Monday, November 05, 2012

Clean, clear, captivating reading materials in KHMER language -- edited books of the Bible by Ms. Theary C. Seng

Both Christian and non-Christian Cambodian readers will be able to appreciate these edited books of the Bible in Khmer, mainly because they are rare reading materials available in the Khmer language that are clear and understandable.

For the non-believing Khmer readers, take these edited books of the Bible as good literature, which they are (plus more, for the Khmer believers!).

READING MUST BE TRIGGERED with INTERESTING MATERIALS, free of the burdens of having to fight the printed page and mangled language – which allows for the beginning of effective DIALOGUE, of quality  EDUCATION, of RECONCILIATION, of Cambodian FLOURISHING (peace with justice or SHALOM).

 - Theary C. Seng


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Dear Khmer Democrat and Theary Seng,

    There are more interesting books to read that offer more valuable insights done by men come from human,not heaven like Kamasutra, Evolution,Ron L Hubbard series,Communist Manifesto,Little Red Book,Little Green Book,My War with CIA,How to raise your first baby,ទុំទាវ and បុរសអផ្សុក.
    Have you read all these books yet? If not yet,you have no idea how good they are worthy of your perusing and benefiting in losing weight while lying down. Good reading Mate!

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Khmer Rouge killed millions of people, can Jesus free them from sin?

  3. Anonymous2:06 AM

    "I not only do not believe in God, I am almost 100 per cent certain the God of Abraham worshipped by Jews, Christians and Muslims does not exist. This God supposedly plays such an important role in the universe that there should be evidence he exists. There is nothing in the realm of human knowledge that requires anything supernatural, anything beyond matter, to describe our observations.
    Furthermore, religion is immoral. It is bad for individuals and bad for society."

    Victor Stenger

  4. Anonymous2:37 AM

    If God doesn't exist, then there is no need for justice because evil doesn't exist!!!

    Hun Sen is not an immoral person as some like to painted him. He is just in all that he does according to his right world view.

    There is no moral compass to follow if Evolution is true, you do what is right in your own eye.

    Justice doesn't exist without absolute truth!

    Noromdom Sihanouk never committed any crime against humanity as he was his own law by his own evolution.

    Don't believe the LIE, lest you die!

  5. Anonymous10:06 AM

    កញ្ញា សេង ធារី នាងមានគំនិតផ្តើមពាក្យបណ្តឹង
    ពាក់កណ្តាលផ្លូវ ខ្ញុំចង់ដឹងថា តើអ្នកដើរតាមនាង បានដកពាក្យដូចនាងដែរឬគ៏អត់?

    ទានសំណល់ សល់ទនេ, សម្មាធិខ្ញុំគេ ខន្តីទាល់
    ច្រក ហើយពេលនេះ។ តើនិងមានអ្នកណាជឿនាង
