Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Superstition over the power of Ta Dambang Kranhoung statue in Battambang



  1. Anonymous11:53 PM

    I was in Preah Monivong High School
    in 1958;I rode bicycle to watch
    soccer-ball at Veal Bekchan.
    There were no one going to worship
    Ta Dambang Kranhoung statue.
    This statue is just a symbol legend
    and name of Battambang province.
    Each province and Srok have a statue
    symbol.Kompong Chnang has a pot
    Mongkoborey has a lady harvested
    the rice(Battambang ).
    I am not against people beliefs,
    but Think first before they believe like this.
    I am an old generation,but my rights is not believing in this
    kind of belief.

  2. Anonymous2:39 AM

    it is ok to worship whatever makes one having a spiritual well-being in their personal lives. spiritual well-being is different from conducting business, etc... it's all about the well-being of the mind, i.e., whatever makes one happy is good thing, spiritually speaking, you know.

  3. Anonymous2:42 AM

    the key word is "personal life," it shouldn't be a state thing kind of worshipping, though. it is good to allow people worshipping whatever they believe in that's all about their spiritual well-being. who am i to say what they can or can't worship; it's their prerogative, spiritually speaking, you know.

  4. Anonymous3:40 AM

    It is our culture, you like or not but please have more respect to our Khmer people.

  5. Anonymous4:31 AM


  6. Anonymous7:49 AM

    It is not OK to worship any spirit as you wish or belief. Wrong beliefs bring bad omen into one's life and nation. It is like saying; Communism is OK as long as I'm not under it or dictatorship is OK as long as I;m not under it.

    What you don't know will hurt you even in your spiritual belief. Do you want to worship the devil? Actually there are people who do worship the devil willfully. The elitist of the world worship Satan. Most of the UN personals worship Satan. Satan worship requires human sacrifice. Kidnapped people could be use for sacrifice in Satan worship. Is that OK with Mr. OK?

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    good point, not all worship or belief are good for everybody, especially the one that required human or animal sacrafice or sacrafice of some sort that involved taking away a life form. that of course is a bad exception to the rule, you're right. however, what i am saying with worshipping whatever one believes in for the purpose of spiritual well-being has more to do with one's culture and mental illness of the different people and their culture of the world. because that has something to do with their spiritual well-being as it connected to their cultural belief that heal them from their mental illness, etc... of course, some of those devil worship are outdated and should be discourage, especially if it involves human or animal or life sacrafice, you see. that's the difference. in other words, sacraficial worshipping or belief that requires taking a life must not be allowed, of course. also one that infringes on other rights or cause public chaos or disorder should not allowed either, but if it's a peaceful, private, personal one, then more power to them, really, especially if it helps pure their mental illness, etc, you know.
