UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights to Cambodia Surya P Subedi. The UN, bowing to
international pressure to affect a peaceful settlement of the long standing
Cambodian conflict, had had to undertake the role of midwife in relations to
the warring parties and their respective patrons sitting at its influential
Permanent Council body, armed with one of the largest funding budgets in its
history - over $2 billions US for a single project - in this mission. Whilst
some of its initial accomplishments should not be forgotten - repatriation of Cambodian refugees along
the border with Thailand, institution of a multiparty political model, getting
the Cambodia government to sign Human Rights Charters etc. - its overall
success rate has been modest - and some might argue - congruous with its
limited and superfluous or ambiguous influence in seeing out its own aims and
visions. In fact, multiparty political assembly along with the UN's presence in
the country, constitutional monarchy, the Paris Peace Accords had all been
effectively squashed or neutered and/or dead in the water from the time of the
violent coup of 1997. The ending of armed conflict has seen the influx of
foreign investors into the country, the resurgence in largely free market
activities as well as the growth in services sectors, especially, in
international tourism which all contribute to the nation's increased 'budget'
and a healthy GDP. But these benefits are generally and systematically reaped
by the ruling political and economic elite through in-built backhanded channels
and mechanisms and enforced non-transparency, leaving the vast population mired
in dire condition of subsistence and hand-to-mouth fight for survival. If the
social situation is as bleak as I have just described, why then has there been
no real popular outcry or reaction against the ruling party on a vaster scale,
and strong enough to threaten its stranglehold on power? Well, that is for you
- the reader - to reflect upon. What I would like to add is that for whatever
factors or dynamics, whoever had ruled Cambodia from December/January 1979 [or
even before then] to September 1989, and up until the UN's brief
intervention in 1993 are/is still in de facto control of her today. In effect,
this is largely made possible because not only 'opposition forces' and the
conditions they need to prevail by - multiparty climate or pluralism - had been
denied them ["I want the Opposition dead!": Hun Sen], but the Midwife
to the Cambodian drama had also been pacified or ostracized as a counter
interested party, and has remained so for some time now, and Mr/Prof Subedi is
probably more conscious of this fact than anyone else is. If he had not been
so previously, he is now - after having been heckled and barracked by those
mobs affiliated to the ruling party and Mr Hun Sen. Exercise of free speech?
Try disrupting Nguyen Tan Dung of Vietnam or the Chinese Premier on their next
visit to Phnom Penh and see what happens! - School of Vice
![]() |
But, Prof
Subedi is just a ghost specter sent into town to haunt - periodically - a few
control freaks, that's all...really...
Good job, lad! One of the hecklers – Mr Chea Chheng - during
Prof Subedi’s recent lecture at the Mekong University seen here receiving gifts
from Mr Hun Sen. Chheng’s attack on Prof Subedi appears to centre on his report's 'unfavourable'/ ‘biased’ contents as these relate to Cambodia’s overall civil
and human rights conditions which in Chhen’s argument can do damage to the
country’s international ‘image’. Such a scenario - the argument goes - could dissuade potential
investors from considering investing in Cambodia. This is a specious and unfeasible
argument to advance not only in light of Cambodia’s mass misery brought about
by corrupt commercial deals and ‘unsound’ business practices and by the loss of
national sovereignty in the immediate and long terms, but also in face of
worldwide economic developments and patterns that have overwhelmingly shown
economic well-being or prosperity and a strong investment climate to be
inseparable from, and synonymous with favourable democratic and civil right
environments. For instance, Ms Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma [Myanmar] recently
called upon [potential or prospective] foreign investors to press their local Burmese
counterparts for maximum transparency at all levels in their business dealings.
This is because sound business practices tend to foster business confidence, helping
to engender long term socio-political stability that rests upon having a
well-represented [unionised] workforce at the one end, and a body of sound-ethical
investors themselves, at the other – School
of Vice
Visiting UN Special Rapporteur for Human
Rights to Cambodia Surya P Subedi has appealed to all political parties and the
election body to do everything in accordance with law in order to ensure that
July’s general election would be free and fair.
“I once again urge all parties and National
Election Committee to ensure free, fair and peaceful elections,” he said at a
press briefing after a one-week fact-finding mission on the human rights
situation in Cambodia. “All sides should play by the rules, demonstrate
maturity in debate, and not engage in insulting games. “
The envoy also urged for fair and equitable
access to the state media and the strict prohibition of use of state resources
by any political party during the election campaign, Xinhua reported.
Moreover, he appealed to all sides concerned
to refrain completely from exploiting racial sentiments to garner support for
their election campaign. “I will continue to monitor the electoral system and
process in the country,” he said.
Cambodia is scheduled to hold a general
election on July 28, according to the National Election Committee.
One day, I will her (neary dors thom nov khan chhveng). :)
It is very well said, sov.
No UN, there is a risk of no international funds donors. These kids are not mature enough to understand or they are under someone's influence to behave like this. These kids are not disciplined.
We want fair and free election!! That's all. Let people decides who they want to be our leaders. The UN will put sanctions on your CCP butts if you keep abuse poor people.
You are either stupid and crazy if you think Cambodia don't needs UN there!!! As a khmer.... we needs all the help to pressure HunSen and his uncle Ho regimes.
Withou the UN intervention... we would be like North Korea !!
The Viet-controlled regime, CPP and the Viet commies don't like the U.N that much, do they?
How many times in the past since Sihanouk's era, the U.N had been jerked around and kicked out of the country?
You made my day!
Cambodia is like a patient with a chronic disease (leader). It takes a great research and modern medicine to cure the disease. The doctor (UN) has ben trying hard to treat this patient and most of the time this patient refuse to take medication and cries for ice cream.
What can the doctor do? Sometimes the doctor needs to put the medicine in the ice cream to fool this patient.
So what's next? The doctor needs to force surgery for an implant. This can be an alternative. Don't wait to long or it will be unable to cure the disease. I know that it will be very hurtful at first, but it will get rid of the virus completely even if the patient will be physically disabled. But s/he will be virus free.
Those students are brainwashed by Hun money. Without U.N. in Cambodia it is Khmer Rouge regime rule by Hun Sen's Viet slave.
Khmer sror lanch Khmer.
That's why they are so dumb and hold that kind of shit to protest the UN's rapporteur report.
These fucking khmer-yuon in the picture above never khow what is Human Rights???
Because their fucking parents are communist dick-tatorship.
The totalitarian state never respect Human Rights.
Especially ah Hun Sen country.
For me is wonder why those dump stupid students don't need the UN, even small country in Africa want to be the membership of UN.
Anyway, the best smart students who will never do like this. Depend on my experiences at the school in Cambodia, the small group of this students who have never a good notes at their university at all that is why they are dump stupid like this. Maybe they spent more time on the cocktails bar and on the river bank in Phnom Penh at night only. So, they sell their brain for Hun Sen'son.
Their action against the UN Prof. PhD Surya Subedi was or organized by the top of CPP but they don't know who Mr Surya Subedi is. Mr Surya Subedi is Nepalese. And who are the best brave soldiers in the Britain Royal Army in UK since more than 200 years till now? Those soldiers have participated dangerous battlefield on the Globe, for instance WW I, WW II (Normandy) and against Hitler Youth elite Soldiers, Falklands War, Irak (Basra), Afghanistan, ... and those have always defeated enemy merciless. During the battlefield, they will die better than they sell their honor for enemy. So, Mr Surya Subedi has the blood from them and are you (a group of those stupid students and their boss ) think that he will give up like his predecessor and quit his job?
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnNymFm3TaM
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNCIyptoi04
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZDsipjo3dw
4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTaj-PyTrxE(Gurkha in Falkland War)
5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxXzN8eyk18 (Gurkha against Japan)
Former elite student in Phnom Penh
សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១! នឹងដែលជាទេវតានៃកម្ពុជា!
These 2 female monkeys should go back to live on the trees.
ឥតចេះខ្មាស់ខ្លួនឯងដែលមានអំនួតជាបណ្ឌិតច្បាប់ សេដ្ឋកិច្ច បើបណ្ឌិតភ្លីភ្លើត្រឹមត្រូវជាង
បើពុំត្រូវការជំនួយពីអ្នកឯទៀតពិសេសតំណាងអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ សូមបណ្ឌិតឡប់គ្រឿង
បើពុំនោះទេប្រមូលគ្នាធ្វើកូតកម្មដេញទៅ យើងចាំមើលៗតើពួកបណ្ឌិតឥតខួរឯងអស់នេះ
លោតបានប៉ុន្មានដង្ហើមទៀត ទាំងទវតា ទាំងនរកនោះ?
ហើយឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុនសែនវរ្ម័នទី១នោះ គឺពួកបណ្ឌិតលើកជើងជាអ្នកប្រសិទ្ធនាមមែនទេ?
មានអីគួរដែរតើ ឱយយើងបានស្គាល់គ្រូបាអាចារ្យផងគ្រាន់បានចំណេះខ្លះផ្នែកលើកនិងលិទ្ធ
Hun Sen wanted Cambodia to be 8 Permanent Members in the U.N. but he didn't want the U.N. Human Rights envoy in Cambodia because Hun Sen is a criminal, brutal forced evictions on Cambodian that involved in Human Rights abused. Hun Sen paid those people and students to fought against the U.N. on Human Rights issues. Those people will be living in hell because all Cambodian land is taken by the Vietcong.
Without UN intervention and present in Cambodia after the Killing Fields from 1975 to 1979, there would be the second slow Killing Fields under the Communist secret Vietnamese killers/agents under the criminal and Communist Vietnamese installed PM Hai Phuc (Hun Sen = Vietnamese/Yuon puppet).
Wonder why some of those young students are so blind with rewarded money from Vietnamese dog Hun Sen to disrespectfully behave against the UN Rep. Dr. Subbedi?
These would never been born after their parents were murdered by Vietnamese secret agents and dog Hun Sen from 1979 on or these students and other Khmer/Cambodian intellectuals, heroes, educators, etc would be gone or killed by those Vietnamese Hanoi secret killers who are advisers to Vietnamese dog Hun Sen and brainwashed young kids (Vietnamese kids born in Cambodia speaking Khmer/Cambodian language).
TO 12:51 AM,
You know nothings about the degree of student at the university. You wrote that those students as និស្សិតថ្នាក់បណ្ឌិតច្បាប់ឆ្នាំទី៤? In fact, you wanted to write និស្សិតថ្នាក់ Ork Nouk បណ្ឌិតច្បាប់ឆ្នាំទី៤, this is correct. In the world, it has not និស្សិតថ្នាក់ បណ្ឌិតច្បាប់ឆ្នាំទី៤, just only បណ្ឌិតច្បាប់ឆ្នាំទី 3, if they are ឆ្នាំទី៤, those can't write dissertation at anymore and the university must dismiss them from the university. Please don't confuse this definition and if you write later, please ask the ghost first or maybe ask your boss in Hanoi first, OKAY.
Mr. School of Vice,
Certainly excellent thought and writing to reflect that thought you have done!
Thank you very much for your insight and great love for our tragically unfortunate country.
The great lion uses cunning or even resorts to low cunning in order to prey on a smaller wolf; the victimized wolf, even though it has suffered tremendously at the hand of the wicked lion, unfortunately uses the same style of hunting to prey upon the domestic animals with the assistance of the silly ones in order to bring to the lion the delicious meat of the smaller and weaker birds forgetting that, once all the birds are gone, it is the meat of the wolf itself that the lion will happily savour with deliciously expensive French wines.
As you have said it quite eloquently, whoever had ruled Cambodia from December/January 1979 [or even before then] to September 1989, and up until the UN's brief intervention in 1993 are/is still in de facto control of her today. This “whoever” has taught the wolf quite well and continues to influence its tactics in how to take control of and exploit the domestic animals using the always feasible ancient method of divide and conquer to rule the village where most of the smaller birds know exactly what is going on, but choose to remain silent for whatever reason, thus allowing the few short-sighted, but quite selfish ones to work for the wolf obviously with every intention to fatten themselves at the destruction of the rest of the birds and village and possibly the disappearance of the village altogether.
I have watched with great concern the direction to which our country is moving for some time now. I hope I do not see the complete subjugation of our beloved country in my lifetime or in any time of the future, but I do certainly fear for the future of our beautiful, again I repeat, our beautiful, but unfortunate country of Cambodia.
These so-called educated hecklers affiliated to the ruling party used the freedom of speech guaranteed in a democratic society to distract public attention to the destruction and devastation of the country committed by the CPP who are indeed their boss. I would have no problem seeing the disagreement being expressed in a civilized manner with an attempt to understand why the UN representative judges Cambodia the way he has done. After all, they can prepare a counter argument and express it in a noble way. Somehow I strongly doubt they have the kind of education and thought required for such a purpose. By their rowdy behaviour they certainly do possess the ability and tendency to resort to violence to prove their unfounded points.
What scares me the most is that even in our current modern era of technology and great knowledge, a surprisingly disturbing number of Cambodian youth appears to have learnt nothing concrete from school and the rest of the world and yet thousands of degrees are passed out each year! Only in Cambodia where one can get a doctorate degree and yet cannot write or even think!
Pissed Off
They are systematically flexing their muscles to warn outsiders (the Lotus Rev, you and I and SOV et al...) and the rest of the world except their MASTER, Hanoi that we are on the verge of being irrelevant Mr. Pissed off. Don't you get it?
From now on, your name is famous but as a traitor.
To 12:51 AM
Oh, come on, you little twerp! Your inane comment has really made you become a stupid, dummy person who has no common sense and no brain at all. You said you don’t need UN special rapporteur in Cambodia, but you must recognize that who is sending aid to Cambodia every year? Cambodia government still needs foreign aid in the form of money to help Khmer people. But anyway, beggars can't be choosers. UN special rapporteur comes to help Khmer people only, but Youn come to destroy and take control of Cambodia. It’s time you wake up and smell the coffin.
6:09 AM
Love your comment! I'm sure you meant 'coffin' and not coffee!!
to 6:09 AM,
an effective comment. The small of stupid student see the destroyer our country as God and the helper (UN) as destroyer. You all a prostitute son. You accept the dead for hundred years as friend, you will soon or later you will be the new slave of Viet and its puppet. Your brain was washed by Viet, anyway you looks like the Viet son too, that is why you server for Viet. We Khmer need mot student like you. Go to hell.
to all students at the Mekong university Mekong.
Could you all tell me which the specific field that Ah Chhean Reay Chea Chheng is studying at the present. Hopefully, when he leave this university he just receive as bachelor only. Your low academic degree is dirty and stink. Other students will spit on your face.
It is very damaging for the country's sustainable growth that the UN's rapporteur was so ill-treated on Cambodian soil. It is very surprising that the world including UN Boss has passively watched the human rights abuse on the UN's human rights rapporteur himself. Who would believe UN's preaching on human rights for the oppressed who are basically second or even third class citizens such as poor Cambodian?
Change! Yes, we can!
ប្រទេសខ្មែរជំនាន់ចចកភ្នែកទោល ឆ្កែយួន ខ្លួនខ្មែរបណ្ឌិតអវិជ្ចា ខួរក្បាលបង្កង រស់បង្កររឿងបង្កើត
ហេតុ រំលាយស្រុកទេស អភិវឌ្ឍន៏ប្រទេសដើម្បីបរទេស គំនិតបាតផ្សារ ជនចៃកញ្ចះយួនមេភូតកុហក់រកលេខ
ដាក់គ្មាន សំដីមនុស្សព្រៃ ខ្វះសាលារៀន មានតែសាលាហាណូយនៃក្រុមប័ក្យប្រជាជនអភិវឌ្ឍន៏ទីកន្លែងមាន
ព្រៃឈើ ខ្លាចជាវាលខ្យល់ អភិវឌ្ឍន៏ផ្ទះសម្បែងដីធ្លី ប្រែជាអត់សំម្រាប់ប្រជាជន អភិវឌ្ឍន៏ជីវភាពនៃប្រជាជាជន
កាន់តែក្រៗទៅ ប្រជាជនឆ្កួតវង្វែងនិងគ្រឿងញៀន ពពួកអាឆ្កែលក់សម្លេងព្រុះថា ស្រាប៊ៀរជាតិ ម៉ូតនភាពជាតិ
នៃក្រុមប័ក្យប្រជាជន កាន់តែមានទៅ រាស្ត្រកាន់តែក្រទៅ រត់រកកន្លែងរស់ មានតាមផ្នូរខ្មោច តាមទឹក ខ្វះកន្លែង
រកស៊ី ខ្វះទីជំម្រក ខ្វះសាលារៀនទាំងអស់នេះជាថ្នាំពុលដែលពពួកអាចចកភ្នែកទោលនិងក្រុមប័ក្យប្រជាជន
នាំចូលពីហាណូយមានអាពុកមាត់ពពែរជាគ្រូបា ដូច្នេះល្មមដល់ពេលខ្មែរក្រោកពីពុលដំណេកនៃរបបកញ្ចះគេ
ហើយ ពុករលួយ បំផ្លាញជាតិ បំបិតសិទ្ធសេរីភាពការពារខ្លួនឯង តុលាការគ្មានយុត្តិធម៏ ប៉ូលីស ប៉េអ៊ិមប្រើអំ
ណាចខុសច្បាប់ កុំទុកពេលវេលាដ៏មានតម្លែនៃជីវិតសំរាប់កូនចៅទៅអនាគតឲ្យមានពន្លឺភ្លឺឡើងវិញព្រោះ
យើងជាម្ចាស់ទឹកដីកោះដែលទទួលកេរ្គិ៏ពីដូនតាកំឲ្យបាត់បង់ដោយបនខ្ញុំកញ្ចះយួន មានអាខ្វាក់ភ្នែកទោល
ជាបងធំ នឹងក្រុមប័ក្យប្រជាជនមានអាយួននៅពីក្រោយខ្នងវា ។
មកដល់ពេលនេះហើយហេតុអ្វីបានជានិស្សិតខ្មែរមួយចំនួននូវមិនទាន់ភ្ញាក់ខ្លួន ឈប់ស្រវឹងទឹកម៉ាត់ពពួក
អា៧មករាដែលជាឆ្កែកញ្ចះយួន តើពពួកនាងៗដែលជានិស្សិតរៀនមានការចេះដឹងយល់ នូវអ្វីៗដែលនាងចង់
ងឃើញអ្វីៗក្នុងលោកនូវសេរីភាព យុត្តិធម៏ មិនរស់នៅក្រោមអណានិគមណា ខ្លួនជាម្ចាស់ប្រទេស ហើយគ្រាប់
ភ្នែកនាងទាំងពីរនោះដែលបើកមើលជុំវិញខ្លួនឯង ជុំវិញប្រទេសខ្លួនឯងទេ ថាមានសាសន៏ណាខ្លះរស់នៅគ្រប់
ទីកន្លែងក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ហើយវាក៏ជាក្រុមចោរប្លន់ទឹកដី ប្លន់នៅអ្វីៗដែលកម្ពុជាមាន ឬមួយនាងៗមានពួជ
ជាយួនដែលធ្វើដើម្បីយួនសាសន៏ខ្លួនឯង បណ្តេញអ្នកច្បាប់មិនឲ្យមានក្នុងប្រទេសខ្លួន ខ្លាចក្រែងវាដួចពពួក
អាខ្មែរប្រហមប្រាប់ពិភពលោកថាកម្ពុជាមានការរស់នៅយ៉ាងសប្បាយ មានហូបគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ស្លាប់ប៉ុន្មានលាន?
យួនរស់នៅគ្រប់ទីកន្លែងមិនដេញ បែរជាមកបង្ករហេតុជួយយកសន្លឹកឆ្នោតឲ្យពពួកអាឆ្កែចចកយួនទៅវិញ
បើចរិកខ្មែរមួយចំនួននៅតែការពារពពួកអាខ្វាក់មេបនក្បត់ជាតិជាអតីតះខ្មែរក្រហម ជាក្មេងពាលបាតផ្សារ
គ្មានការចេះដឹងមកដឹកនាំអំបែងក្បាលនាងៗដែលេជានិសិ្សតមានការចេះដឹង សូមនាងៗកុំយកមនុស្សខ្វាក់
មកធ្វើគ្រូណានាងណា ត្រូវយកមនុស្សចេះមកធ្វើគ្រូវិញ ៕
U.N. has no power against Hun Sen with Vietcong brain. Tricky Vietcong politics by using Hun Sen as a puppet to destroy CAMBODIAN life and takeover Cambodia. On Human Rights issues Cambodian every where on earth are suffering the most because we are not organize to help each other. Cambodian are fighting and look down on each other every where on earth. Cambodia will be gone forever if we are acting this way.
អាចោរយួនប្លន់ដីខ្មែរ អាសែនជាឆ្កែចុះចេញទៅ..!
អាចោរយួនប្លន់ដីខ្មែរ អាសែនជាឆ្កែចុះចេញទៅ..!
អាចោរយួនប្លន់ដីខ្មែរ អាសែនជាឆ្កែចុះចេញទៅ..!
សូមខ្មែរអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិនៅរដ្ឋឡូហ្វែលនិងបងប្អូនខ្មែរស្នេហាជាតិនៅរដ្ឋដទៃទៀតនាំគ្នាងើបឡើងប្រឆាំងពួក អា CHEA SARUN ,នាំគ្នាប្តឹងទៅរដ្ឋាភិបាល OBAMA ,សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិកអំពីសកម្មភាពរបស់ពួកវាដែលកំពុងតែធ្វើ VIETCONG COMMUNISM POLITIC នៅក្នុងទឹកដីប្រទេសសេរី (USA) របស់យើង, បើយើងមិននាំគ្នាប្តឹងទៅរដ្ឋាភិបាលមេរិកទេនោះ, ពួកគេពិតជាមិនបានដឹងពីសកម្មភាពរបស់ពួកអាកុម្មុយនីស្តយួន HO CHI MINH ,VIETCONG ឡើយ! ដូច្នេះយើងជាកូនខ្មែរដែលចង់អោយទឹកដីរបស់យើងនៅគង់វង្សទៅថ្ងៃអនាគតនោះ យើងមិនត្រូវព្រងើយកន្តើយជាដាច់ខាត!!!!
បរាជ័យ ! ពួកអា CHEA SARUN ជនកុម្មុយនីស្ត-កញ្ជៈយួននៅស្រុកខ្មែរនិងនៅឡូហ្វែល!!!
បរាជ័យ ! ពួកអាកញ្ជៈយួន ហ្ការី អ៊ឹង, អាកញ្ជៈយួន រីជ័រ សាន អាជនកុម្មុយនីស្ត-កញ្ជៈយួននៅស្រុកខ្មែរ និងនៅក្រុងខែរឡុងប៉ិច រដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រញ៉ា!!!
បរាជ័យ! ពួកអាកញ្ជៈយួន Ah dog name Sith ជនកុម្មុយនីស្តនៅ Phila, PA!!!
បរាជ័យ! ពួកអាកញ្ជៈយួន ជនកុម្មុយនីស្តនៅ Montréal, CANADA !
ជាពិសេសអាយួន Ambassador (USA) HEM HENG ,
អាយួន SEAR KOSOL UN ambassador ,
អាកញ្ជៈយួន CHEA SARUN, ( USA )
អាកញ្ជៈយួន OU SOVANN , ( USA )
អាកញ្ជៈយួន SOY SOPHEAP អាកញ្ជៈយួននៅ P. PENH
12:51AM meant, he is:
និស្សិតថ្នាក់ “ចំតិត” ឆ្នាំទី៤នៅសកលវិទ្យាល័យ…
សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១! នឹងដែលជាទេវតានៃកម្ពុជា!
Don't give too much credits to that one pompous, conceited yellow trash known for now as Chea Chheng there please...Stick with your plan and move on to do whatever necessary to save your homeland from the Viet's yoke please!
He is not a student when you are in army gear you are a combatant.
Let the rules of engagement begin
Khmer america.
The students who barked at the UN's rapporteur have qualified as "NISSET KDAB".
Anticipate Vietnam’s next move can save Cambodia
As the election is approaching, Khmer people should foresee some events that would be highly likely to transpire.
If the CNRP is able to convince the puppet government to reform the NEC, there will be good chance that the CNRP would win this upcoming election.
What would happen to Cambodia thereafter?
I have kept saying that after the CNRP wins the election, Vietnam will stage a fake civil war to destabilize the new government and at the same time Vietnam will launch a psychological warfare by spreading the words that “ you see, without Hun Sen and the CPP, there is war in Cambodia”. And some Khmer people would believe so because they normally don’t spend time to find the cause of the problem. Who start this fake civil war?
Notice that by being able to install a puppet government since 1979, Vietnam has allowed Cambodia to have peace in exchange for its total dominance in Cambodia.
Just look at the Khmer natural resource, the temple Angkor Wat, the border encroachment, and most importantly the incessant mass influx of the Vietnamese into Cambodia. So, the current peace in Cambodia is extremely dangerous because Khmer people will become a minority in the near future.
Why does Vietnam initiate a new war in Cambodia after the CNRP wins ?
Here are the trends:
1- After march 18, 1970, Vietnam invaded Cambodia. We must know that this with or without Sihanouk’s request.
2- In late 1978 and 1979, Vietnam invaded Cambodia because Pol Pot refused to submit to Vietnam. Again, we must know that this with or without Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, and Hun Sen’s request.
3- Therefore, after this July 28, 2013, after the CNRP wins the election, Vietnam will use its special force who have been living in Cambodia to attack the new government – again this with or without Hun Sen’s request - to create social turbulence or Vietnam might create some groups to act violently such as killing people and then linking those groups with the CNRP, thus giving Vietnam and its puppet the right to restore order and crush the CNRP’s government.
4- What is Vietnam’s ulterior motive behind the creation of Khmer Vietminh?
5- The CNRP should inform the international community, particularly the UN about this strong possibility. Just remember that leaving Cambodia to have peace and prosperity has never been in Vietnam’s dictionary.
As a Khmer, this is my perspective about Cambodia in the near future.
Bun Thoeun
Let keep the statement short if Cambodial's did not have an issue there will be no critique about it Human Rights. But it clear the continual Human Right abuse since and post KR era until today.
In term of Economic Cambodia and Burma is not the same, being Cambodian CPP government DOES NOT look after the interest of the country except for Hun Sen and his families and in addition the Vietnamese illegal immigrant currently in Cambodia. Cambodian citizen and included the girl in the picture if they realise they are second class citizen in their own homeland.
Can someone help draft a letter to the UN to put pressure on the General Secretary to speak up to support the UN Human Rights Rapporteur please? The General Secretary should instead award his Rapporteur with the title of “famous person.”
ក្រុមវាពូកែខាងបោកយកជំនួយពី UN ហើយក៏
ពូកែខាងបណ្ដេញ ENVOYER UN ចេញពីកម្ពុជា
មួយយ៉ាងពិតប្រាកដ, បើខ្មែរឆ្លាតត្រូវរៀបចំខ្លួន
រំដោះប្រទេសពី អាយ៉ងនិងយួនឈ្លានពាននា
to MR Bun Thoeun,
I think like you too because the Viet is to annex Cambodia, first Laos & Cambodia, after that Thailand.
Neang Tan pi nak nis will be listed in the black list of Cambodia history heuy. Are you both proud about this? If I don't confuse, you all are just under 23 years and when you finish your university this year, you are just get bachelor only. Talking about the academic degree your awareness of intellectual science is still very low in the west countries education system and just the beginning too. In order to get the tittle Prof. PhD like MR Surya P Subedi (UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights to Cambodia), you all need minimum 6 years (if as Prof. like him you need minimum 9 years after bachelor choosing from the best). Your action is dumb stupid. If your families are Khmer, your parents will hid their face in the toilette because of their stupid daughter doing against Khmer interest and serve for the interest of foreigner who is annexing Khmer land. From now on, you will know how this action will impact for your life and most of your best friends will take distance from you because you both and other of your clique have stained their university name because at the present is famous for all Khmer oversea and interior. Anyway, other people want to know your home and your parents too and you all will never hid from them. That is the result of your stupid character.
After what has happened, I feel for Khmer 'University' in Cambodia, it will give such a bad name. I feel they might devalue all of our students from such university as well e.g. when one fish is sting, it would ruin the entire fish etc. CPP did not think twice before sending his comrades to react in such a way. CPP has always been using others for their own benefit just like during pol pot era, e,g using khmers killed khmers. Therefore, international must recognise this fact and not to blame on those students who reacted in such a way but on the CPP leader alone, thank you
Nothing wrong when most of you are not ready for something or you wait for someone to please you.
On this planet no one will give you something free without expecting for their profits.
I will do the same as Mr Chea Leang did if I have the possibility to build my career, because I don't have much pleasure to live from support of other or from the social system or from the well fare system.
to 2:39 PM,
That is the typical trick of people with communist blood to use students as teir tools policy. I have remembered in the 1973, at that time the students have detained 2 ministers of education in one of university in Phnom Penh freely. After 7 days of detaining, the both ministers were shut dead by the communist agents wearing as students(those could not speak Khmer = YOUN agents) from outside the university. I warn to Cambodian students in Cambodia, this story will come back at the one day, if you are Khmers please take care about this.
3:00 PM
You were the former president of the Cambodian Students Association at that time or this is just your onw fantasy ?
Bunthueon remember Yemen Egyp Tunisia Columbia and Syria was thrown those govenment out by the name of human right and freebom Right? Now you should smarter than this to avoid any military stratergic by our foe who try to put us back on the killing field. Mike
6:31 PM
What made you think about Yemen, Egypt,...
When people know what you are going to do, it made you worry?
As the election is approaching, Khmer people should foresee some events that would likely to occur.
If the CNRP is able to convince the puppet government to reform the NEC, there will be good chance that the CNRP wins this upcoming election.
What would happen to Cambodia thereafter?
I have kept saying that after the CNRP wins the election, Vietnam will stage a fake civil war to destabilize the new government and at the same time Vietnam will launch a psychological warfare by spreading the words that “ you see, without Hun Sen and the CPP, there is war in Cambodia”. And some Khmer people would believe so because they normally don’t spend time to find the cause of the problem. Who start this fake civil war?
Notice that by being able to install a puppet government since 1979, Vietnam has allowed Cambodia to have peace in exchange for its total dominance in Cambodia.
Just look at the Khmer natural resource, the temple Angkor Wat, the border’s encroachment, and most importantly the incessant mass influx of the Vietnamese into Cambodia. So, the current peace in Cambodia is extremely dangerous because Khmer people will become a minority in the near future.
Why does Vietnam initiate a new war in Cambodia after the CNRP wins ?
Here is the trend:
1- After march 18, 1970, Vietnam invaded Cambodia. We must know that this with or without Sihanouk’s request.
2- In late 1978 and 1979, Vietnam invaded Cambodia because Pol Pot refused to submit to Vietnam. Again, we must know that this with or without Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, and Hun Sen’s request.
3- Therefore, after this July 28, 2013, after the CNRP wins the election, Vietnam will use its special force who have been living in Cambodia to attack the new government – again this with or without Hun Sen’s request - to create social turbulence or Vietnam might create some groups to act violently such as killing people and then linking those groups with the CNRP, thus giving Vietnam and its puppet the right to restore order and crush the CNRP’s government.
4- What is Vietnam’s ulterior motive behind the creation of the Khmer Vietminh?
5- The CNRP should inform the international community, particularly the UN about this strong possibility. Just remember that let Cambodia to have peace and prosperity has never been in Vietnam’s dictionary.
Bun Thoeun
CNRP cannot win for sure, Sam Rainsy is too weak to have control over the military whose most of them are not on his side..thus the winning is obviously out of queston.
Frank Opinion, no siding w/ anyone!
It seems to me that a few of bloggers concern about degree this degree that. Who cares about it. It's not about degree, it's about human rights discussion. Please put aside who gets what and how much. Just present your points about the point of discussion.
Kudos to these kids! It was the first good step to show courage from the youth. It is not easy to express one's point of view in front of a big crowd. Although most of the time youth having hot heads kept being politically manipulated be in the early 70's at Lycee Sisowath or in the genocidal era, we should cheer these kids up to pass their fear threshold and beyond.
Next time, other youth will show their opinions to the delegations from China and Vietnam and later on to their rogue leaders if any. Cambodia should stick then to her own gun of democracy by treating kids in the same manner to avoid being labeled double standard or psychological warfare.
សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១! នឹងដែលជាទេវតានៃកម្ពុជា!
General LON NOL used khmer students to drop king N.SIHANOUK
KHMER KROHOM in Paris used khmer students against LON NOL.
Now HUN SEN and CPP used Kmeang Wat and khmer students against OPPOSITION.
IN 1973 MR.KEO SAN KIM Minister of Education and his adjoint THACH CHEA were killed by khmer students (KROHOM) from Kampong Cham at Lycee 18 Mars.
So the future generation of bright and elite students of CAMBODIA will be Chineses and Vietnameses.
to 11:02 PM,
When I saw your comment above, I would laugh almost dead. The group of the dullest students are actually under 23 years old, how can you said that they are និស្សិតថ្នាក់បណ្ឌិតច្បាប់ឆ្នាំទី4? In fact, និស្សិតថ្នាក់បណ្ឌិតច្បាប់ឆ្នាំទី 4 does not exist in the field of នីតិសាស្ត្រនិងវិទ្យាសាស្ត្រសេដ្ឋកិច្. There have only និស្សិត ថ្នាក់បណ្ឌិតច្បាប់ឆ្នាំទី 3 (in technology and medicine would be exceptionally possible). You're a absurd man on Earth.
How Many TIMES I read these SAME & SAME stupid Comments from Khmers everywhere I read on the Internet.
And to read some even further made comments such as "Yuon will annex Thailand after Laos and Cambodia" I realize that these people were never once Understood the US foreign policies in Asia against China+Russia.
Thailand's communists movement has tried for so long to take Thailand, but they failed each time they tried. Are these Khmer people crazy of stupid or something for not realizing that in Asia, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand and Philippines are the main Important BASES of the US.
The US's heavy BASE in Thailand will smash Yuon to dust and this time the US would not withdraw their troops like they did in Vietnam. Thailand is the most important US's Base against the Communist and Muslim.
Don't you ever dream that Yuon communist would dare to touch Thailand as long as the US remains powerful on this Planet Earth.
You, Khmers must learn, learn.. and keep learning more how to understand the Geopolitics, and especially the superpower nations who have all powerful weapons to smash you into dust.
US is going to lose Thailand to Communist such dumb nation such as YUON? Are you crazy?
The American King (King Bhumibol) rules Thailand for more than 6 decades is not an accident.
Be real now.
(1)From political view points, Cambodia is practically already part of Vietnam although officially not yet.
(2)From spiritual view point, anyone who was born in Cambodia are being cursed. Cambodia/Kampuchea is being cursed. Those who're out of the land of Curse (Cambodia) Must pray and pray for a deliverance.
*Many Khmers knew and woke up from the dark, but still many are still in the dark. Not only they disbelieve this CURSE, they keep cursing/insulting others.
*No matter how HARD they try to fight to free themselves, they will fight each others and they will kill each others until they will be a minority group in the prison of their own land.
2:12 AM
How about CHAMPA that was swallowed by Vietnam? What did Champa do wrong?
CAMBODIA, the Land of CURSE.
How to break the CURSE?
It is Through prayers. Each Khmer/Cambodian must try to live a life as a spiritual person, and pray and pray for a deliverance and peace.
2:17 AM
I did not read or learn the history of Champa, and did not know the past of the Cham history.
I cannot travel into the past centuries to document about how Cham people did or what they did, etc.,
If I can Travel through TIME (Time travel) into the past, I may be able to answer, your questions.
I am Kaun Khmer mixed European new generation, I learned about my own first before I learned about Champa who already disappeared. Furthermore, I am trying to live my life as a spiritual young beings and pray for a guidance and for peace.
Everything depends on our state of mind. It would be better to be self-fulfilled than self-cursed. We chose to abandon Buddha/God and to be doomed by forgetting our own Buddha-hood or divine state.
However, just academic training is already difficult, spiritual one is centuple.
can you use your self-fulfilled to win the lottery? :)) how can you address buddha as god, then those thousand buddhas before this 2500 and after should be all gods?
how can you say buddha is ours, if he was indian, and we are stupid khhmers?
I watched PBS the biography of Buddha prepared by Richard Guere, Dala Lama, and many White Scholars from Europe and the US, it said that Buddha Guatama after he reached hsi enlightenment, all beings were also enlightened, and Buddha remembered all his countless past lives (Billion times he was reincarnated) some he was a man, a woman, a snake, a horse, a wealthy man, a prince, ...too many lives, but each life he kept practicing higher and higher until he became Buddha at last. He also said there're so many Buddhas before him, and there will be many Buddhas after him.
I think it depends on our own Karma, and if we keep practicing higher and higher until we reach a level of having eternal life like all Buddhas or like some Extraterrestrial whose power is million year lights too far beyond humans reach, then we will never again face the sufferings.
2:44 AM
No, all the many 10,000 Buddhas are not GODs, they are our greatest teachers who came to guide us to becoming Spiritual People so we will be no longer suffer.
We earthlings (humans) can all become Buddhas if we keep living our lives as Holy people, and keep practicing doing good avoiding bad (evils).
If this earth planet is filled up with only Buddhas (high spiritual people with high density), we will be no longer suffer. We will be able to live with each others in peace, we need no government no politics, no weapons no wars...because we are spiritual and holy people.
It would be just living in Paradise or Heaven if all of us (humans) are all high spiritual people like all Buddhas before us.
It would be Heaven if all of us (humans) are spirituals, we need no nations, no leaders, no politics, no markets, no wars... no poor, no rich, and everything grow abundantly that we can feed ourselves whenever we need.
Our planet earth will have one group of spiritual beings. What a wonderful planet for us to live.
3:19am That is called "perfect communism". Perfect communists exist only at for example in those planets at Alpha Centauri, .., etc.
No wonder we received so many Holy men (Buddhas), Saints... came, but we failed to form a "Perfect Communist" that everyone is spiritual and holy.
Believing it or not it is up to us, because none of us can save our loved ones either. Look at a man in Florida was swallowed by earth in a minute he said goodnight to his family member to sleep. Right after he jumped on his cozy bed, he screamed for help, when his old brother and his family came his whole bed was swallowed by the sinkhole (Khmer say Preah Thorani Srob).
You see? We cannot save our loved ones, each of us must responsible for our own Karma.
I come to believe that we Khmers are being cursed, not our land but us alone being cursed.
Spiritual Awakening
http://whenthesoulawakens.org/the-path-of-transformation_268.html Christian Spirituality
https://higherbalance.wordpress.com/category/dalai-lama/ By Dalai Lama
4:21 AM
I can understand a lot now why GOD sent too many Holy people via different religions different beliefs to help and guide us, but many still failed.
His Holiness Dala Lama lost his country to Chinese but he gains his place in heaven (Nirvana) whereas Chinese will gain more sufferings upon themselves.
Khmers may be cursed by their very own forefathers who built the empire for them and built famous Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear for them.
I don't think it was sin for Khmers to change their religion from Hinduism to Buddhism, but to destroy what belonged to Hindu Kings are real BAD/SIN that brought Curse against Khmers. No Buddha sculptures should be put inside Angkor Wat which was not built by Buddhists.
Khmers should always acknowledge and address the names of the Hindu Kings before Buddhist Kings in their prayers and their repentance which means GOD before Buddhas not Buddhas before GOD.
Those Hindu Kings worshiped GOD.
To break the curse Khmers may have to becoming spiritual people and stop ignoring the real names of their forefathers.
My opinions of why Khmers are being cursed?
All you idiots that blame and say we Khmer are cursed from the 12th century are idiots who never had proper education. Go back to school you Christian Youn
5:54 AM
Oh now you call Kaun Khmers who believed different from you as they are idiot Christian Yuon?
And you are Yuon spy who keep fooling Khmers to believe in you? You are one of the destroyers who never admit your crimes.
That one 5:54 AM is one of Hun Xen people. No wrong doing and never will that is what they are.
Hun Xen's people know 2 languagea: Irrational and insulting.
5:54am Yuon never care to help us to walk away from Buddhism, staying Buddhists Yuon easy to control us.
What proper education did you have, may we ask? These people write their comments so beautifully and so obvious without name calling or insulting.
If they did not read the history they would have not known that in late 13th century Buddhism was adopted.
5:54 AM why don't you debate as real educated person instead of insulting other Khmers? Show us how proper education did you learn?
Their messages pouring all over on the internet throughout the world, and it will never stop. It is your turn to prove them wrong instead of exercising Hun Sen's authority which no one respects.
5:54 AM I am Buddhist and I believe we Khmers are being CURSED, since in late 13th century by ah Jkourt Jayavaraman 7 and his son who may have many T'ai and Yuon concubines. May ah Jkourt ah Jey thleak Teuk (Jay 7) burn in hell for ever.
Now let us Khmer Buddhists face each others. Come one dumb azz. Are you afraid of facing us Kaun Khmers? Those non-Buddhists don't curse and don't insult, but we Buddhists can.
5:54am These critics said 800 years in late of 13th century of new religion (Buddhism) entered Cambodia.
If you want to debate with them be sure you repeat exactly what they said, and don't insult your opponents. If you do, your will be accused of Hun Sen's disciple.
Go on and debate as you are having a proper education. Good luck.
Even on this board Khmer are tearing each other apart by calling ea. other yuon, the viet don't have to do anything but sit and laugh by seeing Khmer are getting paranoid and killing ea. other by blaming the others are yuon. Khmer chkuot os heuy!
5:54AM Are you that serious that you have a proper education that is better than us? What kind of education do you have for not able to read "in late 13th century" is not 12th century?
Proper education from where that you attended? For about 800 years since Buddhism was announced as a State religion in late 13th century, what did you "Buddhists" achieve besides wrecking the Khmer Empire? We knew you evil Khmer Buddhists hate to know/hear the true/facts. You are going to get away from your 800 years crimes implanted inside your fake Buddhist movement that weak the economy as well as the economy by your lazy monks did/do nothing to help the Empire. You Buddhists were/are Yuon/Siem accomplices.
Shame in your evil destroyers! Still dont believe in curse? 800 years sufferings of your past karma means nothing?
9:11 AM
If so, can you convert Buddhism state of Kampuchea to christian state?
How much I hate to see this dumb and stupid KHMER/KAMPUCHEA continues to Smashing each other...
I used to call "Cambodia" is an " Evil Empire".
And I wish, I don't want to born as KHMER/CAMBODIAN/KAMPUCHEAN again for my whole Spiritual life!
9:11 AM. You call yourself a Khmer? Yet calling other Khmer as evil Buddhist? My education is much higher then yours, and I can see that you are not a Khmer. Nice try you Christian Youn.
My question is why are we Khmer Buddhist evil when you Christians used Christianity to invade and murdered other non religious people? Even Jesus and his family were rapist and engaged in various form of incest?
We Khmer suffered 800 years of suffering? You Christian Youn worship Hanoi history to much. King Cheyya still ruled South East Asia into the 16th Century before he was killed by the Youn.
Go search..
Fuck you 1:04 AM, you know nothing about education in my country.
Today is all new Education curriculum in my country.
What country are you study from?
Change!! Yes we can and we needs change!!!
Sad to see most khmer are still being brainwash by Hun Sen.
To all khmer!!! Youn people look down on us Khmer because we are really is stupid. We always fight each other to gain something. Vietnamese people help each other to survive.
I hope that we all koun khmer help kick out Hun Sen and Vietnamese in this year election! !!
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