Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Case against Eccc the Clown

As seen and heard on Ms. Theary C. Seng's BLOG

Underwhelming work of KRT

after 10 years of negotiation,

after 6 years of operation,

after $200,000,000 since its establishment in 2003

ZERO dollars even though the Cambodian government is responsible for the salaries and function on the Cambodian side of the ECCC, according to the Agreement of June 2003.

Effectively, this is the work of the ECCC in reality:

Phase I Movement**
US$2,000,000 plus more millions
(all international funding)
6 yrs. operation (and going), 10 yrs. negotiation

* Duch (Case 001) is the director of one security center among 200 security centers during the Khmer Rouge era; Choeung Ek killing field is only one among thousands of killing fields.

** Phase I Movement covers the April 1975 evacuation from major towns especially Phnom Penh and the few weeks immediately after.  Effectively, this will comprise the full scope of Case 002, as the trial hearings on Phase I Movement against the 3 senior KR leaders is envisioned to take 2-3 years.  Meaning that the KRT will not be able to try the other mini-hearings outlined in Closing Order/Indictment (see Table of Contents below).


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    fake justice! Saddam, Gadafi got their justice in a few months, and at most a few years.

    khmer' justice, few decades, thank to ho chi min' vietcong.

  2. Anonymous10:29 PM

    The crimes of the killing field or yuon recent racial crimes against Khmer people is yuons planed and sihanouk involved

    yuons and sihanouk are the first degree criminals to be judged and held for responsible for the genocide against Khmer well before polpot, noun chea, tamok or kieu samphan.

    Ignoring or not judging yuons for planning and leading the killing field and other genocides against Khmer is A DENY JUSTICE and another crime against humanity
