Thursday, August 04, 2011

Open Letter to Prince Sihanouk by Sisowath Sirik Matak (Aug. 27, 1973) - in Khmer, English and French


  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Oh my god, all these years I've thought is/was a good former king. Now, I know how he took his personal matter to put on our beloved country.

    He was the source and now he is also the one that made Hun Sen this strong because he doesn't want to end his son's throne (Sihamoni).

    Please think about the danger of our country rather than that throne that is being given by Hun Sen.

    Khmer PP,

  2. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Sihanouk (China) vs. Sirimatak (US).
    No matter which side (US) or (China), Cambodia sleeps with, she will be severely punished. Because none of this superpower care for any small nation, especially this evil tiny Cambodia.

    Cambodia is being cursed and punished for their great Karma by the cruelty past leaders. No matter who is the leader good or bad, Cambodia has to be severely punished. Whoever set-foot on Cambodia also punished, unless they did good deeds in the past life, their good deeds can save them.

  3. Anonymous11:16 PM

    With or without Sihanouk agreement, Vietcongs would come in Cambodia, year 1979 is the proof.
    With or without Sirik Matak agreement, Americans would bomb Cambodia to chase Vietcongs away.
    Vietnameses and Americans should be the responsable of our suffering.

  4. Anonymous11:17 PM

    (1) Sihanouk sleeps with China because he saw Communist would win.

    (2) Sihanouk sleeps with China because he saw North VN sleeps with Soviet Union; and South Vietnam + Thailand sleep with the US.
    (3) Sihanouk cannot stop thousand to million Vietnamese infiltrated into Cambodia and they recruited his people in the country side to join Communist; so he and his elite men joined them too. Finally he is a sore-loser.

    If Sirimatak wins, the US will use Cambodia as a base to attack the mighty Communists Soviet+China and North Vietnamese.
    Since Vietnamese regardless South or North,they are very sharply nationalists, they will sacrifice their lives for Vietnam, then South Vietnam will join with North VN, left Thailand alone with Cambodia behind the US. The US will be defeated like in Afghanistan, and the fate of Cambodia will be a death sentence.

    Behind the scene Kissinger would call to say "Congratulation" to his friend Chinese (Chou En lai) while Cambodia under Sirimatak is dying. Sirimatak will be blamed and condemned the same thing as Sihanouk is.

    Regardless who is the leader of Cambodia, bad or good, Cambodia is being punished as she has been from the empire she was once owned by the expense of million lives who were slaughtered by the hands of King Jayavaraman VII.

  5. The truth finally comes out and the past is here to haunt us all. This letters is evidence to Khmer that the horror of Pol Pot would not have been possible without the naive passionate politic of Prince Sihanouk, which is very well inherited in the policies of Hun Sen again today to the detrimental of our beloved race and nation - Like father like son, they are god-father, god-son.

    Do something good while you're still alive and atone for your mistakes, you owe this to us oh prince. Call on all the Khmers and your subjects to love democracy, and despise corruptions, with one swell swoop, you can release us from the traps of Hun Sen and Hanoi.

    Dearly elder, you are about to pass. Let not your pride take away ours.

  6. Anonymous11:28 PM

    11:21 PM
    You are one of the dumb Khmer who is so ignorant and stubborn, refused to understand the GEOPOLITICS back then and now.
    You can read and write OK but you get to read the secret documents that just released by the US state department about Cambodia and Vietnam war.

    At least read other people's comments like in 11:16PM and 11:17 PM and THINK, THINK..

  7. Khmer Young11:53 PM

    អស់រយៈកាលជាងម្ភៃឆ្នាំកន្លងមកនេះ ប្រទេស
    បង្រួមជាតិ និង ការអត់ឧិនរវាងខ្មែរនិងខ្មែរ។
    ឈាមជាថ្មី ពីព្រោះប្រជាជនខ្មែរមិនត្រូវការជា

  8. Anonymous12:02 AM

    យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាជេរ អាស្តេចសីហនុ ថា៖

    "អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះចិនប៉េកាំង និង យួនហាណូយ"

    យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាជេរ អាក្បត់ជាតិហ៊ុន សែន ថា៖

    "ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះ យួនហាណូយ"

    ជេរហើយជេរទៀត ដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
    ដឹងឮ ពីអំពើក្បត់ជាតិនឹងអំពើអាក្រក់របស់ពួកវា

  9. Anonymous12:07 AM

    បងប្អូនរួមឈាមជាទីស្នេហា! បងប្អូនមិនបាច់នាំគ្នាឆ្ងល់ទេ!
    ហេតុដែល អាស្តេចសី ហនុ និងអា ហ៊ុន សែនមានប្រពន្ធស្បែកសរនោះ
    គឺដោយសាអាយ៉ងទាំងពីរក្បាលនេះ ជាឆ្កែកញ្ជៈយួនហាណូយ
    ដូច្នេះយួនហាណូយត្រូវបានយកស្រីយួនស្បែកសរឱយធ្វើជាប្រពន្ធ ដើម្បីងាយស្រួលក្នុងការញាក់ទាញអាឆ្កែទាំងពីរក្បាលឱយសម្លាប់

  10. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Regardless of what America and China's intent, Sihanouk was and still a traitor. Siding with the Viets to fight his own people just so he can get his throne back warranted to be accused a traitor. His action was not just revenge against Lon Nol who made coup against he, sihanouk himself, but against the Cambodian people as a whole. His action caused the Khmer Rouge to win the war in 1975, and the ultimate result is 2M Khmers were killed and starved to death. Trator king. Now god punished him by let him live longer suffering from ailment. He is the one who should be held responsible for what happen now to Cambodia.

  11. Anonymous12:16 AM

    11:53 PM
    The past leaders of Cambodia such as your famous King, King Jayavaraman VII failed to prepare the nation security for the future, that is why Cambodia's strength has continued to decline.
    Just look at one very successful King, King Jayavaraman VII who established the empire stretching to join border with China, but his failure of building a national security pushed Cambodia to becoming a very weak nation as she is today.

    Blaming the recent leaders after Jayavaraman VII died is not helping at all, if Khmer people still fail to understand that Vietnamese built their mighty army since the day they were freed from Chinese.

    Khmer community is disintegrated even a good leader cannot help because the community is almost doomed and the Khmers are not willing to sacrifice themselves for the nation. Unlike Khmers the Vietnamese would embrace others including religion for just the sake of their nation, and thus the Vietnamese expansionism has continued to spread until Khmers will become a minority group like in Champa and in South Cambodia.

    You may have to calculate harder and think more than twice how to wrestle or put your strategy on the table of Geopolitics.

    Without a great sacrifice do not ever dream to be freed.

  12. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Between Sihanouk and Seri Montak
    I don't know who is right and who is wrong .But a only thing that i know is Seri Montac got killed as animal by Pol pot contrary to Sihaknouk which he is now is very glory and preaches by the Majority population and more over his son Sihakmony become a King .So this example could tell to other generation ,if they want be a politician you have to be smart otherwise ,you be punished for what that you had committed

  13. Anonymous12:21 AM

    There are some people here who believe that Cambodia is still souvereign state. I believe otherwise. With 3 to 5 millions viets holding Khmer ID now and more on the way, sooner or later Khmers will become a minority in their own country. When that time comes, Phnom Penh will be called Ho Chi Minh 2 city and all of our province's names will changed to vietnamese names. So, don't be shocked when that happens.

  14. Anonymous12:25 AM

    12:09 AM
    Your analyzing is so wrong. The Viets that Sihanouk sided with are the Communist who raised by the mighty Soviet Union, the Soviet who put the price on Cambodia and Laos for about 10 billion US dollars into the hands of Ho Chi Minh, and China approved. Either one Sirimatak or Sihanouk will be accused by your ignorant people as a traitor regardless. Because Cambodia was just a tiny pawn of the superpowers who agreed to erase Cambodia and Laos from South erase region.

    GOD didn't punish only Sihanouk but Cambodia and all the Khmers.
    Cambodia is the land of Evils.

  15. Anonymous12:29 AM

    12:21 AM
    The Vietnamese entered Cambodia since in 1900's. They are among Khmers, speak and adopted Khmer culture. Their expansionism strategy started since 1600's.
    Whatever Khmers want to do the Viets knew beforehand.

  16. Anonymous12:36 AM

    12:16 AM
    Sirimatak was killed because he was a losing side; but if he won Sihanouk would be killed for being a losing side; just the same as everyone on the planet.

    But both men Sihanouk and Sirimatak loved Cambodia just that each relied on the superpowers different side, because they thought they may be able to free their country.

    Cambodia is the land of evils no matter who is her leader bad or good.

  17. Anonymous12:37 AM

    ក្រោយពីធ្លាក់អំណាច សីហនុ បានចេញពី
    គាត់ទៅដល់ស្រុកចិន ហើយ បានបង្កើត
    ខ្មែរក្រហម ខ្មែរវៀតមិញ។
    ទាំងបីក្រុមនេះគាំទ្រដោយចិន យួនជាអ្នកចេញ
    មានទាហាន រាស្ត្ររត់ចូលព្រៃខ្លះមែន តែ
    កុងឆ្នាំ១៩៦០ រហូត ដល់ឆ្នាំ១៩៧០​ ផ្លូវលំ
    ហូ ជី មិញ ជ្រៅក្នុងដីខ្មែរ ដើម្បីការពារ
    វៀតកុង)មកច្បាំងនឹងខ្មែរ ដើម្បីអំណាចនិង
    លោក ស៊ីសុវត្តិ សិរិមតៈ ចង់បំបាត់ពូជស្ដេច
    សីហនុចង់រក្សាពូជស្ដេច តែសិរិមតៈចង់បំបាត់
    ពូជស្ដេច។នេះជាទំនាស់ពូជស្ដេចខ្សែ នរោត្តម
    និង ខ្សែ ស៊ីសុវត្តិ​ ។ឈ្លោះគ្នាព្រោះចង់ធ្វើធំ។

  18. Anonymous12:43 AM

    អាសីហនុ មានប្រពន្ធឈាមយួន! ហើយវាជាជនក្បត់ជាតិ
    អាខ្វាក់ ហ៊ុន សែន មានប្រពន្ធឈាមយួន! ប្រពន្ធ អាខ្វាក់ឈ្មោះវាដើមថា គ្វៀង ធីទើ
    ហៅមីបិសាច សាម ហ៊ាង ហើយប្តូរក្លែងបន្លំឈ្មោះជា ប៊ុន រ៉ានី ធ្វើឱ្យខ្មែរច្រឡំថាជាខ្មែរ

  19. Anonymous12:45 AM

    12:29 AM,

    Viets never adapted to Khmer culture as you alleged. Look at Kampuchea Krom now. Every Khmer Krom now has to adapt to Viets' culture. One cannot even speak Khmer, let alone wearing khmer dress. Buddhist monks to have go by Vietnamese style of buddhism. Don't even dream of seeing the Vietnamese adopted Khmer style of living.

  20. Anonymous12:49 AM

    12:37 AM
    Your analyzing is the same as those ignorant Khmers. Either you are Vietnamese yourself or Khmer make no different, but your analyzing is only for entertaining the ignorant people who like to shout and curse.
    If you are Vietnamese, your propaganda can easily split the Khmers but remember no empire can last for ever.
    No educated and wise men consider your words as a valuable piece.

  21. Anonymous12:51 AM

    12:45 AM
    How can you claim that many of Viets who live in Cambodia for many generations didn't adapt Khmer culture if they are in Cambodia just to wait for the time comes? They have many groups in Cambodia, but you can only see one side of them.

  22. Anonymous12:57 AM

    That dog Sihanouk is the main source of our people today suffering.

    This retard man has a short circuit and cannot think or do simple math. Unfortunately, due to the dawn custom or whatever, he became Khmer leader. His trade mark: people go to prey marquis to remove Lon Nol because he took the power from me. And to revive his reach balang for his deaf son, he kick the UN out when Ah Kwack lost the election.

    Ah pret Sihanouk,
    Stop giving the title of Samdach or Chumteav prahong thom to the traitors and their dump wife.

    Look at Ah Kwack, he is as bad as Sdach chkuot Sihanouk or even worse.

    People, the chance of losing our country completely to Ah Kantorb necessitate us to rise simultaneously for our survival.
    The time to stand up to die for our children to live is now or 2013 after the election. There are so many million Ah Kantorb already inside Cambodia, so the real Khmers will lose the election. But that lost will be a catalyst for Khmers to rise up against this puppet government. The election will not reflect the real Khmer wills.

  23. Anonymous1:03 AM

    1116pm "With or without Sihanouk agreement, Vietcongs would come in Cambodia, year 1979 is the proof."

    The NVA and the Vietcong were already in Cambodia PRIOR to 1979.

    Are you that dense?

    "With or without Sirik Matak agreement, Americans would bomb Cambodia to chase Vietcongs away.
    Vietnameses and Americans should be the responsable of our suffering."

    The Americans were bombing the Vietcong while Sihanouk was still in power.

    From your statement, it is irrelevant who's in charge of Cambodia. We're just innocent bystanders whose fates are sealed by the Vietnamese civil war and the American/Vietnamese war.

    So you blame them for your suffering?

    If you/Sihanouk allow me/NVA into your house and I/NVA trash it, is it your or my fault?

    I don't blame the Vietnamese for taking advantage of Sihanouk'stupidity. Besides, they won the American war and conquered Cambodia in 1979.

    Do you really think the Viets are walking away from Cambodia?

  24. Anonymous1:05 AM

    People always blame foreigners for what happened to Cambodia. I blame Khmer leaders as they are the ones whose policy led to the destruction of Cambodia. Why? Because they are power hungry. They do everything at the detriment of Cambodia just so they can stay in power. In Sihanouk case, he declared Cambodia as neutral country which he should not side with any parties to the war. Instead during America/Vietnam war,he sided with Vietcong and China by allowing sanctuary to Vietcong to fight the Americans. He allowed his country to be used by China to transport war material to Vietcong to fight with Americans. So what happens when he violated his neutral policy. Americans bombed Cambodia. In fact, to some degree foreigners were to blame, but the majority of blame lay on Cambodian leaders who were careless about country's interest.

  25. Anonymous1:09 AM

    ហ៊ុន សែនជាខ្ញុំយួនដាច់ថ្លៃ ហើយសីហនុជាខ្ញុំ
    ហ៊ុន សែនផងនិងយួនទៀត។ តាមពិត យួនចង់
    រក្សាពូជស្ដេចជាខែល ព្រោះខ្មែរនិយមស្ដេច។
    បានធ្វើមកជាគំរូ ដូចជាលាវ យួន ភូមា។ល។

  26. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Congratulation on 1:03 and 1:05
    Sir or Mme,you analyzing are brilliant ,I applause on very clever and sharp minded both of you.
    I personally hate to say ,when we are poor and to put the blame on our karma why don't we work harder depend on our fate?
    That is why the Thai And Youn know our weak spots and uses those targeting spots to weakening khmers repeatedly for taking over khmer land.

  27. Mr./Mrs 11:28

    Thank you for your wise comment. It has helped me tremendously to understand GEOPOLITICS of Cambodia.

    You are an amazing political analyst.

    I have been fooled by the Americans, once again.

  28. Anonymous2:56 AM

    The country that has been fool by the American not that not devastated or slaughtered 3million of the country men yet but Youn and China did.
    2:44I do not think you made the mistake at the fist comment

  29. Anonymous3:01 AM

    I understand it now

  30. Anonymous5:11 AM


  31. Anonymous5:30 AM

    This letter dating Aug.27,1973.
    Why 1973 ? because the begining of the collapse of the Khmer Republic forces who lost and retreated in many front of battle fields.
    Sirik Matak sended this letter to a person who had no power.
    The persons who hold the power were Khmer Krohom in France.
    Angkar Khmer Krohom in France needed Sihanouk for their own interests.
    Sihanouk needed Khmer Krohom for his revenges personnel.

  32. Anonymous5:45 AM

    2:44 AM,

    You are fooled not by Americans but by your leaders instead. You read Khmer history you will find that Khmer leaders greed for power. The kin of the royal family from one generation to another fought each other for the throne. When one lose one run to get help from Siam for help and another one lose one run to get help from the Viets. Each help by the neighbors to get the throne we, Khmers, had to cede our territory in exchange for their help. That's why our land is getting smaller and smaller. History repeats itself until the 21st century. In Sihanouk era, after losing power he looked for China and Vietnam to help him fight to get power back. Hun Sen on the other hand, also enlist Vietnam's help after Pol Pot tried to eliminate him. The last small piece of land end up in Vietnam's hand as the result Hun Sen's action. It looks like we, Khmers, killed each other to the last man stand so we don't have any Khmer to defend our land.

  33. Anonymous6:56 AM

    5;45am, you rightly summed it up. When a leader is looking only for his/her interest instead of a nation, loss of lives, land and eventual identity will result

  34. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Let's use the past (good or bad) as our lessons and work collectively for a better future of our country.

    Education is important. Learn from our mistakes and move on.

    We should also have a SWOT(Strength, Werakness, Opportunity, Threats) analysis of Cambodia. And work on it effectively.

    All Khmers should put our country's interest first.

  35. Anonymous7:28 AM

    12:36 AM
    Sirimatak, Long Boret, Lon Non and many others were killed because they did not run away as the American advised them to do.

  36. Anonymous8:30 AM







  37. Anonymous8:57 AM

    7:26 AM,

    I agreed with you. We, as Khmers, should forget about the past and used that lessons learnt to better our country. However, to be effective, change must come from the top. Do you think that Hun Sen and his cronies would take your advice? I don't think so. Everyone know Lon Nol regime was crumbling in favor of Khmer Rouge because of corruption within his rank and file during the 1970-75 war. Would Hun Sen and his cronies learnt that lesson from the past? I don't think so. Theory is easy to preach but it's hard to put into practice.

  38. Anonymous9:24 AM

    When I first arrived in USA as a Khmer refugee one word I know is snoopy cartoon on T.V.

  39. Anonymous10:12 AM

    10:43pm, you're liar. Did you truly believe that Sihanouk was a good former king? If you believed so and only changed your mind after reading this article, then it really tells me a lot what a person you are. This article tells you nothing new about Sihanouk. Sihanouk, Siri Matak, Lon Nol all want power. None of them are real patriot.

  40. Anonymous10:54 AM

    10:12 AM
    What year were you born?
    I suggest you go back and learn why there was the March 18th 1970 coup?
    It will show you that Siri Matak and Lon Nol had no choice, because Sihanouk refused to come back from France to help solve the Vietcong’s problem for stationing inside Cambodia.

  41. Anonymous11:13 AM

    To: 8:57AM

    That's why all Khmer Peoples Kampuchea Krom, Khmer kandal and Khmer Surin, must be smart, must be united, must have a lot of plans in place:

    Plan A

    Plan B

    Plan C etc...

    And use force, military or people uprising power in Cambodia and demonstrations around the parliaments of democratic countries around the world by overseas Khmers.

  42. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The young Khmer generation should learn about their past leaders who liked to blind their young. Cambodia went from Empire state to Champa number 2. This time the Viet won't lets Khmers walk away free.

  43. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Sihanouk or Sirimatak or Lon Nol .. has no power to stop the destruction upon Cambodia brought by the superpower nations.

    Either side:
    side with the US or side with the Soviet/China/Vietnam, Cambodia will still be dead. Just that Cambodia may not die fast when she sided with the mighty Communists; and like them or not they were powerful force and merciless. Back then Soviet was rich and powerful. If Cambodia side with the US, the US would bomb the communists inside of Cambodia, and left.

    Either side, Cambodia would be dead.
    No current leaders should be blamed, but the empire Kings who failed to build a strong national defense for the future generations.

    Another question: Why China does not take Vietnam and why is China waiting for? If China wants to take Vietnam she easily can, and the US or Russia cannot interfere with. But why she waits?

  44. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Yes, sure blame all on foreigners for the destruction of Cambodia while Khmer leaders have nothing to blame for their actions. This amounted to suggestion that American or Chinese killed 2 Millions Khmers during Pol Pot's rule from 1975-1979. It appears that someone is taking the wrong medecine.

  45. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Anyway ,the politic system in Cambodia that there are just only two ways : eat your opponent or to be eaten by your opponent .So that why all the former Khmer leader have no other choice than do whatever just only for protecting their own interest .
    Then what Hun Sen is managing to date ,it is just for defending from to be eaten

  46. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Cambodia has wasted many hundreds of years just to try to deal with its sovereignty and teritorial integrity issues and still has not found any solution yet.

  47. Anonymous11:34 PM


    "Sihanouk or Sirimatak or Lon Nol .. has no power to stop the destruction upon Cambodia brought by the superpower nations."

    So in your belief, Khmer has neither the power nor ability to do anything at all regarding his or her fate.

    Just wait for other nations to decide for you?

    "Either side:
    side with the US or side with the Soviet/China/Vietnam, Cambodia will still be dead. Just that Cambodia may not die fast when she sided with the mighty Communists; and like them or not they were powerful force and merciless. Back then Soviet was rich and powerful. If Cambodia side with the US, the US would bomb the communists inside of Cambodia, and left."

    Not true. We can choose to be independent from either side. Other non-aligned nations can do it, why can't Khmer?

    "Either side, Cambodia would be dead.
    No current leaders should be blamed, but the empire Kings who failed to build a strong national defense for the future generations."

    Death is normal for a human being. Death of a nation, however, means a loss of identity forever. No Khmer alive would be proud to be Vietnamese.

    "Another question: Why China does not take Vietnam and why is China waiting for? If China wants to take Vietnam she easily can, and the US or Russia cannot interfere with. But why she waits?"

    Do you have any idea how big China is?

    Her population alone is over a BILLION people compared to Vietnam's 85 millions or so.

    Seriously, do you want to add more land and more people?

    For what?

  48. Anonymous11:54 PM

    11:42 AM
    You are wrong. The 2nd Vietnam War depended on Cambodia under Sihanouk.
    If Sihanouk sided with the American the Vietcong had nowhere to run, because in the 60’s the whole nation was behind Sihanouk.
    But unfortunately Sihanouk sided with the Vietcong and you know the outcome to this day.

  49. Anonymous7:33 AM

    So what do we have to do to get our country back?

  50. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Was the Royal Palace infiltrated by vc spies as well?

  51. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The very first step Hun Sen has to step down voluntarily so there won’t be any bloodshed.
    But it is kind of hard to get it into his Viet brainwashed stupid head.

  52. Anonymous1:03 PM

    9:29 AM
    Viets are known as parasites (worms) that is why they can infiltrate into anywhere.
    Even in Lon Nol regime. You know the guy 2nd most powerful general named Sosthen Fernandez? He claimed his father was Filipino and mother was Khmer Krom, but he was sent from Hanaoi designed to get all information inside Cambodia.
    The guy was Vietnamese best spy and a perfect spy.
    The parasite from Hanoi knew so many tricks how to get thing done. They changed his name to Fernandez to fool Khmers that's all.

    Sosthene Fernandez was Viet Hanoi's spy.

    And about Sihanouk's strategy siding with Communist Hanoi was WRONG. He is the one should be BLAMED. He did not broadcast telling his people that the country is in danger, so his people can prepare for the worse.
    He didn't allow his people to be educated nor did he know how to raise his own children how to be educated either.
    I am and my peers don't share the same opinions, I myself believe that Sihanouk was the craziest leader and he was the one who brought the destruction upon his own country and his people.

    Why is he still around and some leaders still bow to him? Because he has China keeps him alive, because he helped China to get UN Seat. No one dares to bring him to trial because of China.

    The Viets were already inside with Pol Pot because Sihanouk allowed them in. Pol Pot allowed Viets in to fight Lon Nol, now Hun Sen allowed the Viets in to take Cambodia for good.

    No Khmer Kings/Leaders who were very nationalists who dared to fight the parasite Viets, except ONE and ONLY ONE. His named Chau Ponhea Khan (King Ramathipadi 1st, from a Laostian mother and his father was Cheychetha II, who later married the Viet woman named Ngoc Van. She was one of the Viet best spy in her time. She became Khmer queen and she had kids with King Chey Chetha II then she had sons with King Chey Chetha II's young brother.
    She created the civil war in Cambodia, her sons declared war against King Chau Ponhea Khan.
    As long as the parasite Viets next to Cambodia no PEACE.
