Friday, March 19, 2010

Open Letter to Prince Sihanouk by Sisowath Sirik Matak dated August 27, 1973


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I wish the king would read this letter now !
    who can submit this letter to his website???
    Well Please submit this letter to his website for him to remind his memory !

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Wow! Thanks for sharing...
    Everyone knows Sihanouk is the fault of the KR Regimes and CPP Regimes.

  3. Anonymous10:05 AM

    KI, this article got cut in half for some reason. Please repost.

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Sihanouk probably thought what in the hell is he saying?. motherf*cker get lost!

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    So sad...Sirik Matak plea to Sihanouk to end Khmer blood shed and end his ties with Viet Cong.

    The crown should have gone to Sirik Matak in 1942 but went to Sihanouk instead...there was this tension all along between the two cousins.

    There is no doubt that Sihanouk made mistakes and he admits it but he is not corrupt or a traitor like Hun Sen.

    Its a matter of time for this 'hunger of power' man named Hun Sen to be overthrown by the Khmer people...we are a proud and continue to exist...we will not let a hand full of traitors to continue to ruin the country...we have survived this far...and we will continue to fight for our survival tirelessly...

    Abhisit's time will come to an end soon and so will Hun Sen!

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    This is a great letter I ever read by a royal family who begged his younger brother to stop killing his own people. His vision was clear that Sihanouk should listen to.
    Can somebody share... were Pince Sisowath Serimatak, Lon Nol and In Tam get along at that time? I read Bun ChanMol's book and found out that they seemed did not get a long that was one of the reason the Khmer Republic was lost.

    Appreciate any sharing..

  7. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I respect sarik mtack the gread leader of Cambodia. But I hate his son Sisowat Sereirath he is a sucker of the killer and the viet.
    khmer republic
    khmer long beach

  8. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Who is Sirik Matak? Don’t be surprise at all, Sirik Matak was actually Sihanouk’s cousin. Wikipedia says that under the colonial French-imposed constitution, Sirik Matak was one of the possible contenders to the Khmer throne. In fact, after King Sisowath Monvong died, Sisowath Siri Matak hoped that he or another prince by of the Sisowath branch would be crowned King of Cambodia. However, the French handpicked Sihanouk Norodom instead. Recall that in history, King Ang Duong was crowned King of Cambodia. King Ang Duong had three sons, I believe. The eldest one was Norodom, the younger one was Sisowath, and another one that I forget. After King Ang Duong died, Norodom became king, but in later years, the French discontinued with the Norodom Branch and started to select Sisowath instead. So in retrospect, Sihanouk Norodom is the rightful heir to the throne and the French corrected their error. Sirik Matak Sisowath was the number HATER of Sihnanouk because he didn’t get picked by the French to be the King of Cambodia.
    However, King Sihanouk continued to give Siri Matak Sisowath job as “Minister of Defence” in 1952. And in the 1960’s, King Sihanouk gave Sirik Matak job as Ambassador to China, the Philippines, and Japan.
    However, Sirik Mata continued to be HATEFUL of King Sihanouk. On March 18, 1970, while Sihanouk was on a trip abroad, Prince Sirik Matak helped Lon Nol organize a vote of the National Assembly to depose Sihanouk as head of state. Foreign media subsequently suggested that Sirik Matak, who continued as Lon Nol's deputy in the new government, was the real organisational force behind the coup;[5] it was claimed that in order to finally convince Lon Nol, Sirik Matak had played him a tape-recorded press conference from Paris, in which Sihanouk threatened to execute them both on his return to Phnom Penh.[6] It was even reported that Sirik Matak had compelled Lon Nol at gunpoint to commit to deposing Sihanouk.[7]
    Lon Nol was always loyal to the Sihanouk and when in March 1969 Sirik Matak had argued that Sihanouk should be assassinated, Lon Nol rejected Sirik Matak’s the plan as “criminal insanity”.
    Sirik Matak had initially planned in secret that his own son, or another member of the Sisowath family, possibly his son-in-law Prince Sisowath Duongchivin, should take the throne, but after King Sihanouk was deposed, Sirik Matak renounced his royal title.
    For the first year of the Republic, Sirik Matak - as acting Premier - retained the most prominent role in the government. It had an overtly military character, Sirik Matak usually appearing in his full uniform as a Major-General and carrying a swagger stick.[11] Sirik Matak had the support of the Westernised urban 'elite'. However, Lon Nol’s brother, Lon Non, had organised a series of demonstrations against Sirik Matak, forcing Sirik Matak to resign in 1972.[13]
    Before he was killed by the Khmer Rouge, here was a letter Sirik Matak wrote to to US Ambassador to Cambodia John Gunther Dean: "Dear Excellency and Friend, I thank you very sincerely for your letter and your offer to transport me towards freedom. I cannot, alas, leave in such a cowardly fashion. As for you, and in particular for your great country, I never believed for a moment that you would have this sentiment of abandoning a people, which has chosen liberty. You have refused us your protection, and we can do nothing about it. You leave, and my wish is that you and your country will find happiness under this sky. But, mark it well, that if I shall die here on the spot and in my country that I love, it is too bad, because we are all born and must die one day. I have committed this mistake of believing in you, the Americans. Please accept, Excellency, my dear friend, my faithful and friendly sentiments. Prince Sirik Matak."

  9. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Sirik Matak did not understand the geopolitics understood by King Sihanouk. Sirik Matak was a vindictive manipulative son of a b*tch forcing Lon Nol to deposing Sihanouk from power. Lon Nol drank the royal ritual loyal swearing potion to the King and at the end he got paralysed for his treachery because of Sirik Matak. Even Lon Nol's own brother was against Sirik Matak. When Sirik Matak wanted to kill Sihanouk, Lon Nol rejected the "criminally insane" idea with a NO flatly! Sirik Matak counted on the Americans whom Sihanouk clearly predicted that they would be out of IndoChina and would suffer the same fate as the French did even after of over 90 years strangle hole. Sirik Matak failed to understand this aspect of geopolitical events. At the end, he chose to die because he was the one who started it all, wanting to kill Sihanouk, manipulating Lon Nol, and acting as a slave to the Americans who at the end simply farted in his face as he got slaughtered and return to dust. Don't forget, Sirik Matak always went around wearing his military uniform to show off how powerful he was as a thieve of power. Do you know that the South Vietnamese who were Sirik Matak's allies also killed many Cambodians in revenge of Sirik Mata's policy of killing the Vietnamese in Cambodia. Yes.

  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I have my full respect to this late Royal for his patriotic to his people and to his Nation. I remembered during 5 years of war from 1970-1975,late Sirik Matak didn't ask for his own position.
    He stayed in Cambodia until his death.

    Areak Prey

  11. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I have no respect for Stupid King Sihaknou. He is a jerk, stupid, and seflfish. Without Sihaknuk support, Vietnam will still split in half, one in the north, and the other in the south like Koreas in today world. Thus, Sihaknuk is a traitor, stupid, idiot, and pleu sot. There should be no more rolyal family in Cambodia. Please have Take Rolyal families to live out side Cambodia. They are the destroyer of Cambodia.

  12. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I have no respect for Sihaknuk. This king is an idiot, stupid, seflfish and lop sot. Rolyal families in today society is the destroyer of Cambodia. Without Sihaknuk support, Vietnam will still be splitting both in the North and the other in the South. Khmer will be living more peaceful than today oppression through studpit Ah Pleu Hun Sen administration.

    Sihaknuk should be punised by death sentence or 500 year in prisonmment for his crime to have Cambodia in the killing field and to allow Viet Youn take control of Cambodia.


  13. Anonymous12:38 PM

    12:15, you are the most stupid mather f*cker alive. The YUONs did not ever need Sihanouk's support to enter Cambodia, you f*cking stupid moron. Go read up on the history, you f*cker! In fact, the YUON Ming Mang even took over the entire Cambodia and reduced and renamed it to just one of their remote provinces, you f*cker! If the YUONs could easily defeat the French and the Americans, do you think the YUONs were afraid of the Cambodians? What a f*cker you are! Even when the YUONs did not even get their full independence from France and Cambodia was already independent in 1953, the YUONs already INVADED Cambodia, you f*cker! Yeah just like that! What could Sihanouk and his royal troops do, f*cker! Your Sirik Matak and Lon Nol clique were so dependent on the Americans to wipe out the YUONs from Cambodia, but listen to this f*cker, the YUONs operated deeper inside Cambodia and there was nothing the Americans could do about it. So what was up with that, f*cker! In addition, more and more South Vietnamese entered Cambodia and killed more Cambodian civilians, so what was up with that f*cker! In fact, both the Americans and South Vietnamese who were the allies of Sirik Matak-Lon Nol Clique killed a large scale of Cambodian people. So what is up with that f*cker! That is why Lon Nol and Sirik Matak died and return to ashes and dust while King Sihanouk LIVES on...

  14. Anonymous12:43 PM

    i hate who him her yuon' dog that's an entire my enamy.

  15. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Click on "Click here to read the letter in Khmer (PDF)" there are 12 pages total.

  16. Anonymous12:52 PM

    shn will take this heavy guilt of conscience well into his grave with him.

    the difference in the minds of a patriot and a selfish person is like night and day.

  17. Anonymous1:17 PM

    12:38 PM,

    You wrote very well and I agree with all of your points; however, don't use so many swearing words, my friend because it undermines your correct understanding of the historical events.

  18. Anonymous1:34 PM

    រឿងខ្មែរតែកាលណានឹកឡើង គឺក្ដៅចិត្រនឹងអាស្ដេចសីហនុហ្នឺងតែម្ដង។ពីឆ្នាំ១៩៧០ ដល់ឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ ឲ្យតែអាយៀកកុងសំឡាប់ខ្មែរបាន​ម្ដងៗ ស្ដេចរំលាយជាតិអែងនេះតែង​ប្រកាសពីប៉េកាំងមកថាកងទ័ពគេបាន​សំឡាប់អាខ្មាំង​បាន​ប៉ុណ្ណេះក្បាលឬ​ប៉ុណ្ណោះក្បាល​។ល។

  19. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Dear Socheata

    I read the article(Open letter to Sihanuk by Prince Sirimatak), you posted on Ki media.

    I am s interested in this article, it can be used as document for history book. But I still wonder that, is it 100% true story which happened in Sihanuk regime? and did Sirimatak whrote hat letter?

    On the bottom part doesn`t have his signature. Just the name in print,

    If it is a true letter, I will use it in some article.

    Thank you

  20. Hi 2:60 PM,
    I've seen this letter where was printed in many newspapers during year of 1974.
    It printed in French & Khmer.
    I would say it is a true letter of prince Sisowat Sirimatak who was the real Khmer Patriot & Republican.

    Ung Bun Heang

  21. Anonymous2:46 PM

    To some one whom bullshitting the blog now .If the youn so strong why it left Cambodia in 1990 if Israel think like you the Palestine might fuck Israel ten times deeper,so do not brag a bout ah stupid Sihaknuk that is just a piece of the shit with out ah Jomkout Sihaknuk my 33 siblings are still alive now.

  22. Anonymous3:03 PM

    only lon nol dared to send all yuon home dead or alive. so all khmer let pray for him...but sihanuok loved yuon and sent yuon back and now yuon almost full in srok khmer. go to hell ah kom poung hortel!!

  23. Anonymous6:01 PM

    It was a revenge from Sihanouk during the time of POL POT. If Sihanouk didn't take this matter for a revenge because he was disposed from power we wouldn't suffer this much..

  24. Anonymous6:05 PM

    11:35 AM,

    You sounded like a fool when you read one sided of the history. Lon Nol and Sarik Matak died because of Sihanouk had a personal revenge when he was disposed from power by these two men. Just like 6:01PM said.

  25. Anonymous7:20 PM

    May all Khmer republic spirit go to heaven. Thank for your patriot heart.

  26. Anonymous12:28 AM

    i think they should preserve all documents for museum on the chronological history of cambodia. now museums can bring in much needed income from tourists, really. nothing to be ashamed of history. in fact, it is interest to read and learn about the rich history of cambodia from all period since the birth of cambodia as a nation and so on.

  27. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Sihanouk is a Liar=King killer,he must come and tell the truth to ECCC in Phnom Penh.

  28. Anonymous11:32 PM

    One thing about king selection: since the Angkor time, the new kings have not been appointed by the old ones, it is always the Crown Council who make the decision. Therefore Prince Sirimatak has no rightful claim to be the king, even though the old king wanted him to be.

  29. Anonymous1:41 PM

    it's so squiggly I can't read it!
