Sunday, March 21, 2010

Development at What Cost?

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Op-Ed by Pretty Ma

The above video clip of clashes between villagers in Kampong Speu and the authority is one of the repeating evidences long recorded and reported by all concerned human rights and civil society groups. Land evictions have driven large numbers of Cambodian families across the country, young and old into poverty and despair. Without immediate halt and without a change of government policy and attitude, plenty more Cambodians will face the same consequence with almost a certain future of long enduring hardships - a slavery like condition - for generations to come.

The Cambodian government could have conducted a more accommodated and yet humane investment policy. It should find for those evictees a new land with proper compensation of cash and shelter without resorting to forced eviction. If Cambodia can lease out so much land to foreigners, then it should be able to formulate a better inclusive investment policy than what it is doing now for its poor and its indigenous people. Speaking of indigenous people, their culture and life style will forever be altered, not for the better but for a whole lot worse than one can imagine.

The new round of assault on land eviction will reach farmers in remote areas, especially indigenous peoples who live far away from the eyes and ears of the main public. Since Cambodia is poised to focus more and more on developing its plantation economy, rubbers and acacia etc.., then we can expect to see a lot more events similar to the one in Kampong Speu taking place in the near future. Given that the government officials, judges and businessmen are not on the receiving end of the evictions, then its is hard to imagine anyone of them will ever understand the magnitude of the cold pain and daily apprehension of the evictees.

As I am writing this, it brought me back to my earlier years as I tried to explain to foreigners in the camp and in America of my personal experience during the Khmer Rouge, including a massacre on a village which I had witnessed a few days after the graves were freshly buried - the experience remains stuck with you given all the gruesome evidences of blood, hairs still attached to the skin. You can tell a story as good as it gets, but for a listener you can never feel the same or get the complete picture as what you were trying to describe. It would almost be the same to say that you can't really feel what the others are feeling since you are not in his/her shoes. In this case, the corrupt judges and all the big fat cats will never learn nor understand the pain of the land evictees.

Watch the video and take a moment to reflect as those people's lives as theirs are being reduced to practically NOTHING. Haven't we learn anything from the rise and fall of the past regimes for the last 50 years or so? It's all from MISTREATMENT of the people. In Cambodia today, it's on a grandiose scale again from not only political, but also from socio-economic standpoint. The gap is getting a lot wider now and it causes a lot of uncertainty and social distress across the land. People are not sure who will be next on the eviction list? Which companies will come in to evict their lands?

The government's own effort to stray away from democracy has continued to hinder meaningful development in all areas of the Cambodian society. At the rate of contracts signed under land concessions, the need to evict people out will be more frequent. It does not take a Ph.D. to see where the country is really heading to socially, politically and economically. Experiences can pretty much tell a person on the roads where he has walked on and where he will be led to. The government of Cambodia is relatively weak and inefficient. When a Prime Minister has to micro-manage every minor problems of the country, then that country is badly managed. All the institutions are useless. Corruption is like a cancer; it is a ticking time bomb and it continue to spread unmanageably. It corrupts the mind and the soul of everyone involved, rich and poor alike, Cambodian inside as well as those residing abroad.

When one look at a country's development such as ours, he/she needs to take into account the human component, real lives that are being negatively affected since it goes far beyond than just some number of tall buildings of 4-5 star-rated hotels, casinos, fancy restaurants, karaoke bars, massage parlors, and new SUV Landcruisers. There are real costs and many opportunities lost to the nation, especially when we look closely at the fabric of our society today compared to what it was prior to 1970.

While we somehow managed to increase the numbers of buildings, business investments (bad and good), cars, motorcycles, bicycles, perhaps a few more rich individuals than before, but let's also look at the cost of other things as well.

Let's look at the gap between the rich and the poor; the magnitude of corruption (size and scale); the irreversible cost of deforestation factored in the climate change effect; the number of Cambodian beggars and those large number of people who have to seek work outside the country at the mercy of our neighbors; the frequency of land evictions which resulted in large number of displaced persons with no future. The large percentage and still growing number of young women being driven into prostitution, something unheard of during the 60s and the 70s. Then, how many Cambodian women would take risky chance to marry foreigners just to get out of poverty and our of the country altogether? Some were reportedly and severely mistreated, sold and re-sold in South Korea, beating up in Malaysia so on and so forth. The number is staggering, something you have never heard of during the Sihanouk era - the way our Cambodian women are being denigrated is shameful at best. Any country has its low point, but Cambodian women and their dignity are being compromised to the maximum as a result of the Cambodian government's corrupt policies and practices.

There is a complete change in Cambodian mentality not for the better of course - one that I am not at all proud of when you are reaching a point where you cannot really trust anyone anymore, not your relatives, your friends, your physicians, your justice system and your government. Doctors that once trained to save lives have turned to extorting patients for cash. There is a very low sense of morality, pride, compassion and righteousness. Having said that, I am encouraged to see that there are still good Cambodians who have unselfishly taken risk to serve, to promote and advocate Cambodia's interests. Good for them and they deserve all the respect and supports in the world.

So, those are the costs which I think we all need to plug into our calculation in order to see if there is other way to encourage a better policy of development - one that is less harsh on the poor and the country as a whole given its long term implication outlook. Social imbalances, injustices, mistreatment of the needy will lead to some strange unwarranted consequences and history has always reminded all of us not to over indulge ourselves with what we should have learnt from our past. What the Khmer Rouge has taught me is to understand what boil underneath the mistreated people and to be attentive to their despair, as well as to be a bit more humane, fair and kind regardless how little you can be a part of.

Is it too late to change from wrongs to rights?

Cambodia can still advance together, but the government has to change its course of action, policy and direction. A complete halt to all land evictions across the country would be a good start to ensure that people could be moved properly or compensated fairly. The Prime Minister, if he is serious about stability and our people's welfare beings, needs to rid of corruption in its entirety, and the passage of corruption law will need to be modified to reflect that sincerity. The government needs to be more open to public scrutiny and criticism since it is natural that people aren't thinking the same. It needs to be more inclusive in political decision and process in order to secure long term stability and peace among all people. It won't solve all the problems but it will be a tremendous start in advancing the country and everyone involved forward to a more equitable state, poor and rich alike.


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    You never see justice under this government.

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Justic for Chinese and Korean.

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Why chinese and korean has the right to buy land in cambodia freely?
    Any one has answer?

  4. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Don't forget about ah Youn too, fucking CPP give alots of lands to ah Youn. Lives under ah CPP goverment our people live misserable. That's how it get when you guy keep vote for ah CPP.

  5. Anonymous3:03 PM

    hunkvak has the answers. All 7 millions khmer should run altogether at once then we will win for sure..if only 10 or 20 against them we never win.

  6. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Khmer in Sydney CBD (?) can surely answer the questions! No doubt.

  7. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I called Money $$$! Poeple Know who's sell that land. It was the government employee. We need go to his house in Phnom Penh and protest or kill him.....tired of see this shit happen.

  8. Anonymous9:26 PM

    រលាយហើយ!​រលាយហើយ!​​ អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុនសែន វាមិនដឹងថាស្រុកខ្មែររលាយទៀត ដល់ដំណាក់ការនេះហើយ។​​ ប្លន់យកដីរាស្ត្រស្រោះៗ
    តស៊ូឡើង!​ តស៊ូឡើង វណ្ណៈក្រីក្រ ផ្តួលរំលំ​របបឃោឃៅនេះឲ្យបាន។
    មើលចុះ ក្រសួងពេទ្យក៏រលាយ អ្នកជម្អឺចេញទៅមើល តែខាងក្រៅស្រុកទេ។
    ក្រសួងសិក្សាធិការក៏រលាយ ក្មេងរៀងឥតចេះអីទេ។​ អាមនុស្សមិនចេះអីនេះ ឥឡូវបានឡើងដល់ថ្នាក់អនុមន្ទី ឬ អនុរដ្ឋលេខាធិការហើយ។
    រដ្ឋបាលសង្កាត់ក៏រលាយទៀតហើយ ។​ ធ្វើការមិនកើត ឥឡូវមានក្រុមហ៊ុន ឯកជនមកធ្វើការជំនួសវិញ "ក្រុមហ៊ុនសណ្តាប់ធ្នាប់" ព្រោះប៉ូលិស និង សង្កាត់ធ្វើការមិនកើត។

  9. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Who were the people who sold this land to Korean or Chinese? This business men should go after the people who sold them land. Leave these poor innocent people alone. Let them leave in peace. Better yet, have those Camb. people reimbursed the $$ back to these foreigners. Problem solve people!

  10. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Armed Uprising! Kap yuon!
    Armed Uprising! Kap ah chkè yuon
    Armed Uprising! Kap ah chkè kanjeas yuon!

    I Urge all poeple for the day-long stand with armed with a few rifles and hand guns, axes, swords, spears
    , knifes and sticks...etc to Uprising and confront with Hun Sen's oppressor and the force of evil axis which is the most hatred in the whole world.

    C'on wakeup! fight for your freedom!

    The freedom ain't fall down from the sky!

    Let the freedom ring! Cambodia!
    Let the freedom ring! Cambodia!
    Let the freedom ring! Cambodia!

  11. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime

    Pol Pot
    Nuon Chea
    Ieng Sary
    Ta Mok
    Khieu Samphan
    Son Sen
    Ieng Thearith
    Kaing Kek Iev
    Hun Sen
    Chea Sim
    Heng Samrin
    Hor Namhong
    Keat Chhon
    Ouk Bunchhoeun
    Sim Ka...

    Mass Murder
    Crimes Against Humanity
    Force Labour
    Overwork to Death
    Human Abuses
    Unlawful Detention

    Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime

    Hun Sen
    Chea Sim
    Heng Samrin
    Hor Namhong
    Keat Chhon
    Ouk Bunchhoeun
    Sim Ka...

    Attempted Murders
    Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
    Attempted Assassinations
    Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
    Assassinated Journalists
    Assassinated Political Opponents
    Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
    Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

    "But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
    Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
    Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
    Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
    Murdered Chea Vichea
    Murdered Ros Sovannareth
    Murdered Hy Vuthy
    Murdered Journalists
    Murdered Khim Sambo
    Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
    Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
    Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
    Murdered Innocent Men
    Murdered Innocent Women
    Murdered Innocent Children
    Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
    Extrajudicial Execution
    Grenade Attack
    Drive by Shooting
    Police Brutality Against Monks
    Police Brutality Against Evictees
    Death Threats
    Human Abductions
    Human Abuses
    Human Rights Abuses
    Human Trafficking
    Drugs Trafficking
    Under Age Child Sex
    Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
    Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
    Illegal Arrest
    Illegal Mass Evictions
    Illegal Land Grabbing
    Illegal Firearms
    Illegal Logging
    Illegal Deforestation

    Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.

    Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky.  Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground. 
    Source:  Lightning, Discovery Channel

    Illegally Sold State Properties
    Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
    Plunder National Resources
    Acid Attacks
    Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
    Steal Votes
    Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
    Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
    Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
    Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
    Abuse of Power
    Abuse the Laws
    Abuse the National Election Committee
    Abuse the National Assembly
    Violate the Laws
    Violate the Constitution
    Violate the Paris Accords
    Unlawful Detention
    Death in custody.

    Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.

  12. Anonymous8:02 AM

    The CPP and its government are too corrupt to be able to get out the corruption well in which they are!

    They have to go as a group, especially the ones very close to Hun Sen and Hun Sen, himself.

    The question is how to remove them from power. It is not going to be easy since they serve the interests of Vietnam, China and Korea very well; they will be helped by those 3 countries to remain in power as long as possible.
    Even the US and the EU have to play a very carefully planned policy of no confrontation just to have some small leverage on them.

    The only force that can make change in Cambodia can only come from the people of Cambodia themselves united as one and resisting an injustice and evil of the land at full force. It is not easy, but ther is no other way!

    Anet Khmer

  13. Anonymous10:37 AM

    លើកកាំភ្លើងបាញ់សម្លាប់ ​អញ +ប្រជាជនខ្មែរមកអាឆ្កែយួន!!

  14. Anonymous11:49 AM

    We need to start a revolution, that is the only answer. I'm tired of this injustice that is rampant everywhere in Cambodia. Hun Sen and his CPP members will continue to sell our land and throw our people deeper into poverty. Without land and opportunities, there is no way to live. Hun Sen and all the blood suckers need to be evicted off their land and properties and thrown into the Mekong river, let their dead corpse wash all the way down to Vietnam, that is where these traitors belong!
