Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: Sun Bun Chhuon

Click on the cartoon to zoom in
Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at

Sun Bun Chhuon: Shoot me! Shoot me! I don't care about my life! I lost my rice field! I lost my home! Where will I live? You came to rob Cambodians to give our lands to the Chinese! It's so unfair!

Sun Bun Chhuon demanding justice

Cop seen using an AK-47 rifle to shoot at the villagers


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Do this cops even train how to shoot. Look at his shooting stand!

    Those villagers could and should crack his head from behind. Pathetic! Just standin there to watch this cop shoot at their fellow villagers. This is Khmer attitude! This is why them corrupted officials keep abusing this animals.

    I remember this guy from the video. He keep saying he lost everything and would rather die. He open his chest for cops to shoot him. Pathetic! Would die cowardly. What he should do is strap high exposive device on his body and walk into the National Assembly when CPPs officials in the meeting.

    Or, snype them official one by one. One official a night for a month I bet most of those corrrupted officials would be somehow fear a little. Crying, screaming, Standing and let them shoot at will not get any sympathy from them crooks.

    This villagers are like animals! This is why the crazy government treat them like one.

  2. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Crying to see my own Khmer brothers suffered, because we can't help them.

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Ayutethor nass ayutethor nass. Lon Nol put down peasants in Samlaut in 1967. Now Hun Sen is committing the same crime against our people.

  4. Anonymous3:00 PM

    in those day peasants secretly joint the khmer rouge, today they villagers just wanted to live in peace. Since the yuon hunkvak took power the innocents never live in peace. Where are the UN peace keeper???

  5. Anonymous4:02 PM

    It is very sad to see this kind of arnachist. Cambodian are going to loose their land of birth very soon by this kind of killings and eviction. It is time for UN to step in and to disarm Hun Sen government and call for a new election. This government do not represente Cambodian at all. They are mafia and is representing vietnam to colonise Cambodia in a very fast speed.

    Areak Prey

  6. Anonymous5:39 PM

    when the authorities abandoned the poor, if the authorities concerned over the poor, they are forced to organize to defend themselves.
    This day is a warning to government officials that policies must consider measures to control and limit the consequences of unbridled capitalism .

    Economic development should benefit everyone and should not benefit only a minority of people.
    Social justice is given a major policy in a democracy that power should not be underestimated.

    The history of revolutions and changes of political regimes have consistently shown that the tears and cries of despair born of profound social injustice and misery of the people can turn a day of violent storms that can sweep the most power solid.

    I congratulate Mr. Sun Chhuon Bun, the hero of the day who is not afraid to face the armed police to defend themselves against social injustice. This day is an important day when the people poor and abandoned but united won a victory against the powerful and the rich in the struggle for life and defend their rights to a dignified life. It's always the same way as the revolution begins.

    Without work, without land to farm, no house, how do people live? Both fight and die than live in such conditions!

    In a few simple words, Sun Bun Chhuon asked a fundamental question: no land to crops, homeless and jobless, how can the people land the Khmer peasants live? Why so many social injustice?

  7. Anonymous6:23 PM

    M. Sun Chhuon Bun, I advise you to stand for election in 2013 to defend poor people without work, no future, victims of social injustice and abandoned by the political power and people unfairly evicted from their land.

    Mrs. Khem Sokha or Sam Rainsy may be taking him in your political party. If not, I advise M. Sun Chhuon Bun creating your own political party.
    Because in politics than the poor find fair solutions to their problems.

  8. Anonymous8:26 PM

    It Sihanouk who order Gen Lon Nol
    to put down Khmer in Samlot.

  9. Anonymous9:34 PM

    We cant go back to the Past Lon Nol or Khmer Rough. Let changed and look into the future. Police know nothing just told to be there by there superior. Cambodian there let fight and get your land back. No one is coming to help you for now....Died for something! let your family and children know what had happen or you going to live with nothing! all the khmer is watching around the world. let come together. Fight will sent a strong message to the government. Hun Sen is watching and nego with the senator who's sold the land.

  10. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Where are Sam Rainsy and his supporters? They should be with Mr. Chhon. I agree, Mr. Chhon is a hero. I hope to see more and more courageous people like him. Stand and fight for justice! I'm praying to Buddha to help resolve this issue without any blood shed. PM Hun Sen, please step in and intervene right now! After, all, you won the election because of these poor innocent people. Don't turn your back on them.

  11. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Development at any cost for foreigners and the group of cpp.

  12. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Armed Uprising!
    Armed Uprising!
    Armed Uprising!

    I Urge all poeple for the day-long stand with armed with a few rifles and hand guns, axes, swords, spears
    , knifes and sticks...etc to Uprising and confront with Hun Sen's oppressor and the force of evil axis which is the most hatred in the whole world.

    C'on wakeup! fight for your freedom!

    The freedom ain't fall down from the sky!

    Let the freedom ring! Cambodia!
    Let the freedom ring! Cambodia!
    Let the freedom ring! Cambodia!

  13. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Khmers need more helps from UN. Hun Sen is responsible for all actions.

  14. Anonymous12:07 AM

    3:00 PM,

    Some of the retired UNTAC "peace keepers" perhaps died of aids, some may have come back as tourists (visiting brothels), and some continue to live quietly as someone who participated in a good cause.

  15. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Poverty exists everywhere in the world.
    Cambodia is a poor country, but farmers and the poor live in dignity.
    They have their land and labor. They are at home.

    Today, the Khmer poor are brutally expelled from their land by wealthy foreigners, and powerful people.
    People have lost their land, work tools, they have become vagrants and beggars, strangers in their own country abandoned by the government.

    At that poverty and social deprivation adds social injustice with the wild capitalism.

    The GRC must stop the despoliation of land from peasants and selling land to foreigners and the social injustice. If not, there will be a new revolt of peasants Samlot
    as in 1967.

    The solution for the despair of the people is in politics and go through the change of power
    or political system.

  16. Anonymous2:33 AM

    6:23 PM,

    The Non-violence will never work and always loose under Hanoi's Puppet Regime.

    Even 1,000n elections to come, you always loose 100%.

    Suppose you win, Hun Sen won't let your SRP to take power to run the country of Cambodia, never and never. Please stop dreaming of WINNING ELECTION ANYMORE, THE OPPOSITION PARTY(IES).



  17. Anonymous4:40 AM

    All Khmers,

    Trokol Hun Sen Chea Me Chor
    Luoch Ko Krobei Kea Chh'lang Daen
    Sour Phum KamNoeut Robos "Sen"
    Toeur Maen Doch Tha Toeub Ban Doeung!

  18. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime

    Pol Pot
    Nuon Chea
    Ieng Sary
    Ta Mok
    Khieu Samphan
    Son Sen
    Ieng Thearith
    Kaing Kek Iev
    Hun Sen
    Chea Sim
    Heng Samrin
    Hor Namhong
    Keat Chhon
    Ouk Bunchhoeun
    Sim Ka...

    Mass Murder
    Crimes Against Humanity
    Force Labour
    Overwork to Death
    Human Abuses
    Unlawful Detention

    Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime

    Hun Sen
    Chea Sim
    Heng Samrin
    Hor Namhong
    Keat Chhon
    Ouk Bunchhoeun
    Sim Ka...

    Attempted Murders
    Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
    Attempted Assassinations
    Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
    Assassinated Journalists
    Assassinated Political Opponents
    Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
    Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

    "But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
    Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
    Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
    Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
    Murdered Chea Vichea
    Murdered Ros Sovannareth
    Murdered Hy Vuthy
    Murdered Journalists
    Murdered Khim Sambo
    Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
    Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
    Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
    Murdered Innocent Men
    Murdered Innocent Women
    Murdered Innocent Children
    Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
    Extrajudicial Execution
    Grenade Attack
    Drive by Shooting
    Police Brutality Against Monks
    Police Brutality Against Evictees
    Death Threats
    Human Abductions
    Human Abuses
    Human Rights Abuses
    Human Trafficking
    Drugs Trafficking
    Under Age Child Sex
    Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
    Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
    Illegal Arrest
    Illegal Mass Evictions
    Illegal Land Grabbing
    Illegal Firearms
    Illegal Logging
    Illegal Deforestation

    Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.

    Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky.  Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground. 
    Source:  Lightning, Discovery Channel

    Illegally Sold State Properties
    Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
    Plunder National Resources
    Acid Attacks
    Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
    Steal Votes
    Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
    Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
    Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
    Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
    Abuse of Power
    Abuse the Laws
    Abuse the National Election Committee
    Abuse the National Assembly
    Violate the Laws
    Violate the Constitution
    Violate the Paris Accords
    Unlawful Detention
    Death in custody.

    Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.

  19. Anonymous8:14 AM

    We didn't see the posting of our Khmer in Sydney CBD who has earned a high degree of education for stealing and robbing of Cambodian people for a while.
    I think he is very busy in advising his Boss Hun Sen how to manipulate in a very sophicate way to get attention from international community.

  20. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Khmer in Sydney CBD is a screen name of Var Sambath who's CPP's supportor in Sydney.

  21. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I'm so sorry, hmm it's very upsad to cambodian.everybody have heart for each why don't care khmer people?

  22. Anonymous10:38 AM

    លើកកាំភ្លើងបាញ់សម្លាប់ ​អញ +ប្រជាជនខ្មែរមកអាឆ្កែយួន!!

  23. Anonymous11:42 AM

    1:43 p.m.
    You are the one that is pathetic and a coward, all talk and hiding behind your computer to make such irrational judgments against these poor people! How dare you refer to these villagers as animals, your tone of speech shows your lack of understanding and empathy towards these victims. The villagers are poor and have no weapons, they are unable to protect themselves from the gun totting cops, what can they do, no one will listen or help them, not the courts, not the corrupted officials who have all conspired to rob the villagers of their home and land. Without any hope and future, Sun Bun Chhuon states "go ahead and shot me!" it is a brave, human act, he is standing up for himself and his fellow villagers. It's not a cowardice act, he is just full of despair.

  24. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Nonsense! If they shoot him he would be dead. Dead for nothing! And you call that's brave......
