ចរន្តចូលរួម យុទ្ធនាការ សង្រ្គោះជាតិ របស់ ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ ខេត្តកំពង់ស្ពឺ
នៅថ្ងៃ ទី៤ ខែមិថុនានេះ,
គណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ ខេត្តកំពង់ស្ពឺ បានរៀបចំ វេទិកាសាធារណៈ ពេលព្រឹក នៅឃុំវាលពន់
ស្រុកថ្ពង, និងពេលរសៀល នៅឃុំចាន់សែន ស្រុកឧដុង្គ ខេត្តកំពង់ស្ពឺ,
ដែលមានប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ រាប់ពាន់នាក់ ចូលរួម ។
ថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំ គណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ ដែលចូលរួម ក្នុងវេទិកានោះ, រួមមាន លោក យ៉ែម
បុញ្ញាឫទ្ធិ, ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ ស៊ីសុវត្ថិ ធម្មិកោ
អតីតលេខាផ្ទាល់ ព្រះមហាវីរក្សត្រ, លោក គៀត សុគន្ធ, លោកប៉ែន សុវណ្ណ, លោក នុដ
រំុដួល, រួមជាមួយ ថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំ មួយចំនួន ផ្សេងទៀត។
ការចូលរួម វេទិកា គណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ
របស់ ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ដ៏ច្រើនលើសលុប បែបនេះ
ត្រូវបាន គណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិចាត់ ទុកថា ជាចរន្តចង់ ឲ្យមានការផ្លាស់ប្តូរ
និងជាចរន្ត ចូលរួម យុទ្ធនាការ សង្រ្គោះជាតិ
ព្រោះថា វេទិកាសាធារណៈ ដែលត្រូវ បានរៀបចំ ធ្វើជារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ នៅតាមបណ្តាឃុំ
ស្រុក ទូទាំងប្រទេសកម្ពុជានេះ
គឺ ជាយុទ្ធនាការ សង្គ្រោះជាតិ ដែលទាមទារ ឲ្យប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ គ្រប់ស្រទាប់វណ្ណៈ
និងគ្រប់ទិសទី ចូលរួម សង្រ្គោះជាតិ នៅថ្ងៃ ទី២៨ ខែកក្កដា ខាងមុខនេះ៕
Cambodia National Rescue Party:
I just watch Youtube posted on the 27th/05/13, how Hun Sen tried to defend a document about Kingta like, how kingta was the one who ordered Lon Nol to stay behind to lead the nation into such anarchy way of life. Well, Mr Hun Sen, you don't need to pretent to love and Defend Kingta because a lot of textbooks have written about this very issue.
ReplyDeleteSo, let me clarify this to you. Between 1970-1975 Lon Nol did not want to become a PM but Kingta insisted that he should because he was the only person he could trust. Lon Nol said 'No' because he was trained to be a commander of chief and that he did not know much about politic, left alone to be a PM. Again, Kingta said 'just do it OK?' Lon Nol finally said 'ok'.
Sadly, during that time, the US security council said to Kingta 'you have no choice, you either be with us or against us', then, kingta responded by saying, 'neutral', but later on kingta betrayed Lon Nol by allowing the VC to use khmer territory as their sanctuary. Lon Nol found out and was shocked, Sirik Matak (kingta's Cousin) was very angry and said to Lon Nol, 'we are in deep shit'. We have to overthow kingta in order to claim back our territory from the VC. Lon Nol agreed and then, disagreed in the last minutes by saying 'I can do it, I feel like betraying kingta', but Sirik Matak point a gun on Lon Nol's head said 'I am sorry, I know you are my friend but if you don't sign this creed to overthrow the kingta now, I have no choice but to shoot you'. Lon Nol had to choice but to sign that creed, after that he cried.
Hun Sen no need to defend Kingta when the truth will always be the truth. What kingta did was pure evil ,as he was playing the game of double crossed Lon Nol and Sirik Matak (Pro US), while kingta chosen to part of the VC and believing that the VC would give him back the 'Khmer Krom territory'. Hun Sen needs to read more about khmer history. There are many textbooks relating to wars, between wwi and wwii and what went wrong between 1970-1975, and pol pot from 1975-1979. So, you don't have to defend kingta and try to manipulate the story line to in order to fullfill in your political gain.
In fact, you are the one who is trying to kill kingta for his crown and so, everyone knows this. You have used kingta and king Hecmoni as your puppets and so, don't act like you love kingta and be royalt to them, you are so fake and so demeaning to every other party as well. When kingta was alive, you did not make him feel welcome at his home at all and you'd shown that he was a threat to you and your party, you even find fault alligation toward two of his son Ranarith and another brother, accusing them of evil plot against you and so on. Your have so much evil tricks, in order for you to gain that power of yours, from KR to K5 plan to annex khmers out of their existence and then, you pretent to care for khmers, when you continue to rob, steel and kill them on a regular basis e.g Victims of Borey Kolla, bongkok, killing Chut Vuthy, Chea Vichea, Tout Srey Nich, Pov Panhna Pich, Pisit Pilica and jailling number of other activists, jounalist to shut them up from telling the truth.
Now, you are encouraging Mr Chum Mey to do the domentration for your political game, like always. You need to stop playing such evil game because 'enough is enough'. Again, the person who talked about kingta was based on the real facts and again Mr Hun Sen wanting to persecute him, just like he did before, what right is wrong and what wrong is right or what black is white and what white is black. Hun Sen likes to ly, deceive and manipulate just like his own VC boss and he thinks he can get away from it. Anwyway, don't be supprised, Hun Sen is actually Kingta's killer, in order for him to gain more power for his family trees. So stop manipulate to get what you want ok, because the truth will always be the truth and the thruth shall set us free.
វីរជន(៧មករា)សម រង្សី....សង្រ្កោះ (៤យួន)
ReplyDeleteសង្រ្កោះ កណ្ដួយម៉ែវាអី?