Sunday, November 04, 2012

Tep Vanny Honored

Tep Vanny-Leading the fight with her community

November 3, 2012
By Mu Sochua

Tep Vanny will travel to Washington D.C. to receive the Global Leadership Award on 2 April, 2013.

Vital Voices, founded by First Lady Hillary Clinton honors 5 outstanding women each year for their courage and outstanding work to protect women human rights.

See past years awardees.


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    She is so courageous, a very strong woman who stands up to a regime that most men are afraid of. She is more powerful than most in Cambodia. She is a model to all Khmer women.

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Bravo Tep Vanny.

    You are our Khmer hero. Please continue to fight for freedom against the Hun Sen government.

  3. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I am so pleased for her courage that finally honored. This is a good message to Ah Viet dog Hun Sen that his regime will gradually come to an end in a short time. People's voice really heard across the world about Human Right.

    Good job, Lok Srey Tep Vanny! You have great suuport every where. Thank you.

  4. She deserves every honour coming her way for her fight is not just limited to a plot of land, but to the wider scope of civil rights and Liberty in her country.

  5. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Tep Vanny, Loun Sovath are our Khmer heroes. But to CPP and Hun Sen Tep Vanna and Loun Sovath are better off being punished in prison.

    This is justice under CPP 33 years of CPP jungle law.

  6. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Congratulation our Khmers Heros.
    How many CPP leaders will get the price award from Hanoi as Khmer traitor now?

  7. Anonymous2:53 AM

    They are okay as long as they don't criticize CPP boss.
