Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tribunal Recounts Regime's Vietnam War

Khmer Rouge guerrillas pose for a photograph following the fall of Phnom Penh in 1975. Tribunal documents outline a war with Vietnam that began as soon as the guerrillas took power.

By Mean Veasna, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
20 August 2008

The executions of ethnic Vietnamese by the Khmer Rouge could be the key to genocide charges for jailed leaders of the regime, but prosecutors documents also recount a conflict between the Khmer guerrillas and their Vietnamese neighbors that began almost immediately after the Khmer Rouge came to power.

The Vietnam government does not fund the Khmer Rouge tribunal, but more Vietnamese nationals were killed by the regime than any other foreign group. The regime also killed Thai, Lao, French, New Zealand and US nationals.

"Regarding this issue, several powerful countries, rich countries, have assisted in funding the Khmer Rouge tribunal already," Vietnamese Embassy spokesman Trinh Bac Cam said Wednesday.

Closing orders in the case of Kaing Kek Iev, also called Duch, issued by tribunal judges claim at least 400 Vietnamese civilians and soldiers were killed at Tuol Sleng prison alone.

Youk Chhang, director of the Documentation Center of Cambodia, said at least 600 Vietnamese were killed by the Khmer Rouge at Tuol Sleng and another detention center in Prey Veng province.

In highlighting the conflict, which led to the eventual invasion of Cambodia by Vietnamese forces and the ouster of the Khmer Rouge, tribunal documents are fulfilling a quieter role of the tribunal: a recounting of history that has been lost on Cambodians in subsequent years.

According to indictment documents posted by tribunal prosecutors recently, the Khmer Rouge maintained a conflict with Vietnam over border disputes between April 1975 and December 1978.

The conflict took place in border areas including Ratanakkiri, Mondolkiri, Takeo, Svay Rieng, Kampong Cham and Prey Veng provinces, and on the island formerly known as Koh Tral, better known now by its Vietnamese name, Phu Quoc.

An invasion force of 150,000 Vietnamese troops began an offensive in December 1978, driving the Khmer Rouge out of the capital on Jan. 7, 1979.

The conflict, and suspicions of Vietnamese agents within the ranks of the Khmer Rouge, led to the killing of many Vietnamese.

"If there will be a trial, justice is for all victims," Trinh Ba Cam said.

Tribunal observers said recently prosecutors could seek genocide charges against the five jailed Khmer Rogue leaders for the killing of the Vietnamese.

"A part of justice will be shared with Vietnamese citizens who have their relatives, military and civilian, killed during Democratic Kampuchea," Youk Chhang said.


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    "A part of justice will be shared with Vietnamese citizens who have their relatives, military and civilian, killed during Democratic Kampuchea," Youk Chhang said.

    Yep Mr Youk Chhang and don't worry about the sufferings of the Khmer Krom under the Vietnamese's rule, how many were killed, do you know? and did you try to bring justice for them or they are just flies? Go on promote your name and your one sided justice of this conflict....have you and your friends thought of the many thousands of Cambodians who died at the hand of the Vietnamese army when they invaded Cambodia? the infamous K5. And who are responsible for that? or is it insignificant to you and your friends?

  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Youk Chang, Chkout!!

    VN destroyed, invaded Cambodia historically and culturally. One of the reasons and the main factors that Khmer Rough created was VN. KR fought with VN on the week of its office, why?? The land and sea borders were invaded tragically by VN. And now, we sentence KR leaders to find justice for VN people who killed by KR, that is very good, congratulation!! You are doing good job!!

    Of course, we find justice for Cambodians and others who were killed during KR regime, but please please please include Mr. Chang Youk or any Khmer don't say that we find justice for any Vietnamese people who were killed during KR time, or before and after!!! How many Khmers were killed by VN on Cambodian land?? and how many kilometers of Khmer land & sea were taken by VN??. Who can breing justice for Khmers??.

    Therefore, I would like to appeal for all Khmers especially media speakers, please do not say thank and gratitude to VN at all!! They are Kro-Per!!! They are murderers, stealer, thieves and violators of Cambodia, don't you know that?? If you don't know about that, you are chkout and chke!!


  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I agree, Why would you support the Vietnamese when they did most of the killing of our Khmer and Khmer Krom family. The reason why Khmer Rouge fought Vietnam was to take back Khmer Krom but failed. So I'm appealing to Chang Youk why does he want justice for Vietnamese people is beyond my belief. Khmer Krom been tortured all these years do you think Vietnam want justice for them ? Not in this life.

  4. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Don't worry Mr. Hun Xen, he will do it for Khmer people because his blood is Khmer blood.

    He can betray his commander because of his position then he also can betray Vietnamese for Khmer as same as his position.

    He concern about his child's (and grand grand child) life in the future. They are Khmer and when he pass away, or lost the position, who know how it will going on. In these case he try to find the best way to solve this problem. He think that, if his position lost then there will be a big trouble for his family, and he also think that if the Youn complete their plan then, Khmer as same as his child and his grand grand child will be live same as Kampouchea Krom.

    He is not sure himself how to stay in current position like today for the next future. Nobody can live forever. The only one way is to turn back to get everything from Youn. This is the only best way for him.

    Khmer people hope and believe that he can do this nation job and his name will put on the Khmer history after that. He is the only one man can do this mission for this pity country and her people. Khmer blood line will never be destroyed.

    Son of Khmer Blood Line

  5. Anonymous12:43 PM

    “More Vietnamese nationals were killed by the regime than any other foreign group."

    This is a bullshit statement and in fact there are Khmer nationals and the Chinese nationals more than the Vietnamese were killed under the Khmer Rouge in many of part of Cambodia for being pro-Lon Nol government and for being too educated, too capitalist, and too bourgeoisie!

    Since AH HUN XEN government is a Vietcong puppet government and he like to paint a very sad picture of how the Vietnamese nationals had suffered the most under the Khmer Rouge just to please his Vietcong master and to justify why the Vietcong had to invade Cambodia to save the Vietnamese national!

    The truth is that the Khmer Rouge had two factions since the beginning of time! One Khmer Rouge faction is pro-China and the other pro-Vietcong and all of the Khmer Rouge factions involve in the killing of Cambodian civilian to fulfill their communist propaganda!

    If AH Youk Chhang is so much interested in finding justice for the Khmer people and maybe he need to look into the issue of the Khmer Krom people who continue to suffer under the Vietcong racist policy!

    Please don't forget the Indochina Communist Party which started by the Vietcong since the 1930!

  6. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Youk Chhang is a Vietnamese's speak dog

  7. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "If there will be a trial, justice is for all victims," Trinh Ba Cam said.

    That is right you stupid Trinh Ba Cam!

    Justice is also preserve for our brother Khmer Krom!!!!!!!

    And “More Khmer Krom nationals were killed by the regime of Commie Vietnamese than any other foreign group."

    Now you YOUN in trouble and having a huge headache about Khmer Krom issue.

    They will be granted independence soon.

    Bravo Khmer Krom!!

    Please keep up the good work!

    Justice will prevail!!

    Independence will come to us shortly!!

  8. Anonymous8:15 PM

    UNPO already helped East Timore, Kosovo and the next one will be Khmer Krom to grant independent.

    Khmer Krom!!

  9. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Funny thing is Vietname are the early architecture and stronge supporter of the KR against the pro US Lonal's government.

    Ontop of that many of the KR officials at all level are of Vietnamese decent!!!
