Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Im Soursdey is a thief, a police, a judge and a jury. Can he convict himself? អ៊ឹម សួរស្តី គឺជាចោរ ជាប៉ូលិស ជាចៅក្រម និងជាគណវិនិច្ឆ័យ។ តើគាត់អាចកាត់សេចក្តីឲ្យខ្លួនគាត់ជាប់ទោសបានទេ?

Im Soursdey, chairman of the National Election Committee and a member of the ruling CPP who is a brother of Minister of Education Im Sethy, has now been rewarded with an MP position for helping to steal the election victory for the ruling CPP. How can he be impartial and neutral when he is a member of a party running in the election and he himself is also standing as a candidate in that election? អ្នកដែលកាន់ស្ថាបនឯករាជ្យ ហើយជាតំណាងរាស្ត្ររបស់បក្សCPPផងនោះតើអ្នកយល់យ៉ាងណា. ???? តើស្ថាបននេះមានយុត្តិធមិដែរឬទេ ???? មានតម្លាភាពឯណាទៅ ??? នេះហើយសរបញ្ជាក់យ៉ាងច្បាស់ក្រឡែតដែលមិនចាំបាច់សួរអ្នកណាទេដែលហុនសែនកាន់អំណាចរហូតដល់ទៅ 5 អាណតិ្ត តើបងប្អូនយល់ដូចខ្ញុំអត់ ?????? ជួយ like , comment and share អោយបងប្អូនបានដឹងផង ...... សូមអគុណ !!!!!!


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Well, the 68/55 result had been waiting long before the election even took place!!!

  2. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Conflict of Interest law is-it written somewhere in the kingdom?

  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    His parliamentary immunity shields him from prosecution.

  4. Anonymous9:29 PM

    អាមេចោរកញ្ជៈយួនយៀកកុង! អាCPP :

    ក្ដអាយួន៥៥ យកមិនយក?
    អាចោរក្ដស្អុយ....មីចោរកណ្ដួយស្ញេញ CNRP?
    យកមិនយក អារន្ទះបាញ់ (7) មករា?

    -អាបាតគុកយួន CNRP,អាសំរាំង ស៊ី($$$$$$យួន),
    -អាស្វាយួន (7) មករាកឹម សុខា ($$$$$យួន),
    -មីស្វាយួន មួ សុខហួ ($$$$$យួន)
    ពួក​អាក្រុម ឆ្កែកញ្ជៈអាយួនហ៊ុន សែន ?

    -បាទ!..បាទ! សម្ដេចម៍...យក!..នៅតែយក..
    តែមុននឹងយក យើងខ្ញុំត្រូវតែ ធ្វើចិត្តសាស្ត្រ​ជាតវាប្រជាភិថុត
    នាយ​-អាយ បន្លំអូសបន្លាយពេលវេលា...
    ធ្វើបាតុកម្ម-បាតុកុយ ចំហុយក្តិត...ចំហុយក្ត!

    យើងខ្ញុំ ក្តិតងាយ!ក្តងាយ.....ណា..បាទ!

  5. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Yes, this is the DOG KING.... useless KING .... he represnted less then 20% of the peoples... the other 80% he dont care about them..

    We do not need this DOG KING .. Let us move on with the Republic of Cambodia ..

    to save ourselve ...

  6. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Yes, this is the DOG KING.... useless KING .... he represnted less then 20% of the peoples... the other 80% he dont care about them..

    We do not need this DOG KING .. Let us move on with the Republic of Cambodia ..

    to save ourselve ...

  7. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I'm just speechless...

  8. Anonymous9:46 PM

    M Sousdey, tu montres ton vrai visage, celui du diable. Toi et le CCP ont volé les votes du peuple khmer,mais enfin, se révèlent les visages des traites de la nation. Tu seras puniarna pour ton mensonge car dans l'avenir très proche, c'est le peuple qui dirigera le pays et pas une poignée de vauriens qui ne pensent à qu'à servir les intérêts des younes pour des dollars.

  9. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Non seulement pas the Yuons, mais aussi the Chinois, mon pote!!!

  10. Anonymous10:24 PM

    អាមេចោរកញ្ជៈយួនយៀកកុង! អាCPP :

    ក្ដអាយួន៥៥ យកមិនយក?
    អាចោរក្ដស្អុយ....មីចោរកណ្ដួយស្ញេញ CNRP?
    យកមិនយក អារន្ទះបាញ់ (7) មករា?

    -អាបាតគុកយួន CNRP,អាស្វាយួន សំរាំង ស៊ី($$$$$$យួន),
    -អាស្វាយួន (7) មករាកឹម សុខា ($$$$$យួន),
    -មីស្វាយួន មួ សុខហួ ($$$$$យួន)
    ពួក​អាក្រុម ឆ្កែកញ្ជៈអាយួនហ៊ុន សែន ?

    -បាទ!..បាទ! សម្ដេចម៍...យក!..នៅតែយក..
    តែមុននឹងយក យើងខ្ញុំត្រូវតែ ធ្វើចិត្តសាស្ត្រ​ជាតវាប្រជាភិថុត
    នាយ​-អាយ បន្លំអូសបន្លាយពេលវេលា...
    ធ្វើបាតុកម្ម-បាតុកុយ ចំហុយក្តិត...ចំហុយក្ត!

    យើងខ្ញុំ ក្តិតងាយ!ក្តងាយ.....ណា..បាទ!

    *** តាមពិតទៅ!
    អាបាតុកម្មបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចយួន អាលេខ(7CNRP,យួន)
    របស់អាឆ្កែកន្ទុយខ្វៀនសំរាំង ស៊ីវាធ្វើតែ 3ថ្ងៃទេ !
    គឺ ចប់បាត់ទៅហើយ.....

    *** អាស្វាយួនសំរាំង ស៊ី វាកំពុងតែអូសបន្លាយពេលវេលា...
    គឺជាច្បាប់ធម្មជាតិរបស់មនុស្ស ដែលនាំគ្នារើបំរះឡើង ព្រោះតែមានការ
    ធ្វើបាប បាញ់សម្លាប់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរជាបន្តបន្ទាប់!

  11. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Enfin le groupe mafia younes renait sous les honneurs d'un roi, marionnette des younes.
    C'est maintenant que le peuple khmer doit réagir contre tous ces diables. Allons jusqu au bout, plus question de négocier avec eux, plus question d'écouter,et de suivre un roi malade. Ne laissons pas se répéter l histoire de chey-chetha 2, voilà la famille de Trassack phiem.

  12. Anonymous10:42 PM

    It's not over yet!!!

  13. Anonymous10:50 PM

    ម្ដងនេះប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាក្ដាប់អំណាចរបស់ខ្លួនឲ្យជាប់ចាប់ពីពេលតរទៅ!
    យើងដឹងហើយថា ពីមុនមកអន្តរជាតិបានជួយយើង ក៏ប៉ុន្តែខ្មែរយើងនូវមិនទាន់យល់ អំពីការបន្តរប្រកាន់ឲ្យជាប់យកអ្វី ឬត្រូវតែជួយខ្លួនឯងផងទើបបាន!
    មិនត្រឹមតែខ្មែរមិនចេះជួយខ្លួនឯងទេ ខ្មែរចេះតែស្ដាប់តាមមេដឹកនាំ ដោយមិនពិចារណា!
    ចំណុចត្រង់នឹងហើយដែល គេត្រូវតែមើលជំហរខ្មែរ ឲ្យច្បាស់ទើបគេអាចធ្វើអ្វីតទៅទៀតបាន!
    ជាពិសេសបើខ្មែរយើងគ្រាន់ជួបបញ្ហារខ្លះ ហើយគិតតែបន្ទោសមេដឹកនាំខ្មែរ អ្នកស្នេហារជាតិគ្នាឯង នុះវាមិនជាគំនិតវិជ្ជមាន ដែលអាចជួយដោះស្រាយបញ្ហារដ៏ធំនេះបានឡើយ!
    បើអស់លោកនូវតែបន្តរបន្ទោសគ្នា នេះហើយដែលការកម្សោយ​ មួយដែលកំពុងបើកដៃ
    រឲ្យ ពួកមេញុះញង់ឲ្យខ្មែរបែកបាក់គ្នា កាន់តែមានឥទ្ធិពល! សូមបញ្ជាក់ថា ការញុះញង់ឲ្យខ្មែរបែកបាក់គ្នានេះ​ វាប្រហែលជាមានបណ្ដាញជាអន្តរជាតិរួមផង! ១ ក្នុងស្រុកគេធ្វើឲ្របែកបាក់គ្នាតាមគ្រប់រូបភាព ដែលយើងកំពុងតែប្រឈរមុខ! រីឯខាងក្រៅគេកំពុងតែបញ្ហាញថា "អន្តរជាតិបានជួនខ្មែរហើយ កាលពី១៩៩៣ តែខ្មែរខ្លួនឯងមិនប្រាកដជាចង់បាន ហើយនាំគ្នាដើរតាមពួកគុម្មុយនីស" ដែលជាហេតុធ្វើឲ្យប្រទេសប្រជាធិប្បតេយ្រ គេត្រូវគិតថា បើជួយនូវពេលខ្មែរមិនចេះជួយខ្លួនឯងផង នុះវាដូចជាអត់ជួយដែរ!

  14. Anonymous11:00 PM

    All the international donors included Chinese must stop and freeze all aids to a criminal a Hun Sen government. I hope 55 CNRP members are not joining a Criminal People's Party.

  15. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Well, the 68/55 result had been waiting long before the election even took place!!!

    An election started on 7-28-2013 and 7-29-2013 NEC announced 68 for CPP and 55 for CNRP. The NEC final result on 9-8-2013 is the same. NEC is National Election for Criminal.

    All Cambodian must keep the pressure on to remove Hun Sen from Cambodia now or never.

  16. Anonymous11:29 PM

    blame your dump head leader, rainsy, only supper dump that lose fourth times in a,role, rigth? don't you believed me now can you clearly seerainsy have a nature of loser since he is not born yet, he was a losers since he was in his mother's wombs. now can you see it,?, what you rainsy can do with those of your alliance is a complete bunch of ignorance parasites, looke open your stupid eye and looks ah pot surrounding himself with poor ignorance parasites, and see the most destruction result, haven't you see it rainsy,?, you do not have critical plan, no mechanism, no principal, no discipline no works ethics no experience, and you call yourself a leader, you are the madnes man i ever meet, have i said that a hundred time befor, do I. ,,? mike

  17. Anonymous11:30 PM

    blame your dump head leader, rainsy, only supper dump that lose fourth times in a,role, rigth? don't you believed me now can you clearly seerainsy have a nature of loser since he is not born yet, he was a losers since he was in his mother's wombs. now can you see it,?, what you rainsy can do with those of your alliance is a complete bunch of ignorance parasites, looke open your stupid eye and looks ah pot surrounding himself with poor ignorance parasites, and see the most destruction result, haven't you see it rainsy,?, you do not have critical plan, no mechanism, no principal, no discipline no works ethics no experience, and you call yourself a leader, you are the madnes man i ever meet, have i said that a hundred time befor, do I. ,,? mike

  18. Anonymous11:44 PM

    These are CPP members, the whole bundle of crook and thief they are do nothing better for Cambodia.

    Over 28 years Cambodia lost national resources and country territory, Cambodian people lost their lands to the high rank government people.

    Today people are living very poor under International poverty line.

    Every election NEC stole the people votes to CPP that is why Hun Sen always win the elections.

  19. Anonymous11:50 PM

    blame your dump head leader, rainsy, only supper dump that lose fourth times in a,role, rigth? don't you believed me now can you clearly seerainsy have a nature of loser since he is not born yet, he was a losers since he was in his mother's wombs. now can you see it,?, what you rainsy can do with those of your alliance is a complete bunch of ignorance parasites, looke open your stupid eye and looks ah pot surrounding himself with poor ignorance parasites, and see the most destruction result, haven't you see it rainsy,?, you do not have critical plan, no mechanism, no principal, no discipline no works ethics no experience, and you call yourself a leader, you are the madnes man i ever meet, have i said that a hundred time befor, do I. ,,? mike

  20. Anonymous11:52 PM

    The motherfucker, Im Soursdey, is so proud of himself.

  21. Anonymous11:54 PM

    How can an animal like IM Soursdey live with himself??? It's beyond me...

  22. Anonymous12:35 AM


  23. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Voici alibaba et de 67 voleurs.

  24. Anonymous12:42 AM


  25. Anonymous12:42 AM

    បានទៀតទេចង់តែខ្អួត ងាប់ឲ្យឆាប់ទៅៗអាថោក
    ទាបកុំឲ្យនាំតែធ្ងុងផែនដី ចាំមើលទៅតើពួកអាកញ្ជះយួនឯងរស់បានប៉ុម្មាន
    ថ្ងៃទៀត បើពិភពលោកគេមិនគាំទ្រទៅហើយនោះ។

  26. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Alie baba and 68 thiefs,it's a very good film of cambodia.
    All people in this world knows very well about the real problem of this election,So hun sen do not try to play a little game with the communauty international.

  27. Anonymous1:28 AM

    ខ្មែរមួយចំនួនខ្លះបានដឹងជាមុនហើយថា មិនយូរទេពួក
    សម រង្ស៊ី និង កឹមសុខា នេះនិង
    ដល់ពេលចូលក្នុង បន្ទប់ចរចារបែងចែកអំណាចនិងកៅអីអង្គុយហើយ .....

    ហ៊ុន សែន ចង្អុលសួរ សម រង្ស៊ី ថា

    ៥៥ យកមិនយក? សម រង្ស៊ី យក សម្តេច
    ៥៥ យកមិនយក? សម រង្ស៊ី យក សម្តេច
    ៥៥ យកមិនយក? សម រង្ស៊ី យក សម្តេច

    សម រង្ស៊ី ជាមេដឹកនាំមហាបាតុកម្មបង្គ្រប់កិច្ចមែន....

    និងជាអ្នកជួយទប់ជើងគ្រែអោយអា ហ៊ុន សែន!
    ផ្លាស់ប្តូរពិតប្រាកដទេ ក្រៅពីបង្គ្រប់កៅអី និងបង្គ្រប់ងារជាឯកឧត្ដមតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។

    មិនយូរទេ ហ៊ុនសែននិងកំចាយចោលទាំងអស់ហ្នឹង!

  28. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Ah Chkae Im Soursdey!!!

  29. Anonymous1:38 AM

    His hell is unpredictable and the God can never forgive him, because he has determined the fate of the Khmer people and their land alone. I wish that the Got must punish him in the following: 1) car accident, 2) plane crash and Nakta Kach.

  30. Anonymous2:00 AM

    His punishment should be either smelling my unclean ass hole or Ang Krong Kham Pong Vear!!!

  31. Anonymous3:11 AM

    កម្ពុជា មាន បក្សីចាំក្រុង ជានិមិត្រ!
    អភ័ព្វណាស់ មាន ក្សត្របាលល្លង្ក លើ រាស្ដ្រទុរ្ភិក្ស
    តើនេះជាអ្វី? ជា ទ្រង់ទុរយសតម្រិះ ឬក៏ ជា​ ព្រះរាជបណ្ដាំ បន្តរសិល្បៈ នាំខ្មែរ វិនាដកម្ម?

    ទោះជាយ៉ាងណា ក៏ដោយ៖
    ត្រិះរិះពិចារណា រួមសហការណ៍ ការពារ ជាតិរស់រុងរឿងនិរន្ដ!

  32. Anonymous3:36 AM

    They all are thieves and robbers of election votes. They all have no shame. They have thick faces and thick skin like rubber and brainless. Go to hell criminal government. They deserve to get punished very soon.

  33. Anonymous3:45 AM


    សាម្គី = សម រង្សីCNRP + ហ៊ុន សែន= រស់ទេ?

  34. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Please watch these:




    Bun Thoeun

  35. When the time come, Mr. Im should be hang in public park.

  36. Anonymous4:34 AM

    He is very definitely electoral vote robber,fraud,and scammer.

  37. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Those CPP clowns are good actors, they acted like they love a crazy K*ng so much, they are all kneel down. But inside their heart, they will said a stupid King. An idiot and low life King go to hell. Nobody like a crazy King go to hell again with Hun Sen.

    CNRP must never join Criminal People's Party.

  38. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Dear Sisters & Brothers,

    Let 's stop playing Hun Sen games with Hun Sen's rules.

    The CNRP should start mobelizing the international community, namely the UN, the EU, the US, and other major doner countries to impose SANCTIONS on Hun Sen, his family and his cronies.

    A Khmer Patriot

  39. Anonymous5:47 AM

    problem with politicians running too long and so on is nothing new in cambodia, if not the world. the question should be: how to fix it? that is if people want a solution to discourage such abuse of government job.

    fixing the problem requires more than just removing the individuals, it requires law. with law of course, you have to enforce it tough. if they won't want to fix it, then stop complaining already.

  40. Anonymous6:25 AM

    sorry, the international community don't support the evil, terrorist mentality of the oppostion unruly people. sorry, no can do! they should live overseas for the rest of their old lives. cambodia don't need them, just trouble-making group, that's all. they don't even listen to the king's call for national unity and cooperation, so who else would they listen to? cambodia and its people will prove to all that we can do it alone in cambodia. well, the opposition chose to fight, whose fault was that? the oppostion people are too old-fashion, they don't change with time. they cling on to their anger, sensitivity without thinking about the national interest of the whole people of cambodia. so, that's their freedom. let them boycott cambodia for never. that's even better for cambodia if they decided to boycott it forever. i'm sure people in cambodia think like this. let they boycotting permanently. they have no social skill, no patience and not wise and inexperienced. they will always run away to seek refuge overseas in their adopted countries. if they don't want to come back to cambodia, that's their freedom, wouldn't you say?

  41. Anonymous6:26 AM

    C'est incroyable, on m' a dit qu'il est professeur de droit, le plus éduqué des Cambodgiens du Royaume, finalement ce n'est qu'un minable qui ne connait même pas ce que c'est que le conflit d'intérêt, simple notion qu'un gamin apprend par coeur à l'école; Je suis plus que certain maintenant que ce mec a triché pour gagner son fauteuil de député, c'est mon intime conviction (tu connais au moins ce que c'est l'intime conviction Soursdey?)

    It has been said that he is law professor, the most educated Cambodian of the Kingdom, we know now that he is actually a miserable loser who does not know what is the CONFLICT OF INTEREST!! which is a basic behaviour that even kid knows by heart. I am thoroughly convinced that this bloke cheated to get his parliamentarian seat. Soursdey, do you know that you are guilty beyond any doubt, of criminal offence?

    Militant de base

  42. Anonymous6:33 AM

    why the opposition has a intendency to blame anyone they don't like or anyone who think different from them. that's the nature of the opposition, they forever blame everyone they think is against them. what else is new for the opposition. only their ignorant supporters buy into their ignorant rhetorics. educated khmer people don't buy with a bit every accusation from the opposition. they know better, the truth and the reality, that is.

  43. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Vietcong is happy after A HUN SEN was oppointed a new leader by crock King, HUN SEN will face and comedenm by the world communitte and stop flowing aid and trad to Cambodia, this chance Vietcong will be so happy because Cambodian Economy will be back behind Vietcong, so Vietcong can dominate HUN SEN forever. Vietcong was succeed to chose a dumb crock serving their interest forever, it is hard to find a dumb Crock like HUN SEN to be honest to Vietcong and HUN SEN can do a lot of things to serve Vietcong interest including the stupid king

  44. Anonymous6:38 AM

    the opposition likes the king all along, but all of a sudden they dislike the king because he's not in favor of their illegal request? how unethical can they can?

    thank god, the king have thick skin and ignore their whining and their tantrum.

    most of the cpp people have developped thick skin with the oppositon already because they know better. with the oppostion group, nothing is new to cambodia. their whining and unethical is constant so now its in their blood, so people learn to ignore that by now.

  45. Anonymous6:39 AM

    too bad, i'm with the king.

  46. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Crock HUN SEN and Dumb King, will have a lot of problems with the new government, the first problem they will have is, most Cambodian people are not happy with you, and this can be a dangerous with civil unrest and stability in Cambodia, so whenever you go, you must spend at least 10000 police and military to look after you ? and do you think all police and Military are happy with you ? and the second problems will face is, the world community will not recognize your new government, so they will stop providing money to your government and stop doing trade with your government, as a result there will be 1 million Cambodian workers will lost their job and they probably will go to rob you one day. Now Crock HUN SEN is happy to fulfill his Boss Vietcong, but later on you will see what will happen to your job and the Cambodian History will record your name in the black list and also the world criminal court will be waiting for you too,,,

  47. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Go to hell...all the CPP clowns.

    Go to hell...all the CPP supporters.

    I wishes all the CPP clowns and supporters go to hell now. Cambodia has no places for a Criminal People Party.

  48. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I have been hearing the news said the that, "The only way that UN can help solving the election fraud problem is: The invitation have to be from the government of Cambodia".
    This is not the appropriate response to the Khmer people very unjustifiable situation at the present, anyhow!
    It does put an end to innocent victim Khmer hope!

    The government, the constitution, and the King = one, have been creating problems from and through: the manipulating of nec fraud, the corruption at the pole on the election day, unfair vote counting, inappropriate election result announcement, intimidating people by military deployment, and creating anger by blocking roads, such, and such!

    Ones who are behind the savagery cruel practice have bigger population!

    I would like to ask you all internationally:
    Is all the above the implication in the form of Khmer must face the unfairly assault towards genocide in no ending?

    POWER OF UNEXPECTED, please help Khmer?
    No one is helping fast enough, is seen accordingly!!!!!!!!

    Where are the Right, Privilege, Freedom, and Justice for us Khmer?

  49. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Sursdey was packing gun in the right pocket...afraid of his own shadow!

  50. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Crock HUN SEN always declare they won on the election, why did not they let the Independent team to investigate the election result ? and Alwyn crock HUN SEN and his supporters declare they won the election, why they always want to negotiate with opposition party leader ? HUN SEN have never soften with any one on his records, all of Human Right Workers were Hun Sen foes, how can HUN SEN compromise with any one ? HUN SEN is worried now after the EU and USA have declared they will not recognize the new government and asking HUN SEN to work with opposition party, if HUN SEN will not, the will stop giving financial aid to Cambodia and will stop doing trad with Cambodia, and the most dangerous for HUN SEN and his supporters if the EU and USA will do Economic embago over Cambodia, they will frozen HUN SEN and his supporters money, they all are going back to the poor again,,,,

  51. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Hun Sen always cheating and used his power on every election. Where are Hun Sen supporters and why he is not shake hands with his supporters in public after he won. All Cambodian are not voting Hun Sen.

    CNRP must fight for the voters now or never. There is no next election for CNRP that already won an election.

  52. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I would put an end to the negotiation with the thieves, and move ahead with the alternative! Khmer people prove strongly that they need change! The Khmer leaders must not delay any longer!

  53. Anonymous7:55 AM

    well, for your information, people in cambodia are much wiser and experience. they don't need to out come to shake hand like you wanted to see. that's why you and your opposition party live overseas because you did not have to transition through life like the real people in cambodia. so to answer your question, people in cambodia are a lot wiser and more experience and enlightened compare to most khmer who left cambodia to seek refuge in a third country. i bet you didn't know that before, did you?

  54. Anonymous8:23 AM

    7:55 AM, did Hun Sen paid you to write this comments to support his cheating election. You sound smart and all Cambodian are smart. Only Hun Sen is dump, stupid and power abused. Dump and stupid Hun Sen never used his brain to control people, he used guns and tanks all the time on Cambodian protesters. If Hun Sen evicting you from your land what are you going to do, may be nothing. Crying and hitting your head.

    From now on Hun Sen will evicting all Cambodian included CPP supporters. Keeping my words for life. If CNRP doing nothing to claim your winning election.

    The End of the Cambodian era is starting now by Hun Sen.

  55. Anonymous8:27 AM

    To 7:55AM

    Talk for yourself...Well another 5 years for dirt poor Cambodian people risking their life going to Thailand looking for slave labor job. Cambodian people got the vote and the power but it is Ah Hun Vietcong slave who stole their vote by the night and hijack Cambodian democracy in broad daylight...Cambodian people will have their justice one way or another.

  56. Anonymous8:39 AM

    this all shit man and bitch can fuck my dog and eat my dog shit

  57. Anonymous8:46 AM

    this all monkey with king monkey can go to hell

  58. Anonymous9:03 AM

    be a man be responsible, if you lose it must be something completely wrong, identified what is it?, who to blam,? stop talking about cpp, we must chang, rainsy, things to changes we must change ourselves by changing rainsy your flaws leader, isn't that true. mike

  59. Anonymous9:04 AM

    be a man be responsible, if you lose it must be something completely wrong, identified what is it?, who to blam,? stop talking about cpp, we must chang, rainsy, things to changes we must change ourselves by changing rainsy your flaws leader, isn't that true. mike

  60. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I am one of the opposition supporters and could have been ignorant supporter as you said. But your man, Im Soursdey who has cheated on election results as president of NEC, is definitely an abominable person. More than that he cheated just to get personal interest which is parliamentarian seat, it is out of any mentally healthy person mind to do so!!Vis a vis the law this is a criminal act and vis a vis society this is simply a villain cheater to be banned from community.
    Militant de base

  61. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Im Sousdey, you are the mother fuck. You are the fucking son of the bitch asshole. You are the idiot. I want to smash your head with my shoes, you mother fuck.

  62. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Personal opinion:


    The CNRP must remember that its mission is to save Cambodia from the expansionist Vietnam.

    The CNRP's leaders must have a solid and "flexible plan", which adjust smoothly to any events that came up during its journey to save Cambodia.

    For instance, before the election and before Sam Rainsy's return to Cambodia, the CNRP had requested for the NEC's reform, but the CPP refused. The CNRP did not make a follow up on its demand.

    After Sam Rainsy returned to Cambodia, the support for the CNRP was skyrocketing. In my opinion, the CNRP should seize that opportunity and switch its tactic from campaigning to demanding that NEC's reform again, and the CNRP should have won that NEC's reform easily, thanks to the overwhelming support of the people. That is the power of the right timing.

    Had the NEC been reformed before the election, the CNRP would have been officially the winner today, but the CPP would not have transferred the power to the CNRP or the CPP with its master the evil Vietnam might have used the force to crush the CNRP.

    So, the problem that is facing the CNRP is almost the same, with or without the NEC's overhaul before the election - the evil Vietnam and its slave Hun Sen will NEVER transfer the power to the CNRP.

    The CNRP must recognize this very important point that Hun Sen and Vietnam will NEVER transfer the power to the CNRP, and the CNRP must find the solution.

    My assessment was based on the fact that in 1993, with the presence of the UN, Hun Sen and Vietnam did not transfer the power to the FUNCINPEK.
    Therefore, what factor that makes people think that Hun Sen and Vietnam will transfer the power to the CNRP after ANY election?

    In effect, this July 2013 election, the CPP had lost but it just said it won. What will the CNRP do ?

    Here is my suggestion:

    The CNRP has inquired about the election's irregularities, it must stick with it because the CPP had cheated Khmer people by stolen their vote.
    This inquiry is the solid foundation that is strongly supported by both Khmer people and the international community.

    The CNRP's job is: how to MAKE the CPP accepts its demand ?

    The CNRP has the right plan by mounting the demonstration, but it let the CPP impede its process by " following Preah Reach Damress Maha Ksath Ting Moung Sihamoni." The CNRP must correct this mistake by avoiding to connect itself in the future with the King, who has been using by Hun Sen and Vietnam as a tool to legitimize Vietnam's absorption of Cambodia.

    The CNRP must acknowledge that this may be the only time that it could save Cambodia from Vietnam because Khmer people understood the danger posed by Vietnam and are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to support the CNRP.

    When the CNRP launches the peaceful demonstration, it should adhere with the words perseverance, consistency, determination, and the firm conviction that this demonstration will grow and intensify steadily as time goes by until the CPP accept its demand about the electoral inquiry. It will be a tough battle, but no back down.

    I would like to reiterate that Vietnam is not going to give up Cambodia without a big fight.

    I firmly believe the CNRP will win at the end after the big battle - through peaceful demonstration - with Vietnam and its slave Hun Sen, because this neocolonialist Vietnam cannot survive the massive sanction from the international community.

    We have to help ourselves first before the international community can help us. We have to show them how desperate we wanted to save our motherland.
    And Cambodia has always have problems because of this evil Vietnam's determination to swallow Cambodia and some Khmer traitors such as Hun Sen who has facilitated its goal.

    Bun Thoeun

  63. :-) :-) $%:-) Cnrp is POLPOT or Khmer rouge
    Polpot vs. CNRP
    Polpot vs. HUNSEN
    CNRP hate husen mean that
    :-) ;^cnrp love polpot
    Totally. Cnrp is polpot

  64. Anonymous11:59 AM

    On September 23, 2013 the best time to drop a bomb and kill all of them. They're thugs, traitors and as well as the clown king of Cambodia. One of these day some Khmer hero MUST kill them one by one and don't let them ruin and rules your life future.

  65. Anonymous12:05 PM

    11:51 AM
    Don't forget to take your mental pills.

  66. Anonymous1:14 PM

    អាមេរិក មិនទទួលស្គាល់ លទ្ធផលឆ្នោត នៅកម្ពុជា

  67. Anonymous1:45 PM

    កោតតែអាស្តេចត្រងោលត្រាកៅស៊ូ អួតខ្លួនថា​ ជាបិតាបង្រួបបង្រួមជាតិទៅកើត បើបញ្ហាកើតឡើងជាច្រើន ករណីមុន កំឡុងពេល

    និងក្រោយពេលបោះឆ្នោត មិនទាន់ត្រូវបានដោះស្រាយជូនប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ ដែលជាម្ចាស់ឆ្នោត ដែលកំពុងរងគ្រោះដោយ សារ​ គជ បោក

    ដែលបានលួចសន្លឹកឆ្នោត អោយ CPP ។ ស្តេចត្រងោល(ត្រាកៅស៊ូ) មួយនេះ មិនបានមួយចំណិត ព្រះបិតារបស់វាទេ

    គ្មានឃើញស្នាដៃណាមួយដែលវា បានសាងជូនជាតិ ក្រៅតែពីស្តាប់ អាហ៊ុន សែន និងក្រុមបក្សពួករបស់វា។

    នេះប្រហែលវានៅជំពាក់ គុណអាហ៊ុន សែន ដែលបានរៀប ចំបុណ្យសពអោយ ឪវា អធិកអធម និង ការពាររបបរាជានិយមអោយវា។

    សូមបងប្អូនជនរួមជាតិទាំងអស់ ឈប់គោរពអាស្តេច ត្រងោលត្រាកៅស៊ូ មួយនេះតទៅទៀតទៅ.......

    វាមើលមិនឃើញរាស្រ្តស្ទើរតែពេញនគរដែលកំពុងរងទុក្ខ ទាមទាររកយុត្តិធម៌ វារស់ដោយសាររាស្រ្ត តែវាទៅបំរើអោយ CPP ដែលជាបក្ស

    កុម្មុយនីស្ត បង្កើតឡើង ដោយអាក្រពើយួន…

  68. Anonymous1:56 PM

    សូមនិយាយតាមមើលឃើញទៅចុះ... ការប្រជុំសភាថ្ងៃម្សិលមិញនេះគឺបក្សប្រជាជនមានការខកចិត្ត​ យ៉ាងខ្លាំង ព្រោះមិននឹកស្មានថាមានព្រះមហាក្សត្រចូលរួមហើយ នៅតែ បក្សប្រឆាំង មិនចូលរួមទៀត។ តាមពិតបក្សប្រជាជនគិតថាបក្សប្រឆាំងនិងមិនហ៊ានប្រកែកនិងព្រះមហាក្សត្រនោះទេ។ តែទីបំផុត បក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិបបួលគ្នាទៅហែរទានវស្សាយ៉ាងសប្បាយក្អាកក្អាយឯណោះឆ្កុយទៅវិញ។ ដូច្នេះការ ប្រជុំសភាម្សិលមិញគឺធ្វើទាំងសោះកក្រោះគ្មានន័យមើលទៅទឹកមុខអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាទៅដឹងហើយ ថាពិតជាសោះកក្រោះមែនទែន។ យ៉ាងណាក៍ដោយបក្សប្រជាជនកំពុងតែជ្រុលក្បាលក្រពើចេះតែ ដើរទៅមុខទាំងអស់សង្ឃឹមតាមយះថាកម្មព្រោះថាផែនការនេះស្មានថាបក្សប្រឆាំងគេខ្លាចព្រះម ហាក្សត្រហើយគេនិងចូលរួម!!! មិននឹកស្មានថារាត្រីទឹកឃ្មុំក្លាយជារាត្រីទឹកខ្មេះដូច្នោះទេគួរឲ្យឈឺ ចិត្តណាស់!!!!!!ព្រោះកូនក្រមុំរត់ចោលរោងការ…………………..

  69. Anonymous2:16 PM

    កម្ពុជាគឺជានំរបស់គេ។ វាកាត់និងការចែករំលែក, បំណែកធំឬតូចតាមដែលគាត់ចង់បាន។

    ព្រះមហាក្សត្របមក គ្រាន់តែដើម្បីអបអរការចែករំលែកនេះ ហើយត្រឡប់ទៅព្រះរាជវាំង ដ៏រមណី របស់ព្រះអង្គ ដែល
    កងទ័ពបានដាក់លួស បន្លា ជុំវិញឲ្យប្រជាជន ឈ្លាតនៅឆ្ងាយ ។

    ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ ខ្លាច ប្រជាជនខ្លួន ។
    តើជា ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ អ្វី ? ។

    Le Cambodge est son gâteau. Il coupe et il partage, petit ou grand morceau, comme il veut.
    Le roi est venu juste pour célébrer ce partage et retourne à son palais somptueux où
    . L'armée a posé des barbelés pour mettre à l’écart de son peuple.

    Un roi a peur son propre peuple.Quel roi ?

    Cambodia is his cake. He cuts and sharing, big or small piece, as he wants.

    The king came just to celebrate sharing and returns to his sumptuous palace where the army posed barbed wire to put away from his people.

    A king is afraid his own people. What king?

  70. Anonymous2:19 PM

    ប្រជាប្រិយភាព ព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរ មានកម្រិតសូន្យ

    ភស្តុតាង លទ្ធផលការបោះឆ្នោត សូន្យ នៃគណបក្ស ហ្វ៊ុនស៊ិនប៉ិច ថ្មី ទសវត្សរ៍ ឆ្នាំ ២០១៣ របស់ ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ ក្សត្រី អរុណ រស្មី នៅតែអនុវត្តរបប សង្គមរាស្ដ្រនិយម នៃ ទសវត្សរ៍ ទី ៦០ របស់ សម្ដេចសីហនុ ដដែលគ្មានការប្រែប្រូល គ្មាន យុទ្ធនាការថ្មី តាមប៊ីប (Bible)ចាស់ដដែល សង្គមរាស្ដ្រនិយម ។

    ព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរ ចំណាប់ខ្មាំង ហ៊ុន សែន គឺ មិនពិត ។

    ព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរ បម្រើ ហ៊ុន សែន គឺពិត ។

    ព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរ បើកសម័យប្រជុំ​សភានៅ​ថ្ងៃទី២៣ ខែកញ្ញា ដោយ

    ហ៊ុន សែន និងសមាជិកសភា មានទឹកមុខ ជូរចត់ ក្រញូវ ខ្មាសអៀនមិនសម ។

    ហ៊ុន សែន ថែមទាំងយកដៃពីរ ចាប់ជាប់ក្បិនជានិច្ច ខ្លាចជ្រុះទៅទៀត។

    ញត្តិ ហ៊ុន សែន ព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរ 100% O K ។

    ញត្តិ រាស្ដ្រ ព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរ 100% ធុងសំរាម (aux poubelles -in the garbage )។

  71. Anonymous4:35 PM



  72. Anonymous5:52 PM

    All crazy CPP members have no sympathy to it own people.

    Hun Sen lost an election.

    Hun Sen must go.

    CPP must go.

    aLL Cambodian wanted CHANGE NOW.

    CNRP must fight on to claim your winning election for all Cambodian now or never.

    Please don't join the faked National Assembly. If CNRP join the CPP. CNRP will become a loser and Hun Sen slave.

  73. Anonymous5:58 PM


    CNRP must never negotiate or reconciliation with a loser Criminal People's Party.



  74. Anonymous6:11 PM

    pourk mee trauv krarb,ah trauv krarb CPP neung trauv veeneash tayhoung knong chhabb chhabb niss.

  75. Anonymous6:17 PM

    CPP flipped July 28th,2013 election result.

  76. Anonymous6:28 PM

    The CNRP should make their voice loud to the world about their disagreement(not only speaking in khmer but also in English) and ask the outside world for help too before some countries recognize the outcome.

  77. Anonymous7:22 PM

    It was a big day to all monkeys, I wondered only 10 females monkeys among the big 70 males, so the cross breeding among them would result in a majority of retarded-brain offsprings. Oh by the way I didn't see trucks of unloading bananas at the Monkey Parliament Building at all, so they would have been upset after they finished their monkey business.

  78. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Hun Sen and the CPP thug's time is up. The CPP's era must end. Hun Sen and the CPP's thugs must go!!! The Khmer people have spoken, the people around the world have spoken!!!

    Thanks a million Theary for your unparalleled vision!!!

  79. Anonymous10:10 PM

    kat kor ah chker Im soursdey and Ah Tep Nitha moun ker. Ah preth mad dog.

  80. Anonymous12:04 AM

    ដំណែងជាតំណាងរាស្ត្រ។ មិនត្រឹមត្រូវទេបងប្អូន។មិន

  81. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Send Mr. tyrant School of Vice to do some aerial reconnaissance first please before taking any action...please? ok?

  82. Emanuel12:43 AM

    Lord forgive me. I want to express my sincere opinion that the old man named Kiet Chhon from by looking at his face, this man is YUON, PURELY Yuon. I don't know about his actions, but that face of his is YUON.

  83. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Some of the old-timers, left over from the Killing Fields aka KI old-as-shit warriors may have known that Kiet Chhon as being the "Rector" of the University of Prey Kong just across the street from "Lycee Sihanouk" in Kompong Cham city, Komgpong Cham province. His wife is YUON from head to toes...cannot even speak Khmer at that time. Chhon himself is a YUON-Chinese metis/halfbreed originating in Chhlong area, Kratie province....There are lots more....

  84. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Hang Hang Hang them all CPP or VNP.

  85. Anonymous2:17 AM

    You can blame Youn all you wanted. Ask youself if a group of Khmer can work together to achieve something. To my opinion, they are always find someone to blame. Hun Sen knows the atitude of khmer and that is why he can stays in power as long as he wanted. Sam Rainsy is too soft with CPP. He is a wise leader but he Hun Sen is better for one thing: Iron Fist policy. He did quietly a constitutional coup d'etat that all of us would not aware of even the world communities.

    1. Anonymous2:49 AM

      2:17 AM

      Cambodia problems are stemmed from
      Viet expansionism policies.
      Hun Sen is a product of such policies.

      Don't YOU try to camouflage Yuon evil intents and acts.

  86. Anonymous4:08 AM


    Thank you Dr. Hun Sen I will make a football team in Cambodia within 5 years under your leadership. All my families will spread all over Cambodia until your terms are end.

    1. Anonymous4:54 AM

      To 4:08 AM

      Your days of partying in Cambodia are numbered !!!!

  87. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Sihamoni open the CPP National Assembly, it was very ashame to all Cambodian that King not respecting the National democracy, territory, maritime, national resources and human rights that was destroyed by Hun Sen and CPP.

    Sihomani didn't know that FUNCENPEC ran by his brother Ranariddh was crushed and almost get kill by Hun Sen Coup D'etat and destroyed FUNCENPEC in 1997.

    Sihamoni was having too much fun on the dancing floor in Europe. Sihamoni didn't know much about the Cambodian history not even Koh Tral - Phu Quoc island.

    Go to hell all CPP.

  88. Anonymous5:35 AM

    i believe there are some bad people in government, but it's wrong to say all of them are bad! just like there are some bad people on the cnrp side, and of course, not all of them are bad, either. so don't label all, only say some of them are incompetent, not all of them.
