Monday, November 05, 2012

Documents Chart Thwarting of ’97 Investigation

By Douglas Gillison - November 1, 2012
The Cambodia Daily

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    It is very sad to see the pictures of the opposition party victims. The shell came from the hidden Yuon/Vietcong faces in Cambodia to fool the gullible Khmer people that Khmer Military/Khmer Rouges armies violently had done the killing of their own people. Hun Sen is the coward and stupid killer who was backed by his evil Yuon/Vietnamese masters and hidden Yuon/Vietnamese faces among Khmer Military Uniform.

    Khmer people and soldiers should keep an eye on hidden Yuon agents in our Khmer Military Uniform, knowing their backgrounds and resources, where they came from originally in order to root Khmer Society and Khmer Military Uniform from low level to top level.
