Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hun Xen's Cambodia will defy US sanctions on Iranion oil imports

Cambodia will refine Iran's oil and sell refined products to China.

Cambodia to import oil from Iran

Mon Jan 30, 2012

The government of Cambodia has announced that it is planning to import and refine oil from Iran in clear defiance of recent US sanctions on Iranian oil imports.

Cambodia will not take into account the foreign policies of other countries toward Iran when considering investment in the Kingdom,” spokesman of Cambodia's Council of Ministers Ek Tha said yesterday.

“We do not discriminate where our FDI [foreign direct investment] comes from,” he said, adding that the deepening of cooperation with Iran was strictly civilian, not military, the Phnom Penh Post reported.

According to Ek Tha, Cambodia is planning to refine crude oil that it imports from Iran at a local refinery whose construction will begin within a few months, and then sell refined products to China and South Korea starting in 2014.

Construction of Cambodia's first oil refinery, located on 365 hectares in Sihanoukville and Kampot provinces, will begin in April and finish in 2014.

Tehran and Phnom Penh signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate on oil and gas projects last year.

Reacting to the announcement, spokesman for the US Embassy in Phnom Penh, Sean McIntosh, said members of the United Nations shouldn't ignore US policy toward Iran.

"We expect all UN members to strictly enforce UN [Security Council] relations and to consider carefully the impact of new US regulations when considering engaging in economic activity with Iran," he added.

The US President Barack Obama signed into law new sanctions against Iran which seek to penalize other countries for importing Iran's oil or doing transactions with the country's central bank. The European Union also approved new sanctions against Iran's oil and financial sectors on January 23, which will cut off crude oil imports from Iran on July 1.

The United States, Israel and their European allies accuse Tehran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear program and have used this pretext to impose four rounds of international and a series of unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Iran has refuted the allegations, arguing that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Tehran has a right to use nuclear technology for peaceful use.


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    i told you, cambodia is not tryng to defy the US on iran's economic sanction, you know. cambodia's economy is picking up steam just now, so, naturally, we will need more oil from the middle east countries, really. there is nothing to lose sleep about with cambodia, we just want iran's oil to develop our economy, that's all, really. please, support cambodia's economic growth, ok! maybe when we became a rich country, we can repay all loans, otherwise, if the world want cambodia to still be poor, of course, we can't pay back the loans, you know. so, work with cambodia on this, please. love you long time, ok!

    1. You should think twice and think hard! Any country that has economic sanctioned by US, that county becomes poor like hell. You can produce whatever but if you have no customer to buy from you, you will be hell poor. All other countries whose members of US will not buy from Anything from Cambodia and they wont sell anything to Cambodia, Cambodian people will be suffered from this. If Hun Sen's government don't know what US sanction is, they should do more research before its too late. Even China is scared of US Sanction. Almost the whole world stop doing business with your country - that's what it does. You can not drink oil. You need everything else!

  2. Anonymous5:57 AM

    we are not defying the US interest, so please stop accusing us that!

  3. Anonymous6:19 AM

    don't be jealous of cambodia, ok!

  4. Anonymous6:25 AM

    It is time for China to demand Cambodia to pay back so called no string attached-generous financial gift from the Chinese.

    China can't find way around UN-US sanction on Iran's oil embargo but turned to Cambodia to act like a smuggler. If UN-US put any retaliation against Cambodia, The Chinese will come to pay the cost.

    Remember, the Chinese stepped in when US stopped delivery used GM trucks to Cambodia after Uighurs were expelled back to China. The Chinese plan to do again...
    Cambodia will stand to gain materials but Cambodia surely will lose her trust worthiness among majority members in UN.

    So when Cambodia encounter with Thailand again, Cambodia will ask the Chinese NOT the UN. Cambodia shoot her foot. Ouch!!!

  5. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I agreed with Hun Sen Government on this policy. We can't depend on Viets and Thai for energy. We are at their mercy if we continue our current way. We need more friends around the world.

    Just hope the U. S doesn't see us as their enemies. It is not a good idea to piss U. S off.
    Hope U. S doesnt retaliate by put tariff on our products to America and EU

  6. Anonymous6:27 AM


  7. Anonymous6:28 AM

    please leave cambodia out of this. we don't want to be in another poxy war of someone else's affairs, you know.

  8. Anonymous6:34 AM

    why some country out there wanted to keep cambodia underdevelop, etc? why? what is there to be afraid of in cambodia? i don't get it at all, you know. they always wanted to keep cambodia in the stone age or the dark age while thailand and vietnam developed their economies, and we're not! i think cambodia must develop our economy as well like other neighboring countries, you know. i'm sick and tired to always see my country cambodia lack behind our neighbors all the time. please help to develop cambodia in all fields, you know. stop being biased against cambodia for a change, really!

  9. Anonymous6:37 AM

    no more proxy war for cambodia. we had enough of that already in the past like the vietnam war, etc... no more, please! please leave my country cambodia alone for a change, really!

  10. Anonymous6:49 AM

    this is only investment, not war, you know. please have a dialogue to prevent miscommunication and misundertanding, etc before the facts.

  11. Anonymous6:54 AM

    6:49 AM. Hey Whore. Speak English, so we can hear you. Noone speaks like a caveman anymore. Okay whore.

    1. Cambodia doesnt discriminate buying anything from anything country - which means including drugs and nuclear. That is a dumb answer! The world want to stop every country from producing Nuclear - why do you want to support it? Ah Kwak better think hard, including those who support him because US Saction is like putting your Cambodia to starvation again!

  12. Anonymous6:56 AM

    i think cambodia has a policy of indiscrimination when it comes to foreign investments; that's why we now see a lot of foreign direct investments all over cambodia. it's strictly business and non-military related, you know.

    1. Economic Saction is BIG my friend! Most country will stop buying stuffs from Cambodia. And stop exporting to Cambodia. Cambodia can produce whatever they want but there won't be customers buying from Cambodia. Don't expect China to buy all the oil from you - what if China stop buying one day, you are dead by yourself and nobody else to depend on. Ah Kwak don't know shit about world economy.

  13. Anonymous7:00 AM

    i'm for both cambodia and america's interest. we support our american allies while keeping khmer interest with the economy as well. god bless cambodia.

  14. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Better hurry up get your ducks together Mr. Hun Sen, because Iran is about to be blown up soon. I think it will be a loosing proposition because of the imminent war is about to break out in Middle East. Beginning in Spring 2014 or Spring 2015 is the likely date that the Middle East will errupt in war. It has to happen, it's just matter of timing.

    Better have some back up plans for oil resources other than from Iran. Otherwise, if the refinery is built and no oil to refine, it sure will be a big loss.

  15. Anonymous7:57 AM

    7:00 AM. Your English is better now whore. You sound like you grew up in a redneck families in the You-Ass- and A. Can you do us a favour redneck whore, try typing in Khmer prove to us you know Khmer. instead of your okay, really, you know. Is that okay, whore?

  16. Takeo8:24 AM

    Criminal Hun Sen gave all the Cambodian oil fields and natural resources to Vietnamese and buying oil from Iran. All Cambodian just stay silence and scare of dying by the Hun Sen's regime. All Cambodian will die by Hun Sen any way and all Cambodian will be homeless very soon.

    Why Khmer people don't united to remove this criminal?

  17. Anonymous9:12 AM

    6:27 AM

    I have to agree with you. Yes, the case is still open. With a deplorably notorious behavior from the prime minister, the FBI can open the case at anytime. Rest assured, it the Department of Justice to probe on the 1997 case, Mr. Hun Sen will be hung.

  18. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Want our country to develop we must change leader.a educated leaders who care about our country,our own people and for the sake of our citizen.Our country seem to be moving but the majority of our people still struggle to survive.The status and well being of our people are still lack the freedom of speech and our government rule by the ideal of one Khmer Rouge Leader.Now, we are heading in opposite direction and a lot of trouble will arise.Our government tense to think short term and acted quick upon bad resolution.

  19. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Cambodian, the ruler of left hand and one eye,who refuse to recognized the voice of its people,for the people and rule with his own ideal along.How can our country develop with $150 millions and took over seven years to put several Khmer Rouge on trial not even success yet.It's nothing more than a shame!!!!!

  20. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Between Garment to US and Oil from Iran for China which one is greater.

  21. Anonymous1:15 PM

    1:10 PM, None is greater. Because all money goes to CPP and Hun Sen.

    "Cambodia’s trade volume reached in value US$10.47 billion in the first 11 months of 2011, roughly 41 percent rise from US$7.42 billion in the same period last year, according to a statistics of the Ministry of Commerce."

    CPP made $11 Billions in trade. But, they cant even afford to pay their own ECCC staff for months!

  22. Anonymous2:09 PM

    WHo;s country bargain with Iran will pay a price in the near future with the USA. Stupid Hun Sen monkey trying to deal with what they dont know about Iran.

  23. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Khmer people. CPP will import Oil from Iran and sell to you stupid people for a high price. Nothing is going to change when CPP is in Power. Profit only...Even the government there is not even Srok Khmer.

  24. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Great job Hun Sen, Youns wanted to make sure you are going to hell by getting you in trouble with U.S. because you knew too much about Vietnam's involvement with Cambodia.
