Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tourism a Boon to Siem Reap Prostitution

By Vong Dara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Siem Reap
15 March 2010

In recent years, Siem Reap province, the home of the Angkor temples, has seen its tourism numbers grow beyond 2 million. Luxury hotels, restaurants and entertainment clubs have all grown around this boon. But so has prostitution.

“If you have money, you can find a girl,” a motorcycle taxi driver name Por said recently. Por, who declined to give his full name, finds prostitutes for visiting tourists.

“There are prostitutes in karaoke, in clubs, and she will come out for $30 or $35 for one night’s sleep,” he said.

“The sex business is behind the massage salon,” said another guide who wished not to be named at all.

For the workers, prostitution is an underground industry.

“Most go out [with clients] without showing that we are working directly [in prostitution],” said one worker in a Siem Reap town karaoke club.

Residents here like Mao Yin say the problem is getting worse, and the local government is not doing enough.

“They do not take action frequently,” she said. “A lack of action has dishonored our province.”

However, Sun Bun Thang, the head of the provincial counter-trafficking office, acknowledged the problem is increasing, but he said the authorities are doing what they can.

Eight entertainment clubs have recently been closed due to association with the sex trade, he said.

“We have to find evidence before action,” he said. “If we only see karaoke, we cannot identify that place as a brothel.”


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Some see prostitution as a "right" to a person. The Bible say it is immoral action. It will demoralize a nation as corruption is to the governmental system. If you only think that CPP is so corrupted, prostitution is equal in scale as far as morale is concern.
    How many people had die from HIV/Aid?
    This is a sure way to continue spreading it. Please, put moral before money you will be judge for your whoredom whether you believe it or not. Go to a grave yard and see what those people are doing there - they are having appointment with God, they didn't escape his truth; for he says, "The soul that sinneth shall die."

  2. englishchampa8:51 AM

    for $50 I can see the ruin of angkor all day and get a blow job, phuck a khmer girl and still have enough money left for a bowl of noodle soup. What a great country. Watch Thailand.

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    psss! sucki fucki. me love you long time, ok!

  4. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Prostitution is legal business in most Western countries. Tourism and prostitution always connect from one to another. I have grown up in prostitution's family in Cambodia and in USA. So, I am strongely supported prostitution in Cambodia in order to promote tourism in our country.

    Gumar Vann, SRP in Philadephia, USA

  5. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Prostitution has two meanings

    1) There is the physical sexual prostitutes like this article stated.
    In a biblical context it's call, whoredom.

    1) There is the spiritual prostitution/whoredom. In a biblical
    context, spiritual prostitution is when a believer in the God of the Bible goes worship other false gods other then the true and living God that has been reveal to him/her. And a prime example of that would be the nation of Israel. They were given to know their Creator, God. But they chose to play the whore and worship other gods of the nations surrounded them, which God had warned them not to do. Because of their disobedient they were punished for crime. A curse was upon them instead of a blessing.

    In the law of God, prostitutes are commanded to be burn to death in the land of Israel. This shows how serious this sexual sin is. Man's law may allow such "business" to operate, but God's law supersede man's law. The bible describes the house of a prostitute as as "slaughter" house. Another word, you are sinning against your own soul every time you visit a prostitute. It could mean you could contract some kind of sexual disease and die from it before your time. It also describe young men who seeks out a whore as being lack in understanding of himself, no different than a drug addict.

  6. Anonymous12:58 AM

    80% of prostitutes in Cambodia are Vietnameses ?

  7. Anonymous1:01 AM

    siem reap can also use a new international airport that accommodate long haul flights directly from america, europe, japan, australia, canada, etc... god bless cambodia.
