Sunday, August 07, 2011

Display of Cambodian maps dating from the 19th century ... before it was shrunk to today's area under Hoon Xhen


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    According to the report from RFA, Sihakmoney received a copy of these maps on March 2010 but why he never mention anything? Does he know that Khmer land was shrinking as a student had noticed?

    Does sdech Sihakmoney want to conceal this from khmer people?

  2. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Hi Everyone,

    One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokheoun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to removed and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Som) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had ran way from him after she knew his cheating.

    A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!

  3. Anonymous3:13 PM

    2:37 PM
    Before you blame someone, you need to study the situation and to hear from the french expert, what he said.
    The King can't just say this and that like we all did for not have the full responsibilities, because all the King said have to be documented and keep it for the history of our country.

  4. Michael Kheng3:15 PM

    To avoid other people to expose more about Pang Sokhoeun's affair, he has agreed with my suggestion not allow other people outside to comment as before. From now, only friends in his list can comment in his wall.

  5. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Why we lost alot of land to the enemies? Can we reclaim it back?

  6. Anonymous7:20 PM

    4:05 PM

    Lesson learned. Now, preserve what you already have, and forget what you've lost, because you will not get it back. Not just Cambodia; it happened to Native Americans, too. What do Native Americans and Cambodians have in common? Both were weak.

  7. Anonymous9:10 PM

    7:20 PM

    trash talking....go back o school!

  8. Anonymous9:37 PM

    CPP henchmen, from youmust open your eyes what the khmer alnd was lost. In this map that show us clearly Koh Tral belong to Khmer till the end of Pol Pot Regime (after 1979). Now CPP don't allow Khmer to speak about what we lost land. Who you are? Vietnam, Khmer or body Khmer with Viet's head?

    The history we must to know, not hidding. Or CPP signed giving land to Viet, in order to rule the power for ever by support Viet soldiers? Please tell the Khmer people the fact? You are think the other Khmer peole are stupid like you are thinking, NO. History is history and firend is friends.

    Thanks to the French Embassy and French historian.

  9. Anonymous9:40 PM

    7:20 PM,
    this guy is absurd.
    Please read US history again before you give comment here, ok. Khmer land is not America? Where was the Daiviet at the 22 th century?

  10. Anonymous10:29 PM

    9:40 PM & 7:20 PM

    Why don't you first attempt to reclaim Khmer Krom and your lost island? Let me know the economic and political repercussion, not to mention that you'll be shot dead and fed to those starving alligators.

    Although I dislike dealing with these despicable and disgusting old farts who are the utmost extreme nationalist group in Cambodia and abroad that have always try derailing peace and stability of the country.

    Every single day, I see all of you in front of the monitors whining and groaning, yet you've done nothing for your homeland. Also, while other spilled blood and scarified their lives for their homeland, unabashedly, you people are looking for an easy way in for some sort of government positions in the kingdom, at the same time lambasting and accusing your own government of complicity and other unpleasant things. Yes, without a doubt, you people are despicable and disgusting people

    Again, take care of what you already have. You people are weak and 'stupid,' and in the not-too-distant future, you'll be landless--just land the Native Americans. Of course, all of you will be living on the water--not on the reservation. You may be as extreme nationalist as you can, but you cannot deny the fact and reality.

    On a lighter note, for those two clowns above: ask yourself why do these Native Americans are living on the reservation? Also, these Native Americans at least the reservation to live on, and without a doubt you people will be living on the water, if you don't take care and preserve what you already have.

    You can learn from history, but you cannot deny the history.

    Pi Anh

  11. Anonymous10:40 PM


  12. Anonymous11:13 PM

    and all you guys think Hun Sen lost this land? Funny uneducated people. If Cambodia depends on people like you, there will be war all over again. All I know is that Khmer Krom was lost before Cambodia became independent. This past 30 years, We don't even lost 1/10000000 of what we lost before that. Before the french came, Thailand and Vietnam were shredding Cambodia to pieces. Now you blame all this on current government? Why don't you say Hun Sen lost us all the land conquered by Jayavaraman VII up to China?

  13. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Why do you care anyway, since most of you guys who are commenting are from abroad?

    This is your country after all, if you cannot protect your homeland, might as well give it to your neighbor. All of you are great and brave when you're in front of the monitors. Fuck all of you.

    I hope one day all of you will be landless, because of your fucking stupidity.

  14. Anonymous11:33 PM


  15. Anonymous11:34 PM


  16. Anonymous11:38 PM


  17. Anonymous12:11 AM

    There are plenty of fucked heads here who are always looking to fuck other people. You call yourself a Buddhist nation. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  18. Anonymous12:15 AM

    who is to blame for losing the territory to Vietcong? All of you learn about Khmer leaders through out your life time and you still don't know how and who make it lost.

    To me, Ah Hun Sen and his followers who sign off Khmer land to the Viet and Sihanouk is the same thing. Sihanouk doesn't care what Hun Sen does as long as he occupies the palace. Both of them are Khmer traitors.

    First we need to kill Hun Sen and topple his regime from Cambodia before we lost everything to Vietcong.

    Do you see every day in Cambodia Youn Vietcong agents are in every Khmer societies and ministries including police and army? I can see via the TV or internet that those women and men who dress up in Khmer army uniforms are not Khmer but 100% Youn Vietcong. Khmer/Chinese are rarely join the army.

    If we don't topple Hun Sen and his regime, Khmer will be disappeared from the map. Youn will take over everything. Can you see Youn and Hun Sen join everything and report to Hanoi everyday in front of your eyes?

    If you still don't know or can't see the present situation, you're stupid and should not claim to be Khmer.

    Khmer in USA

  19. Anonymous12:29 AM

    We have more than 14 million people in Cambodia. Therefore, if we sold the whole country to foreigners, then we can divide and distribute to those 14 million people. I'm sure these people will be happy. So why not put the whole country for sale for a big profit. The hell, we don't want Cambodia to be on the map anymore. Let use the money to party, or do whatever we want. Again, let's sell Cambodia.

  20. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Pi Anh, 10:29 PM:

    Are you sure that you name is Khmer? Nothing my friend, you are really Vietname. So I don't about your perverv dream on Khmer land. Do you have head about what Lon Nol did between 1970-75, and that is the Khmer character. We Khmer don't stupid like you said and we all Khmer believe on muslim then you must back your back return home, that OK.

  21. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Pi Anh, perhaps Vietcong i agree....DO MA AH Vietcong! ITS TIME FOR YOU TO GET LOST!!!

  22. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Michael (Mike) Kheng,

    How come our map keep changing in less than a decade? Please express your observation?


  23. Anonymous7:38 AM

    12:15AM You are not Khmer in USA. You are a stupid person who does not understand the truth, what you are saying is pure act of Evil Liar!
    No one sign or give anything to Vietcong
    Stop your BULL-SHITS.
    You were born from a liar, so you are continue to lying to keep you shameful
    blood going just like Ah Diep-Shits.

  24. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Want to see that map by my own eyes. Can some one help post this map some where on the net, please.

  25. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Yuon people are idiots in front of you they nices to you but behind of you they stabing you don't ever trust the evils Yuon Men and Women. The only things they good on are sales there doughtor for land, powers and money.
