Friday, February 24, 2006

Phan Van Khai to visit his vassal state on 6-8 March 2006

Hun Sen and Phan Van Khai at the signing of the supplemental border treaty to the Vietnamese-imposed 1985 border treaty with Vietnam.

Vietnamese Prime Minister To Visit Cambodia 6-8 March To Sign Agreement

Phnom Penh -Text in Cambodian 23 Feb 06

[Unattributed report: "Vietnamese Prime Minister To Come and Sign Agreement on Border Markers Production"]

The Cambodian edition of Phnom Penh, an Internet portal maintained by the MobiTel Phone Company, on 23 February cites Reaksmei Kampuchea as reporting that Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai will "visit Cambodia in early March to sign an agreement on aid to Cambodia in the production of border markers, which is worth millions of dollars."

The report says Va Kim-hong, "state minister in charge of border affairs," told Reaksmei Kampuchea on 22 February that Phan Van Khai would visit Cambodia between "6 and 8 March 2006" to sign the agreement with the Cambodian Government. Va Kim-hong added, "We have already prepared documents of the agreement for signing during the Vietnamese Prime Minister's visit."

Va Kim-hong, the report adds, had just returned from Hanoi where he and the Vietnamese side had "approved the Vietnamese assistance agreement." He said Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, too, had already "agreed" with the accord concluded in Vietnam.

Va Kim-hong added that the markers to be produced with "granite" would cost "millions of dollars" and that the Cambodian and Vietnamese sides "projected to plan 300-400 markers along the border."

Va Kim-hong also described the Vietnamese aid as generosity at the time when Cambodia "lacks the possibilities of turning out the costly granite markers."

The report says that Cambodia and Vietnam have "agreed to complete the planning of the border posts at the end of 2008." The border problems between the two countries are the ticklish ones that sometimes have caused hostility in Cambodia's politics," the report concludes.

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