Monday, November 05, 2012

Say No to Betrayal, but Yes to Loyalty to the Khmer Nation

'Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Monuments' like this one have sprung up all over Cambodia's cities and population centres since the fall of the KR regime in 1979. The embedded emblem and message to Cambodians is not confined to "fraternal solidarity" and friendship between the two countries alone, but also to the tragedy and chaos that called for Vietnam's armed intervention in Cambodia in the late 1970s, and hence to the Cambodian people's scared psyche or sub-conscious fear and distrust of their own instinctive nationalistic feelings towards Vietnam's historical aggression that can be said to have ironically and in reality spurned and provoked that reaction in the first instance. The large numbers of Cambodians turning up to mourn the late N Sihanouk's death are also a testimony to their anxiety and fear of an uncertain future, and to what may happen in a new era minus one of their country's most enduring and pivotal national figures, for whatever reasons - School of Vice [credit: google]
The Chams had lost all that mattered to them as a distinct cultural entity and people. Their records and history as a once  proud and glorious nation whose artistic and cultural achievements rival those of Angkor are today reduced to no more than relegated relics of the past and objects of visitor curiosity on display at museums like this one in Da Nang's Cham Musem. Whilst Vietnam's government and tourism authorities seek to promote Vietnam as a colourful "multi-ethnic" destination made up of distinct cultural groups, the outward projection of racial, ethnic harmony betrays sharply the reality and legacy of systematic violence that had in recent centuries been [and arguably still being] directed towards dismembering minority groups to fit them into the cast iron blue print of auto-cultural genocide and against a largely alien, unhappy imposed experience that is "Vietnamisation" in practice - School of Vice [  

by Anonymous Author

It is so so sad and hurtful for me to hear my respected Dr. Lao Mong Hai to even speak those words of letting go and forgetting the Khmer ancestral islands and territory in the hands of the predatory Vietnamese. This is so so outrageous. This was how the Cham people lost their territory to the Viets. According to the written records of the Cham people, their leaders finally SURRENDERED and GAVE UP the very own ancestral remaining territory to the Vietnamese predatory invaders. The Chams of the time were completely crashed emotionally and heartbroken beyond repairs. They protested bitterly, but it was their unfaithful, low-spirited, foolish, stupid Cham leaders of the time who signed away their very last remaining refuge to the control of the Vietnamese. Look at the Cham people in Vietnam now. They are the most pathetic, looked down upon, fallen human beings surrounded by jeering Viets. The Chams lost their natural names and language and customs and all their Chamness completely. Even when they became the leaders of the Viets, they still did nothing for recognition of their Cham brothers and sisters. Nothing to improve the lives of the Chams were made into law during the administrations of the Pham Van Dong of the North Vietnam, and Nuygen Van Thieu of South Vietnam. Look at those names, and one might think they were ethnic Vietnamese, but NO, the fact is they were of ethnic Cham. Look at the Khmer refugees stuck in Vietnam. They too had to change their names (first and last) into the Vietnamese name and became Vietnamese citizens if they want to participate in the Vietnamese dominated society. 

I don't know why my respected Dr. Lao Mong Hai even chose to speak those words of surrendering and giving up the Khmer ancestral land and islands to the Viets. Was he a quitter before he got his doctoral degree? The answer is NO! Especially, the Koh Tral Island, the Cambodians still have THE Chance in the international court because the wording of Breve and continuous claims from King Ang Duong. If Dr. Lao Mong Hai is a LOSER and a QUITTER, then he should just keep his comments to himself and not saying anything at all. 

This is an act of treason. Looking back at Khmer historical records, I become so disappointed at the numerous insider traitors of the Khmer nation and people. For example, even during the last blooming of the Angkorean Era, there were some Khmer-Indian Brahmin families who betrayed their Angkorean King and went to side with the Siamese invaders. Then later on, there was a Khmer governor who betrayed the Khmer King and ceded some Khmer western provinces to the Thai control. Then in the eastern part of the country, there was a Chinese man by the name of Maccau whom the Khmer King bestowed upon the title of governor and he too later on betrayed the very Khmer King by siding with the Vietnamese Nguyen Dynasty and ceding the some of the Khmer eastern provinces to the Vietnamese control. Do you recall also when the Khmer Angkorean King trusted completely his Angkor-trained-and-raised Lao son-in-law Fa Ngoun whom the King made into a general of the Khmer Army of 10,000 men. Fa Ngoun also betrayed the Khmer King and grabbed Khmer ancestral territory for his Lao people. If we keep reading into the details of the Khmer historical records, we will understand that the Thais were able to free themselves from the Khmer because they pretended to work for the Khmer Kings, but then they started to take over the Khmer province of Sokhotai. The Angkorean King also trusted a Cham general to administer Champa on behalf of the Khmer King in Angkor, but this Cham general turned around and liberated his country instead. 

The Khmers learned very well of the details how the Vietnamese came to occupy their territory and eventually carve it up to be theirs. It was during one Khmer King's reign who at his Vietnamese wife's request ALLOWED the settlement of just a few landless Vietnamese people in the Khmer territory. Look at those areas now. The Viets took over them completely, squeezed the Khmer people out, and now they changed the Khmer names to Saigon and other Vietnamese-sounding names. The Khmer also learned very well how the Chinese played some effective roles in facilitating the invaders to conquer the Khmer people. Remember, it was the Chinese emissary who trained the Cham soldiers to invade the mighty Khmer Angkor City. Remember also that it was the Chinese gunpowder invention that enabled the Vietnamese to push back the Khmer warriors successfully. Also, it was the Mongols from China who caused the great migrations of the Thai and Lao people into the Khmer empire. 

So I guess Dr. Lao Mong Hai is one of those special Khmers of ethnic Chinese who chooses to be happy to see the Khmer territory dismembered by the surrounding predatory neighbors. 

My question remains is: When will this pattern of betraying STOP! When will it STOP! Say NO! to betrayal, but do Say YES to the Loyalty of the Khmer Nation!


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Instead of erecting monuments of Khmer-Yuon friendship, the Cambodian government should have erected Monuments of Democracy.

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    It is certainly true that Cambodia's border problems with her neighbours are a chronic, difficult and a long-standing issue whose solutions cannot be found through military means since Cambodia is relatively a smaller and weaker country when compared to her neighbours. However, Cambodia can still solve these issues peacefully using International Laws and the Paris Peace Accords of 1991 to which both Vietnam and Thailand are signatories.

    Paris Peace Accords do contain a clause that guarantees Cambodia's sovereignty and for that reason a map by which the government of Cambodia can use to support its claim during border demarcation with her neighbours.

    With respect to Kampuchea Krom and Koh Tral, Dr. Lao’s suggestion that Cambodia should give a blank cheque to Vietnam in term of current border issues is utterly unacceptable and I hope it is not made with possibly concealed prejudices and ulterior motives. He suggested using Paris Peace Accords to solve the border issues, but only mentioned Thailand as an example and had miserably failed to acknowledge the much more serious and contentious border issues with Vietnam to whom the current government owes its creation. Cambodian government willingly accommodates any issues with Vietnam even at the expense of the country; most notably the refusal to make its border demarcation an open process. I challenge Dr. Lao to urge PM Hun Sen to revoke all or any treaties with Vietnam that violate the provisions and spirit of the 1991 Paris Peace Accords on Cambodia.

    We all know that the development of a country for the prosperity of the people is crucial in Cambodia as it is in any other country under the sky. However, Cambodia should not unnecessarily lose her remaining precious land so unfairly to appease an unrelenting monster whose satiety for territory can never be satisfied. The protection of our borders as guaranteed by the 1991 Paris Peace Accords is contingent upon our resolute stand to any aggressors with the help of our modern friends, international communities and the laws.

    Pissed Off

  3. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The vietcong, is a vietCON artist!

    Friendship BULLSHIT, as long the vietcong keep occupying cambodia.


  4. Anonymous7:06 AM

    You summed it all up very well, Pissed-Off. Thank you

  5. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Dr. Lao has to gut to stand up and admit that we have wasted too many energy on trying to get something back that is both legally and militarily impossible. Instead, we should focus on the Srok Khmer... I am in the school of thoughts that support Dr. Lao.

  6. Anonymous9:26 AM

    សង្គមខ្មែរសព្វថ្ងៃគឺ ជា.....គុក......
    របស់អាគណប័ក្សប្រជាជនយួន (អាCPP)។
    (សម័យPol Pot)
    -អាឌុច គឺជា....មេគុកS-21!...
    -ទាំងព្រះសពព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរព្រះនរោត្តម សីហនុ
    សុទ្ធតែជា (ទណ្ឌិត)....ក្នុង(គុកយួនCPP)ទាំងអស់!
    ដូច្នេះ! បើខ្មែរទាំងពលរដ្ឋ-ទាំងស្ដេច មិននាំគ្នារើបំរះទេ ខ្មែររង់ចាំតែថ្ងៃងាប់ប៉ុណ្ណោះ….!

  7. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Vietnam is militarily, economically, geographically, and numerically (population speaking, much smaller and weaker than China; this difference is much bigger than that between Cambodia and Vietnam and yet the Vietnamese have the guts to stand up and thumb their nose to China who used to be their benefactor when it comes to the claims over the paracels and the spratlys in the South China Sea even though these islands have never been proven to belong to Vietnam.

    What would the Vietnamese government say to Dr. Lao if he were to suggest that Vietnam should just give up the impossible claims of ownership over the paracels and the spratlys?

    Pissed Off

  8. Anonymous11:05 AM


    "...(population speaking)..."

    Pissed Off

  9. Anonymous12:50 PM

    មន្រ្ដីជាន់ខ្ពស់គណៈកម្មាធិការជាតិរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោត (គ.ជ.ប) បានឲ្យដឹង ថា ទណ្ឌិត សម រង្ស៊ី ប្រធានគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ ដែលកំពុងនិរទេសខ្លួននៅក្រៅប្រទេសនោះ ត្រូវបានលុបឈ្មោះចេញ ពីបញ្ជី ឈ្មោះបោះឆ្នោតជាផ្លូវការហើយ កាលពីពេលថ្មីៗនេះ។

  10. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Cold heart Vietcong + cold beer + cold dog meat = AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave for life + oppression of 10 million Khmer Krom!

  11. Anonymous1:29 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Well...Fuck the Vietcong and their slave. Cambodia will never be fully developed as a country! It is funny that AH HUN SEN bragged how Cambodia attracted million and millions of tourist each year but the million and millions of dollars go to AH SOK KONG the Vietcong double agents! AH HUN SEN bragged about his job create the garment sector which paid slave and prisoner wage! It is so sad that these dirt poor Cambodian workers can't even demand a living wage! So now these dirt poor Cambodian workers are tricked into working as slave maid for the Malaysian just to make a living wage which they have to endure emotional, sexual, and physical abuse!

    Every fuck year I made trip to Cambodia and I can see firsthand how these dirt poor Cambodian live and I don't need AH HUN SEN to tell me or AH Pi Ach or AH Pi Anh to tell me!

    At the moment of writing of these messages and I can hear the tourist Karaoke song brag about AH HUN SEN achievement on CTN again, again, and again! After more than 30 years of AH HUN SEN become a slave to the Vietcong and all he can do is to make a singer sang about his achievement and praise about himself! I never thought that this Vietcong slave can be so egotistical. So the whole fucken mess of Cambodia today can be summed up in one equation!

    Cold heart Vietcong + Cold beer + Cold dog meat + more Karaoke song glorify the Vietcong slave fake achievement + AH Pi Arch + AH Pi Anh = Cambodia remain dirt poor + AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave for life + Koh Tral stolen + 10 million oppression of Khmer Krom + illegal Vietcong border markers on Cambodian land!

  13. Anonymous2:31 PM

    To 8:04AM

    AH LOA MONG HAI stands for nobody beside his sexual frustration! It is a good thing that you support his sorry arse because he about to hit the grave and what a better things for him to do besides stirring up stupid controversy to make Cambodian people curse him for his stupidity!

    I am Khmer and I will not stand by to see the fucken Vietnamese oppressed over 10 million of Khmer Krom people! If you want to surrender yourself to the fucken Vietnamese and please go to live in Vietnam and the Vietnamese welcome with open arms!

  14. Anonymous2:42 PM

    It is the Vietcong who started the Vietnam War first and they pull Cambodia into their war and destruction and the Vietcong and their slave will have to finish the war!

    Destroy all the Vietcong monuments in Cambodia to end the war!

  15. Anonymous3:33 PM

    CPP is under Viet and is trying to manipulate Khmer history forever.

    former CPP cadre

  16. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Shame on you, KI Media, for removing my comment simply for not conforming with the opinion expressed in this article!

  17. Anonymous6:55 PM

    6:17 PM,

    That is why you are a Yuon/Viet blogger who posted nonsense and stupid comments to please Yuon/Vietnamese thieves and killers to steal land from Khmer farmer at the border, oppress Khmer people (more than 10 millions Khmer/Cambodian people) in Khmer Krom/South Vietnam, invade and steal Koh Tral (evil called in ugly name Phu Qoc after 1979)and keep encroaching into Cambodian territory at the border.

    Enough is enough, Yuon thieves.

    You came to Ki-Media to back down Khmer/Cambodian bloggers, readers or commentators.

  18. Anonymous7:15 PM

    អាក្បត់ជាតិ អាចុយម្រាយ "ឡៅ ម៉ុងហៃ"
    អាកញ្ចាស់ចប, អាទំពែករែកដូង,អាឃ្លានអាចម៍យួន!

    ពួកអា(ង្វៀង)ទាំងអស់នេះ ដូចជា :​

    -ឡៅ ម៉ុងហៃ, ឡៅ ម៉េងគិន,
    ឡាយ គឹមហ៊ាង,ឡេង ប៉េងឡុង,
    លឺ ឡាយស្រេង,លី ធាងចេក,
    -យឹម កិច្ចស៊ែ,យឹម ឆៃលី,យូ ប៊ុនឡេង,
    -ហោ ណាំហុង,ហោ ណាំបូវ៉ា,ហ៊ុន សែន,ហែម ហេង,ហេង សំរិន,ហេង ឡាយ,
    -កាំង ហ្កេកអ៊ាវ,កៅ គឹមស្ហៀរ,គាត ឈុន,គី តិច,
    -សុខ អាន,សុខ គង់,
    ស៊ា កុសល់,ស៊ាន ប៉េងសែ,
    សាម ហ៊ាង,សេង ធារី,
    -អឹង យុក តិចហូ, អេង ឆៃអៀង,
    ឱម យិនទៀង,
    -ចាន់ សារុន,ចៀម យីប,ជា លាង,ជុំ កុសល,
    -តាវ សេងហួរ,តូច ប៊ុនហួរ,
    -ខៀវ កញ្ញារឹទ្ធិ,ងួន ធីញ៉ឹល,វ៉ា គិម ហុង,
    -ពុង ប៉េងចេង, ពុង ខៀវសែ,ពុង ឈីវហ្កេច,
    មួ សុខហួរ,សេង ធារី,,..etc...


  19. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Because we don't put a strong fight to defend our territories; it is an incentive for them to take more... When will we ever pull together and fight our land. We know that the Vietnam is trying to break us...

  20. Anonymous1:18 AM

    The Viet is trying a smear campaign against dr Lao Mong Hai. We must keep level headed.

  21. Anonymous3:58 AM

    What a beautiful monument, nice and clean surroundings, very picturesque, a great tourist attraction indeed. The monument represents the heroic sacrifice of Vietnamese soldiers made for millions of Cambodians, thus, preserving the future generations of Cambodians and Khmer cultures as we know it today. All Cambodians should hold dear in their hearts the enduring love and supports Vietnamese provided to them. Cambodians should nurture Vietnam-Cambodia friendship and work towards preserving good neighborliness, traditional friendship, peace and stability, and comprehensive cooperation between our two countries.

  22. Anonymous4:53 AM

    3:58 AM, Lets start by allowing the Khmer Krom to fully exercise their rights to freedom and religion. At the moment the Khmer Krom are living in fear, oppression, and are often detained with no rights. On the other hand, your Vietnamese families freely allowed to live illegally in Cambodia, with more rights then Khmer Krom, who often fled their their homeland.

    Also as I recount, wasnt that you Vietnamese that created the war in South East Asia, leading the Americans to bomb and killed millions of Khmer, and on the other hand train the Khmer Rouge Pol Pot and the likes to kill Khmer? Again, installing the Khmer Rouge commander Hun Sen as a pet to continue to allow the Vietnamese to continue acts of treason for our resources such as the 2012 Land Treaty, forcing the Hun Sen government to concede further land to your Vietnamese government?


  23. Anonymous7:51 AM

    First they are trying to mold our thinking. To warm our thinking that is okay with their present. Then they take Cambodia. How many have these happened in the past??? Koh Tral is the prime example. It was Khmer territory. Then Vietnam ask to patrol the near the island, and look at now... They took it. It is a subtle invasion.

  24. Anonymous9:23 AM

    To 3:58, Stop fooling yourself and trying to take credit where it is no due. First of all, the Vietnamese had never once came to save the lives or to deliver the Cambodians from Pol Pot at all. It was said so by the then Vietnamese leader Nguyen Co Thach. So let it be clear. Based on documents and video interviews, Nguyen Co Thach said that human rights issue in Cambodia was their issue and not the concern of the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese were concerned about the Chinese influences in Cambodia instead. In addition, what sacrifices are you talking about anyway. The Vietnamese were able to take over the entire Cambodia in just 7 days so what deaths are you talking about? Aren't the Viet troopers considered the VERY BEST in the world who could kill off the Chinese, the Americans, and the French in a flash? So what deaths are you talking about. The Viets were so successful that they even militarily held Cambodia hostage for 10 long years. So what Vietnamese deaths are you talking about? You need to know that the Khmer Rouge troopers were created by the Vietnamese Communist Party. So it was the Vietnamese Communists who brought the destruction to the Cambodians and the Cambodia. So suck it up and stop claiming credit where it is now due.

  25. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Why the fucken Vietcong want to glorify the Cham culture in museum which they destroyed it in the first place! What are they trying to prove?

    The fucken Vietcong can never ask the same of the Khmer(Cambodian) culture the same way as the Cham culture! The Khmer must fight the Vietcong blind ambition to the end!

    The only good Vietcong is a dead Vietcong!

  26. Anonymous10:19 AM

    MK 4:53 AM

    There is no such thing as khmer krom, it doesn’t exist, it is just a figment of imagination created by a few fanatical Cambodians in order to shamelessly and illegally claim other people’s land. There is no international recognition of khmer krom, constantly rehashing the same fantastical story does not make true. No one is living in fear or oppression in Vietnam, including ethnic khmer minority. Ethnic Khmers in Vietnam have religious rights and many other rights afforded to them, they are living happily in Vietnam, you can see it on youtube.

    Overseas Cambodians are not in the position to determine the status of Vietnamese in Cambodia, that is the job of the CPP. Since Hun Sen allows the Vietnamese to stay in Cambodia, that makes their present legal, if anyone has a problem with that, bring it up with the Cambodian government.

    Your version of history is wrong. Everyone knows, including the American people, that the US fabricated the Tonkin gulf incident to wage an illegal war, the Vietnamese were the brave defenders of their country, and they won. No, the Vietnamese did not train or support the khmer rouge, everyone knows China was the principle backer of khmer rouge. Huns Sen was a former khmer rouge who fought against the khmer rouge and liberated Cambodia. The existence of Cambodia as we know it today, its people and culture, is the result of the CPP great accomplishments.

  27. Anonymous11:22 AM

    10:19 if you so smart why don't you turn in your written paper to the department of Southeast Asian History in any college or university around the world and see what kind of grade you will get. Naturally, a grade of F, you loser! Stop faking things up, you PhoCong Yucky. The Vietnamese trained and supported the Khmer Rouge all the way until the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia successfully in April 1975. It is well documented by the Americans. Go read up on this book, Cambodia: A Country and you will see the truth.

  28. Anonymous2:50 PM

    To 10:19 AM

    Shut your pie hole for protecting AH Mong Not High stupidity! Most Cambodian people have long term outlook for Cambodia well-being than AH Mong Not High! AH Mong Not High should know better before he speak because he is in position to make positive influence on Cambodian people and by showing self-defeating and give up on the very idea that Cambodian people need to survive in world is unconscionable!

    If AH Mong Not High doesn't have anything better to say than just shut the fuck up! Up to now in the 21th century Cambodian people still have a country to call home and this prove to all Cambodian arch-enemies that Cambodian people will not give up with a fight to preserve what they have!

    Cambodian people must look to the Jewish people as role model to why they must have a country to call home! When 6 million Jew were slaughter by the Nazi and the Jewish people were so determine to fight to have a place on the world map called Israel! Cambodian people don't need to be slaughtered by the Viet and the Siem to know that having a country is the right thing to do and it is the duty of all Cambodian people to ensure that Cambodian people always have a country to call home where all Cambodian people can come to find peace, prosperity, and protection!
