Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Tenth ECCC Plenary Session Concludes

Source: ECCC
3 August 2011


The Tenth Plenary Session of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia concluded today, having met from Monday 1 to Wednesday 3 August 2011. The Plenary considered proposals to amend its Internal Rules in order to promote efficient trial management and more expeditious trial proceedings.

By the close of the Plenary, several proposed amendments to the Internal Rules were adopted. The Internal Rules relating to immediate appeals to the Supreme Court Chamber were amended to include provisions requiring the Supreme Court Chamber to issue a decision with a summary of its reasons within three months. In relation to immediate appeals against Trial Chamber decisions which have the effect of terminating proceedings, the Supreme Court Chamber may, in exceptional circumstances, extend the period for issuing such decisions by a further month. If the Supreme Court Chamber does not issue a decision within the limited time prescribed or if it is unable to reach a super-majority on any immediate appeal, the decision of the Trial Chamber becomes final.

The rule on conducting an inquiry into the cause of death of a person in custody was amended so that the performance of an autopsy is not mandatory, in compliance with Cambodian practice and applicable rules at international criminal tribunals.

A further rule amendment concerned the rule relating to the Judicial Administration Committee, which will now meet at the initiative of the President instead of on a monthly basis.

Modifications were made to the Practice Directions concerning the filing of documents and editorial changes were also made to the Appeals Provisions in order to harmonize the three languages of the ECCC Internal Rules.

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