Friday, August 05, 2011

Local woman's book recounts her family's ordeal in Pol Pot's Cambodia

Yorktown resident Sovannara Ky Glass has written "The Sieve of Angkar" about her life in Cambodia. (Jennifer Williams, Daily Press / August 4, 2011)

August 4, 2011
By Jennifer L. Williams
Newport News (Newport News, Virginia) | 247-4644

YORK —— A local survivor of the murderous Pol Pot regime in 1970s Cambodia has made her family's story available to everybody.

Sovannara Ky Glass self-published "The Sieve of Angkar" in December and the book is available on

The brutality of the Khmer Rouge started in 1975 when Communist dictator Pol Pot decided to drive citizens into the countryside and remake Cambodia into a self-sufficient farming society. It's estimated that around 2 million people died during the starvation and murder that followed.

Sovannara, who is called "Ra," started recounting her story to her husband, Carl Glass, in 2007. The Yorktown couple is easing into retirement, and Ra, 52, said it was important for her to finally record her story.

"I thought about it the minute I came to the states, but it was so difficult for me to get it down," Ra said. "It was like reliving the nightmare all over again."

She has had difficulty revisiting those awful years since arriving in the United States in 1980. But despite stopping and starting on the book because of sadness and depression caused by recounting her story, she said she and her husband were finally able to finish it.

Carl's brother, Howard Glass, did the final polishing and editing.

Ra lost both parents and seven siblings as well as extended family members, during four years of slave labor for the Khmer Rouge. She and her two sisters survived.

After the Communists were driven from power in 1979, Ra reached a Thailand refugee camp. She was sponsored by a local relative and church to come to Newport News in 1980, and graduated from Denbigh High School in 1983 at age 23. After taking classes at Christopher Newport University for a couple of years, she opened restaurants in the area.

Ra was 15 in April, 1975, when the Ky family was driven from its home in the Cambodian capital city of Phnom Penh. She picks up the story there, and recounts the vivid details of how quickly and dramatically her life changed.

The fast-moving story recounts how one family was displaced and affected by the much larger political events of the country.

Ra's voice takes the reader into the daily life of those forced to work at cultivating rice fields, felling trees and moving dirt while subsisting on a diet of next to nothing.

Executions and deaths became grim reality.

The emotions and depth of despair experienced by a teenage girl put in a situation of trying to survive are deftly conveyed.

""I think it's a story that needs to be told," Ra said. "It's important to honor my family, and the millions of other people who didn't make it. I know God saved me for a reason, and he wanted me to spread the word.

"I just feel honored to be the person representing those people who couldn't speak for themselves."

Want to read it?

"The Sieve of Angkar" by Yorktown resident Sovannara Ky Glass is available from


  1. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Ki Media posted the non political individual picture here again.
    I hope that any person would think thoughful and give apropriate comment regarding this individual.

    Last time Ki Media accidently created a fire storm and ended up took down its comment web blog.

  2. Anonymous3:14 AM

    In this picture, she is a witch, she lives abroad and peacefuf. You should live Khmer Rouge alone, it over now, it past.


  3. Anonymous4:45 AM

    3:14AM! how can it over if there a stupid like you who never leurn! and prefer a free diploma!

  4. Anonymous4:49 AM


  5. Anonymous6:08 AM

    For those of you who want to bury the past, it is your right.
    But you cannot tell somebody else to do likewise, because it is their right too.
    American civil war, WWI, WWII…happened long before KR time, but there still are a lot books and movies keep on coming.
    History teaches people not to forget the past.
    Perhaps you are just jealous, because you cannot write shit about your lives.

  6. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Here we go !!!!!!!!!
    ចញ្ជើមកោរគូសថ្មី ភ្នែកក្រឡិត ច្រមុះកាត់ឆ្នៃ
    មើលពីចម្ង៉ាយ គួរអោយចាប់អារម្មណ៍ តែបើពិនិត្យចូលជិតបន្តិច គឺដូចជាចំឡែក ព្រោះតែអ្វី ក្លែងក្លាយតែទាំងអស់ ។ តែទាស់ជាយ៉ាងណា គឺគ្រាន់បើជាង លោកជំទាវមួយចំនួននៅកម្ពុជាបន្តិច ព្រោះពួក
    ហ្នុង គឺអ្នកលេងហ៊ីចិនសុំចាញ់ ។
    មែនទេនទៅ មនុស្សយើងម្នាក់ គឺមានសម្រស់
    ពីធម្មជាតិរៀងៗ ខ្លួន ជាពិសេស កុំអោយ ធាត់ពេក ឬ​ស្គមពេក គ្រាន់តែតែងខ្លួនផាត់ម្សៅបន្តិចបន្តួចទៅ
    គឺ​វានិងមានសម្រស់ស្អាតទៅតាមលក្ខណះរូបសម្បត្តិរបស់ខ្លួនជមិនខាន ៕


  7. Anonymous6:19 AM

    puok ah chaal ma saiet cham tei bro tuos saray.
    That is why Cambodia is all messed up because of people like you.

  8. Anonymous7:31 AM

    It's absolute right,Khmer Rouge Regime can not and will not forgot unless you never encounter or did not a have a brain.It's still immerse,currently,our country still run by ex Khmer Rouge Rulers.Acts of killing,corrupted.limitation,freedom of speech.suffering and etc...are still happening in cambodia.Nearly two million life perished .How can you and I forgot!!!!Unless you loss your memory.What a shame!!!Also after 30 years plus,they still living among us.What a shame!!!

  9. Anonymous7:42 AM

    People should learn from the past;
    They had the days gone by and the
    present,but not in future.

    The human beings recorded few
    thousand years and record what
    happening in the present.
    Will they be able to write down
    in the future?
    All people need tolerance,patience,
    and understanding because they
    knew what they knew but the ones
    they did not know they should
    learn to know.

    Sovannary Ky wrote about her own
    life and as same as Khmer people
    under Khmer Rouge regime.

    The blogger who have comments in
    here can be lasted forever.
    The good comments and the bad
    ones are here.

  10. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I enjoy reading every story of KR survivors. Here is what I cannot understand; was it the lack of food supply that they weren't fed to the fullest or using food as a weapon to bring them to submission?

    I remember reading about that guy that played in the, Killing Fields, movie how he was murdered in California or New York. Having escaped from death from the hands of KR to killed in the land of the Free? Anyone know who murdered him? was it a murderous Khmer person or other ethnic group?

    Yack Knee Yack

  11. Anonymous10:37 AM

    It is speechless.
    Some bad dogs here just want cheap shot no matter what’s the subject.

  12. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Viet killed Khmers. Some Khmers abroad blame Pol Pot of Killing. Time to wake up. Don't fall into Viet trap. Viet is taking cambodia by sending their poeple into Cambodis. Why are you blind ?

  13. Anonymous11:52 AM


  14. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Pol Pot may work for Yuon but
    he really ordered to kill Khmer.
    Khmer rouges really killed Khmers from 1975 to 1979 and may be also later..

  15. Anonymous4:08 AM

    11:07! any way motherfucker ah Pol Pot was so stupid!
