Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Yim Sovann: I’ve never seen a country leader in the world with so many bodyguards as Hun Xen

A show of force by Cambodia's Strongman

03 August 2011
The Free Press Magazine
Translated from Khmer by Soch
Click here to read the original article in Khmer

Yim Sovann, spokesman for the Sam Rainsy Party – the top opposition party in Cambodia, had strongly criticized a CPP party leader who maintains a huge number of bodyguards. Yim Sovann said that this action affects the livelihood of the poor. Yim Sovann’s criticisms came yesterday, after the inauguration of a warehouse for tanks belonging to Hun Xen’s bodyguard unit which was built a cost of $28 million.

Yim Sovann told The Phnom Penh Post: “I’ve never seen any country leader in the world with so many bodyguards as PM Hun Xen, and I think that the national budget used to maintain this bodyguard unit will affect the livelihood of the poor and it will create corruption inside the country.”

At the same time, Rong Chhun, President of the Cambodia Independent Teachers’ Association (CITA), criticized the fact the PM has so many bodyguards, it will affect social problems. “I believe that the bodyguards for the PM, the ministers and other high-ranking officials have used their influence on social problems, such as in illegal logging, land-grabbing and various disputes etc…

The exact number of bodyguards for Hun Xen is not officially announced. However, based on the size of the warehouse for tanks, armored personal carriers (APC) and military gears yesterday, [Hun Xen’s bodyguard unit’s warehouse can] store hundreds of tanks and APC in there.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    event the USA, France, Germany and UK, thier leaders have never lot of bodygards like this. Why Hen has alot of bodygars? Because he has a lot of foe around him and because he is the Khmer last traitor in the 21th. That is no douth?

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    This is a way of untrained- unintelligent warrior like Hun Sen uses to intimidate the mass and challengers.

    He lives by the sword and will die by his own sword, in time.

  3. Anonymous5:26 PM

    One day his bodyguards will killing him. They just wasting the money for nothing why don't they spend that money for the poor people that they've anythings to eat. Ah motherfuckers Kwack your day is ticking on your now idiots.

  4. Anonymous5:33 PM

    it is just like in the Animal Farm story: eventhough he will lose the election, he will use his force to eliminate the other party. In this case, opposition party must be clever and well prepared.

    Another corner, mr. prime minister alway afraid, afraid of a coup or sth.


  5. Anonymous5:42 PM


  6. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I think, it's more a private army than bodyguards, these so called bodyguards can be used for anything, ranging fron coup d'etat to terrors, etc...

    It sounds more acceptable to call it bodyguards.

  7. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Only the US and the international community can exert pressure on the prime minister and his entourages. Mr. Hun Sen will be the next prime minister until he quits or dies, unless external intervention.


  8. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Don’t be surprised, because…
    Hun Sen = Ah kwack paranoid

  9. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Why does Hun Sen need a large army of bodyguards, because he is scared of his own countrymen? He knows that has done a lot of wrong to the people and he is hated and worried.
    There are some smart people among his bodyguards, and one day in the near future Hun Sen will die because of them. For now they are just haii oeu haii oeu ah chey thlaak toeuk.

  10. Anonymous7:41 PM


    How about the Vietnamese bodyguards?
    Are they very loyal?

  11. Anonymous9:11 PM

    It's a waste of money. It also tell you that he does not feel safe around him... This is what happen when you are doing bad stuffs... You never feel safe even in hell. What goes around, come around.

  12. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Cambodian Air force and sniper team are the most frightening elements that Hun Sen has been trying to avoid to set up in the Royal Cambodian Army.

  13. Anonymous9:42 PM

    A number of these so called bodyguards or private armies are vietcong spies and soliders.

  14. Son of a farmer10:04 PM

    My beloved 9:42PM!

    I simply agree with ya,
    some of them continuously keep their eyes on SenVarman and tell him what to do!

  15. Anonymous10:12 PM

    "It is appointed unto man once to die, then come the judgment.". The Blble

    Mr. HS will depart this world one day. These bodyguards cannot save him forever.

  16. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Ah Kwack plus Mi Kachrook = Khmers oss Dey

    Chit Dol Thngay Ansar heuy Ak Chker Knhom Ker. Ber Khnom Ker kom york Khmers teuy chearmuoy Ah Choy Maray!!

  17. Anonymous10:57 PM

    វាគ្រាន់តែជាចោរមួយក្រុមដែលការពារអំណាចផ្តាច់ការច្រើនជាងការពារអំណាចអធិបតេយ្យរបស់ប្រជាជន ។
    ក្រុមចោរនេះត្រៀមខ្លួនជាស្រេចដើម្បីបង្កអស្ថេរភាពសង្គមបើមានការកាត់ទោសមេដឹកនាំខ្មែរក្រហមបន្ថែមទៀតក្រោមលេសថាសន្តិសុខជាតិ គឺ សន្តិសុខរបស់មេផ្តាច់ការ ។

  18. Anonymous11:36 PM

    When we uprising, first of all we have to attack and kill Hun Sen's bodyguards, second Hun Sen's network, and third Hun Sen's families.

    Peaceful take over and change new Government.

  19. Anonymous11:43 PM

    គណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ី ទូទាំងពិភពលោកអំពាវនាវ
    សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់ប្រយ័ត្ន កឹម សុខា និង សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា អោយមែនទែន..!
    ពីព្រោះបុគ្គលទាំងពីររូបនេះបានលក់ ឧត្ដមគតិ, មនសិការនឹង សតិសម្បជ្ជញ្ញ: ទៅបំរើបនក្បត់ជាតិអាយ៉ងយួនកុម្មុយនីស្ដ
    ឱ្យមកសុំលុយកាស ពីខ្មែរក្រៅប្រទេសនឹង

  20. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Hun Sen threatens that there will be instability and even civil war; if the situation does not go the way he wants. He has these bodyguard units to prove it.
    So the instability and civil war will come from Hun Sen’s making through his personal army. They are the source of the instability and civil war.
    It was the same way after March 1970 when Sihanouk was overthrown; the civil war came to Cambodia from Sihanouk making the call from Beijing.
    The history is about to repeat itself, but after another civil who know what will happen to Cambodia.

  21. Anonymous12:26 AM

    GOT TOY?

    Hmmm, Hummer Tank...

  22. Anonymous1:28 AM

    If you are waiting for the chaos to happen in Cambodia, it is the same as Christian are waiting for the world to end so they can go to haven !!!!!

    Go a head and wait ! and don't do any thing !!!!!

  23. Anonymous1:40 AM

    5:53 PM!

  24. Anonymous2:15 AM


  25. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Hun Sen knows that he is not a popular leader of the country and if someo people have a chance the ywill kill him that's why he has too many bodyguards to protect him .

  26. Anonymous3:24 AM

    2:15 AM

    You should ask Hun Sen, why he ran away to Vietnam to beg them for help.
    He would say because Pol Pot controlled everything, likewise currently Hun Sen is controlling everything in Cambodia.

  27. Anonymous4:44 AM

    អា 2:15AM វាឈឺក្បាលគុយ្ហៈវាហើយ។
    និយាយអោយប្រយ័ត្នសម្ដី ប្រយ័ត្នគេក្រី
    ខន្តីរាស្ត្រខ្មែររត់ចោលខ្លួនហើយ ឥឡូវគេមាន
    តែចិត្តមោះមុត ប្រយុទ្ធនឹងទ័ពអាហ៊ុន សែន
    ពួកគេសុខចិត្តស្លាប់ ដើម្បីជាតិរស់។

  28. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Gaddafy has more money, militaries wapons such as over 2500 heavy tanks, over 330 combats Mig21, Mig23, Mira...,warships, missiles short and long range, more hands weapons than Prime Minister Hun Sen but at the end the soldiers around the Gaddafy are run away from Gaddafy when Gaddafy in need them.

    Soldiers are still human being and the nature of Human being is know what is right and what is really wrong. It is a matter of time, opportunities that they have to stand by their human instinct there are nothing in this world can prevent human being from follow their instint.

    Look at Gaddafy as an example! Nothing is last forever. The weapons, tanks, missiles and airforces combats power can't protect Gaddafy. The billion of dollars can't protect Gaddafy and his families. Think people think!

  29. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Yes Gaddafy even has 100 times more militaries weapons than Thailand has.

  30. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Is this a warning to the lottus revolution?

    Don't worry my Khmer Compatriots, if they use these tanks for the crack down on the Khmer people lottus revolution, there will be explosion from within the patriotic cpp elements and the Khmers armed forces, so it will speed up the downfall.

  31. Anonymous10:49 AM

    This army wont fight shit...only unarm Khmer people. They wont fight against Vietnam, Thais, Laos or Chinese. stupid army

  32. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I would appeal to those bodyguards that they also have a sacred duty to defend Cambodia from being lost forever.

  33. khmer-morn9:47 PM

    អា 2:15AM នឹងត្រូវ ហ៊ុន សែន ឲ្យសត្វក្រពើស៊ីនៅថ្ងៃខាងមុខមិនខាន ។
