Monday, March 22, 2010

Red shirts threaten to 'disarm' soldiers

Monday, March 22, 2010
The Nation

Weng Tojitrakarn, a red-shirt leader, Monday mobilized 1,000 female soldiers to search military tents around the Phan Fah rally site to check whether the deployed soldiers are carrying weapons.

Weng Tojitrakarn announced on the stage at 9 am that he would send 1,000 red-shirt women to check the military tents.

If any military tent refuses the red-shirt female volunteers to go inside and check for weapons, the red-shirt movement would put up a sign saying "this military unit is armed with intention to kill innocent people".

Earlier the day, a red-shirt leader announced that the red-shirt people would search the military tents and would disarm the soldiers and turn them over to police.


Anonymous said...

I wish one day khmer people can do this under the one eye's regime. :)

Anonymous said...

You didn't misspell any name today. Good job, bitch!