Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Free my mom, now!



  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    That is the communist dictator justice making from rich to poor when someone is against his family clan. For YOUN, he is doing all for them! But if Khmer?

  2. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Hun Sen's regime is worst than Pol Pot's regime! why? Pol Pot killed 2.7million Khmers, but Hun Sen kill the whole country. The new generation should aware and compare the two dictators trick.

  3. Anonymous11:11 PM

    សម រង្ស៊ី (ខ្លាចពងក្តជ្រុះ)
    កឹម សុខា (អោបពងក្តខ្លាចជ្រុះ)

    -CNRPសង្រ្កោះ! 7 makara !

  4. Anonymous3:05 AM

    my poor baby, if by chance i'm in cambodia and i meet u, i will find u a sponsor to raise u in usa, give u a chance to go to school like american children. cambodia is trash country and it woundn't ever change.

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    10:27 PM. You are right, but still wrong. Pol Pot did not kill 2.7 million Khmer, there is no evidence that 2.7 million Khmer were killed during the 3 years regime under Pol Pot.

    The only evidence are the mass grave across the country on the Eastern side of Cambodia and the Western side of Cambodia.

    As Vietnamese heavily controlled Cambodia from the 1960s to 1975, using Cambodia as a sactuary to fight the Americans. How many Vietnamese forces were in Cambodia?

    Why is ECC only interested in what happened between 175-1979, not before or after? We knwo that before 1975 the Vietnamese created Pol Pot and also trained Hun Sen in Vietnamese. But in 1979 Hun Sen was fluence in Vietnamese, which is why the Vietnamese kept Hun Sen but invaded Cambodia and killed the Khmer Rouge and trialed Pol Pot for the mass murder.

    Did Pol Pot really kill 2.7 million Khmer?

  6. Anonymous8:27 PM

    សម រង្សី,កឹម សុខា......សង្រ្កោះ (៤យួន)

    សង្រ្កោះ កណ្ដួយម៉ែវាអី?
