Friday, August 05, 2011

The Vipassana Learning Program at Wat Kirivongsa Bopharam Pagoda

Video: The Vipassana Learning Program
Wat Kirivongsa Bopharam
Leverett, Massachusetts United States of America

Thurday the 5th Waxing Moon of Sāvana B.E.2555, August 4, A.D.2011 Year of the Rabbit

Thank you for watching.
Templenews TV


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Kem Sokha and his crew went to some kind of Vopassana.... But, now he has gone crazy. Beware of politicians who became a monk or went to Vipassana.

  2. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Thank, to Chinese lions to protect them!

  3. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Vipassana is equal to sit down and sleeping

  4. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I love Vipassana

  5. Anonymous8:06 AM

    vipassana crazy people

  6. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Vipassna ល្អខ្លាំងណាស់

    Vipassna មិនបានកេងប្រវ័ញ្ចផលប្រយោជន៏ពីនរណាម្នាក់ទេ

    Vipassna មិនបានបំភ័យមនុស្សអោយភ័យ ដើម្បីកេងយកប្រយោជន៏ពីមនុស្សទេ

    Vipassna ធ្វើអោយមនុស្សយល់ពីការពិត របស់ធម្មជាតិ មិនចាញ់បោកគេ

  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Please do not say what you want
    to say.What does the word,VIPASSANA
    Learn about the program.
    There are three greatest religion
    *Jesus Christ
    *Mohammed or Allah
    Billion people believe in them.
    if some people did not believe
    in them or other beliefs,please
    just leave them alone .
    Some people are non-believers,
    they have the rights to do so.
    Please don't bother other people
    rights and beliefs.

  8. Anonymous10:35 AM

    It is speechless.
    Some bad dogs here just want cheap shot no matter what’s the subject.

  9. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Vipassna = Nature = Science =

    understandable = No trick = No Prank = No Magic = No lie = No corruption = Can find out the truth by urself

    = Mathematics = Physics =

    Chemistry = The truth of Nature =

    Law of Nature...

  10. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Vipassna = We are the boss and slave of ourselves, nobody controls ourselves

    Religion = We are the absolute slaves of God, God is the absolute boss of ourselves

  11. Anonymous11:27 AM

    ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ​ ត្រូវតែទៅរៀន វិបស្សនា អោយបានគ្រប់គ្នា ដើម្បីអោយជាតិ រីកចំរើន

    អោយមានការរីកចំរើនខាងបញ្ញា យល់ច្បាស់អំពី ធម្មជាតិ ដើម្បីទាញយកបញ្ញាទាំងអស់ ការយល់ដឹងអំពីធម្មជាតិ ទាំងនោះ មកការពារ កសាង ប្រទេសជាតិខ្មែរយើង អោយបានរីកចំរើន

  12. Anonymous4:33 PM

    In this fucking world there is no god tell me who ever seen the fucking god don't be so stupid if your never seen the fucking god then don't tell me there is a god out there don't be so bushit.

  13. Anonymous1:28 AM

    4:33PM!did you see your great grand parent or you an app?

  14. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Neak tveu Vipasana,tveu you tov,hac doch chea¨¨ Egoiste,laeng sov khvall avey taeng oss.
    Chong yiek cong yok srok kor yok tov....Anh dek heui...anh min deung ey taeng oss...oy tae anh nov jea anh barn heui krub vain!

    Khmer chaul jet obrum oy slaut baut,slaut hours,jreay hours,....pi Moha Nokor klay mok jea ponn bart day,nov min tourn pnheak roleuk tiet...Kour kae prae klass tov.
    Neak khorm tveu bonn jreun jea monous barb?....Avei!avei,krourn tae jea kar bork banh-chhort pnaek neak dortei tae ponnoss.
    Kour jess bort baen tarm kalak taesark!

  15. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Yeay Yeay,pel nov knong Watt,mok kae muk aeng jreun tveu jea slaut baut,doll pel doll pteass,jreun chenh yeak dac kaun chao. ( Nis kar pit)

  16. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Lok yeay moneak nov Santa Anna California,kourt ourt tae Vipasana...Tae chet khmao sahav reussia kray laeng?
    -Kourt ourt pi $$$$$$$ US
    -Niyeay deum kae aeng
    -nhouss nhung neak ae tiet
    -put tbot min chanh yuon hue
    -chh'an kbarl se kbarl,chh'an korntuy se korntuy etc .... nov mean tiet...........

    Dol anh cheung tov knhom kmean jumneur VIPASANA tae!

  17. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Yuon vea tov kar oy khmer ngub ngul chkourt neung Vipasana...deumbei vea ngeay srourl yok srok khmer.

  18. Anonymous10:41 PM

