Monday, August 08, 2011

Chomney Khuor (Brain Food): Sasna Noeung Prates Cheat (Religion and Nation)


  1. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Sasna ngub ngul, kmean prom daen,min srorp tarm kalak taesark ,arch tveu oy cheat rolut roleay kor tha barn!

    Sasna obrum oy monous Atma niyum (egoiste)

    Champa ,roleay srok doy sar sasna hours haet.(Chamtet et aso tvay bangkum prea alla),yuon laep srok ....ort khvol)

  2. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Ah thmeil 5:28AM
    May be your mother is raped by Youns so she forget to tell you that Champa is not tvay bangkum preah alla.

  3. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Sasna kwass kar tress ris,nourm oy VINEAS HAN HORCH.
    Eilov, tim VIPASSANA muoy tiet????
    Yab maen??

    Yuon penh Srok,Kom Atma niyum paek...laes borng jorl sen...kom roveu roveay roeung bonn barb ,tharn sour,tharn Nipean......
    Yok pel juoy kit broeung cheat jea thom...YUON VIETCONG jaul penh Srok heui!!!!!!!

    Kom chort Khnom tha tmil oy sos

  4. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Boer Youn chaul penh srok heuy,trov trolop tov romdos srok veng kom dek sy heuy proos dauch chkai anker sy.

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    5:28, I agree with you, mate!

    We believe what we should believe in certain circumstance, not all the time at any cost, it would allow other people to exploit us.

    Example, buddhism doesn't believe in killing and the Viet keep stealing our land and we can't protect it because we don't want to get "Barb?"

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    5:28 AM
    You did not learn the history at all. Cham people connected to Malay adopted Islam when seeing Yuon as a threat.
    What are you doing with your computer beside talking garbage? Before you posted please search on google and try to understand the history of Champa why did the Cham people adopted Islam religion? Or when did it starts?

  7. Anonymous6:52 AM

    6:46 AM
    Why do you agree with the ignorant person who knows nothing about the real history of Cham? I bet you all don't even know your own Khmer history either.

  8. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Do not blame religions for the destruction of a country or anything. What happend to Cambodia has nothing to do with Buddhism or a religion.

    The destruction of Cambodia occured as a result of the greed, revenge, desire for a return to power, incompetent leadership, fanaticism, irreparable disunity and the unsatiable ambitions of Cambodia's much stronger neighbours.

    You would still have a problem trying to contain 2 much stronger and quite ambitious neighbours even with a complete unity and in our case, we devour each other incessantly with total willingness to serve others as long as we can destroy our own and that is the very reason for the destruction of Cambodia.

    The Khmer Rouge had no religion, whatsoever, but their guns were ready to kill at any time and anyone who is perceived to be a threat to Cambodia and that included a baby born to a Lon Nol's soldier or the so-called enemy.

    The real challenge of today Cambodia is not how to deal with the Vietnamese or the Thais for they cannot be changed and will never want to change. The real challenge is how to unite the majority of Cambodians including the CPP supporters in such a way that everyone starts to understand very clearly that continued disunity will destroy Cambodia and will eventually make Cambodians a second class citizens in their own land.

    Just look at the opposition parties and you can see that they are completely in disarray and are suppressed by the CPP and yet they could not even join hands and say "Hello".

    Anet Khmer

  9. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Don't blame other races for wanting to take your land. That is the nature of human beings.

    Cambodia had done the same thing during Jayavarman VII. He had to attack others and took their lands to expand his kingdom or it wouldn't have been that vast.

    Europeans did the same thing to the native Americans during the period of colonization and there is no way that the natives can now get their whole land back. It is just impossible.

    Cambodians need to be united now if they want to preserve what is left as far as land is concerned or they will lose everything!

    Anet Khmer

  10. Anonymous7:24 AM

    To all Khmer who are loving and caring about our country and culture. Due to all the suffering which are causes by the Viet Thieves not by any SASNA.

  11. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Anet Khmer has made a sensable comment.

    This Ngob Chenda sorry Ros Chenda is barking only to trying desparately to recognition.

    Pls give some recognition if anyone else cares too.

  12. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Where is your evidence that Jayavarman VII had done bad thing to other nation?
    You must show it to world, don't just talk.
    If you are stupid, Evils and do bad things to the others! So you believe the other people are the same as you are?
    I am Khmer and I don't need your Anet (sympathy)Stop Insulting my Khmer. You are a piece of SHIT.

  13. Anonymous8:10 AM

    we need to unite, not attacking each other. Remember when you weak, other take advance from you and we should learn this lesson and don't blame religion, blame ourselves. we suffer so much so it's time to understand, building trust and find the way to help our people and country. Now Khmers no job at home and go to work outside. before we are poor, but live peacefully.

  14. Anonymous8:22 AM

    7:56 AM
    You don't need evidence from the political leaders or politicians or from the conquerors.
    jayavaraman VII as well as other conquerors in the world built their empire by defeating, slaughtering others.

  15. Anonymous8:32 AM

    7:56 AM,

    The question to you is how do you expand your kingdom without taking the land from others?

    Cambodia was not that big before Jayavarman VII's time?

    Did you read Cambodian history about his wars with Champa?

  16. Anonymous8:43 AM

    7:56 AM
    Ignorant is a state of lacking knowledge. Ignorant brings the tragedy upon all.
    You are not just an ignorant person but you are ruthless like a serial killer Yuon and Pol Pot.
    What did Buddhism teach you?
    All Khmers like myself are proud to know we had a great and rich civilization and one King such as Varaman VII built the empire. North border of the empire shared with China, and no Burma nor Viet Hue except Khmer Empire. But before Khmer empire was born there were small nations prior to the Khmer empire.
    Do you think they just gave up their Kingdoms without a fight?
    After they lost their land, do you ever think where they went to? Either slaves or massacred by the conquerors. It is the way of life the losers disappeared the conquerors ruled.

    Those non-Khmers were humans just like us Khmers.

  17. Anonymous8:46 AM

    This information just for the Dumb, If you can read and let find out about East Timor, how they get their country back from the Indonesia and so the others small,small countries that got their countries back from Russia.
    What do you got to say for yourself bloodies Vietthieves.
    Stop your BULL SHITS, the world is smarter than you ever known.

  18. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Jayavaraman VII was great for building us a great empire, but his shortcoming was that he failed to build a national strong defense for the future generation, that is why after he died the empire declined and collapsed and miserable ever since. He is to blame for the most part.

  19. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Sorry, can't joint the discussion or made any comment to this article -- just can't read! OY!

    But from reading Anet Khmer comment, I believe this is true for Cambodian case! Event Anet Khmer wouldn't made the above comment, one can see event given the current political situation in Cambodia! One has to be willing to admited to the truth, event the true is very painful!

    Example, the current prostitution in Cambodia. People keep on saying that prostitution are only Viet. women, no Khmer women would do this. But ask any men, event the moto dobt will tell you that there are Khmer women in this profession as well. And of course this profession had/have/and will be exist as long as human exist. But the different now such as in the West, those prostitution have ben protect by laws.

    Anyway, no neet for me to repeat it, as Anet Khmer had already well put.Thanks.

    Khmer Anet

  20. Anonymous8:54 AM

    8:46 AM
    The one is so dumb is you. You are not just a dumb person but ruthless.
    You don't even understand why the US created East Timor or why the Nations at Eastern Europe such ad Poland defeated Soviet Unions. That time it was Soviet Unions not Russia yet. Russia was after the Soviet Unions collapsed.

  21. Anonymous9:01 AM

    8:46 AM
    The one is so dumb is you. You are not just a dumb person but ruthless.
    You don't even understand why the US created East Timor or how the Nations at Eastern Europe such ad Poland defeated Soviet Unions. That time it was Soviet Unions not Russia yet. Russia was after the Soviet Unions collapsed.

  22. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Cambodia was born in the first
    AD.It called FUNAN by Chinese
    travelers;it city named Oc Eo,
    Khmer Krom(checked Funan).
    The economy boomed,Funan became
    powerful kingdom.
    Funan invaded Champa,Burma,Lao;
    Khmer empire invaded Dai Viet
    twice,it could conquer it;
    Jayavarman VII heped Champa to
    fight with Dai Viet(Vietnam).
    The Champa,Lao,half of Burma kingdom,Mon,and destroyed some
    other kingdoms.
    Thailand or Siam was born in
    1238 AD;Lao was born 14 century.
    King Jayavarman VII gave the whole
    Lao to Fa Ngum becoming Lao king.
    Because Fa Ngum was his son-in-law.
    So,Khmer empire was invaders in
    Southeast Asia.
    Khmer Empire era was 802AD- 14663AD.
    After that Cambodia declined until now.
    Now Cambodia becomes like Champa
    and Khmer Krom;Cambodia is wiped
    out of the world.
    Vietnam is taking over Cambodia.

    Please,stop fighting each other;
    please,be united!

  23. Anonymous9:36 AM


    If this is the case of Khmer history as you said....than is it that Khmer people now have to pay the bad Karma that their ancestors had made many century a goes? If this is the case ... is it what go around come around? What do you think? But as one look at other great empire throughout history (Italy, Turkey,and event England to that matter), they still can maintain their country and prosper.

  24. Anonymous10:20 AM

    9:36 AM
    Yes that's the history. Jayavaraman VII's daughter became laotians' queen. Everything was great according to the history, but the man failed to build a strong national defense like Yuon and Siem did, that is why Cambodia is in a very bad shape.

    Yes it is Karma and everyone will face the same consequences sooner or later, Yuon will face the destruction just like others regardless their mighty army, it won't make any difference.

    Because China will never let Yuon live in peace. China now has 1.3 billions and she does not have enough spaces for the people to live, they will have to migrate to N Vietnam, Laos, Thai and Burma.

    All the empire or the mighty army will collapse just as they did before.

    When the earth shifts and climate changes, all things will be disappeared under the sea just like Atlantis. The ones who survive start to live on and on as this earth is about 5.4 billion years old, humans continue to exist until the judgment day, don't know when when it will.

  25. Anonymous10:29 AM

    9:01AM, What is the US had to do with East timor?
    Where is your evidence to prove that the US HAD Create East Timor? 8:22AM When you come to the court of law and say you don't need the evidence, your case is in the trash.
    9:36AM When the viet eat cats and Dogs, would you say those Cats and Dogs has to pay the bad Karma?
    You Robbed, you steals and killed the victims, and you call them bad Karma!
    For you Thieves are so proud to Robbed and Kills are you?
    Your judgement day will be in HELL.

  26. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Hey folks,
    Don't forget to follow the Geopolitics.

    Why the stocks go down so fast?

    Why European companies lay off so many employees?

    Why US support Tibet by helping her to elect the very first Prime Minster in exile inspite of China warning? Tibet's first PM is only 42 years old.

    Yingluck elected as Thai PM means the US lost control on SEA, because China supports her behind.

    China can take Vietnam in a second and the US cannot cough. But why she does not do it now? Some may not believe me, that Vietnamese also try to take Indonesia. Because Indonesians hate Chinese.

    I am not writing for fun, I read some documents about the two.

  27. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The US didn't create East Timor but supporting Indonesia to invade East Timor, the same as the US support Yuon behind to destroy Cambodia.

  28. Anonymous10:51 AM

    8:43AM, Stupid & Ignorant is you, now if some one who accuses you or your father as Pol Pot or serial Killer without the evidence, which Khmer had been killed almost three millions. Would you agree that you are part of those group?
    What you Viet Thieves say is O.K to robbed and Killed the victims, Is that right?
    Khmer's lands is in your bloodies hands, you tell the world how you have got it!

  29. Anonymous11:01 AM

    10:51 AM

    You get to clearly read and understand others' comments before you write your reply.
    If someone says to you "you behave like Tud Bundy, the serial killer" does not mean they accused you, it means you acted like Ted Bundy.
    OK or not when you are weak, others will step all over you, so what?

    And if some accused that your father is Pol Pot, or Yuon the monsters, no body knew if you were part of the killer, unless you are willing to tell us the truth. Hor Nam Hong was known/seen by many that he was the killer, and who knew if his son did or didn't kill. He may be part of the killing too.
    Your question is so dumb. :)

  30. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Hi dumb one 10:51 AM

    You can pile up your evidence, still no body cares. Today the powerful and strongest one wins.

    The world does not care about any body, the countries around the world only care for their own stomachs.

    The whole world already knew million Yuon are all over in Cambodia, they don't care. Look at Yuon screaming at China for taking their islands and killing their fishmen. Did the world care? Not a single soul care even the US.

  31. Anonymous11:19 AM

    11:01AM You were on the Youn side by accused Jayavaraman VII OF killed people of the small nation and take over their country.
    I ask for proved of the evidence and now you switch side to be Khmer?
    Most of you are afraid of youn so you know who you are.

  32. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Hi Dumb Two 11:AM Ask yourself, Why the world have Schools, have Judges and have courts of laws?
    Are you sure your mom is not a wolf?
    If you say Hyena I believe you!
    There are good people out there have put their life on the lines to help the Poor the Victims from some one who don't care like you.
    Check out the World Red Cross, The Doctor without border, Amnesty and so on.Those people who are not afraid to dies to help others.
    Don't tell me nobody care! May be you and your family are.

  33. Anonymous12:51 PM


    Thank you for your comment. I was a bit worry about Karma thing since I as well as many Khmer people believe in Buddhism! I think it would be a heavy karma price for the current Khmer population to pay. Since the majority poor never have experience to live in a free country with a freedom to live up to their full capacity as a human being!

    Yes, I agreed with the natural environment change. The people in the West are well awear and prepare for the clamet change, but while poor countries' people still believe that it is god that give them with all these bad weather, etc.

    Anyway, if you have any good book about khmer history, could you post the title and the author (please make sure that it is in English, since I am not capable enough to read in Khmer). Thanks in advance.

  34. Anonymous1:12 PM


    You should just debate between each others instead of dragging others such as parents in this circle. Can you debate as intelligent person or you just cannot?

    Why do you mix up the humanitarian org. with the politics? These two don't go together, don't you know?
    If you cannot understand what is geopolitics, politics or humanitarian org. or how do these parties operate, then what is the point?

    Each nation cares only itself, if the policy does not benefit their need.
    Humanitarian org cares and helps everyone without prejudice.

    It is not about winning or losing debates it is about the reality we are living.

  35. Anonymous1:24 PM

    12:51 PM
    My comment is at 10:20am, and I am not Buddhist or Khmer, but I can speak and read some Khmers not very well, I learned at the Khmer Temple.
    If you are Buddhist, you get to know about Karma more than I do. I watched a DVD about "The Buddha" and as a Christian I understood that we are here to pay our debts (Karma). We cannot claim that we know about others' past deeds because they are poor.
    All we can do is to help to feed them if we can and we must pray for them.

  36. Anonymous1:33 PM

    12:51 PM
    This is one of many websites I usually read about Cambodia. I also found KI through this site.

    More websites are in French and I read/speak French.

  37. Anonymous1:39 PM

    1:12PM, Do you think NATO from around the world tried to protected Khmer in 1979 from the Viet invader and tried to help the world red cross to bring supplied, food for those victims, You think they are not care?
    The Vietcong prevented Khmer from getting food from the World Red Cross for months, until NATO threaten to bomb them before the Viet let them in.
    Which part don't you understand?
    Do you think NATO from around the world are dying for nothing?
    If the world don't care, The Viet killed Khmer people off in 1979 already.
    The reality is some of you are too slow to catch up with the Viet Thieves.

  38. Anonymous2:01 PM

    1:33 pm,

    Thank you for your information. If you find any other informations; please post it on KI. Sorry, I can't read French that much either, but for sure I know enough French to not get lost in Paris. In fact I was staying in France for six weeks with a Franch family to study when I was in college. I just remember that Franch people know how to live their life. My host family would spend two hrs for dinner and drink red win and I get to ride a horse with my friends because my host family own a horse. It was a good experience indeed.

    Ok let me get back to deal with my own Karma! Cheer

  39. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Hi 1:39 PM

    I see that you cannot carry on an intelligent debate. I am not fussed with your broken English, but your lack of knowledge about NATO, Humanitarian organizations Politics, and/or Geopolitics is the problem.

    I do not look down on you just because you are not capable to understand the subject well, but I or anyone should not waste time with you who are not willing to learn.

  40. Anonymous2:40 PM

    NATO created by the White countries signed in the US and ratified by the US in response to Soviet who later created Warsaw Pact. All about influencing the regions, and if Cambodia does not have oil, no shit will care for.

    Care Bullshit. If they didn't get benefit, they abandoned small nations like dead animals.
    Now the NATO knew that million Yuon are in Cambodia, where is the NATO shit? Now they help Yuon to fight China, and China helps Yingluck to fight the US. You see? No body cares foe us if we don't care for ourselves.

    Only OIL and space that they want to influence, because the US and European countries are bankrupt except China.


  41. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Hi Everyone,

    One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokheoun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to removed and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Som) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had ran way from him after she knew his cheating.

    A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!

  42. Michael Kheng4:30 PM

    Right now, a con man Pang Sokhoeun doesn't dare to copy news from Ki-Media to post on his facebook wall because he is afraid people come to his wall see the story which he has cheated his wife.

  43. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Hi 2:20PM Who have said anything about who look down on whom?
    This is when a fool lose control, can't answer the truth he or she started to BULL SHITS.
    You can only fool yourself. If you so good with what you have said about BULL SHITS, BULL SHITS or Bull SHITS so and so.Then why aren't run the country?
    This is when a fool started to sit on a plate and trying to lift him,herself!
    Enjoy your world! What a loser.

  44. Anonymous11:14 PM

    When you have been raise by the wolfs you don't CARE! Because you never understand what is care mean?
    when you are stings you think it is from the others.

  45. Anonymous11:30 PM

    It is you whom he look down upon.
    Let me answer your questions if noone else could. What is your question? Start from the beginning.
    I hope I can help to ease your useless fight while Hun Sen put Cambodia on sale.

  46. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Did you write in 1114pm too?
    "When you have been raise by the wolfs you don't CARE! Because you never understand what is care mean?
    when you are stings you think it is from the others."
    What is it you wanted to tell other people to know about your message?

  47. McColmX6:25 AM

    Ahha ha ha ha ... These people who spitted their comments in here DID NOT READ what the old wise man was trying to preach. His preaching is about how the Xmers now going to temples bowing their ass up and to the Ho Chi Monks, while the legend or great warrior Samurai fought defended his beloved land with honor.
    HaHaHa.Ha... Ahaaha oh man haha hello ah Hun Xen you can stay in power for 100 more because these Xmers canyears not understand the wiseman said. The funnest thing is they claimed to know about NATO and some guys' Moms are Wolves and said NATO love Xmers and Aneth Xmers, but they don't know they are stupid Xmers. :))) Ah Hun Xen ya the leader.

  48. mcColmX6:29 AM

    Hahaha... I laughed too much I mistyped lot of words. Lol
