Monday, November 10, 2008

Photos from Hok Lundy's chopper crash site

Click on the photo to zoom in (Photo: Koh Santepheap newspaper)


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I hope those rings on his fingers ended up some where in the farmers' they can get what he stole from them.

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    For the country you betrayed, for many compatriots you killed, the spiritual of MOTHERLAND did not forgive for your BAD KARMA. Hok Lundy, You deserved your own destiny. What did you take with you!!!! What's about rest of your CPP, the culprits, you are on the black list of YUMAREACH...and you are next one by one following HOK LUNDY.

    Khmer Long Beach.

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Everything is confirm...

    Happy Independance day !

    Khmer Canadian

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Did someone just shoot down his helicopter? hope it carry black box and would glad to hear the fear of hok ludy last word in the voice recorder.

  5. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Record from the black box.

    Chhoy deuk euy ein teuy chhourp papa Ho Chi Minh heuy.

    Haaaaaaaaaa... (ah Hok screaming)


  6. Anonymous1:17 PM

    This crash was meant to kill anyone on board.

  7. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I am so glad to the crash site, which meant Khmaoch ah Hok Lundy smashed and blown to millions pcs.

    Khmer Sanfee, Ca.

  8. Anonymous1:39 PM

    dam...dat mother fucker ah hok long dy died before i have the chance to assasinate his ass!!
    may u rest in hell.

  9. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Everyone sing

    And another one gone
    And another one gone
    And another one bites the dust
    Another one bites the dust
    And another ones gone
    Anotherone bites the dust

  10. Anonymous2:59 PM

    La-or nas chav chav euy, ta kheunh chav ches chuoy anet ning sralanh khmae, ta sabay chet nas, chey yo reas khmae dael taeng tae rong tuk vetanea daoy sa ah yuon hok lundy nis, eylov tevada sang sek aoy bong pa-on hoey.

  11. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Yes tevada and misile téléguidé à distance 21st century.

    May Buddha bless you all.

  12. Anonymous4:44 PM

    It cost much la fusée téléguidée,I don't thing so,but perhap engin explosif.

  13. Anonymous5:30 PM

    មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានីកំពុងយំបោកខ្លួនស្តាយហុក ឡងឌី ងាប់តៃហោង ព្រោះហុក ឡងឌី ជាសហាយ របស់មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានី (ប្រពន្ធហ៊ុន សែន) ជាង ១០ឆ្នាំមកហើយ!!

  14. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Mdech baan vea slab cham thngay ekreach sihanouk?

  15. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Here for something for you all to curious about. And don't let these fool CPPs fool you all.

    “If you’re in the air, and you get struck my lightning, the equipment that is in use at the time can receive what’s called an over-voltage,” Mayhew says. “It makes everything go a lot quicker, and the instruments will shut down because you’ve had an extra charge of electricity. And if the aircraft is struck mid-flight, the charge has nowhere else to go—it stays in the aircraft frame.” In that case, the chopper would discharge as soon as it touches the ground, so presumably all Sayid would have to do is reset the circuit breaker to get the instruments up and running, and it’s rescue time. “There may be occasions where some of the equipment will be damaged—basically burned out—if the protection circuit didn’t work,” Mayhew says. But that would mean the safety equipment failed.)

    Khmer USA,

  16. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Very good news for all Khmers!!!
    The next will die:
    1.Hund Xen
    2.Sok An
    3.Hor 5 Hong and the others dictators!!!!

    We are so happy!!!!

  17. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Wow! The crash site is sooooo beautiful and breath taking.
    I wish the local can secure the site for me..... I have this urge to reileve myself right about now.
    On a serious note, I am requesting a monetary donations to buy a plane ticket so I can attend Hok Lundy's funeral. As I have an important eulogy to read...... the names of all his victims. May you suffer in hell.... BEEEEYOTCH!

    Khmer now Ahmeric

  18. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Ah Hun Sen wil be next...soon.

    (One at a time)

  19. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Let's be civilized, short and sweet about this - May you animal Hok Lundy (or whatever your real name is) be rotten in hell!

  20. Anonymous4:09 AM

    I don’t care who they are as long as CPP people die
    I am so happiest.
    This weekend I am going to have a big celebration.
    This year is a good year, a lot of CPP people die, look
    like the Christmas gift com early. Ha Ha…………..
