Friday, August 05, 2011

Prime Minister Abhisit's Farewell Speech

August 4, 2011
The Nation

Dear fellow citizens,
As for the neighbours, our relations have been smooth, except for the dispute with Cambodia. On this particular issue, I think we share the same goal - preserving good relations while at the same time we have to stand ready to protect our country's rights and sovereignty. The standing issue is the case that Cambodia has taken to the International Court of Justice. My government has already fought the request Cambodia filed with the court for Thailand to unilaterally withdraw its troops. It is hoped that the next government will continue to fight this case and successfully protect Thailand's national interest.
The House of Representatives has now convened. His Majesty has granted a royal command, graciously appointing the Speaker and the deputies. Soon the House will be meeting to select the new prime minister and a new Cabinet will be formed.

I would like to take this opportunity to reassure the Thai people that during this transitional period, my government is doing everything to ensure a smooth hand-over. There are important tasks that need to be carried out in the coming days, including the royal cremation of HRH Princess Bejaratana. Also, there are several provinces experiencing floods. For this, my government has already initiated the process of closely monitoring the situation and preparing the information needed by the new government. Again, I would like to assure you that all the work will continue smoothly during this period.

Given that a new government has the right to formulate policies it deems suitable for the country, before handing over the administration, I would like to inform you that my government has made it conducive for the incoming administration to continue addressing ongoing problems for the Thai people.

Given the rise in price of consumer goods, cost of living, the continued economic uncertainty in the US and Europe, the fluctuation in oil price and other economic concerns, I would like to assure you that our country's economic situation and financial foundation is very stable and sound.

Our foreign reserve now stands at US$180 billion, which is large and represents an increase of $70 billion. This is also the 13th largest foreign reserve in the world, which underscores the fact that our government's financial standing is strong. This is because our exports, tourism and income-generating activities allowed the economy to grow in a robust manner. So far this year we have collected Bt200 billion more in income tax than we aimed for. As for the national reserve, we now have Bt300 billion - about Bt50 billion more than when I first took office. This is another good financial foundation upon which the new government can base their financial policies.

For the overall economic figures, the debt-to-GDP ratio has continuously dropped under my administration, and now stands at about 40 per cent. This is a very low ratio compared to other countries - another guarantee that we will have financial flexibility in the coming years. Our employment situation is also encouraging, with the unemployment rate at a historic low. Regarding the oil price, my government has put in effective mechanisms to handle the fluctuations. The current status of the Oil Fund together with the continuation in pegging the diesel price at no more than Bt30 per litre will allow the oil fund to continuously receive income, and the fund level will not be in a minus zone in the next two months or so.

All this is a guarantee that the new government will have flexibility, financial and fiscal tools and mechanisms that can be utilised to address various economic situations in an efficient and appropriate manner.

When I first came into office, I used to say that our economic situation was like a "house on fire". Now, we have put out this fire, made progress in looking after people living in the house and also made our house stronger. As far as looking after the people is concerned, we have laid down a system to provide assistance and care in the form of social welfare. My government had set 2016 as a target date to have in place a comprehensive social welfare system. As we can see, free education, free healthcare and the provision of care for various groups, such as the disabled and the elderly, have already been implemented. Yet we still have to accept the disparity in our society, which is a structural problem. We have set up several independent committees that have provided many recommendations, which are now being considered by various government agencies. I hope the new government will consider these recommendations so we can move toward a fairer and more equitable society.

On the international and security front, it is clear that the international community has more confidence in our country. After a peaceful general election, Thailand will be able to accomplish important tasks. I hope the new government will continue this momentum and lead our country to successful bids in hosting global events.

As for the neighbours, our relations have been smooth, except for the dispute with Cambodia. On this particular issue, I think we share the same goal - preserving good relations while at the same time we have to stand ready to protect our country's rights and sovereignty. The standing issue is the case that Cambodia has taken to the International Court of Justice. My government has already fought the request Cambodia filed with the court for Thailand to unilaterally withdraw its troops. It is hoped that the next government will continue to fight this case and successfully protect Thailand's national interest.

Besides these problems, issues that affect our security also need to be addressed. On the unrest in the South, we have passed a new law on the restructuring of the Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre, which has been accepted both at the domestic and international fronts. Of course, violence still persists and it is incumbent on the new government to continue working on this and implementing policies aimed at long-lasting peace.

The other issues that the new MPs have to address include drugs and long-standing social problems. The general election is a step toward democracy and I fervently hope that the new government will work to promote unity. My government has always respected the judicial process, which has the final say in our system. I hope the new government will continue with this principle, and leaving political conflicts to be dealt with through the parliamentary process. As for other institutions not involved in politics, they should be kept above conflicts.

In closing, I would like to once again thank each of you for your assistance and cooperation in carrying out the work of my government and overcoming various crises, even though there are some problems that cannot be resolved at this time. I hope that what I have done will provide a firm foundation upon which the incoming government can continue to work in order to bring happiness and prosperity to us all. Thank you very much.


  1. Anonymous12:57 AM

    coward hun Sen will not leave the prime ministership.
    what could he do beside his current job of controlling people with arm and rifle.
    could he teach at University?
    Hell No- he is illiterate-
    could he give a $ million speech
    like US former president?-
    Dam No- he is illiterate and a thug
    and a slave.
    This stupid is just a viet's tools to take Cambodia.

    If you love this stupid, you are also stupid-
    I praise thai leaders who hornor law of democracy leaving the post without hesitation.

  2. Anonymous1:05 AM

    I feel the clash between Cambodia and Thailand could have been avoided if Cambodia competed in Miss.Universe every year like Thailand does.

  3. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Long Live Thailand, long live PM Abhisit, down with Khmer jungle monkeys

  4. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Son of bitch, you had your chance to clean Mr. Hun Sen, now you will leave your legacy as a failure.

  5. Khmer Young2:31 AM


  6. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Ah PM abullshit is long gone with the winds for lies too much. Long live khmer people and the nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh! long live hun xen,too!!!!

  7. Anonymous3:29 AM

    I say get lost and don't ever use Cambodia's temple for your domestic politics again. The Khmer Kings did not that build the temple for Thailand or Thai politics. Go hide somewhere, I don't want to see your face ever again.

  8. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Winner does not need loser advises!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Winner does not need loser advises!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Royal Funeral:

    The Royal Government of Cambodia should send a delegation to attend the royal funeral of the Late Princess Bejaratana (85) who passed away on July 27, 2011 -- as a reconciliation gesture of friendship between Cambodia and Thailand. Princess Bejaratana was third cousin with King Father Norodom Sihanouk. She was the only daughter of King Vajiravudh (Rama VI). Princess Bejarata's maternal great grand mother was the sister of Khun Chom Iem Busba wife of King Norodom I.

  11. Anonymous5:10 AM

    What s sore looser Abhisit is. Oxford Abby was
    outmaneuvered by Hun Sen on every turn in the international arena.

    Hun Sen handled Abby like Abby is an illiterate Thai thug.

  12. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Thai people did not put up with an illegitimate, military installed, good for nothing PM Abby.

    Good riddance!

    Just like a typical Thai PAD, he did not go out quietly, but barking as much as he could.

  13. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Now Khun Abhisit can go receive a real education.

    We all know all along he never receive education from Oxford, that was just a lie. As a PM behaved just like an uneducated leader. Hun Sen showed more statementship in the international stage than Abhisit.

  14. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Bye, bye PAD Thai...

  15. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Abbushit must say sorry to all Khmer people as what he had done in the past. Khmer is his ancestors and a pre-assessore. I want to see this stupid guy say sorry to all Khmer before he leave and go to hell.

    Khun sarakithanon

  16. Anonymous6:27 AM

    International community are happy and secure now because of you leaving the government. Everything has its own cycle. The GDP was low at the time you were in the office. u are just get in the right time. Do not give to much credit to yourself. Why do not u bring up the blood shedded by the red shirts. Your destructive time is over. Bye Bye ah Thai monkey!

    mreas prov

  17. Anonymous6:28 AM

    He He Abishit your army didn`t just protect Thai sovereignty ,But they were the aggressor and attempting to invade Cambodia .The war was ragging is due to your Gvt ,Because you were trying to make this conflict more disturbing in order to distract t Thai attention into the problem of Thai national .whatever your Gvt had committed but you cannot win a law of Kama ,so you had to paid for what that you had done ,Back to England otherwise you be prosecute by the red group .

  18. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Go away, we don't need to hear your flip flop comments,ass hole

  19. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Khmer's government , needs to bring adhisit administration to UN war crimes, by using illegal weapons against Khmer'soldiers and Khmer innocence people's

  20. Anonymous7:03 AM

    អភិសិទ្ធិ វេជ្ជជិវៈ បានធ្វើនាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រី ដោយ
    យោធាបានធ្វើរដ្ធប្រហារ ពីតាក់ស៊ិន ស៊ីវត្ត្រា។
    ជាការប្រសើរណាស់ អភិសិទ្ធិ មិនបានជាប់
    ឆ្នោត តែការបោះឆ្នោត ត្រឹមត្រូវ ហើយមាន

    ហ៊ុន សែនបានធ្វើនាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រីខ្មែរ ដោយ
    រដ្ធប្រហារបង្ហូរឈាម ក្រោយមកការបោះឆ្នោត
    ដោយការកេងប្រវ័ញ្ច និង បន្លំសន្លឹកឆ្នោត។
    ហ៊ុន សែនបានឈ្នះឆ្នោតដោយអយុត្តិធម៌។
    រយៈកាល ៣២ ឆ្នាំកន្លងផុតទៅ ជននេះ
    គណៈបក្សប្រជាជន ជាបក្សកុម្មុយនិស្ត ដូច្នេះ
    វាជាកុសល ប្រទេសខ្មែរមានពហុបក្ស តែ
    ពហុបក្សនេះ គ្រាន់តែជាឡប់ឡែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
    ប្រទេសថៃ និង ប្រទេសខ្មែរមានការគ្រប់
    គ្រងខុសគ្នា ថៃប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ តែខ្មែរកាន់

  21. Anonymous7:05 AM

    as a khmer person, i hated this guy, ahbullshit of siem thugs! since he took office the relations with cambodia went south. he is a siem thugs working for bumibol, the master of yellow siem thugs, you know! glad he's out of office! what a loser ahbullshit really was, you know!

  22. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Abhi is a crook and a fool of the fools. The only thing he's good at is telling lies and distorting the truth!

    Go back to England so that the Brits can revoke his Oxford degree.

  23. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Go eat your banana at oxford. U look at my bottom every time i poop. I am not delusional,but u certainly drive my world into doing the unthinkable thing. Bye Bye and take the pad to go to hell w/ u.

  24. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Hun Sen always claimed that he got the power through the constitution by electoral vote - fraudulent electoral and vote casted by his master's citizens - the dog eaters.

    Just remember in 1993 when he lost the election, this Yuon's dog did not relinquish his power like Abhi Sit does.

    Ah Kwack will try to hold on to power until his boss replace him with Ah Kantorb who can speak Khmer.

    This has been Ah Kantorb's plan and Ah Kwack has been strictly followed it.

    Khmer euy !!
    when will we sacrifice our life for our country?

  25. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Sawasdee krap,

    I need to be back to Oxford working toward my PhD. The degree I'm currently held now not moving forward.

  26. Anonymous10:13 AM

    abbq, dabba, kadabra...make Abby disappear...

  27. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Get out Abbhisit, murder. Your hands an foot are full of thai blood.

  28. Anonymous11:17 PM

    ahbullshit looks like a high school kid! grow up already, ok!
