Monday, January 30, 2012

Kingdom considers oil imports from Iran [-Hun Xen is playing with fire?]

Monday, 30 January 2012
Sieam Bunthy and Don Weinland with additional reporting by Reuters
The Phnom Penh Post

Cambodia plans to import and refine oil from Iran, a spokesman from the Council of Ministers has said, just one among several proposed forms of strengthened co-operation between the two countries.

The announcement comes at a time when the United States and European Union have approved some of the toughest sanctions yet against the Islamic country.

Cambodian officials have maintained that the Kingdom will take foreign direct investment from all interested nations.

The US Embassy in Phnom Penh said yesterday that it expected all United Nations members to take into consideration US regulations when dealing with Iran.

Deputy Prime Minister Sok An and Iranian Ambassador Seyed Javad Ghavam Shahidi agreed on Thursday to strengthen economic ties between the two countries, Council of Ministers spokesman Ek Tha said yesterday.

Among the proposed economic activity were oil imports from Iran, which would be refined in Cambodia and then sold to China starting in 2014, Ek Tha had said at a press conference on Thursday.

Construction on Cambodia’s first oil refinery, located on 365 hectares in Sihanoukville and Kampot provinces, will begin in April and finish in 2014, the Post reported last month.

Domestically owned Cambodian Petrochemical Company, China National Automation Control System Corporation and China’s Sino March Company will invest US$2 billion in the refinery.

Cambodia Petrochemical’s Han Kheang said yesterday that he has met with the Iranian ambassador twice to discuss the oil imports.

Other proposed economic cooperation between the two countries included agricultural exports to Iran, as well as Iranian investments in medicine and education in Cambodia, Ek Tha said.

The two countries signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate on oil and gas projects last year, he said.

The United States and European Union imposed sanctions this month that would cut off crude oil exports from Iran on July 1. The move came on the longstanding concern that Iran’s nuclear programme is aimed at developing weapons.

Iranian lawmakers yesterday were set to vote on a ban on exports to the EU in retaliation to the sanctions. Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency arrived in Tehran yesterday in the hopes of resolving questions surrounding the country’s nuclear programme.

Cambodia will not take into account the foreign policies of other countries toward Iran when considering investment in the Kingdom, Ek Tha said.

“We do not discriminate where our FDI comes from,” he said via phone, adding that the deepening of cooperation with Iran was strictly civilian, not military.

“Some Western countries put economic sanctions on [Cambodia] after we toppled the Pol Pot regime. We have learned some hard lessons about the damage of sanctions, so we will keep our economy open.”

Sean McIntosh, spokesman for the US Embassy in Phnom Penh, said members of the United Nations shouldn’t ignore US policy toward Iran.

“We expect all UN members to strictly enforce UN [Security Council] relations and to consider carefully the impact of new US regulations when considering engaging in economic activity with Iran,” he said in an email yesterday.

Iran has refused to address the international community’s concerns about its nuclear programme, McIntosh said, citing a recent statement from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Although an increase in economic activity between Cambodia and Iran could draw negative attention from the West, Cambodia has never appeared to violate UN sanctions, Carlyle Thayer, a political science professor at the University of New South Wales, said via email yesterday.

“Cambodia’s relations with North Korea and Iran would of course attract scrutiny from the US and other Western countries because of UN sanctions. But there is no hint that Cambodia is violating these sanctions in its relations with Iran or North Korean,” he said.

A North Korean delegation arrived in Phnom Penh in July to discuss strengthening economic and trade relations with Cambodia, the Post reported last year.


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Yawn news!!!

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I think CPP is playing with fire, just like Sihanouk did with Communist in 1970s. We all know that US is very serious about Iran's sanction. Are they trying to be a middleman selling Iran's oil to others, when those countries like Japan, Korea need oil, but could not get it. Good job, Cpp. Not only Khmer people who will be suffered from your policy, but one day your government will be gone as well.
    I don't wish that, but be smart CPP. You should know that Jewish lobby is very strong in America. Stay with them, do not against their policies.

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Hun Sen did it to give his gratitude to China. It's the Chinese which should be blaimed for all the bad things that happening in Cambodia. mf

  4. Anonymous11:51 PM

    I agree with 10:33 pm

  5. Anonymous12:10 AM

    11:51 PM,

    Don't blame China, blame CPP. Stand up for yourself, can't be a pawn. This is 21 Century !!!

  6. Anonymous12:25 AM

    China makes a move by using Ah stupid Hun Sen as a pawn.
    They wait and see how the West react.

  7. Anonymous12:47 AM

    you know, historically, cambodia and iran had always been good countries to each other since going back to the 1950s when cambodia just won independence from france. so, it is cambodia's rights to want iran oil, etc, you know. why does somebody has to pressure cambodia into iran's sanction, etc for politics? i think cambodia don't see it that way, cambodia and iran were friends and still are, i think. nothing changed since the 1950s, for your information, ok! so, please leave cambodia out of your politics with iran, ok! please stop duress cambodia into siding with your political sanction with iran. stop using cambodia for your political gain, please! leave cambodia alone for a change, really! god bless cambodia.

  8. Anonymous1:02 AM

    12:47 AM,
    Cambodia has no problem with Iran diplomatically. It is US against Iran. We don't want conflict with due to this issue. Cambodia is too small, we need US, not Iran. 12:47, you should learn more about US internal politics and its foreign policy. I told you, Israel's lobby is very strong in US.

  9. Anonymous1:45 AM

    legouvernement hun sene est un ami de l'iran pour toujours.

  10. Anonymous3:12 AM

    i don't think it's an act of defiant in any way by cambodia, it is more of an economic needs of cambodia, you know! of course, cambodia wants and needs america, too, just like some countries out there, you know. so, we have to play it fairly. it's called for diplomatic skills of cambodia.

  11. Anonymous3:23 AM

    What economic needs? Iran does not need business from Cambodia. The market is too small for them. What Cambodia wants is a middleman. They want to buy and sell oil to others. That's dangerous.

  12. Anonymous3:58 AM

    What can Cambodia delivery the oil through any way ,by cargoes,pipes,or air planes?
    Cambodian leaders just play stupid and loosing their begging money and will repaying back $350millions old debt to USA i guess.
    Let play with the Fire fools,because all of you have nothing to lose? But we are ordinary citizen are miserable. VOTE OUT STUPID CPP

  13. Anonymous4:00 AM


  14. Anonymous4:02 AM

    you fuking stupid cpp, in cambodian plenty of oil why need to be middle man for iran, don't you that if western shut-off your free tax export to their country cambodia will be 50years behind your fuking neighbor country again so think about it your mother fuker cpp...ah slave youn...

  15. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Our country is so small and powerless. Thus, we need to be accepted by more countries of the world that uplift democracy and quality of human life not a few countries that are being watched carefully and dramatically sanctioned by the United Nations Like Iran and China.

    Khmer Son

  16. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Ah Kwack ah pleu!!!

  17. Anonymous5:09 AM

    I think it is not a bad idea. WE need to diversify our source of imports. Cambodia must think of its own interest just as the way other country do for its own. But we also must play by the rules.

  18. Anonymous5:46 AM

    size big or small don't matter in the world, ok! look at tiny singapore with tiny land mess and population, etc, their economy is one of the top or the best in asia, so don't be biased with cambodia on the size or land area, etc, ok! really, the size of the land mess and population don't matters much, it's the leadership capability and the economic know-how that matters more, really! so, don't give me that size shanenigan, ok! cambodia don't buy it, ok!

  19. Anonymous6:05 AM

    shut up about the size thing, ok, for your information, there are many many small and many big countries in the world, so everything you biased against cambodia is not unique to only my country cambodia, ok! get educated already, please!

    don't give me that size thing, it's a lame argument by your part, really! singapore is small, so what! brunei is small, so what, taiwan is small, so what! what does small land mass or population has anything to do with their econic growth, etc? don't be stupid forever, please!

  20. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Sound like they want to use this oil import from Iran to milk more concession from the UN / US regarding the UN co-investigating judge.

  21. Anonymous10:58 AM

    The Khmer saying the cover is fit to the pot. Hum Sen is only able to make everlasting friend with China, north Korean, Iran, Burma..

  22. Anonymous2:16 PM

    10:58 You Asshole! sound like you love Hun Sen and supported him. Go kiss his ass you commy dicksucker. Khmer still smell like shit and corrupted by crooks from Chinese, Thai and VC.
