Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!


  1. Anonymous4:48 PM

    This greedy BITCH wear her mask all year round I think thats how she saved her money.

  2. Anonymous5:55 PM

    មីកន្តួយហោកសាម​ ហ៊ាង ហៅមីមេជ្រូកប៊ុន រ៉ានី
    ជាមីជំទាវ មីចំតិត មីជំទាវក្តិតស្វិត មីជំទយក្តិតស្ងុយស្ងិត មីចំតិតពេលថ្ងៃ មីជំទាំងញិចចៃពេលយប់ មីជំទែងពេលព្រលប់ ជប់លិង្គអាហ៊ុន សែន
    មីមេជ្រូក សាម ជាមេឃាតក ជាប្រធានកាកបាទ
    ខ្មៅ ឬ ជាប្រធានដាក់កុងសែនដែលអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន បង្កើតទ្បើងដើម្បីឧ្យមីមេជ្រូកសាម ហ៊ាង ស៊ើបហើយតាមសម្លាប់ខ្មែរណាប្រឆាំងនឹងយួន។
    មីមេជ្រូកសាម ហ៊ាង មានងារជាអគតិកិត្តិព្រិទ្ធទណ្ឌិតនៅមហាវិទ្យាល័យគុកព្រៃស ស្ទឹងមានជ័យ។    

  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Khmer Youth = Cold beers + Karaoke
    Khmer Kids = Cold beers + Karaoke
    Khmer policemen = Cold beers + Karaoke
    Khmer soldeirs = Cold beers + Karaoke
    Khmer teachers = Cold beers + Karaoke
    Khmer doctors = Cold beers + Karaoke

    Cold beers + Karaoke = No Arab Spring, Lotus revolution!because the khmers are happy with cold beers and karaoke already!

  4. Anonymous8:05 PM

    7:09 PM, you are insulting Cambodian/Khmer for no reason just because you feel bad that you and your Yuon/Vietnamese low life animals have been labeled as thieves, killers, hypocrite and flip-flopping citizens without learning how to be moral and reliable.

    Too bad, you feel that way about Khmer people who are the victims of your Vietnamese/Yuon killers during the secret Vietnamese/Yuon plan of Killing Fields (during Khmer Rouges from 1975 to 1979) that ended up 3 millions of innocent Khmer/Cambodian people. Until today, you and your Vietnamese/Yuon residents in Cambodia including your secret Yuon/Vietnamese armies hiding among Communist CPP and Khmer/Cambodian society are trying to create another second Killing Fields after Khmer Rouges Killing Fields to fool the gullible Khmer people and the foreigners around world. So, the world is watching.

    You are here to put comments to make your own Yuon/Vietnamese people look bad because of your behaviors to be known to the world, the Vietnamese/Yuon people are very bad.

    You have been labeled that you are a very bad Vietnamese/Yuon like other bad Vietnamese/Yuon because of the well known Vietnamese/Yuon warmongers and killers to Cambodian, Hmong and Laotian.

  5. Anonymous8:08 PM


    7:09 PM, you are insulting Cambodian/Khmer for no reason just because you feel bad that you and your Yuon/Vietnamese low life animals have been labeled as thieves, killers, hypocrite and flip-flopping citizens without learning how to be moral and reliable.

    Too bad, you feel that way about Khmer people who are the victims of your Vietnamese/Yuon killers during the secret Vietnamese/Yuon plan of Killing Fields (during Khmer Rouges from 1975 to 1979) that ended up 3 millions of innocent Khmer/Cambodian people putting to death. Again, you should know that Vietnamese/Yuon thieves were and are the real killers. Until today, you and your Vietnamese/Yuon residents in Cambodia including your secret Yuon/Vietnamese armies hiding among Communist CPP and Khmer/Cambodian society are trying to create another second Killing Fields after Khmer Rouges Killing Fields to fool the gullible Khmer people and the foreigners around world. So, the world is watching.

    You are here to put comments to make your own Yuon/Vietnamese people look bad because of your behaviors to be known to the world, the Vietnamese/Yuon people are very bad.

    You have been labeled that you are a very bad Vietnamese/Yuon like other bad Vietnamese/Yuon because of the well known Vietnamese/Yuon warmongers and killers to Cambodian, Hmong and Laotian.

  6. Anonymous8:10 PM

    7:09 PM looks like that picture of Bun Rany!!! LOL

  7. Anonymous8:30 PM

    8:08 PM

    No, you are wrong Vienam love Cambodia like Brother loves cute sister!

    Vietnam allows over 8 millions khmers living in Vietnam land such as Khmer krom. We love them and we even recongzie Khmer Krom as Vietnamese citizenship too.

    Cambodia should do the same, should allow millions of Vietnameses in Cambodia grand Cambodian citizenship as we do at Vietnam for Khmer Krom.

    1. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Khmerkrom people were not allowed into vietnam, it was the vietnamese that was allowed into cambodia, present day south vietnam, and the vietnamese took over cambodia with the help of the french, the majority of the khmerkrom refuse to leave their motherland and endure the vietnamese abuse and suppression.

  8. Anonymous8:38 PM

    -មីចោរកណ្ដួយលាន មីសំផឹងយួនយៀកកុង,
    -មីគុក-មីតាង៉ែនឡប់សតិ ៨0ជ្រុង!
    អគតិព្រិតទណ្ឌិត ពីម៉ាហាវីឡាល័យបាតបង្គន់(គុកព្រៃស)
    ងាប់តៃហោង អត់ដីកប់ទេ!

  9. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Just curious! Do you khmer people cooking with Koh Tral's fish souces everyday? We like Koh Tral sea foods. Do you khmer people like to eat sea foods? May be not!

    You know cold beers and sea foods are the best combinations.

    Just come to visit Koh Tral island as tourists to find out Koh Tral sea foods markets and cold beers. Come! we will welcome you khmer people as tourists to our island!

  10. Anonymous8:58 PM

    8:30 PM, Chinese man here would love to have sex with you? How much is beer cost?

  11. Anonymous9:07 PM

    8:58 PM, Where are you? Chinese man is here to fuck you if you are horny.

  12. Anonymous9:19 PM

    that's how vietnamese win.
    can't win by being ignorant, lazy, wasting time with alcohol, women, and caveman's food. Cambodians are lackeys, only thinking of full bellies and next meal and next fun. Cambodians even willing to sell their country to satisfy thier bellies and good-times.

  13. Anonymous9:25 PM

    9:19 PM, you are the real Yuon/Vietnamese killer by saying terrible things about Khmer people.

    Landless Vietnamese people who were kicked out of China.

    China and Khmer were good friends more than a thousand years old starting from Mongol. Your Vietnamese people were landless, crying for Khmer help until your betrayed us Khmer.

  14. Anonymous9:29 PM

    9:19 PM,

    You like other Vietnamese folks are so smart to kill people just like that. How cruel and nasty are you and Vietnamese people?

    Your Vietnamese folks were originally landless folks long time ago.

    Now, you and your Vietnamese people learn to be smart to be hypocrite, unreliable, cruel and violent like a warmonger.

  15. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Vietcong cold heart + Cold Beer + Dog meat = Oppression of 10 million Khmer Krom people + AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave for life!

  16. Anonymous9:29 PM

    9:25 Pm

    That is why we love Cambodia so much, especially Koh Tral island and Angkor Watt temples.

  17. Anonymous9:38 PM

    9:25 PM

    Uncle Ho Chi Minh is so scare of Cina great Amry for display purpose only, China is a paper tiger as you already know China has never win any wars, except Tibet with no army but buddish monks with defendless weapons.

    If you look closely China lost the war with US during 1980. If China is your Khmer best friend why don't China help Khmer Rough at that time and why don't China provide better weapons than old rusty AK for Khmer Rough? why don't China put 100 000 of China soldiers to defend Khmer rough?

    Think twice before you say! smart Khmer people! Would you like cold beers and Koh Tral sea foods?

  18. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Very soon Hun Sen will ban the word "koh trol" from being used to refer to that island. Calling the island koh trol is like calling vietnamese "youn" it's a racist and can jeopardize khmer/viet friendship.

  19. Anonymous10:18 PM

    9:47 PM,

    Hi Vietnamese clueless blogger,

    You have made up fake story or history. Chinese man here is watching you, Vietnamese bitch. You need to be reasonable and don't be so hypocrite.

    We know so well about history. Big brother is watching and world is watching. Vietnamese/Yuon is in danger and begin to fall soon.

  20. Anonymous10:23 PM

    9:38 PM,

    Hey Yuon Bitch, you act like wild animal with wild animal brain without feeling how cruel you are.

    Yuon/Vietnamese have already made up fake history.

  21. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Youn love khmer pussy so much, Khmer love Youn's foods, khmer so dumb, Youn so smart, Khmer lost more lands, Youn gain more lands. Hun Hen a strong leader, ScamSr weak scary dog hidding in the hole. hahahahah Pi Anh.

  22. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Awww.. what a MOON FACE?

    Don't worry ah Kvack Hun Xen cannot see her moon face at night. He just uses his hand feels over skin.

  23. Anonymous11:21 PM

    5:55 PM
    Her real name is not Bun Rany it is Bun Samhieng.
