the attack.
>It is an incomprehensible abuse of the authority bestowed upon RFA by the US Congress that Radio
>Free Asia should appoint such a person as Director of the Cambodian section, and such corruption
>must be viewed in the context of similar serious problems in other sections of RFA such as the Lao
>section, the Burmese section, the Vietnamese section, the Korean section, and the Chinese sections.
Subject: The statement Vuthy Khin made at a seminar class at NIU in Fall 1997
Subject: The statement Vuthy Khin made at a seminar class at NIU in Fall 1997....
10:57 PM
និងជាអ្នកជួយទប់ជើងគ្រែអោយអា ហ៊ន សែន!
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