Sunday, August 07, 2011

West greets East

Sokvannara Sar in company class with Pacific Northwest Ballet at the 2010 Vail International Dance Festival. (Erin Baiano | Special to the Daily)

Sokvannara Sar imbues ‘Solo for Sy' with his Cambodian childhood and American education

Friday, August 5, 2011
Wren Wertin
Vail Daily (Vail, Colorado, USA)

An American woman. A Cambodian teenager. A sense of movement. An artistic obligation. These are the elements that set the stage for Sokvannara Sar's leap of faith across oceans, across cultures, across disciplines. Known as Sy (pronounced See) by most of the world, the dancer on Saturday performs a work by Jill Johnson that draws on his memories of Cambodia while ensconced in an American reality. Created in conjuction with the Fire Island Dance Festival, “A Solo for Sy” (a title the dancer doesn't approve of, instead preferring “Duality”) was premiered at the New York festival last month before making its Vail debut today.

Sar is the recent subject of a documentary, “Dancing Across Borders,” which chronicles his journey as a young folk dancer in Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia, to a ballet student — and star — in New York City. The idea of a 16-year-old boarding a plane for a new life in a strange land is at once romantic and intriguing. But Sar has a different perspective.

“It's just another story,” he said. “It's not more interesting than anybody else's story. It's just that mine's been recorded.”

Sar frequently danced traditional folk dances in his village with a group of his peers. It was a way to have fun with his friends, as well as earn some money for school supplies. Dance patron Anne Bass saw him at one such performance in a temple in 2000. He and his dancing abilities made a strong impression on her, but she returned to New York City without meeting him. But her mind wouldn't let go of the enormous potential she recognized within him.

“Sy's dancing was alive with joy and with perfect proportions while he was entertaining the crowd at Angkor Wat,” Bass told Fox News in 2010.

“She felt, in a way, obligated to give me an opportunity,” Sar said. “She thought it would be a waste if I didn't study ballet, because the world would never see me. I had never heard of ballet, but America seemed like a dream. I never thought I would be here.”

Bass spoke with Sar's parents, getting their permission for him to leave his home and go to America. He raced off into his dream, but was a little dismayed at what he found. Because he'd never studied ballet, he had a lot of catching up to do. Most dancers start by age 8 at the very latest. He was 16, and so he had a lot of catching up to do. For months he worked with ballet mistress Olga Kostritzky, and then he was accepted into the School of American Ballet.

“I didn't like it,” Sar said about his early time in the U.S. “My body didn't like it. I didn't speak the language. I didn't like the food. I kept going to the ballet, and I fell asleep at every performance.”

He struggled through his English-speaking high school, and eventually learned the language. He began to like ballet more, and he cultivated friends and peers. (He still hasn't made peace with American cuisine.) After studying at the School of American Ballet for five years, he joined Pacific Northwest Ballet in Seattle. From there he became a freelance artist. He recently joined Carolina Ballet in North Carolina as a soloist.


Last year, Sar decided to retire from the world of dance.

“I had a breaking point,” he said. “It wasn't that my body was hurting, and it wasn't emotional. But I felt like there was so much more I could in my life. And I felt like I'd never had a chance to choose this for myself. Plus, I'm the only Cambodian ballet dancer, and that's a lot of pressure.”

So he decided to quit. But it just didn't take.

“I spent so many years studying ballet already, and now I'm at the beginning of my career,” he explained. “I felt like I betrayed myself. I spent so much time, and then I dropped it. I betrayed myself and I betrayed the people who supported me. So I returned.”

But he returned with a feisty dedication to not simply study ballet, but all movement. A devotee of the martial arts, he also intends to study every type of dance available to him.

“In general, dance teaches you to know your body better,” he explained. “You don't know what your body can do until it's moving.”

And by coming back to dance, he was able to work with Johnson. The work she created for him was inspired by his own memories of home. At their first session she put on “ Passacaglia,” the violin music by Heinrich Biber used in the piece. She asked him to remember his village, and — amazingly — he did.

“I started to remember stories about being home, and it was touching,” he said. “A tear came out at the memories.”

And those memories were incorporated into the dance. Some of the movement is based in Cambodian dances, like the Monkey Dance. The second title, “Duality,” stems from the dual nature of Sar's life. When he's in Cambodia, he misses the U.S. But when he's in the U.S., he longs for Cambodia. It's almost like a flashback.

“I hear the music, it calls to me, and then I remember,” Sar said. “I'm between two things. I walk one direction, but that means walking away from the other side. It's hard to decide.”

Cambodia versus America. Dance versus any number of things. Sar has choices. And luckily for Vail audiences, one of the things he's chosen to do for the past four years is dance at the Vail International Dance Festival.

For more information about Sokvannara “Sy” Sar, visit


  1. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Cambodia could have greeted and meet many people from different countries if she competed in Miss.Universe. But sadly she chose not to and remained unknown to many countries and the world probably forever!!

    These ASEAN countries,culture and beauty are known to the whole world and all competed in Miss.Universe and are all developed.

    Known countries,culture and beauties to the world and competes in Miss.Universe!!


    Unknown countries, culture and beauty to the world probably forever and least developed countries who don't compete in Miss.Universe.

    1.Cambodia- We Khmer's are so lame that we are on this list of unknowns!!

  2. Michael Kheng6:22 AM

    To avoid other people to expose more about Pang Sokhoeun's affair, he has agreed with my suggestion not allow other people outside to comment like before. From now, only friends in his list can comment in his wall.

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    5:57AM You are idoit ugly Mov Bok who crazily attack everyone on his wall who is against you with all imoral words.

    If you are that clear about him why don't you go to Wat Phnum and do business there. Tell your girl Socheata Meas to shut up and your idoit live in USA not far from me. I know where you are now.

  4. Anonymous6:50 AM

    that's ok!

  5. lookgood8:01 AM

    EHY CHICKEN SHIT, MICHEAL , PANG SOKHEOUN would u please stop picking on a girl that have nothing to do with your mess up life, u knew as well she gave u lots of respect, n never mention your name to me..she the sweetest girl in this planet.just ask your wife now dump asses. this matter is between u n i...u r a self claim to be an opposition, why didn't u allow others to express their side of story...come on be a real man, n let's debate freely. next time pick on a man, not pick on innocence girl, no wonder now your exgirl friend also leaving u.. u r a fat asses liar, u never gave me your skype # or that u lied to the public u'll be suffer by your own consense...i'll try my best to get your name back on the wanted list...n my friend at the cambodian ariport will track u down every move u made..i'll leave your families in cambodia alone cos they have nothing to doa with u...but if u use or mention my name in your facebook again, thing might be change...tell the public now that u jealous of me, n afraid to debate with me...what a crew up brain u r, go to hell asshole!!!

  6. lookgood8:19 AM

    hey MICHEAL KENG, U R A REASONABLE GUY, but u hung around with these old cult person like PANG SOKHEOUN, it made u look like PANG SOKHEOUN OWN your asses next time if u choose to critize me, allow me to tell my side too, not just listen to your master crew up brain PANG SOKHEOUN...let get dwon n debate pro n con, not just your pro people!!!!now we clearly knew how cheap both u r..start attacking an innocence girl that have nothing to do with both of it is not too late to be a real man, n debate with me!!!!


    I always trust Pang Sokhoeun, but I didn't expect that he is really bad man like this. He is really good in hiding his messy life to other people. Now everything is came up. I don't trust anymore but in front of him, I don't want to upset him.


    i'm so sorry bok som for getting your girl freind involve in this discussion..i knew now i'm a little cheap for picking on an innocence girl..from now on i won't do that anymore cos if i did is like picking on my own mother..for pang sokueoun he is a nice guy but he have so many negative people around him.. he should appologize to bok som for attacking him..i think bok som will forgive him for that...


    let me express my appology toward bok som ,n his girl friend..i knew i was little out of my mind for attacking his girl was a cheap shot of me, now i would like to ask bok som for his forgivness...thanks bok som for being so nice to me all the times, but my own stupitity that didn't relize that..

  10. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Hi Everyone,

    One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokheoun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to removed and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Som) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had ran way from him after she knew his cheating.

    A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!
