Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Playboy's interview of SIHANOUK - Translated from Khmer by Angkor Borei New


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    In this life time, no one loves King Sihanouk more than Ly Diep. Ly Diep's madness/obsession with Sihanouk will end when either one of them is gone. They are some sort of Siamese twins "Kou breng pi ateitakal"...If Sihanouk is a playboy then Ly Diep is the opposite, perhaps an asexual.

    It's too bad that Angkor Borei News go to this extreme...this is not's more like personal vendetta...that no one has any iterests in...

    Son Ngoc Mien
    Moat Chrouk

    Thank you the writer that have repeating remind all Cambodian ,to let them know who was the root of peril of one Nation CALLED Kampuchea,Cambodge,Cambodia or Srok Khmer.

  3. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I love to read and support ANGKOR BOREI NEWS.

    Thank you ! Mr. LY DIEP

    Neak som tean Chamnes deung

  4. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Khmer kour romleuk (ATEITAK_KARL) oy barn jreun,deumbei kom oy plich...Prour tea plich yuon penh Srok.
    ATEITAK KARL nei jun KBORT JEAT,programme nov SALA or UNIVERSITY, kea min del bongrean tea...Rourp jea samnang khmer heui ,del barn domres Vichea l'or krao SALA.
    Meul jreun jes jreun...
    Neak jes jreun ,kour jaek romlaek dol neak min jes..heui barn BONN KOSAL tiet phorng.
    Kour rean pi knea tov vinh tov mok.

    Chao Lng'ung

  5. Anonymous10:07 AM

    មិនមែនមានតែ លី ឌៀប ម្នាក់ទេ ដែលបាន
    ដឹង ឃើញពុតពាលលាមករបស់សីហនុនោះ។
    សីហនុផ្អែមតែមាត់ តែចិត្តគំនិតល្វីងជូរចត់ មាន
    ពិសពុលអាក្រក់សាមាណ ។
    ឆ្នាំ១៩៦០ គាត់បានឲ្យយួនប្រើប្រាស់ដីខ្មែរ
    តាមព្រំប្រទល់ ចូលជ្រៅមកក្នុងដីខ្មែរ ដើម្បី
    ជួយយួន វាយអាមេរិកាំង យួនភាគខាងត្បូង។
    ខ្មែរជាប្រទេសអព្យាក្រឹត តែចូលជើងនឹងយួន
    ដោយសារលំនឹងលំអៀងនេះហើយ បានជា
    ឆ្នាំ១៩៧០ គាត់បានរត់ទៅប៉េកាំង គិតគូរជា
    មួយចិនយួន ឲ្យទ័ពយួនរាប់សិបហ្មឺននាក់
    សម្លាប់ទាហាន និង ពលរដ្ធខ្មែរ។សង្គ្រាម
    គាត់បានធ្វើស្ដេចជិតពីរឆ្នាំ ខ្មែរក្រហមបាន
    ធាក់ក្បាលគាត់ចេញ ហើយបានយំដាក់វិទ្យុ
    សូមលាកូនចៅពូថៅញញួរត្បូងចប ឲ្យអាពត
    កំហុសសីហនុមានច្រើនប្រការទៀត ដែលមិន
    សីហនុជាជនក្បត់ជាតិ ក្បត់ប្រជាពលរដ្ធ

  6. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Is this old fart named Ly Diep "Yuen"? Yes he is.
    Still some Khmae believe in Yuen like Ly Diep forget that the Yuens are everywhere Cambodia. Yuens are smart know how to kill Khmae souls.

  7. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Ly Diep can't f*ck his wife, because his dick is too small. His wife is cha cha cha behind him no wonder Ly Diep is so jealous with Sihanouk.

  8. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Ah slick Willy and ah Ly Ngoc Dinh are gay couple and both are Yuon spies pretend to be Khmers.

  9. Anonymous1:17 PM

    សីហនុជាជនក្បត់ជាតិ ក្បត់ប្រជាពលរដ្ធ
    How about you ? 12:10 PM can not fuck your wife too.


    Mr. ha

  10. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Do you know gay pple have king hearts? By the way more states allowed gays to marry. And some gay women are really beautiful I even asked her out then she said "been taken". She then hopped up in the car with another beautiful girl, man I though they're friends, until they kissed mouth to mouth. ):

  11. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I meant to say kind hearts. My bad.

  12. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Allen DeGenero? If she is not gay I would want to try her. She has a nice looking face. :)

  13. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Sihaknuk did not care even his mother and patriarchy Chuon Nath Sihaknuk killed and hurt his mother to death but one evidence with the live witness have stated Sihaknuk said at the Chuon Natt s funeral ceremany why shall him bother to join it? The useless bald head sleep and eat , eat and sleep the size of dick compare to adult s wrist.What it mean to all Cambodian people? The queen,the patriarchy have never PRINCE SIHAKNUK TO FOLLOW THE Awkward communist ideology in Cambodia if they both are exist. So the conclusion plus the rumors had said SIHAKNUK USED PATRIARCHY S DOCTOR to commit homicide on Chuon Nath most respectable and knowledgeable in Cambodia ,Thai Burma to achieving the Communist ambitious ideology mentally SIHAKNUK dreams.

    Mistakes after mistakes have been committed after one to another ,have never been changed.
    Stop American Aids in 1968
    Let Yiekcong hiding out fighting with the USA.
    Feeding Yiekcong to hurt our own country economies(Pom Peang,Monique EZ,Omannorin the leaders of smuggling weapons food,medicine and prepared the shelters for Vietcong.
    Called Cambodian to die in Marquee s Jungles.
    King of khmer rouge.
    Called Cambodian ppl to starve and die along Thai border.
    Kicked UNTAC out.
    Created 2 prime minister.
    Force his son present king to sign on the adding treaties 2005 made Cambodia lost more her territorial islands to youn and Thai.
    Ignored khmer krom while visited Vietnam in 2010.
    keep silence while youn almost delete Cambodia out of the world map.
    Admiring applauding Hun Sen and his wife doing excellent duties for Cambodian.
    All these facts in-respectable,infamous retarded(retired)king deserved to be written down on the Cambodian black book with the urinate and shit mixed them well before staring to write as the history book .The disgrace king ANONNAREIYAK KING =the king that killed it own mother and the most respectable patriarchy Chun Nat is SDACH ANOARIYAK KING OR PREAH BART NORODOM THMIL SIHAKNUK.

    THIS KIND OF PEOPLE HAVE NEVER RETURNED TO reincarnate .IT will be return to be PRETTE for million million of years if we believe in Buddha.


  14. Anonymous3:12 PM

    សីហនុ គឺជាឃាដករ ឈាមត្រជាក់

    អាប្រែត សីហនុ បំរើមហិច្ឆិតា អោយ អាយួន ហូជិមិញ អីលូវនេះ ផែនការ គំរោងការ របស់

    អាយួនហូជិមិញ បានសំរេចហើយ ហើយអ្នកដែលធ្វើអោយផែនការ អាយួនហូជិមិញនេះ បានសំរេច គឺ អាប្រែតសីហនុនេះឯង ។

    អីលូវនេះ យួននៅពេញស្រុកខ្មែរ តាំងពីភូមិស្រុក រហូតដល់ តួនាទីអំណាចធំ ។
    អាយួនខ្លះ មកដល់ពេលនេះ វានិយាយខ្មែរមិនទាន់ច្បាស់ផង មើលពួកអាអ្នកធំខ្លះ វានិយាយខ្មែរមិនច្បាស់ផង

    អាប្រែត សីហនុ គឺជាឆ្កែ កញ្ជះដាច់ថ្លៃរបស់ ខ្មោចអាយួនហូជីមិញ ។

    លទ្ធផលស្រុកខ្មែរដូចសព្វថ្ងៃ ដោយសារ ឆ្កែយួនហូជិមីញ គឺអាម្សៀរ សីហនុ នេះឯង

  15. Anonymous3:16 PM

    អាពូជស្តាចមន៏ ត្រសក់នេះ ចង្រៃណាស់

    វាស៊ី កេរខ្មែរ ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិខ្មែរ តាំងពី​ចក្រពត្តិខ្មែរ

    ដល់ កញ្ជះយួន ដូចសព្វថ្ងៃ ដោយសារអាពូជស្តាចមន៏ត្រសក់នេះឯង

  16. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Instead of being bitter about past mistakes of our leaders, Khmer must be united, put personal interests and personal differences aside, and work to rescue the country first, before the damage is irreversible.

  17. Anonymous5:55 PM

    មិនមែនខុសតែស្តេចម្នាក់ទេ​ បើយើងមិនភ្លើម៉េចឲ្យស្តេចបោកបាន អាយៀកកុងបោកបាន។ មកពីអ្វី? មកពីយើងចាំតែម្នាក់ដឹកនាំ ចាំគេកាច់ចង្កូត ឲ្យ មិនចេះកាន់ចង្កូតខ្លួនឯង បើឃើញអ្នកកាន់ចង្កូតស្រវឹងស្រានៅបណ្តោយឲ្យវាបើកទៀត នាំគ្នាឈប់ឲ្យវាបើកទៅមើល អ្នកជិះមួយគំនរ អ្នកបើកមានតែ១។ ឈប់និយាយទៀតទៅនាំតែខ្មាស់ សាសន៍គេ។

    ល្មមឈប់ស្លាប់ដូចពស់ រស់ដូចកង្កែបទៀតទៅ។
    កោកៗសឹកតែមាត់ត្រដោកឆ្អែតពោះក្របី។ សុំជំរាបខ្ញុំមិនមែនជាជនសីហនុនិយមទេ។ បើយើងមិនចេះគិតខ្លួនឯង មិនដឹងពីណាមកគិតឲ្យយើងទេ។

  18. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I agree whit your comment !

    Thank you!

  19. gay-basher10:46 PM

    do you mean allen degeneres? why her? there are million good looking women but why her? i just want to puke when i saw she kissed her female partner sucking mouths. disgusting. it should be a man and a woman to kiss like that.

  20. Anonymous11:13 PM

    is it not sihanouk story so old to discuss while yiek nam are all over in srok khmer? talking of helping new generations like rainsy, kem sokha and all khmers to unite instead of bringing up the same dead story that we cannot REDO.

    william, I don't know who you are, but if you are real khmer you put the new subject to discuss and seeking new strategy to unite. otherwise you are no better than sihanouk or hun sen, etc..
    because this same story all kaun khmers heard and knew studied through their research more than you who follow the outsider like ly ngoc dinh aka ly diep. they don't need this youn spy ly diep to teach them, they are farther and much higher in education than you and your idol yeik nam ly diep.

    yeik cong or yeik nam infiltrated or transformed through khmer roge, dresses up black like khemr rouge and lived mong them that was the reason the killing started among them, and yuon expansionism strategy continues to grow. ly diep is no different than his own yiek nam people, he has a mission to divide and a few of you fall into it. if you do fall into his trap, then why do you blame other khmers who are fallen to yuon in cpp?

    if you do not put that nightmare behind and move on to help and build the nation and unite together, you are no different than those whom you accused as traitors, or may be worse.

    ly diep is not the first yuon spy who is doing this kind of movement his own people like "ah char mien" whom khmers believed that he was a khemr hero did it so successfully. yuon can be just like khmer nationalists pretended to love and help, but imagine why general lon nol army always attacked by yuon no matter how secret he planned. there are some yuon spies inside his army that was why.

    william, you are a coward a monster who refuse to join other khmer brother and sisters to be ONE (Solidarity), you still talk and live in this nightmare because ly diep keep injecting it into your brain and you are weak you fallen, while yuon's expansionism keeps growing. you need to read the real history written by the Ducth people who witnessed in 1500's, 1600's.. how yuon did it to khmers, and the same history repeats and you are one of the khemr who betray khmer trust by refusing to put aside the dead horse but grab a new on for khmers' new adventure.

    William, whoever you are you are a son of bitch the same as other son of bitches who betray khmers.

    Only SOLIDARITY without this you are to blame no one else.

    don't blame ah yuon ly diep, it is his job to divide all khmers into many factions.

  21. Anonymous11:27 PM

    ah ly ngoc deip is not khmer nor khmer krom. he visited france and after he left all khmers whom he spoke to, laughed and told each others that this yuon spy thought we khmers are so stupid, yes there few stupid like ah william believes in him.

    some stupid khmers said "if ly diep is youn spy how come he tells the truth?". yuon perfect spies like pham xuan an was best and he showed his love toward his enemy better act than ly diep the yuon small spy.
    the spy has to infiltrate and must live/love his enemy like his own, but he destroys his enemy's soul by getting all info and dividing them.

  22. Anonymous12:07 AM

    there's no doubt that sihanouk was once a playboy king or prince. not good for cambodia in that sense, you know! thank god, it's history now as people get older and aging. i told you, nobody can stay young forever or live forever, you know! let it be a lesson in life for everyone out there. practice the rule of law, ok! no more cheating of the nation and people, ok! and definitely, no more keeping the population and country isolated and ignorant, ok! period, end of story, ok! god bless cambodia.

  23. David (my real name and I am not Khmer))1:15 AM

    What if this pseudonym (William) is one of Ly Diep?
    Do you Khmers know that Vietnamese have their own Yuon congress in CPP? The more they vote the more Vietnamese forever rule. Why not putting aside that painful story and then create your Khmer Congress in CPP or in SRP unite with all Khmers like the Vietnamese.
    This William and Ly Diep are no friends of your Khmer people, because they speak this same disaster for the past 30 years non stop and nothing about helping your Khmers to move forward.

  24. Anonymous2:16 AM

    If you do not know your past history(leaders)You can't know what you are now,and how can you prepare your self for your outcome in the future Imagine like you failed 3generations with Sihaknuk how many more sperms left over for your creation to form your great children to unite?
    Yes preach it and united with your own families because you are profiteer out of Sihaknuk s doubt.


  25. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Is Sihaknuk know youn are bad,why Sihaknuk have never mentioned about khmers krom and married with srei YOUN?

    NOW THE KHLA KILL MORE THAN THREE MILLION,I have no right to mentioned it?
    Khmers are hay s fire.
    Khmers do not know how to preserved it,what they have been exist.
    Khmers do not use brains.

    The wise khmer said

  26. mailliW12:33 PM

    This scam Yuon William is a monster online. How long are you going to stop fucking the same story? Khmer people don't need the ignorant with little education like you teach them, they move one and fight to live.
    You are not wise but an idiot Yuon spy pretend to be Khmer.

  27. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Hi Everyone,

    One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokhoeun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to removed and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Sam) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had ran way from him after she knew his cheating.

    A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!
