Sunday, August 07, 2011

Rockin' for Cambodians

Ottawa-area residents build houses for poor

August 6, 2011
By Bob Carver
Ottawa Citizen (Ontario, Canada)

My wife Wendy Cunning and I are self-described "Asia Hands." My connection to Southeast Asia derives from my long involvement as an instructor of martial arts from that region. I owned and operated the Thai Boxing Academy in Ottawa for 12 years. Wendy and I began spending our yearly vacation in Southeast Asia in 2000. The initial trip took a bit of convincing on my part. After hounding Wendy for several years, she finally relented to our first trip with the words, "All right, I'll go this once, then I don't want to hear about it any more."

However, Asia has a way of hooking visitors. Most who visit Thailand and neighbouring countries fall in love with the climate, food and especially the people, and can't wait for their next opportunity to visit. Wendy was no exception. Since 2000, we have travelled the length and breadth of the area. "We have now been to more parts of Thailand than many native Thais. We have also visited Laos, and toured Vietnam from Hanoi to Saigon in 2002," says Wendy.

But it was our visit to Cambodia in 2003 that changed our lives. That year, we did a three-day trip to Siam Reap to visit Angkor Wat, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was an absolutely amazing place, but we also noticed that there was real poverty on the edge of what had been developed for tourists. Other areas we had visited in Asia were always green, with multiple crops per year possible, and no one goes hungry. Crossing from Bangkok over the Cardamom Mountains, we saw an immediate and striking difference in the climate; Cambodia was "dustbowl dry," as Wendy put it.

That September, an article in the Ottawa Citizen caught my eye, about a presentation by Janne Ritskes, a local resident who with her own funds started the Tabitha Foundation in Cambodia in 1994. I did a little Internet search and liked what I saw about the organization - volunteer driven, with more than 90 cents of every dollar reaching the field.

We began by doing "kickathons" and sending over a few hundred to a thousand dollars to Tabitha several times a year, to be used to provide wells for rural villages. In 2006, we decided to put together a volunteer team and participate in Tabitha's house-building program. Rockin'4Tabitha was born, we raised enough money for four houses that first year, and, after seeing how Tabitha worked, we committed to continue our house-building trips for as long as possible.

To date Rockin'4Tabitha has finished 75 houses, resulting in lifechanging living conditions for nearly 400 of Cambodia's rural poor.

Last year R4T received support from Lush Handmade Cosmetics, which donated $10,000, enough to build 10 houses, and sponsored several employees. Also part of the team were Lush CEO Mark Wolverton's wife Karen and daughter Chloe. I think Karen and Chloe really got what our work is about since Lush is sponsoring 25 houses and sending another team of employees on our next build. Because of this we will be able to complete 40 houses, more than our first four years combined! We are very excited about this partnership. It is rewarding, and humbling to see that what began as onetime event is now in its sixth year.

The sixth annual Rockin'4Tabitha music night fundraiser is Sept. 22 at the Lonestar at 1211 Lemieux St., near St. Laurent Boulevard. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. For more information, go to or contact me at


  1. Anonymous12:43 AM

    For all these money that Wendy Cunning raised and spent for Cambodia charity, if they used all this money to buy sarong, MSG, tiger, balm, and scarf, they could have many Cambodians line up with their hands put together as if they are beggars before Wendy Cunning and her husband give these gifts and they could be popular too and perhaps become Prime minister of Cambodia. In Cambodia, gift is not free. You owe givers gratitude, and you must vote for them too.

  2. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Shame on Khmer leaders- Sen and CPP. Foreigners helps Khmer but Khmer torture Khmer. I am not saying Pol Pot. I am saying current Sen and his authority. And more than that, Viet do anything in Cambodia but Khmer.

    Shame on traitors.

  3. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Cambodia could have greeted and meet many people from different countries if she competed in Miss.Universe. But sadly she chose not to and remained unknown to many countries and the world probably forever!!

    These ASEAN countries,culture and beauty are known to the whole world and all competed in Miss.Universe and are all developed.

    Known countries,culture and beauties to the world and competes in Miss.Universe!!


    Unknown countries, culture and beauty to the world probably forever and least developed countries who don't compete in Miss.Universe.

    1.Cambodia- We Khmer's are so lame that we are on this list of unknowns!!

  4. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Who cares about Miss Universe. It doesn't add one day to my life or the life of anyone. It's all about vanity.

    Yak knee Yak

  5. lookgood8:12 AM

    EHY CHICKEN SHIT, MICHEAL , PANG SOKHEOUN would u please stop picking on a girl that have nothing to do with your mess up life, u knew as well she gave u lots of respect, n never mention your name to me..she the sweetest girl in this planet.just ask your wife now dump asses. this matter is between u n i...u r a self claim to be an opposition, why didn't u allow others to express their side of story...come on be a real man, n let's debate freely. next time pick on a man, not pick on innocence girl, no wonder now your exgirl friend also leaving u.. u r a fat asses liar, u never gave me your skype # or that u lied to the public u'll be suffer by your own consense...i'll try my best to get your name back on the wanted list...n my friend at the cambodian ariport will track u down every move u made..i'll leave your families in cambodia alone cos they have nothing to doa with u...but if u use or mention my name in your facebook again, thing might be change...tell the public now that u jealous of me, n afraid to debate with me...what a crew up brain u r, go to hell asshole!!!


    I always trust Pang Sokhoeun, but I didn't expect that he is really bad man like this. He is really good in hiding his messy life to other people. Now everything is came up. I don't trust anymore but in front of him, I don't want to upset him.


    i'm so sorry bok som for getting your girl freind involve in this discussion..i knew now i'm a little cheap for picking on an innocence girl..from now on i won't do that anymore cos if i did is like picking on my own mother..for pang sokueoun he is a nice guy but he have so many negative people around him.. he should appologize to bok som for attacking him..i think bok som will forgive him for that...


    let me express my appology toward bok som ,n his girl friend..i knew i was little out of my mind for attacking his girl was a cheap shot of me, now i would like to ask bok som for his forgivness...thanks bok som for being so nice to me all the times, but my own stupitity that didn't relize that..

  9. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Hi Everyone,

    One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokheoun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to removed and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Som) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had ran way from him after she knew his cheating.

    A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!

  10. Anonymous8:27 PM

    As a friend and a fan of his fb, I would suggest Khmer Sovanaphumi to record the threat of this man here and deal with him accordingly no matter where he lives he will be held respobsle for it. we are with you.
