Wednesday, October 31, 2012

ត្រង់ណាបញ្ជាក់ថា ហ៊ុន សែន ស្រឡាញ់ខ្មែរ?


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Hun Sen loves Cambodia like Uncle Ho Chi Minh loves Vietnam.

    Hun Sen is good for Cambodia.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Hun Sen is not racist. Hun Sen is good leader!

  3. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Vienam love Cambodia like Brother loves cute sister!

    Vietnam allows over 8 millions khmers living in Vietnam land such as Khmer krom. We love them and we even recongzie Khmer Krom as Vietnamese citizenship too.

    Cambodia should do the same, should allow millions of Vietnameses in Cambodia grand Cambodian citizenship as we do at Vietnam for Khmer Krom.

    Would you like cold beer and Karaoke love songs?

  4. Anonymous8:47 PM

    អាហ៊ុន សែន មានងារជាអាសម្តាចម៌អគតិមហាសេនាក្បត់ជាតិបាត់ដីភ្នែកទោលដែចោរ ជានាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តីមេចោរ នៃរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលចោរ​ នៅក្នុងព្រះ
    អាហ៊ុន ណាល់ ហៅអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន​ ជាអតីត
    ចោរលួចគោក្របីនៅភូមិដូង ឃុំពាមកោះស្លា ស្រុកស្ទឹងត្រង ខេត្តកំពង់ចាម​។
    ឪរបស់អាហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះអាហ៊ុន នាង ជាមេចោរមានស្រុកកំណើតនៅភូមិក្រាំងយ៉ូវ ស្រុកកោះធំ​ខេត្តកណ្តាល​។ដោយអាហ៊ុន នាង ជាចោរនៅ
    រីឯម៉ែអាហ៊ុន សែន វិញឈ្មោះមីឌី ប៉ុក​​ ជាចោរី
    លួចរបស់របររបស់អ្នកស្រុកអ្នកភូមិមិនរើសមុខដើម្បីយមមកចញ្ចឹមកូនព្រោះអាហ៊ុន នាង ដើរលួចមិនសូវចូលផ្ទះបានប្រាក់ដើរលេងមានស្រីជាដើម។
    អាហ៊ុន សាន,អាហ៊ុន ណេននឹងអាហ៊ុន សែន
    បងប្អូនប្រុសទាំងបីនាក់ក៏ទៅជាចោរទាំងបីនាក់ដែរដើរលួចគោក្របីអ្នកភូមិយកទៅលក់ឧ្យយួនតាមរយៈអាមេចោរឈ្មោះអាមេចោរហេង សំរិន ជាមេចោរធំនៅទល់ដែនយួនខ្មែរនៅក្នុងស្រុកពញាក្រែកក្នុងខេត្តកំពង់ចាម​។

  5. Anonymous9:02 PM

    8:35 PM, Chinese man is here who wants to do sex ride with you. Where are you? Thought you would love to sell beers.

  6. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Just curious! Do you khmer people cooking with Koh Tral's fish souces everyday? We like Koh Tral sea foods. Do you khmer people like to eat sea foods? May be not!

    You know cold beers and sea foods are the best combinations.

    Just come to visit Koh Tral island as tourists to find out Koh Tral sea foods markets and cold beers. Come! we will welcome you khmer people as tourists to our island!

  7. Anonymous9:20 PM

    9:12 PM, Chinese man is here. How come you and your Vietnamese people stole the ideas of Khmer people who were there first people to make fish sauces before? You stole Islands from my Khmer people in China sea.

    You stole Khmer people's ideas about how to make fresh spring rolls. You stole Chinese people's ideas about how to make noodle soups.

  8. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Vietcong cold heart + Cold Beer + Dog meat = Oppression of 10 million Khmer Krom people + AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave for life!

  9. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Uncle Ho Chi Minh is so scare of China great Amry for "display purpose only", China is a paper tiger as you already know China has never win any wars, except Tibet with no army but buddish monks with defendless weapons.

    If you look closely China lost the war with US during 1980. If China is your Khmer best friend why don't China help Khmer Rough at that time and why don't China provide better weapons than old rusty AK for Khmer Rough? why don't China put 100 000 of China soldiers to defend Khmer rough? and why don't China provide Khmer Rough with Jet fighters and War ships rather than old rusty AK out of date ?

    Think twice before you say! smart Khmer people! Would you like cold beers and Koh Tral sea foods?

  10. Anonymous9:42 PM

    8:35 PM
    Please stop and don't compare the Khmer Krom with the illegal Viets in Cambodia.
    Khmer Krom are not immigrante, they always live in Mekong Delta since many generations. Unlike most the Viets live today in Cambodia. They are just the ilegale immigrant and have not right to be Cambodian citizen.
    Agree for mostt of the Viets were born in Cambodian before 1975. These people deserved to have Cambodian citizenship.

  11. Anonymous10:12 PM

    8:35 PM is in the process to be brainwashed and become confused with the history. This idiot @8:35 PM sold to much beer and drank too much.

  12. Anonymous10:35 PM


    Would you please delete the nonsense comments coming from Yuon/Vietnamese blogger. Why should readers and internet bloggers read fake stories from hypocrite Vietnamese bloggers.

    Again and again, we need to focus on the interests of Khmer people and nation.

    We need Khmer readers and bloggers including the bloggers around the world to understand the read situation about Cambodia caused by illegal Yuon residents in Cambodia and need to know the real problems caused by Vietnamese folks in Cambodia.

    Should Khmer bloggers and foreign bloggers read and believe the hypocrite Vietnamese bloggers who posted the comments on Ki-Media.

    Vietnamese bloggers invade Ki-Media here by posting the nonsense comments. That does not make sense to educate Khmer bloggers to learn and be aware.

    Ki-Media should understand that there are the discussion, debate and argument to help Khmer and foreign bloggers to learn about Cambodia situation happening everyday. We want Khmer bloggers and foreign bloggers to understand what have been going on in Cambodia and to Khmer people.

    Thank you.

  13. Anonymous10:54 PM

    If China never won't a war, how come yuon race was slave to China for more than 1000 years.

    KI, please let that idiot yuon talk because the more s/he talks, the more stupid s/he is.

  14. Anonymous11:00 PM

    I hope and pray Hun Sen dynasty will go on from generation to the next, i hate all those stupid dumb asses khmer over sea, most of them are a bunch of welfare hookers. Fuck all you dumb khmer, long live my hero Hun Sen. We don't need your support and your stupid ideas, just shovel your agendas in your wife pussy. hahahahah Pi Anh.

  15. Anonymous11:04 PM

    10:35 PM
    I don't think it is necessary. It only shows the readers that the Vietnamese don't know the history of Khmer Krom that those Khmers were the owners of the land, thus the Khmer Krom are different from the Viet invaders who illegally enter Cambodia.

    Furthermore, the comment saying that Hun Sen is not racist is a mockery toward Hun Sen, the idiot who has no clues that Vietnamese expansionism without lifting a gun to shoot any Khmers but through the idiot Khmer like Hun Sen.

  16. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I am also glad to know that Pham Van Dong was not racist. Pham Van Dong gave China "Spratley and Paracel Islands". We, Chinese the big brothers care for our own race ASIAN, we always take good care of everyone. We have a biggest "Mine" in Vietnam, because the Vietnamese people are not smart enough to take care themselves. The Vietnamese our little brothers are so corrupt and so we take good care of them.

    We Chinese move into North and South to do the business for them. We changed our names from Chinese to Vietnamese like brothers/sisters.

    Our little brothers Viets cannot live without us, big brothers.

  17. Fang-Xing11:13 PM

    No ONE can live without us Chinese.
    Vietnam is like a part of our province.


  18. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Khmer can't live without Youn's pussy, Youn love stupid khmer lands, so let's creat one nation... Pi Anh

  19. Anonymous12:56 AM

    China is a poor country. Poor in heart, poor in brain, poor in beauty, poor leadership. China is a barbarian country. China involved in the killing field of 3 millions khmers in 1975 to 1979. China is a drum ,hallow inside. It is a typical communist country. China likes to have relationship with the dictator countries. China and yourn vietcong hanoi are the same. They are from the same root. Never trust and never be friend with the communist countries. They are barbarians.
    Keep fingers cross someday the justice will prevail. The thugs China and ah yourns communist must pay back for what they did to Khmers.

  20. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Hey, PiAch 11:32 PM,

    Finally, you have revealed your Vietcong ASS. No wonder you alway talk shit about Khmer people.

    Get your ass out of Cambodia right now before it's too late! You stupid Vietcong shit are really asshole when it comes to Khmer problems. I know you don't give a shit, because you're an asshole!

    You Vietcong shit is a trouble maker. Yeh, you deserve it because you alway call Khmer people dumb.
    You didn't know that the word came from your mouth are more dumb than 5yrs. Khmer kid.

    You praise for Ah Hun Shit too much, sooner or later you and Ah Hun Shit will go to hell together.

    Khmer people don't need Vietcongs shit and Vietcong slaves like you and Ah Hun Shit in Cambodia, both of you are world class criminals. Hell is waiting for you and Ah Hun Shit!
