Monday, August 08, 2011

On Facebook- Exploring the Political Will of Hun Xen: Will Hun Xen give up power if he loses election in the future?

(មិត្តភាពម៉ឺនៗណាំ!!!Thousand years of frienship)

Thank you my dear friends for this week we have been actively shared ideas on some topics, particularly, on whether Hun Xen will resign or not if he loses the election in the future ( To my conclusion, most of us agree that he will not give up power and the best point in our debates is that we all don´t want WAR or BLOODSHED to happen again in our motherland.However, I am not satisfied yet with the comments given on that topic which I will explore more to share with us all again.I ,too, strongly believe that: "He will never give up power because HE IS SO INSECURED."
  1. Egoist: He always sees himself as the motivation to maintain and enhance favorable views of self to the point of being self-destructive. With this, he clearly used to say that ONLY Hun Xen can lead Cambodia and without him Cambodian will be in chaos (Note: He said that in Siem Reap, 2005 and PP, 2007)
  2. Dictator: He assumes sole power over the state. He holds or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without effective restraint by a legislative assembly. He gains power through cheating, vote buying, threat, violence and killing. Cases have been witnesssed daily.
  3. Traitor: He violates his allegiance and betrays his country. Having installed vy Vietnam to power in 1980s, he signed the 1980s illegal treaties and the illegal supplemental treaty on 15 October 2005 with Vietnam.The treaties are against the spirit of the 1991 Paris Peace Accord and the Cambodian constitution 1993. These treaties have undermined our country´s full independence and the loss of territorial integrity so far.
  4. Criminal: We all clearly know that he has been accused of involving in many criminal cases like: 1) His bloody hands in KR regime, 2) K5 policy which caused the deaths of 200,000 people, 3) Coup d´eta 1997, 5) Granade attack in 1997 which his bodyguards were allegedly involved in the attack, 6) Piseth Pilika, and 7) Corruption (particularly reported by Global Witness).
  5. Self-value: His self-value is seen as negative way because he gains it from threat, killing, power, money, and being a puppet to other nation. Without power , no one will ever respect him at all.
The above mentioned tell us clearly that he wont resign for without power he and his family will be disappeared. They will see their future even worse than Suharto of Indonesia and Marcos of the Philippines.

Realizing this plight, he tries his best to steal more national resources to be able to supply his increasing bodyguard numbers and upgrade them up-to-date weapons to protect his skin and power if the he loses in any election or whatever happens in the future.



  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Cảm ơn bạn nắm vững Phạm Văn Dương, mà không có bạn, tôi vẫn sẽ được bơi lội trong các ao bị ô nhiễm bên cạnh làng tôi với một đàn vịt.

  2. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Dear KI-Media of this blog administrator . Please have a look at above comment ( 1:35AM ) in yuon should it remove or leave it as it is.

    Thank you.

  3. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I said no. I bet my life. This guy is a cock sucker. He sucks until he dies. But if he loses and leaves, he is afraid his families get killed by the angry people whose lose their land and homes under his power.

    Hun Sen, you/families can run but you/families can't hide. Your hands is full of innocent blood.

  4. Anonymous1:44 AM


  5. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Hun Sen will never step down from loosing the election just look at 1993 election under UN supervision Hun Sen lost the 1993 election .

    In reality Hun Sen never win any eleciton in Cambodia since 1993,1998,2003 and 2008.

    This upcomming 2012-2013 election Hun Sen will use the dirty tricks but extra special that is :

    Most yuon vote for Hun Sen more than the 4 eleciton in the past.

    Less Khmer to vote from Hun Sen dirty tricks.

    If Sam Rainsy or Kem Sokha joint this upcomming 2012-2013 election they both will lose the election without waiting and see I and many Cambodian can tell both Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha right now , right here in 2011.

  6. Anonymous1:50 AM


  7. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Absolutely, I concur with you KMNK.
    What is the best option to get rid of this TRAITOR?

  8. Anonymous2:02 AM

    1:44 AM,

    Do you want Cambodia get peace under Viet's puppets, or do you want Cambodia gets real independent, not under any other counties? Do you know many Viet are living in Cambodia right now? They are half of Cambodian population.

  9. Anonymous2:09 AM

    The Vietnamese installed Hun Sen to guard their newly aquired colony in 1979.

    As long as the Vietnamese's interest is served, he can be in power as long as he wants. The VN government can also remove him once it finds that Hun Sen is no longer useful.

    It's no different when Cambodia was under French's rule. This time, however, the Viet is our master.

  10. Anonymous2:12 AM

    The way he is controlline and cheating Cambodian rightnow, Motherfucker need not to worry about losing the election!

  11. Anonymous2:32 AM

    The sun is still rising from the east,before none or hundred of Cambodian living abroad couldn't seeing what was going on in Cambodia. NOW MILLION MILLION CAMBODIANS around the world ,they see Cambodia in their palm.

  12. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Which one of these peoples list below is a Khmer Rouge(s)?

    a) Hun Sen aka comrade Nal (សមមិត្ត ណាល់)
    b) Chea Sim
    c) Heng Samrin
    d) Hor Namhong aka comrade Yaem (សមមិត្ត យែម)
    e) All of above

  13. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Which one of these peoples list below is a dictator?

    a) Hun Sen aka comrade Nal (សមមិត្ត ណាល់)
    b) Chea Sim
    c) Heng Samrin
    d) Hor Namhong aka comrade Yaem (សមមិត្ត យែម)
    e) All of above

  14. Anonymous2:46 AM

    The only way to get rid off HS and CPP regime is to use the People Power. Khmers people need to be educated to know who is the bad or good leader.

  15. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Welcome ĆƠÑG PEOPLE PARTY!!!


  16. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Which one of these peoples list below is a terrorist leader during the grenade attack on March 30, 1997?

    a) Hun Sen aka comrade Nal (សមមិត្ត ណាល់)
    b) Chea Sim
    c) Heng Samrin
    d) Hor Namhong aka comrade Yaem (សមមិត្ត យែម)
    e) All of above

  17. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Which one of these peoples list below is a leader of Hun Sen Death Squad?

    a) Hun Sen aka comrade Nal (សមមិត្ត ណាល់)
    b) Chea Sim
    c) Heng Samrin
    d) Hor Namhong aka comrade Yaem (សមមិត្ត យែម)
    e) All of above

  18. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I think it is a lie if he loses he will give up power. I think he is will be the one who will cause all the trouble for Cambodia if he loses. But Cambodia is not his; he does not own Cambodia. Cambodian people are the owner of this land and stand up to demand things done for our future.

  19. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Le grand supporteur ah cong jor HUN XEN,c'est le crocodile VIETCONG HANOI.
    CPP = VNPP

    Chea Sarin

  20. Anonymous3:57 AM

    A good leader wouldn't stay in power for more than two terms. If a person stay in power than two terms, he will be a robbers.

  21. Anonymous4:39 AM


    Vous avez la raison!
    Je suis D'accord avec vous!

    Khum Tameun,Chun doeur sva.B.bang.

  22. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Risk taking is a part of life, and people who seek a risk-free life actually avoid life...

    It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees...

    Don't wish for a better wind - wind blows on us all - learn to set a better sail...

  23. Anonymous7:16 AM


    បក្សពួកអាប្រឆាំងវាមិនដែលចង់ឲ្យប្រទេសជាតិទៅជា Yourn ទេតាំងតែពីដើមមក។

  24. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Fuck the YOUN VIET Pi Anh from the back with it lil tiny P**y harder from the back .The Spanish colonized Mexico for more than five hundred years ,Mexican people lose almost every things even their look.
    Turn to our Cambodia from1949 up to now a day if we do the math the gap are wider.
    The Viet has the social unrest or dividing,the khmer krom are rise up( For example like Otawa Quebec Canada yesterday ,the khmer kondal cutting off the Sdech Kon Hun Sen and do the same time called Lotus Revolution.
    What the Viet agressor going to do on that vietnamization crab on Cambodian ????
    My viet tiny P***y start to buy the live saver devices NOW.

  25. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Blogger writers,I am requesting,
    should write in KI Media news with
    few languages:English,Cambodian,
    and French only.
    Beside these three languages,KI
    should remove them.
    If some blogger could not read those
    three above,KI should translate
    the title or comment blogger ideas.

    Thank KI.

  26. F**k Ngoc Van8:10 AM

    Hey 1:35 AM

    Cảm ơn bạn Ngọc Vân. Bởi vì âm hộ của bạn, chúng tôi nhận được một nửa của Campuchia. Văn hóa Việt Nam của chúng tôi là để fuck như nhiều người đàn ông như chúng ta có thể.

  27. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Do not underestimate Hun Sen's ability to get his supporters going if there is a revolution in Cambodia to get rid of him by forces.

    Most city people will not support the revolution for it will cause them more harm and destruction than benefit of the so-called democracy, which is not guaranteed by a revolution anyway.

    Cambodia cannot afford another civil war and it is not the way to bring about changes in the country.

    Do not repeat the same mistake General Lon Nol made when he deposed Prince Sihanouk in 1970.

    Lon Nol certainly miscalculated Sihanouk's move and underestimated the prince's popularity which was nothing much with the students and educated folks in the city, but tremendously and overwhemingly strong in the countryside. And Sihanouk had friends outside Cambodia!

    Hun Sen has enough support in the country to challenge any revolution and he also has much more friends outside Cambodia than Sihanouk!

    Sam Rainsy made a serious mistake by agreeing or urging for a change of the formula in the constitution to a 50+1 for the formation of a government after the election, thinking wrongly that such a move would be in his favor, but now it turns out that it is in Hun Sen's favor instead as Hun Sen does not need to make any deal in order to form a government after the election.

    With reasonble and current develpment in the country, Hun Sen is popular enough to get enough number of votes with just a little help from cheating or even without cheating at all.

    Changes in Cambodia should only happen through peaceful means when her people of all political tendencies are ready and nobody knows when that will be.

    Anet Khmer

  28. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Choy Duck Euy Ah Kantorb !!

    Your slave, Ah Kwack, will disappear soon...from Mi Kachrrok cut his pennis out or lightning strike...

    Wait and see !!

  29. Anonymous8:32 AM

    No Pain, No Gain!

  30. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Just shut the fuck up ! No one is stupid like Anetmyass look at khmer kampuchea krom? How they are treating your khmers folks over there?
    Thanks you8:32

  31. Anonymous8:46 AM

    8:26 AM

    You should change from Anet Khmer to Anet Yuon !!

    Why did you admire the worst criminal like Sihanouk who called on Vietcong to invade cambodia to kill a lot of Khmers as your hero.
    What would happen if Sdach Chkuot Sihanouk, after losing the power, stays quite in France without asking Vietcong to invade Cambodia and urged Khmers to go to prey Marquis?

    We might not see the Khmer rouge and Khmer Yiekminh rise to power and killed over 2 million Cambodian people.

    Also, why do you like Ah kwack who gave Cambodia land to VietMam.

    I think your name is Pee Ach.

  32. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Sihaknuk too stupid,Lon Nol too loyal to Sihaknuk Sihaknuk told to turn right or left Lon Nol did it ,at the end Sihaknuk siding with the youn ,Sihaknuk s soldiers khmer rouge killed Lon Nol ,Long Boreth and the last khmer patriarchy at the spot .
    This time the new khmers leaders mus kill all Hun Sen Sihaknuk viet wife and it youn people ,even the lil one to clean up from the roots for the safe and the sake of the khmer generation.

  33. Anonymous8:51 AM

    correction Lon Non Marshall Lon Nol s brother

  34. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Comparing SHN's popularity before 70's to Hun Sen's this day?

    You compared apple to lemon!

    Old folks bragging about touching SHN's hands and so on but for Hun Sen?
    People will greet him with knives and axes. That' s why he needs 5,000 body guards.

    Anet Yourn

  35. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Comparing SHN's popularity before 70's to Hun Sen's this day?

    You compared apple to lemon!

    Old folks bragging about touching SHN's hands and so on but for Hun Sen?
    People will greet him with knives and axes. That' s why he needs 5,000 body guards.

    Anet Yourn

  36. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Those support hun sen not b'cause hun is a patriot or strongman some thing like that but b'cause hun allows them to steal from the country, that how hun buys their support and hun is happy to bribe his supporters as long as they keep flattering him.

    Anet yourn

  37. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Vietcong don't want to lose grip on LAOS, khmer krom, or cambodia.

    They support the cpp, or any of their puppets.

  38. Anonymous10:40 AM

    To improve the chance of our survival, we must accept imperfection in human being as normal thing.

    I would like to ask Kem Sokha this question:
    Between Sam rainsy party and the See Pee Pee parties, which party is going to save Cambodia from the expansionist Vietmam ?

    If you answer is See Pee Pee, you are a traitor.

    If you answer is Sam Rainsy party, why did you create your own party to split the supporting voice for Sam Rainsy party?

    Is Sam Rainsy is perfect? Of course not, but better than See Pee Pee.

    Whatever answer that you come up would only confirm that you are a Khmer divider at this moment.

    Can you get rid of your stubborness (keep your party in existence) and give Cambodia hope by joining Sam Rainsy party to destroy this Vietmam trap?

    Kem Sokha!

    You must understand the word sacrifice.
    For example: sacrifice your your stupid ambition for Cambodia's survival.

    Can you do that?

  39. Michael Kheng10:49 AM

    To avoid other people to expose more about Pang Sokhoeun's affair, he has agreed with my suggestion not allow other people outside to comment as before. From now, only friends in his list can comment in his wall.

  40. Anonymous11:00 AM

    10:45AM and 10:49AM are the same person and we know who you are!

  41. Anonymous11:45 AM

    TO: 10:40 AM

    I absolutely agree with your comment.

    Some Khmers are too selffish, politically, they are immature, therefore incompetent to lead or be part of our independent and sovereign Cambodia's cabinet. They should stay out of Khmer politics altogether before they cause more damage to the country.

  42. Anonymous12:45 PM

    To make the world a better place, ah Hun Sen must die.

  43. Anonymous1:01 PM

    11:45 AM

    Thank You for agreeing with me. I am just a Khmer who got sick and tired to see stupid leaders such as Ah Kwack whose selfishness has put Cambodia in a very dangerous position.

    And now Kem Sokha consciously or unconsciously helps that traitor and his clan to destroy Cambodia.

    I've just heard from Khmer post radio that Koh Pou Lo Wai has already taken by Ah Kantorb too.

    Ah Kwack has always said even 1 millimeter of our land will not be lost. Yes, not one millimeter but the whole country country will be lost.

    I am not a member of Sam Rainsy party. I criticize Kem Sokha because I see his party is detrimental to Khmer's solidarity.

  44. Anonymous1:16 PM

    TO: 1:01 PM

    It's devide and conquer strategy used by the enemy.

    I am the same as you, not a member of any party, just a Khmer born in Cambodia and love Cambodia and long to see Cambodia secured in term of its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and peaceful.

    For now, I only see Sam Rainsy is the person we Khmer can trust not to sell out Cambodia but defend Cambodia's interest.

    But Sam Rainsy alone is not enough, we need all Khmer patriots and compatriots to help him out.

  45. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Hi Everyone,

    One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokheoun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to removed and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Som) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had ran way from him after she knew his cheating.

    A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!

    This article is belong to him.

  46. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Right now, a con man Pang Sokhoeun doesn't dare to copy news from Ki-Media to post on his facebook wall because he is afraid people come to his wall see the story which he has cheated his wife.

  47. Pang Sokhoeun7:16 PM

    Although, my ex girlfriend has ran away from me and has a new boyfriend, but it doesn't bother me much because I will take a daughter of Mr. Meng Ly known in KI-Media as Areak Prey to be my new girlfriend. I have skills to seduce her from New Zealand come to see in Sweden.

  48. Anonymous10:14 PM

    7:16pm! you stupid! may lightning strike you and ah Hun Xen!

  49. Anonymous10:16 PM

    The way he is (Ah KwacK)controlling and cheating Cambodian rightnow, Motherfucker need not to worry about losing the election

  50. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The glory is not in never failing, but rising every time you fail...

  51. Anonymous8:54 AM

    It's good for our current leader to leave on his term instead of being forced to leave.

    Leaving now or at the latest in our next Cambodian election in 2013.

    I trust that if all Khmers change and work for the national interests from now on, we can talk among us Khmers brothers and sisters, it does not have to end up like Mubarack of Egypt.

  52. Anonymous11:52 AM

    In 1993, when lost the election, what did Ah Khawak do?
