Thursday, November 01, 2012

FedCIS calls on Hun Xen to ban alcohol advertising on TV and Radio


  1. The way I see it, the constant incessant praise and political manipulation on TV is more damaging and stunting intellectually than the alcoholic advertising that comes on occasion of the break.

    It is better to write the letter to Hun Sen demanding to stop the state control of media altogether. The lop-sided media is stunting democracy, free thinking, and encouraging stupidity, mob mentality, person hood occultism and undue gratitude to other human being to point of denigrating one's own status to mental slaves.

    That is despicable, if Mr. Hun Sen understand anything about democracy and human liberty and progress, he will do good to first ensure independence of media and all voices.

    Mr. Khieu Kanharid, as a PhD and person of such high education should understand this point very clearly as well. The ministry of information in Cambodia has failed and is directly to blame for Khmer people's stunted world view.

  2. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Banned violent forced evictions by the CPP is the top priority.

  3. Anonymous8:24 AM

    6:34 AM. You are spot on. I like your views. The Cambodians people are so backward, can you imagine the reaction of of 14 million Khmer when Hun Sen dies?

    They will be crying in the street to have Hun Sen back alive because of the brainwashing they have had all their lives from the CPP propergandas..

  4. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Dear Asshole So Chantha,

    The problem is not there! The issue is that Cambodia great risk of extinction in the future because Hun Sen and his clan are under permanent control of Youn Hanoi. What should I do as a Federation of Cambodian intellectuals students? Recently, they just give a lot of land and sea to Youn Hanoi. The number of immigrations Youn came constantly and almost every day. That is the question!OK. In my opinion, we must end this regime of submission of foreign people must take its destiny.
    In view of all these elements must finish with the clan of Hun Sen destroyed the country.

    Cher Trou de Cul So Chantha,

    Le problème n'est pas là!!! La question est que le Cambodge risque grand de disparaître dans l'avenir car Hun Sen et son clan sont sous contrôle en permanent de Youn Hanoi. Que faut-il faire en tant que Fédération des intellectuels des étudiants cambodgien? Récemment, ils viennent juste de céder énormément la terre et mer au Youn Hanoi. Que resterai-t-il le Cambodge dans les années à venir. Le nombre d'immigrations Youn est entré sans cesse et pratiquement tous les jours. Voilà la question est là!!! A mon avis, il faut en finir avec ce régime de soumission des étrangères, le peuple doit prendre son destin.
    Au vu de tous ces éléments, Il faut en terminer avec le clan de Hun Sen qui détruit le pays.

    Étudiant à la Sorbonne Paris.
